Chapter 1275
A ray of green smoke and light flashed across the air, and it was in the center of the land surrounded by four peaks, and it was about to descend slowly.

The man who stepped on the light was not tall, but his facial features were well-proportioned, his hair was tied in a bun, and he was wearing a blue robe.It's just that his complexion seems to be unwell, and the center of his brows is faintly dark.

Judging from his cultivation, he seems to be in the Golden Core realm.

His blue smoke made a turn and seemed to press down.

But at this moment, a white rainbow light soared above the mountain peak in the west of the four peaks below, and it seemed to meet this green smoke head-on.

The person who could vaguely see his feet stepping on the light was a person in a white robe, who was also a Jindan cultivator.

The man seemed to look around, and met the eyes of the green-robed monk at a very far distance, and then immediately avoided.

More than just looking away—

The white light under his feet also suddenly turned around, and the distance was at least a hundred feet away.

The green-robed cultivator snorted coldly, hurriedly stopped in front of him, and said indifferently: "Junior brother Lu, where are you going? We bumped into each other head-on and didn't even say hello?"

The white-robed monk's complexion changed slightly, he reluctantly cupped his hands and said: "Senior Brother Bai, I have one more important matter, I will catch up with you when I have free time."

After finishing speaking, he took a hasty turn and fled away very quickly.

The green-robed monk's eyes moved, and he stood still for a while.Finally, he also left. In an instant, he came to a hill more than a hundred feet high, thirty-four miles away, which seemed to be in the shape of a monk's cave.

A portal suddenly opened at the mountainside.

The green-robed monk jumped in.

In the cave, there was already a person sitting cross-legged, as if he had been waiting for a long time.Judging from his description, he is tall and tall, wearing a dark loose coat, with a stern face and sharp eyes, coupled with a deep nose bridge, he looks like eagle's eyes.

The green-robed monk said: "Brother."

The man sitting cross-legged moved his eyes, and said calmly: "I never thought that Lu Qiaoyun, who seems to be indifferent, is actually so snobbish."

The green-robed monk didn't mind at all, and said indifferently, "It's not surprising that people's hearts are normal."

These two are both disciples of Qihua Xuanzong, and both have very good qualifications. One is ranked in the first station, and the other is ranked in the third station, and they are both ranked high.

Bai Qinghan, Bai Qingshuang.

These two people were originally considered to be the figures who called the wind and rain in Qihua Xuanzong, but recently the situation has changed suddenly, which is quite embarrassing.

As a disciple on duty, Bai Qingshuang found the uninvited guest "Mo Shi" who came to the door that day, but he accidentally injured him.

Speaking of which, Bai Qingshuang was the first disciple of the sect to "get acquainted" with this very popular and quickly occupying the position of the first direct successor of the first TV series.

Speaking of which, Bai Qingshuang was not at fault for this matter.

After Mo Shi received the reward from the sect, he also added secret treasures and secret medicines to express his apology.

Ruobai Qinghan and Bai Qingshuang are people with long sleeves, good at dancing, and sharing the same light. This is not a bad thing, but they can be used as a stick, and they can seize this good opportunity to get closer to "Moshi".After all, it was Mo Shi who hurt someone by mistake first, and he is not very good at rejecting people thousands of miles away.

It's a pity that the two Bo brothers, Ya'an, are used to being arrogant.

Especially Bai Qingshuang, he is also a disciple of the third platform in the Golden Core Realm, and he feels deeply ashamed that Mo Shi casually wounded him when he was ignorant.

Now the disciples of the first three stations are all actively asking questions at the "Meeting on the Moon Peak", asking Moshi for advice, only Bai Qingshuang has been avoiding it.

The elder brother Bai Qinghan who is also the first TV station, although he also asked questions twice.But all the fellow disciples are masters of Taoism, and they are good at observing words and expressions.It is not difficult to see that Bai Qinghan is not asking for advice sincerely, but intending to make things difficult.

A group of people from the same sect are all very winking people.How to stand in line and make a decision, how can I use people to teach?
Bai Qinghan is fine, after all, he is the third direct descendant of the first TV station, and others still have to pay respects; The incident of Lu Qiaoyun of the third station has become a common occurrence in recent days.

Bai Qinghan's eyes moved, and he said: "In terms of advantages and disadvantages, perhaps the previous actions were considered ill-considered. If you are going to the Moon Summit next time, junior brother, try to have a relationship with that ink stone."

The brilliance in Bai Qingshuang's eyes suddenly condensed, and she sat down slowly, but did not answer.

But in this silence, it is not difficult to feel the meaning of resistance.

Bai Qinghan shook his head, and did not persuade him anymore.

Bai Qingshuang casually picked up a porcelain cup from his front desk, drank the wine in it, and suddenly said loudly: "You and I, brothers, according to the aptitude revealed today, we can go as far as we can on the road. Which step?"

Bai Qinghan was startled.

After thinking for a while, he said slowly: "Brother Shuang, with your aptitude, it is no problem to break through the Nascent Soul, but it seems to be a hurdle to step into the three realms of heaven and man. Can you feel the mystery and step into the realm of transforming gods?" The chances are roughly five to five."

"As for me, Brother Yu, I seem to be a little sure about stepping into the Void Realm; but it seems a little bit slim to hit the Separation and Reunion Realm. It is roughly calculated, not necessarily [-] to [-] percent."

Bai Qingshuang smiled suddenly, and said quietly: "Brother said, relying on existing resources and accumulating skills. If you get a big chance—for example, you are connected to the Eighth Dao Sect or even the ancestral court, and Shangzhen bestows rare treasures , that's another matter."

Bai Qinghan's body froze slightly, as if he was very surprised by Bai Qinghan's whimsical words.

Strictly speaking, the aptitudes of the two of them are not bad, and they are definitely not the type that no matter how hard they are cultivated, but there is no possibility of breakthrough after all; , and Bai Qingshuang stepped into the realm of separation and reunion, and it was no problem at all.

Bai Qinghan frowned and said, "Brother Shuang, why do you ask this question?"

Bai Qingshuang didn't answer, but took out something from his sleeve.

Looking at its shape, it seemed to be a three-inch long lampshade, which rose suddenly after seeing the light, and immediately wrapped Bai Qinghan and Bai Qingshuang tightly.

This is obviously a treasure that cuts off the flow of divine will.

After the setting was completed, Bai Qingshuang said: "Brother, you know that the three elders suddenly retreated at the same time, what's the matter?"

"Qihua Xuanzong, and even this world, will undergo drastic changes."

Bai Qinghan was uncertain, wondering: "What's the matter?"

Bai Qingshuang smiled secretly and said, "Brother, do you still remember the vision of the so-called 'Emperor Yinxing' performing Taoism two months ago?"

Bai Qinghan's gaze moved, and he said, "Of course I remember."

Bai Qingshuang's lips moved slightly.Although he used the secret treasure of isolation and investigation, and was inside the cave, he still used the method of sound transmission to enter the secret.

A moment later, Bai Qinghan's eyes flashed brightly, and his aura rose and fell, as if it was hard to hide the shock.

After a long time, he said, "How did you know this top-secret news?"

Bai Qingshuang said: "Three days ago, Master Dongping and my teacher got together, and my teacher entertained them with 'Thousand Alcohol Brewing'. Master Dongping was too strong to drink, so he revealed his secrets after drinking."

Dongping Zhenren is one of the eight disciples of Jin Xiangfei, one of the three elders, and now he has reached the middle stage of transformation.

Bai Qinghan frowned and said, "Elder Jin may not necessarily tell his disciples about such an important matter; even if he did, there must be Zhou Xiang's arrangements for how to keep the secrets. How could it be so easy to leak it after drinking?"

Bai Qingshuang smiled slightly, and said: "Elder Jin didn't tell the disciples; but Master Dongping himself deduced it from various clues. He said it after drinking, maybe he didn't mean to boast of his insight ability."

"Back then, Elder Jin got the secret code of chance by accident. The secret code was rubbed on a piece of bluestone, embedded in the deep mountains, and there was hidden energy swimming and connecting. Elder Jin couldn't get it alone; he had to order it The six disciples formed a team to refine the Qi mechanism in the rock. At that time, Master Dongping was one of the six people who carried out it."

"Recently the three elders demonstrated the exercises. Based on his understanding of his teacher's Taoism, Master Dongping concluded that this retreat is intended to be deduced."

"One month ago, Dongping Zhenren went to the secret storehouse of the gate to get a classic, but learned that in the secret storehouse of the gate, all the anecdotal secret books, hermit books, and fragments of Taoism were taken away by the three elders."

"Elder Jin's big disciple, that is, Dongping Daoist's big brother, on the day when the so-called 'Yinxing Emperor performed the secret method', he hurriedly left the teleportation array hidden by this sect, mysterious and mysterious, and his end is unknown. The several teleportation arrays are the key channels for this sect to inquire about news."

"Half a month ago, after the Third Elder left the customs, Elder Jin ordered seven disciples to search for rare objects, the older the better, not asking for their own magical use, but asking for them to be used as objects."


There are as many as thirteen clues and hidden clues grasped by Dongping real person.

Three days ago, after drinking, he told Bai Qingshuang's teacher like beans in a bamboo tube, as if he was afraid that the other party would not believe him.

At this time, Bai Qingshuang brought them one by one.

The situation that might be faced in the big world today, and even the way the three elders should deal with it, are presented in front of them in detail.

Bai Qinghan thought for a quarter of an hour before he digested the shocking news from Bai Qingshuang, and said slowly: "The three elders have taken great pains. This matter is indeed true—— Given the size of the sect, and the methods used by the Yin sect to mow down the recipients, if they flee in all directions, there will be absolutely no future."

"This golden cicada's plan to get rid of its shell is a good way."

A trace of strangeness suddenly appeared in Bai Qingshuang's eyes, and said quietly: "This may not be an opportunity for you and me."

Bai Qinghan suddenly raised his head and said, "What chance?"

Immediately, he seemed to think of something, closed his eyes slightly, and said: "You are a soft-spoken person, and you have no evidence, how can you be sure? Once you miss, the crime of deceiving your master and destroying your ancestors is a crime that will not be tolerated by heaven and earth. Brother Shuang, be careful, be careful."

It's just his voice, but it's a little erratic.

There was a three-point twist on Bai Qingshuang's face, his eyes were confused for a while, and then clear for a while, and then he said slowly: "If I know some sentences in the so-called 'Secret Code' in advance, is it considered evidence?"

Bai Qinghan raised his eyebrows.

Bai Qingshuang gritted his teeth and said, "Once it succeeds, it will be a world-class feat."

Bai Qinghan sighed: "With the lives of countless people, did you achieve such a remarkable achievement..."

Bai Qingshuang said: "That's something that can't be helped; people don't do it for themselves; heaven and earth will destroy it."

(End of this chapter)

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