Chapter 1274
In a few days, Huang Xiyin used his means in Xingchuan Xuanjie to subdue all the kings and gods one by one, and it went very smoothly.

Most of the credit for this is due to Mu Xiang's help.

It turned out that when Emperor Hengxu used the secret method of communicating messages, Mu Xiang, who came to see him, happened to see it.It just so happens that the art of connecting the gods and heavens was painstakingly worked out by Xiandao Daoist, and it was all created by himself, without mixing other methods.In other words, it also belongs to the "one but pure" method.

After Mu Xiang read it once, the essence of it was roughly understood.

Now, in order to thank Huang Xiyin for his gift of Dharma, I will contribute this secret.

Soon, Huang Xiyin copied a similar magic weapon, and spread the news in the two hundred kingdoms, claiming that it was left by Emperor Hengxu. He had an important matter to explain, so that all the kings of the kingdoms of the gods came here to have an audience .

Afterwards, they waited for the rabbit, and then captured them one by one with the sword of heart.

On this day, Huang Xiyin sat in the palace and beat the two kings again.

Turning around, Mu Xiang was standing not far away, but frowning slightly, looking preoccupied.

Huang Xiyin smiled and said, "If you have any insights, tell me."

Mu Xiang sighed softly, and said: "It seems that it is not so easy to achieve the great cause. It is fast first and then slow, first easy and then difficult, that's probably the case."

In Mu Xiang's original memory, he was unable to show his sharpness, just because he had not obtained the purest Taoism.But since Huang Xiyin obtained the "Golden Flower, Jade Root and Mysterious Pearl Magic Method", and practiced it carefully for several days, Mu Xiang found that things are not that simple.

In the beginning, the practice was very fast and smooth; but on the second and third day, Mu Xiang faintly realized that—in fact, his talent was limited.

It seems that the more advanced the Taoism, the faster the comprehension; but when it is near the end, it seems that there is a huge moat.

Huang Xiyin's eyes lit up, and she said with a smile, "You finally realized it."

"If you want to really establish a business, you still have two major hurdles to pass."

Huang Xiyin used her deep Taoism and magic secrets to deduce repeatedly, and finally fully grasped Mu Xiang's aptitude and characteristics.

Mu Xiang's unique talent hides two limitations.

First, "difficulty-solving" is important, but "knowing how easy" is also not to be ignored.The real first-class qualifications must be from the top to the bottom, from the inside to the outside, to see the true meaning of the Dao in the daily use of human relationships, to see the emptiness in the color, to see the nature in the air, and to know the taste in the light.

Mu Xiang is obviously inferior in this way.

So Huo Huo sees that her speed of practicing "Golden Flower and Jade Dixuanzhu Mysterious Method" is almost as fast as that of Huang Xiyin. Even if she is given the other three scriptures, she can also master them very quickly; However, it is bound to be extremely difficult for her.

If there is no guidance from an expert, Mu Xiang's end point is probably a level that is infinitely close to the Consummation Realm, but still rare.

Considering the current situation, although he can be ranked among the thirty-six sons, and he is known as an inexhaustible handsome man, there is still a clear gap between him and the real first-class person.

The second is the backlash force of his bloodline qualifications.

If Mu Xiang's opponent is at a higher level than her, then no matter what method the character above her uses to attack, it seems that she can easily resolve it; but it is obtained at the cost of continuous damage to her own blood and life. , and may even affect further potential.

Such a feat as rebounding the "Demon Heart Sword" may seem amazing, but it is actually a cup of poison.

If you want to manage her aptitude to the extent that it is completely beneficial and harmless, then there is only the four-character truth:

Not weaker than people.

Looking at it from another angle, Mu Xiang's unique aptitude actually has similar characteristics to Gui Wujiu's and Huang Xiyin's magic power "Minglun" - the more powerful it is in the hands, the more effective it will be.

As soon as Mu Xiang raised his head, he secretly glanced at Huang Xiyin, his lips moved slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but he was speechless.

Huang Xiyin said with a smile: "The way I hold is to pay attention to wisdom and understanding. How to do it, if you think of it in your heart, then do it; it doesn't have to be pointed out with words."

When Mu Xiang heard the words, he seemed to have received some great encouragement.

She turned to Huang Xiyin in three or two steps, bowed down and bowed three times, and said: "Mu Xiang is not talented, I wish to worship under the seat of Shangzhen, and respect it carefully."

Huang Xiyin's eyes flashed with brilliance, and she said with a smile: "Very good. You are the first disciple I have taken in, so naturally I will not treat you slowly."

When Mu Xiang heard the words, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Huang Xiyin's cultivation seems to be in the Nascent Soul Realm; however, in the past two days, the Lord of the Kingdom of God, which is equivalent to the Separation and Reunion Realm, had an audience. Huang Xiyin's breath changed in an instant, unfathomable, and seemed to be far above the Near Dao Realm.

With such cultivation, I thought there were many disciples.Unexpectedly, there is not yet a doorman.

In fact, most of the disciples in the Heart Bud Hall know very well about the current top descendants of Ziwei Great World; but Mu Xiang is an introvert who rarely communicates with others, which is an anomaly.

Huang Xiyin said to herself: "This Xingchuan Xuanjie is the first branch of flowers and leaves."


Qihua Xuanzong, stepping on the moon peak.

Shi Mo's reputation in Qihua Xuanzong is almost increasing day by day.In these two gatherings, not only fellows from "Taiwan [-]", but even people from "Taiwan [-]" and "Taiwan [-]" with some basic backgrounds also came to ask for advice.

Naturally, Shi Mo never refuses anyone who comes.

On this day, after giving lectures to nearly [-] fellow students, it was already sunset.

The rest of the students all knew that Shi Mo had the habit of sitting alone in the mountains, so after everyone asked, they all left in time.

At this time, Mo Mo was the only one left on the Moon Peak.

With a thought in his mind, Shi Mo looked around and felt that something was missing today.

After thinking about it carefully, I came to my senses—it was because I hadn’t met the little boy Mu Xin.

Since the boy got together several times, Shi Shi also felt that he was very close to him.Especially when discussing Taoism, he is just a boy who has never had any practice experience, but he is the only one here who can talk to him.

While thinking about it, Shi Shi suddenly heard a soft sound in the mountainside tens of feet away.Gathering your eyes, you can see that Mu Xin is climbing up very hard; after taking two steps, he stops for a few breaths.

Shi Mo was startled.Although Mu Xin has not practiced Taoism, his hands and feet are agile, full of energy, and he goes up and down the mountain as if walking on flat ground.

Shi Mo's figure flickered, and he stood in front of Mu Xin.

Taking a closer look, at this moment Mu Xin's eyes were dim, Yintang was faintly black, and he looked exhausted, as if he was a dying person.

When Mu Xin saw Shi Mo, he couldn't help showing joy.

Shi Mo asked with concern: "What's wrong with you?"

Mu Xin said very calmly: "I'm going to die."

Even if it is a person with a life span of more than a hundred years and his destiny is about to end, when it comes to life and death, it seems that it is not so ordinary.

Shi Mo frowned and said, "What's going on?"

Mu Xin was in a daze for a while, and then said: "Someone is one step ahead of me... I don't know. All in all, I'm about to die."

He clearly knew something; but since he didn't want to say it outright at this time, Shi Mo didn't want to force it.

With a move of his mind, Shi Mo ignored all the various thoughts and useless words, and asked straightforwardly: "How can I save you?"

Mu Xin whispered: "There is no way."

He said again: "Actually, I came up to the mountain to ask for your help, to see how fast you can analyze the eight scriptures of Qihua Xuanzong. But after thinking about it, even if you succeed, the level of the scriptures you get will be much higher. Not to the point of being pure and flawless.”

"So, that's all."

Shi Mo thought about it, and asked: "The way to save you is to start practicing, to practice the highest method that your 'Qing Hun Li Lian' can allow?"

Mu Xin nodded vigorously.

Mo Shi remained silent.

What Mu Xin said was right, even though he had reborn all the eight classics of Qihua Xuanzong, and the level was suddenly raised, but it still can't be called a first-rate classic.

He also has this kind of method, and there is even more than one method.But none of them can be taught to this child.

One of them is Kongyun Nianjian.

Now that Kongyun Nianjian has established the true flow path, he has naturally reached the state of "supernatural powers on the outside and exercises on the inside".However, his Kongyun Nianjian was planted in Wugui Xinyin, and if he wanted to describe it in words without compromising the true meaning, only Mo Mo could do it.

The other one is the Misty Sect's "Chengxiang Di'er Linlang Book".It's just that this place is not in the Misty Sect, and there is no help from the true treasure.

Of course, Misty Sect also has scriptures similar to Yueheng Sect's "True Story". Although they are slightly inferior to the original scriptures, they are still of a very high level. There are as many as eleven kinds in total.

It's a pity that Shi Mo didn't bother to memorize a second-best translation of scriptures while he was practicing Fa-rectification?
It seems that neither of the two high-level Taoism techniques is feasible.

Suddenly, Mo Mo's heart moved.

Taking another deep look at Mu Xin, Shi Mo sat down on the mountainside, closed his eyes and settled down.

He first filtered the encounter between himself and "Musin" in the mind of the gods, interrogated his heart with the secret meaning of Taoism and Kongyun Nianjian Jianxin, and confirmed that he and himself were really congenial, not a pawn set by others.

After making up his mind, Shi Mo was determined, and lightly tapped his palms and fingers in the air, entering into a deep deduction.

In the air, there seemed to be tiny swords turning into shadows.

About an hour later, Shi Mo opened his eyes, with his palms empty, a scroll of jade slips suddenly emerged.

Gently placing this jade slip in front of the little boy, Shi Shi said lightly, "It's just a cultivation method that stops at the foundation-building stage. I don't know if it can reach the so-called 'extremely brilliant' level in your mouth."

Shi Mo's actions are actually similar to what happened in the Holy Church not long ago - Gui Wugui used Kongyun to recite the sword, and dismantled the magic power "Minglun" into "Sword Intent Minglun".

Mo Mo disassembled the Misty Sect's "Chengxiang Di'er Linlang Book" into a kendo technique based on the four swords he had cultivated.

Due to the limitation of meritorious deeds, it can only reach the realm of foundation building.

And even though he tried his best, he still couldn't reach the state of complete translation, because after all, he only had four swords, not eight swords.But compared to the level of the main story of Misty Sect No. [-] Middle School, Shi Mo is confident that he will not lose, and even faintly win.

Mu Xin opened the bamboo slips for a look, his dim eyes suddenly lit up.

After watching it carefully, Mu Xin sighed, "Wonderful..." Turning around suddenly, the gaze at Shi Shi is also different from before.

Mu Xin frowned and thought for a long time, then suddenly said: "If I worship you as my teacher, will you accept me?"

(End of this chapter)

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