Chapter 1278
Huang Xiyin returned to the Yinzong camp, and was not in a hurry to join the Yin-Yang Daoist, Dongfang Wanqing and others. Instead, he drove a light escape alone and stopped on a hill that was far from the outer circles of the Shengjiao and Yinzong camps. Observe the reality of the Shengjiao group.

In terms of ability, after Huang Xiyin's Taoism has reached the near-Tao realm, due to the state of mind advantage brought by the penetration of the four scriptures, his mind is no different from the Dao realm.It is not difficult to see the subtle changes in the vitality of the Dao realm.

What's more, her unique and magical effect of spiritual perception attached to the supernatural power of "Minglun" can be regarded as an extremely transcendent ability, which is not very restricted by meritorious deeds.

It's just that her real cultivation is close to the Dao realm after all. According to common sense, as long as she stands in a place where she can spy on the Dao Realm's great power, the Dao Realm's great power must be able to reflect her existence.As a result, her standing position is bound to be very dangerous.

But because the two sides were confronting each other, Taoist Yin-Yang and others set up a large formation to encircle the Eight Peaks of the Sacred Cult, with a gap between them. At this time, Huang Xiyin's position was equivalent to the periphery of Taoist Yin-Yang and others.So enjoy watching, but worry-free.

Looking at the appearance of Long Yun, Feng Qing, Xian Dao, Ying Yuan and others from a distance, Huang Xiyin was secretly surprised.

Her spiritual method observes the spirit of characters, and can know the principles of rise and fall, movement, rise and fall, strength, good and bad, life and death.At this time, Long Yun, Feng Qing and the others were clearly very still and thinking about moving, and there were drastic changes in a relatively short period of time.

If they plan to continue such a long-term stalemate, blaming no blame until the oil burns out, it will definitely not be like this.

The most normal inference seems to be that they have found a new ultimate move, and they are going to attack Gui Wugui.

But Huang Xiyin thinks that this is not the case.

Because if this is the case, Long Yun and the others should be high-spirited, vigorous and powerful from the point of view of "lifting and descending".Dare to abandon the Thirty-seven Heavens and calmly deploy means, there must be a winning blow.

But at this moment, the auras of Long Yun and the others were slightly depressed, as if they were above a boundless ocean, unable to raise a single wave of wind and waves.

Look at that giant egg again——

At this time, although Huang Xiyin couldn't see Gui Wugui's aura, but the vitality of the "big egg" couldn't be concealed.The vitality here has no second source other than the characters in the "dome" space.

Huang Xiyin was secretly surprised.

No one can surpass Huang Xiyin for her precise grasp of the progress of Gui Wugui's practice.If at this moment, there is no second "creature" in the dome other than Gui Wujiu, then the prosperity of Guiwujiu's weather has exceeded expectations, and it seems to be inexplicably ahead of more than a month.

Based on the comprehensive judgment, Huang Xiyin already had a pretty good idea.

Huang Xiyin looked at it for a while, and finally withdrew and returned to the Yinzong formation.

At this time Mi Daozun, Yi Daozun and the others were already in the formation. When they saw Huang Xiyin go, they took her junior brother Mo Mo with them, but when they came, Mo Mo was missing. There was an extra young girl in the Golden Core Realm, and she was secretly surprised in her heart.When I found out that this was Huang Xiyin's new disciple, I was even more surprised.

At the beginning, Mu Xiang was still a bit apprehensive, but soon realized that today was her harvest day.The gifts from the Daoist priests and the chiefs of the major monster clans are all rare treasures that he has never seen in his life.Only then was the joy boundless, and for a while, the restrained and self-retained temperament was also faintly let go.

Turning around in the formation, I met Taoist Yinzong Xuxian.

Xu Xian and Huang Xiyin exchanged a few words of greeting, and said with a smile: "There is no one who knows a teacher. This time, Fellow Huang Daoist is so courageous and made a decisive bet, but he won a big harvest for us."

Huang Xiyin smiled slightly, but stared carefully at Taoist Xu Xian.

Daoist Xu Xian said in surprise: "Fellow Daoist Huang... Could it be that there is something wrong with me?"

Huang Xiyin said seriously: "There is indeed something wrong."

Daoist Xu Xian was stunned and speechless.

Huang Xiyin said: "I need Taoist priests to spread the news, saying that Huang Xiyin invited all Taoist priests and heads of various ethnic groups to gather in the 'Yin Yang House'."


In the yin and yang house.

Dongfang Wanqing, the Lord of Yin and Yang, all the Taoist priests and clan leaders all came.Compared with the last time, Xie Feng, the elder of the Xiezhi clan, was added.

Listening to Huang Xiyin's narration of cause and effect, Dongfang Wanqing pondered and said, "You mean... Long Yun and the others are about to make another big move; they are not aiming at retribution, but completely abandoning the barrier seal and wanting to win a Time, to decide the victory head-on?"

Huang Xiyin said: "Exactly. I'm afraid they have already guessed it—even if they are trapped for thousands of years, it will be useless after all."

In fact, Huang Xiyin is only [-]% or [-]% sure of this conclusion just by observing the weather of Long Yun and others among the Eight Peaks of the Holy Religion; But he found that the omens of good and bad are lower than expected, or lower than the "balance line" in Huang Xiyin's mind.

The opportunity for Yinzong to win today is unreasonable anyway.

The two phases prove that Huang Xiyin is fully confident.

Even for the people in the yin and yang house at this time, apart from Dongfang Wanqing and the yin and yang Taoist leader whose decline is not obvious, the rest of the clan leaders and demon kings who have borrowed the "possession method" to gain the combat power of the dao realm seem to be in danger. Compared with Xuxian Shangzhen and others, it is even worse.

Perhaps their fighting power is no less than that of the Yinzong Daoist, but when it comes to the time of the real brutal fight, the survivability of such characters is still slightly inferior to that of the real Taoist realm.

Ma Yao of the Tianma clan murmured: "Since you know it, then don't be afraid. I'll wait to avoid it in advance and defend myself. When the time comes, I won't get anything, and I have to break through the situation if I don't blame it. This time, the outcome of this contest has been decided." "

Huang Xiyin blinked her eyes and said, "That's certainly not bad."

"However, I vaguely perceive that my master's practice within the enchantment seems to have inexplicable benefits. Breaking this situation does not seem to be beautiful. If the current situation can be maintained until the enchantment is 'naturally broken', it will be considered It all paid off.”

Ma Tongzhou frowned and said, "That's difficult."

The rest of the people present were all wondering in their hearts, wondering how could Huang Xiyin know such a secret?
What is certain is that this is definitely not a special communication method between his master and apprentice.

Demonic methods are indeed unpredictable.

Huang Xiyin smiled slightly, and said: "It's actually not difficult. The reason why Long Yun, Xiandao and others changed their minds after deducing the chess game is because we are at ease to gain real benefits, and we don't care about rescuing our master. They are clearly confident .If we change course and attack with all our strength, other thoughts will inevitably change accordingly.”

"The key to this is—to be fast! And the means used must be convincing enough. We must convince Long Yun and others that I have not wasted the effort of waiting for dozens of days to attack the thirty-seven realms. The sky is just a targeted move to collect the Yin and Yang Cave Heaven, or it is to set up a big chess game while taking advantage of the sheep. Its real purpose is to wait for a means to be in place."

Everyone present frowned secretly upon hearing this.

It is not difficult to attack together.

However, it is very difficult to completely mislead the judgment of Long Yun and others, and make them believe that during the tens of days of effort, Yinzong is deploying a powerful method, and this method must be convincing enough. .

The Yin-Yang Daoist said slowly: "It's a pity that Menglin broke through and occupied a strange thing in the Yin-Yang Dao. Otherwise, I can use a method to receive this effect."

Gong Ming, the leader of the Red Mei Clan, moved his eyes slightly, as if hesitating.

Huang Xiyin accurately captured this slight change, and said with a smile, "Does the Patriarch of the Yuan Dynasty have such means?"

Gong Yuanming pondered for a while, and said: "There is indeed a method in this family. It's's still difficult."

The rest of the Taoist priests nodded slowly when they heard the words.

These methods are indeed difficult for others, and it is not easy to come up with them, which is also due.

Gong Yuanming seemed to have made up his mind, stepped forward, looked around at the people in the hall, and said, "I'm afraid you may have misunderstood the meaning. The so-called 'difficulty' is not that the lack of power is not enough to win the trust of Long Yun and others; it is its power. Too strong, breaking the enchantment. Interrupting the "natural evolutionary end" that fellow Daoist Xiyin said is minor, and the bigger concern is hurting fellow Daoist Gui."

All the truths in the palace were astonished when they heard the words.

Yuan Ming said again: "Before fellow Taoist Huang Xiyin arrived, we discussed how to rescue fellow Taoist. At that time, a certain person didn't say this method, because he had this concern."

Huang Xiyin asserted: "You don't need to worry too much about the Clan Lord. You just take this method, and I will be able to judge whether it will be established at that time."

"Just be quick. According to my observation, the mobilization of Long Yun and others should not exceed seven days at most."

Gong Ming said: "Don't worry, fellow Taoist Huang. It's very easy for the Chimei clan and the Yinzong to communicate with each other now. It's enough for me and Gong Shengliang to go back and forth for three days."

Huang Xiyin said: "Wait for the good news."

After half an hour.

Yuan Ming and Gong Shengliang walked side by side, sending a large array to Yinyang Cave.

Gong Shengliang couldn't help but said: "The patriarch wants to use that thing?"

"If success or failure is at stake, and the outcome of life and death is on the line, I have no problem with the fact that the chief of the clan will use that thing. But right now it's a big victory, and the only difference is that there are more victories and fewer victories. Is it necessary? Throw this thing in?"

"Although my Crimson Charm Clan is powerful and powerful, I can't compare with the Dragon Clan and Phoenix Clan in terms of background. There are only two or three secret treasures at this level."

Gong Yuanming said indifferently: "At the beginning, I was a little hesitant; but after thinking about it and thinking it through, I firmly believe that this is the right answer."

Gong Shengliang said: "How do you say this?"

Gong Yuanming said leisurely: "The first family that entered the game, Huang Xiyin's first identity was the head of a certain family in the Yinzong, and it is very likely to become one of the talkers of the Yinzong in the future; the Peacock clan, it is said that Kong Xuan and Lu The descendant of Cheng Wen's blood has already reserved the position of a disciple of Gui Wujiu; even the Tianma clan, Ma Yuan, has stepped into the realm of perfection because of the inexplicable opportunity given by Gui Wujiu. These causes and effects are inseparable Only my Chimei family, although I have benefited the most from the previous battles between the pure and the turbid, but the connection with Gui Wujiu is not as deep as the other families."

"If this time really succeeds, Guan Yuegui Wugui owes his clan a big favor."

(End of this chapter)

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