Chapter 1277

Just one and a half months after the barriers of the thirty-six heavens were successively broken, Huang Xiyin swept them one by one, subduing all the other thirty-six heavens except the old place of the Teng Snake clan, the Great Emperor Jiekong.

This matter is so fast, the biggest reliance is the advantage of speed.

It is said that if there is no holy religion, yin and yang, cave and heaven, and only relying on the teleportation array of the hidden sect, it is absolutely impossible to achieve such a fast communication.

In particular, there are two or three Jietians that are not adjacent to any hidden sect node, below the Dao realm.It may take ten years to go back and forth.

However, the Chimei Clan planned for a rainy day, and in the past few hundred years, in several relatively remote areas that could not be covered by the teleportation array of the hidden sect, they arranged the underground palace array in a very secret way; , and borrowed from the secret way of transmission of the magic way.

Coupled with Huang Xiyin's own blue bird magic weapon, it is also an excellent flying escape weapon.

Only when all kinds of factors converge, can it be cleared up like a thunderbolt.

It's different from when the magic way was launched back then, when they stood in line with great fanfare and made decisions and seduced people's hearts.

The Taoism that Huang Xiyin passed on to the Great Emperor Jiekong was very similar to the original method of Shinto, and he only said that it was the repair and improvement of the old method.By the time the rulers of all walks of life under the command of the heavens, the gods and other practitioners of the divine way realized the similarities and differences, there was no way out.

Huang Xiyin and Yinzong tacitly shared the interests of the thirty-seven heavens, and they each had half of them.

Among them, the Shinto inheritance was taken over by Huang Xiyin; as for the Taoist inheritance, Xuanzong, Xiazong, Liuzong and other node forces in the heavens from all walks of life, Yinzong will gather thirty-six teams after about a month, and each team will be led by a Tianxuan. Really sitting in the town, leading the elite monks in the three realms of heaven and man and the elites in the Nascent Soul Realm who are in urgent need of experience, a total of [-] people.

Each team is assigned to a boundary, and they will be swept and cleared one by one.

In fact, after the Emperor Jiekong of each realm became Huang Xiyin's puppet, the Tianxuan masters really have no use for their abilities, they just sit in the remote place as a deterrent.It is the disciples below who really contribute their own efforts.

This is also a rare training opportunity.

Because the management of the holy religion is too deep, if you subdue it hastily, it is inevitable that there will be people who will obey the law and violate the law in the future, and sit on the sidelines.Therefore, according to the wishes of several Daoist priests, unless there are special circumstances, the sects at the first level of Xuanzong should be uprooted; even those who intend to surrender, they should also plant spiritual restraints.

Only those low-level disciples whose minds are uncertain, if they have available talents, they can be recruited under the sect after careful assessment.

At this time, Huang Xiyin sat on the blue bird and looked down, while Mu Xiang was behind her, firmly protected by a spiritual light restraint, from the strong wind.

Now it's the return trip, Huang Xiyin is not fighting any opponents; but her body floats, looming, like a white phantom, like the hub of this world; together with this blue bird, it seems to have become the center of the world for a while.

Impressively, he has entered the realm of shortcuts.

Her eyes, in particular, combined bright and deep two opposite moods, as if turning into a huge lake at any time, or even the deep sea, or even the universe, completely engulfing those who watched.

After careful observation, the world around her, which is thousands of feet in radius, seems to be slightly brighter than the distance, but it is not obvious, and it is extremely difficult to detect.

To accurately describe it, it seems to be a thin and huge halo.

"Minglun" supernatural powers.

At this time, Huang Xiyin's identity was very special.

Although the Thirty-seven Heavenly Realm had subdued it, it hadn't fully digested it.The so-called "half of the shortcut" has actually only absorbed [-]% to [-]%.But counting the income from recording Mu Xiang, Huang Xiyin at this time can be regarded as about [-]% of the true monarch of the close path, and [-]% of the monk of the Nascent Soul.

However, after mastering the "Golden Flower, Jade Dixuanzhu Mysterious Method" and other four magic classics, one can suddenly improve one's physical, mental and mental realms.

This is also the reason why Huang Xiyin almost looked like a demon king when he looked at it.

With the blessing of such a cultivation level, Huang Xiyin's "Minglun" supernatural power immediately cultivated to a very high level, far surpassing the Weixin in the Yuanchu Profound Realm.Besides, she is using her own method, and there is a special fit somewhere in the dark.

Huang Xiyin's use of the "Minglun" at this time is of course not for defense, but to borrow the special ability of this method to observe and distinguish qi movements.

With Huang Xiyin's cultivation at this time, it is enough to wait and see a living being in the world.

With Weixin's cultivation level back then, he was able to use this method to see through the "death energy" of a creature in the profound realm at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. Now Huang Xiyin naturally sees it more deeply.Within a realm, as long as one is a Taoist, what kind of path he has cultivated, the strength of his vitality, and his fate can be seen at a glance.

Even the trajectory of cultivation and the order of ups and downs in the next few decades can be predicted nine out of ten.

From the human heart to the soul, from the soul to the destiny, the way he holds is becoming more and more profound.

After watching for a while, Huang Xiyin suddenly thought:
Her "Minglun" supernatural power after approaching the Dao state is almost equivalent to a "one-sighted" divination method, and does not require any deduction resources, and is not restricted by ordinary divination methods.Today, at the ancestral court of the Holy Cult, seven or eight of the top Taoist figures gathered in one place at that time, and the situation is uncertain.

Why not rush over to take a look, maybe there are unexpected discoveries?


In the ancestral court of the Holy Religion, besides forming an array, Long Yun, Feng Qing, Xian Dao, Ying Yuan and others were a little depressed.

A few days ago, this "big egg" suddenly changed—from the clear to the slightest shape, it suddenly turned into a bright yellow; there were even abnormal shapes and patterns looming on the big egg, showing thousands of general posture.

Long Yun and the others were surprised and delighted, and an unbelievable thought emerged——

Could it be that Gui Wujiu was about to be unable to hold on anymore, and this kind of vision appeared just now?

Passing the mana inward, and worked hard for another three points.

But this joy finally gradually dimmed.The balance inside and outside the dome has never been broken.

If a strange omen happens, if it is not good news, it is very likely to be bad news.Long Yun and the others vaguely guessed in their hearts, whether Gui Wugui got any unusual benefits in the enchantment?

In fact, with Long Yun and others who have practiced Taoism for a long time, once they make up their minds to do something, they will not be easily shaken; This kind of situation where hope is first given and then hope is gradually shattered is too dramatic, so the mood of these people has to be swayed accordingly.

After confirming that the yellow color and the runes were not a sign of the defeat without blame, Long Yun and the others became more and more depressed.


The clock is ticking.

Another few days passed, and the truths scattered by the Yinzong still showed no sign of gathering.There are indications that they are extremely confident in their ability to defend against impunity.

At this moment, it is Long Yun, Feng Qing and the Dragon Clan's three-party joint effort to sacrifice the "Big Egg"; Xiandao Yingyuan, Hanzhen, Xu Xian and other characters in the Twelve Ascending Heaven Formation have to temporarily rest and recover. air machine.

But Daoist Ying Yuan did not meditate, but stood alone on the top of the mountain, with his hands behind his back, meditating for a long time.

Daoist Ying Yuan's eyes moved, and suddenly said: "Twenty-seven days!"

Feng Qing was startled, and said: "What?"

Daoist Ying Yuan raised his eyelids, but his attitude was very firm: "We can no longer follow the three-year plan."

"Someone has already calculated it carefully. Since the Yinzong broke and attacked the last place in the Divine Dao Realm, they have returned one after another, and they can arrive at the earliest ten days before. Even if the means they hold can only be activated when all the Taoist priests gather together; All Daoist priests carefully arrange the backhands in the major worlds, leaving monitoring secret treasures and other things, and it will take three to five days. Then the most distant world will return to this place, and it will arrive after [-] days no matter what. .”

"The Lord of Yin and Yang, Dongfang Wanqing, etc. have been stationed here, and if there are any means that need to be prepared in advance, they must have been arranged in advance. After all the Taoist priests are here, at most three days, they will definitely be able to activate."

"If after twenty-seven days, they still haven't activated it, then they can only think that—in their hearts, the time that they can hold on without blame is forever!"

Feng Qing was a little dazed, and said: "So what?"

"Stop the loss in time, just give up?"

Even from the point of view of common sense, Yinzong paid such a heavy price, no matter how bleak the hope is, he can only make this bet to the end.The thirty-seven realms of heaven in that box were swept away, and Gui Wugui was released here when he turned around; it was a bit unreasonable anyway.

Feng Qing thought to herself that if she were the presiding person of the Holy Cult, at this moment, she could only blindfold her and gamble to the end, betting that she would die without blame.

Ying Yuan sighed and said, "There is no need to deceive yourself."

Daoist Xiandao had been doing exercises with his eyes closed all the time, but at this moment he suddenly opened his eyes and said, "It's not in vain that I give up."

Glancing at Long Yun and Feng Qing from a distance, Xiandao Daoist said in a low voice: "Actually, at this moment, if it weren't for the maintenance of the consumption rotation of this large sealing formation, it would have taken up the quota equivalent to five top Dao realms; otherwise, Our combat power is superior to the opponent's."

"Moreover, the advantages are huge."

What Daoist Xiandao said is not bad.

Xi Lerong alone is implicitly above everyone; plus Long Yun, Feng Qing, and the "Twelve Ascension Formation" which is equivalent to the combat power of two ascending demon ancestors.Even without counting the internal and external formations of the Dragon Clan, this level of combat power has already greatly surpassed the opponent.

Long Yun frowned, and said, "What's the plan for fellow Taoist Xian Dao?"

Daoist Xiandao sighed, and said: "Actually, there is still a very important treasure in our sect. Once used, even if I withdraw immediately, this large formation will not be crushed by the 'internal force' that is blameless Roughly estimated, it can last for twelve hours."

"It's just a pity that this thing can only 'delay', not really 'replace', and I can't let it top the tank for twelve hours, and I will replace it later. So once this thing is used, it means giving up In order to deal with Gui Wugui's siege, he will be free after twelve hours."

"And what we have gained is these twelve hours."

Long Yun understood what he said.

Daoist Xiandao wanted to catch a few people from the Dao Realm of the opposite camp here by surprise.If Taoist Yin Yang, Dongfang Wanqing and others had fallen here, the comparison of strength between the two sides would have been greatly improved.

(End of this chapter)

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