Chapter 1273
A huge mountain, the mountainside seemed to shake slightly, and the internal and external air mechanisms communicated indistinctly.

After retreating for more than a month, three elders, Mo Shanghui, Ning Zixuan, and Jin Xiangfei, Qihua Xuanzong, finally left the retreat.

At this time, in the secret hall in the belly of the mountain, the three of Mo Shanghui all looked excited.

In front of the three of them, there were sixty-four scrolls piled up one after another, and they were arranged in a bamboo basket that looked like a small boat.

With the merits of these three people, it is naturally difficult for them to create eight classics alone; but under the premise of relying on others, it is not difficult to delete and modify the sentences, piece them together, and make them seem to be plausible and generally smooth.

After more than a month of hard work, the so-called "Secret Biography of Taoism" has been successfully concocted.

Ning Zixuan clapped his palm lightly, and said happily: "With this thing, the hope of passing the test is a little bit higher. Brother Mo is really planning ahead, beyond the reach of the two of us."

Not only Ning Zixuan, but even Jin Xiangfei looked at Mo Shanghui with gratitude.

Half a month ago, there was finally news from a secret channel—the barrier of the heavens was broken, not just one of the Changqing Jietians, but the thirty-seven realms of the Divine Dao, who suffered at the same time.And to this day, more than a month has passed, and the passage to the Yin-Yang Cave has still not been restored; not to mention the coming of the Holy Cult to organize a powerful counterattack.

This shows that Mo Shanghui's judgment on the situation is extremely prescient.

Mo Shanghui pondered for a while, and said in a low voice: "So far, there is about a [-]% chance of passing the test."

Ning Zixuan was stunned and said, "Is it only [-]%?"

"He felt that the eight 'remnant scriptures' in front of him were so precise that they were almost flawless, and no one could detect any flaws."

Mo Shanghui shook his head lightly, and said, "Don't underestimate the shrewdness of the people from Yinzong."

After thinking for a while, Mo Shanghui said again: "The classics are indeed very impressive; but if there is a treasure like the 'Inheritance Seal', it is likely to be able to pass the test."

Ning Zixuan was startled, and said quietly: "This is difficult."

Inheriting the Dharma seal is often the Tianxuan Shangzhen who is close to the Dao state, leaving a form with mana and engraving it in one thing.Although after a long time, the strength of the mana in it will gradually decline, and it is even comparable to Jindan and Nascent Soul monks; but the depth and mystery of the essence contained in it cannot be concealed.

With the merits of the three of them, it is indeed very difficult to fake this thing.

Jin Xiang asked nonchalantly, "When will the people who don't know the hidden sect come to kill you?"

Mo Shanghui nodded and said: "The Dao realm is powerful, and the speed of escape is extremely fast. It has always been a dragon that sees its head but does not see its tail. Its responsibility is nothing more than to break the barrier of the world - but this cannot be done by others." Afterwards, the mopping up and reception of the second and third-class forces in Jietian was generally led by Tianxuan Shangzhen, and the monks in the three realms of heaven and man were the main ones. It would take at least half a year to prepare for the assembly and deployment; For a sect, it depends on how far the hidden sect's teleportation array is from the target area. It will take at least several years to completely solve it."

Ning Zixuan lifted his spirits and said, "Since there is still time, I will try harder and see if I can concoct the 'Inheritance Seal'."

Jin Xiangfei raised his eyebrows, pointed to a golden arrow floating in the air not far away, and said, "Emperor Yinxing entrusted a disciple to enter my door. Is this his blood relative, or... The meaning of the entrustment, why not hide it in the mountains? You must know that I, the Enlightenment Xuanzong, can be regarded as a rather eye-catching place."

"Brother, what do you think?"

Mo Shanghui did not give a clear opinion, but said indifferently: "I see."


The Holy Family.

At this time, the two sides in the sky are fighting fiercely.

The blue sky is thousands of miles, filled with layers of glazed splendor, circling into dozens of light wheels.It is grotesque, obscure, and obviously contains profound Taoist principles; people with a little skill, as long as they look at it, they will immediately fall into sleep.This is the meaning of the law that has never been seen in dozens of days of confrontation.

The people who fought against each other were Xi Lerong on the one hand, and Dongfang Wanqing and Taoist Yin Yang on the other.

Although Long Yun, Xiandao, and Ying Yuan were trying their best to suppress the "Big Egg" barrier, they all kept their eyes on the battle between Xi Lerong and the Yin-Yang Taoist.

Out of confidence in Xi Lerong's fighting power, and Fengqing, a new force, was on the side to support him, so there was no need to devote himself so wholeheartedly.

The attitudes of the three of them are indeed a bit abnormal.

If we talk about the reason, it is actually not difficult to explain - because today is the time when the thirty-six steps of the Taoist Yin-Yang are completed and the means are revealed; the thirty-six means took more than forty days intermittently before they came to an end. Time.Finally, we can see the reality of the opponent's strategy.

The news that the Thirty-seven Heavens were broken by the Yinzong and the major monster clans has naturally spread long ago.

Then a question arises:
Yinzong's intention, after all, is a roundabout method - to use the pressure formed by the thirty-seven heavens to force the Holy Church to divide its troops to rescue.Even the forty-nine yin and yang caves were disbanded and returned to their original positions, so as to achieve the goal of no blame for rescue.Or is it simply aimed at breaking and annexing the thirty-seven realms?
If it was the former, Xiandao, Ying Yuan, Long Yun and others could totally accept it. This was almost good news, showing that the Yinzong side was not sure that the direct rescue would be blameless.

But if the latter...

On the contrary, it shows that Yinzong has enough confidence in Gui Wujiu's persistence, and even dares to seek real benefits first!

Which side is a feint and which side is the main attack will soon be revealed.

Fortunately, judging from the weather manifested in the sky at this time, the means of the Yin-Yang Taoist Lord are indeed unprecedented.


But at this moment, Xi Lerong suddenly withdrew his mana and turned back.

Long Yun, Xiandao, and Ying Yuan were all taken aback.

Xi Lerong withdrew from the extreme state of "Fine Wu Penetration" in his battle. If the blow that the Yin-Yang Taoist had accumulated for a long time came, the consequences would be very serious!
At this time, there seemed to be a rumbling sound in the sky, it was the voice of the Yin-Yang Taoist master: "It is worthy of being a person who has achieved the Dao state above perfection."

As soon as the words fell, the atmosphere in the sky, which looked like a glazed light wheel, immediately turned into broken fragments, which fell to the ground one after another, disappearing invisible.

Long Yun and the others felt their hearts sink at the same time——

The so-called "sequence method" is obviously just a cover-up method, and it is extremely clever to hide from one's own calculations.

The Lord of Yin and Yang, Dongfang Wanqing and the others had no intention of rescuing them quickly at all!

Xi Lerong returned Shi Ran, expressionless.

Looking around at the three of them, he explained: "I only made the final decision three days ago. It's too late to say or do anything at this time. It's better to wait quietly, waiting for the moment when the mystery is revealed."

However, Feng Qing didn't seem to care about Xi Lerong's words. She seemed to be communicating with Long Yun and others, and seemed to be muttering to herself: "The teleportation formations of Yinzong's land veins are not evenly spaced. Even if there are teleportation formations and superior With the help of Feidun Secret Treasure, it will take at least three months to break through the thirty-seven realms and return to regroup the troops."

"You said how long can they persist in their firm belief in Gui Wugui, so that Yinzong dared to set aside three months to collect real benefits?"

Long Yun pondered: "Half a year?"

Xiandao resolutely shook his head and said, "Impossible!"

Seeing Long Yun's surprised expression, which seemed to be a misunderstanding, Xiandao immediately added: "I mean it's impossible to be so short!"

Immediately, Xiandao turned his head and said deeply, "It's nothing to blame."

Long Yun was silent when he heard the words.

If it were someone else, assuming it could last for six months.Delaying the combat power of several top Dao realms for three months made us collect the thirty-six realms; for the remaining three months, it seems that it is enough to arrange means to come to rescue again.

It also seems to be a profitable business.

But how important is imputation status?
If Gui Wugui insisted that the limit was half a year, no matter what, the Yinzong side would not dare to take risks, and would definitely do their best to rescue them.

Long Yun said in a low voice: "What do fellow Taoists think?"

Xiandao said in a deep voice: "At least ten times."

"If I were the decision-maker on the Yinzong side, wasting one-tenth of the time to divide the troops elsewhere is already the limit I can bear."

Three years...

Feng Qing murmured: "He is not in the real Dao realm, but just borrowed the possession method... Could it be that the source of his possession method is the confluence of the powerful mana of hundreds of Dao realms in the previous generation? Or did he use Divine channel technique, does not consume mana at all?"

The ten-year limit from this battle seems to be not as far away as imagined.

Inexplicably, Long Yun, Feng Qing, Xiandao, Ying Yuan and the others felt a little shaken in their hearts as to whether they really won this time without blame.

Daoist Ying Yuan suddenly said: "Three years is actually only the most conservative estimate, and it depends on the Yinzong side's next strategy."

"If the Yinzong and those monster clans, after receiving the benefits of the Thirty-seven Realm Heaven, regroup and make a fierce attack here, then perhaps the time limit for blameless persistence is about three to five years; After paying a terrible price, it is still possible to win without blame."

"If the Yinzong took over the Thirty-Seven Realm Heavens and continued to ignore it, grabbing real profits everywhere..."

Feng Qing's eyes moved, and he murmured: "That means that the time limit that Gui Wugui can persist is not three or five years, but... forever."

Long Yun and the others were silent when they heard the words.

If so, wouldn't it be...

Inside the "Dome".

After Long Yun and others discussed, all of them fell into Gui Wujiu's eyes and ears.

In fact, he had already thought of the subtle truth of this in advance.

When it came time to be convinced that there was no chance of winning, Long Yun and the others had no choice but to reluctantly "let" themselves out.

But Gui Wugui didn't want to come out early.

This is not difficult to do, if the outsiders stop suppressing it, and stop defending it if there is no blame, instead of trying to "reverse push", then the dome will naturally remain balanced.

But this is not the result that Gui Wugui would like to see——

Because of this, Long Yun and the others also knew, and they didn't want to come out.

Even if you are not a fool, you can immediately realize that you can get huge benefits in this "big egg".At that time, it will definitely try to destroy it.

The best strategy is to give them hope and bet on the final result step by step until the moment when the winner is announced.

But there is no communication inside or outside this place.

Whether such an effect can be achieved depends on the wisdom of all parties.

(End of this chapter)

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