Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1279: Turn of Dao Potential, Phaseless Sinking

Chapter 1279: Turn of Dao Potential, Phaseless Sinking
In a long corridor with air leakage on both sides, there were two people sitting opposite each other.

One of them is Tsinghua Yongjian, while the other is solemn and Huncheng. Its shape is not only like a photo, but also has the charm of a real person. It is obviously the top existence in the world of Ziwei.

Between the two is a slightly sunken ice crystal mirror, inlaid with a copper frame, about three feet in size.

The scene presented in the mirror is clearly a battleground between the Eight Peaks of the Holy Religion.

Ji Cangsheng said indifferently: "If the situation takes a turn for the worse, it's time for you and me to take action."

Zhu Yongchen frowned slightly.

The so-called "precipitous turn of events" is naturally referring to the possibility that Yinzong, Dongfang Wanqing and others may break through the barrier of the "Big Egg" and be rescued without blame.

It's just that Zhu Yongchen was the first person to challenge Zuo Yi, and the two heavenly masters of Chenyang Sword Mountain were both defeated by Zuo Yi. At this time, the other party didn't take the initiative to invite him, but he rushed to help him all the way. I can't help laughing for the world.

Ji Cangsheng seemed to have seen Zhu Yongchen's intentions, but said silently: "This moment is also that moment."

"At the beginning, I was eager to make a move because this 'Left One' was selfish and independent, and he was extremely suspected of being the mastermind behind the chaotic trend of thought in the sect. It is not wrong to step forward to challenge and see the truth. But now, It's not impossible for him to cooperate temporarily if his position changes."

Zhu Yongchen shook his head lightly and said, "It's more than that."

"If you really make a move, it means that this sect has pursued its mission, and there has been a fundamental turning point...Sword Master, is this really the case?"

Ji Cangsheng's eyes moved slightly, and said: "I didn't expect you to think of this level."

Zhu Yongchen said softly: "How can you not pay attention to the practice of life?"

The Tao Chenyang Jianshan pursues has always been "Victory of Dao" rather than "Victory of Strength".Even if Gui Wujiu had obtained a lot of benefits from Chenyang Sword Mountain before, they were not blind; because they firmly believed that Xuanyuanhuai must gain more.

All of these will be gathered in the final Liulitian battle, when Xuanyuan Huai defeats the enemy in a complete victory, all will take the result of Dao victory.

But in the end, Xuanyuan Huai was defeated.

Up to now...

If you want to obstruct Dongfang Wanqing and others from rescuing Gui Wujiu, it means that Chenyang Jianshan's realm has dropped a level, and he no longer has the confidence and position to compete with Gui Wujiu on the level of "Tao", and turn to And like the other forces in the great world, they are eager to win or lose.

Ji Cangsheng was in a daze for a while, and said: "Even the first ancestor also regarded him as an opponent... The practical strategy is not to surrender one's status, but to have to do so. Roughly speaking, it is an extraordinary way to deal with extraordinary people."

"Everything has scriptures and rights. If there is a special case that has never been seen in the ages, it is also a matter of reason and logic. It does not mean that I, Chenyang Sword Mountain, will change course."

Zhu Yongchen raised his eyebrows and said slowly: "Forget it."


In the yin and yang house.

At this time, the demon kings and patriarchs are busy arranging the means of besieging the formation; while the Taoist priests of the Yinzong sect are teaching the opportunity face-to-face with Zhu Tianxuan, who is about to lead the expedition to the thirty-seven heavens.Here and here, there are only three people, the Taoist Lord of Yin and Yang, Dongfang Wanqing, and Huang Xiyin.

The Yin-Yang Daoist glanced at Huang Xiyin, and said: "A little calculation, yesterday's problem, finally has a solution. Maybe it fell on the means of the Red Meizu. Compared with yesterday's problem, the long-term problem is more worth thinking about."

The so-called difficulty yesterday, of course, means using a very convincing method to make Long Yun, Xiandao and others believe that the Yinzong side has been carefully arranging these past few months, and they have tried their best to rescue Gui Wugui.

Breaking through the Thirty-Seven Heaven Realm is just an act of pressure when the means are not finished, or a strategy for Yunshun to lead the sheep.

And the long-standing doubts...

Because we are not only deceiving the holy religion for a while.

As Huang Xiyin said, the ultimate goal is to convince Long Yun and the saints to believe that we are not absolutely sure how long Gui Wugui can last, so that we can put our bets on the "refinement" formation again, and keep going Can't go back.

Then it is impossible for our side to make a fierce attack and let it go. We must show the momentum of persevering and advancing one after another, so as to convince the other party that we really want to do our best to rescue Gui Wugui no matter the cost.

Even the longer the time, the more our side will break through, and the more desperate we will show.

This kind of acting has to be performed in full, and the price is unimaginably high.

Dongfang Wanqing said indifferently: "The price is not small; but the real difficulty is only at the beginning. Afterwards, follow the trend and there will be no flaws. It's just karmic killing, and it's inevitable for common people."

The atmosphere of the Yin-Yang Dao Master changed slightly, but he did not continue to speak.

In fact, what he meant was, is Huang Xiyin completely convinced that there are inexplicably huge benefits for Gui Wugui to persist until the end of the evolution of the "Big Egg"?If this "benefit" is to improve its own combat power, even if it is only a front line, it will profoundly affect the future situation of the new era of the Ziwei Great World, especially in the situation of ascending to the lower realm.

It is worth paying any price.

But if it's just some ordinary benefits that make a few major forces, equivalent to more than ten Dao realm combat forces, fight for more than ten years, then it's not worth it, and in the future, Gui Wuyu will owe all the forces a big favor .

With the power of Yin-Yang Dao Master's deduction, it is impossible to see that there will be any real benefits in the evolution of the "Giant Egg" to the end.

A smile appeared on the corner of Huang Xiyin's mouth, and said, "Senior, don't worry. The price we have to pay for waiting will not be too high. As long as we wait to gain the upper hand, there will be someone who can solve the problem."

The Lord of Yin-Yang's eyes moved.

At this moment, the door of the palace opened wide.

The yin and yang Taoist master's eyes brightened and darkened, and said: "It is the master of the Yuan dynasty who has returned."

Before he finished speaking, Gong Yuanming came up to him and said with a smile: "Someone has retrieved the method hidden by my family."

Huang Xiyin, Dongfang Wanqing, and Yin-Yang Daoist were all a little surprised when they saw the appearance of this person.Even if he didn't say this, the three of them knew that Yuan Ming had indeed brought the thing that broke the situation.

This describes the change, which cannot be concealed at all.

"Dome" outside.

Daoist Ying Yuan, the weather around him suddenly changed, it seemed to turn from bright yellow to blue; but when he looked closely, there seemed to be no change.

As soon as the clear air appeared, it seemed that the water vapor had suddenly dissipated, making his figure clear and transparent.

It seems to be a feeling of "waking up like a dream".

Daoist Yingyuan sighed and said, "The deeper and deeper I am, I can't get out. I lost."

When Daoist Xiandao heard the words, his figure froze, and immediately a change in temperament similar to that of Daoist Yingyuan emerged.

The two looked at each other, both showing a hint of a smile, I don't know if it was a relieved smile or a wry smile.

It turned out that just now, Daoist Ying Yuan suddenly realized that he seemed to have lost the sharpness and determination that he had at the beginning of this battle.

At that time, my thoughts were very clear——

Either completely take down Gui Wugui; or "repay karma", clean up your body, and soar to the upper realm.

But after some melee, especially after using the "giant egg" method, his thoughts seemed to gradually sink.

It seems that the idea of ​​delaying for twelve hours and attacking the Yinzong and the allied forces of the Yaozu seems to be able to stop the loss in time, but in fact, it is the same as my original intention, which is already the opposite.Because even if you successfully kill a few Daoists, as long as there is no blame, the hope of "Dao Zhou Realm" will become more and more bleak.

If it was just for the sake of repaying the karma, then the income from Yin Yang Dong Tian and Shen Dao secret transmission has been "returned" at this time, so can I withdraw and leave at this time?

The answer is obviously no.

It seems that there is a huge vortex, and he is firmly trapped in it, and he cannot be freed.

Long Yun shot again and again, feeling secretly displeased.

At the beginning of this battle, he was surprised that Xiandao and Ying Yuan were more decisive than him in their intention to attack; but in the past month or so, these two people have become a little chattering.He often said some depressing words, not at all like the two Taoist priests who have lived in the world for more than [-] years.

Xi Lerong's mind was slightly concentrated.

Although he didn't know the relationship between Xiandao and Yingyuan, but because of his high relationship with Taoism, he felt the changes in the two people's minds, but he also made inferences, and felt a little inexplicable.

After he practiced the "Only Me Mahayana Sutra", he originally thought that he was the main one, and he established a foundation of Taoism in the Ziwei Great World.It was going well at first, defeating the digital dao realm in one go, it can be said to be high-spirited; but after returning to the customs without blame, the trend of the situation has changed.

Daoist Ying Yuan's words "deeper and deeper" deeply touched his heart.

Because of Mo Tianqing's tricky persuasion, Xi Lerong finally decided to enter the game.

At first, when he rushed over, he just watched from a distance, and didn't make a direct move.

But over the past few dozen days, although he hadn't fought Gui Wujiu directly, Dongfang Wanqing and Yin Yang Daoist tried to rescue him many times, and he took over all of them.Suddenly, he is also a person who is deeply involved in the game.

At this time, when I look at my position again, it seems that I am being led away by an invisible thread, and I have lost the idea of ​​"self-centered, independent and free."

Of course, this cannot be attributed to Mo Tianqing's clever words——

Because of his persuasion, he deeply agrees with it.

Of course, Xi Lerong knew that the coming of "Only My Mahayana Sutra" was the layout of the supernatural powers, with the intention of making a world rugged and chaotic; but there seems to be a magical power in Gui Wujiu, and everything is different If you are not a friend, you are an enemy. It seems extremely difficult to get out of the way.

The two forces competed for each other, and in the end Gui Wugui prevailed.

Xi Lerong suddenly regretted it.

Even if there is a last ray of hope, you should still bet on it, bet on a chance to kill Gui Wugui completely here!
But Xiandao and others have already made up their minds.

In another three days, if there is no major action from the Yinzong side, they will completely change course and "let go" without blame.

At this moment, Long Yun and Feng Qing raised their heads suddenly.

Xiandao and Ying Yuan slowed down for a moment, and their expressions also changed, whether it was surprise or joy.

Xi Lerong had a clear mind and deepest concentration, and when his mind came out, he already felt a sense of darkness and oppression.

Looking up hurriedly, a huge "star" appeared inexplicably in the sky, and then carrying the power of words and the vast silence, aimed at the "giant egg" and smashed it!
A clear thought suddenly came to Xi Lerong's mind:

Even with his high level of morality and strong defensive power of martial arts spirit, he would die here if he suffered this blow.

(End of this chapter)

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