Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1281 The Discussion of 1 Qi and 3 Body Abnormalities

Chapter 1281 One Qi, Three Bodily Disputes
Among the "dome".

These more than ten years of internal and external practice seem to be equivalent to the second "Niyu Xuanshi" in terms of returning home without blame.

It’s just that he can enjoy the millennium practice of Niyuxuanshi, but now it’s only ten years, and his Taoism has reached the near-Tao realm, and his mental state and mana are even higher than the Dao realm; such a short-term practice, naturally will not There is a sense of emptiness and loneliness.

What's more, the cultivation in this "Niyu Xuanshi" will eventually come with a treasure of extremely high value.

About ten days later, the color-changing appearance of the sky and the earth caused by the magic weapon of the Scarlet Meizu clan was still terrifying to the naked eye, but the magic power contained in it was less than one-thousandth of it.The faces of Long Yun, Feng Qing and others can be vaguely seen from hundreds of miles away.

But while Gui Wujiu was resisting the divine channel technique manifested from the outside world, he felt a strange feeling in his heart——

It seems that the aura of this "giant egg" has undergone an inexplicable change.

At the beginning, Gui Wugui only believed that it was the influence caused by the means of the Chimei clan; but careful induction denied this possibility.

This is clearly a natural change in the Qi mechanism within the "Great Egg", or in the small realm of the cloud.

Gui Wugui mused to himself, could it be the staged progress of refining treasures?
But carefully observe the evolution process of the unicorn armor between the internal and external air mechanisms, and the benefits it brings are clearly visible, acting on the vitality and shaping possibilities of the internal and external air mechanisms; The change of "complexion" is not the same thing.

This feeling is...

It's like when you step into a certain small world, such as Huangyang Realm, or the Dragon Clan, you will feel the obvious difference between the internal and external atmosphere; it can be called "background color".

When this world was first formed, it was a layer of light blue sky, with a hint of green; but at this moment, its color tone is slightly yellowish, as if it is the difference between "sky" and "earth".

Gui Wujiu's heart moved, and he suddenly thought of a possibility——

But I saw him stretch out his hand a little.

Ten feet away in front of him, a ring-shaped vortex suddenly appeared, as tall as a person; but it only existed for a breath, and immediately collapsed completely.

Nothing to blame but a boost of spirit.

Not long after this barrier was established, Gui Wujiu also tried it once; but at that time he couldn't use the "Phantom Image of Real Illusion", as if he hadn't mastered this technique.

Although there is only one breath left, it is already an immediate change.

Faced with this empirical evidence, after a little deduction and deduction, Gui Wugui has already understood the truth.

When this boundary was first created, it was an antelope horn and a mysterious image of the void, and the degree of isolation between the inside and the outside was indeed far better than that of the Dragon Clan's Triple Nine Palaces.Strictly speaking, this "big egg" is an uninvited guest who hastily intruded into the world of Ziwei, and naturally it will not be affected by the power of "compatibility" in the world.

But when this world expands to the maximum and starts to shrink gradually, the process of its "materialization and self-refining" is the process of incarnation into a treasure in the world of Ziwei.

In other words, the transcendent meaning of this thing is gradually gone, and it is one of the thousands of famous things in the world of crape myrtle.

And this process, along with the degree of shrinkage of this boundary, gradually intensified.

The truth behind this turning point, I am afraid that Xiandao and Yingyuan who used this method are not aware of it.

The calculation of imputation is clear.

This object is limited to every ten times of the space boundary, and every time it is lowered by one level, the speed of self-cultivation will be doubled; at the same time, the connection between this object and the Ziwei Great World will be strengthened by one layer.

In fact, if Gui Wugui wanted to, he could leave now.

Because although the passage between the real and the illusion is only one breath, it is already enough to bear the level of mana in the Dao realm.

But it is impossible for Gui Wugui to leave at this time.

Not only his real body, but even Huang Hai's avatar cannot leave, because he must use this avatar to use the magical power of "Sword Dao Minglun".

Therefore, the only thing that Gui Wugui can choose to withdraw from is an ordinary avatar.

If this kind of avatar wants to stay in its form for a long time, it can only be maintained in the Nascent Soul realm.

If it is a short-cut avatar, it will disperse in a few days at most.

Considering the power of maintaining the self-image in this real and illusory space, as long as the space of the "big egg" is reduced ten times to reach the order of [-]% of the Ziwei Great World, the shortcut avatar can escape safely; To escape, the stability requirements for the space channel are much stricter.

It is roughly estimated that only when this world shrinks to the order of one hundred thousandth can it be bearable.

But for Gui Wugui, there is another piece of good news——

That is the speed at which the giant egg space condenses, still fast first and then slow.

It actually only takes dozens of days to shrink from the largest size—equivalent to one-tenth of the Lagerstroemia Great World—to the next level, one percent of the Lagerstroemia Great World.Counting from now, there are still ten days left.

However, for each order of magnitude thereafter, the time required will be gradually accelerated.

That is to say, after ten days, Gui Wugui will be able to create a short-lived short-cut clone, and pass the news through the realm of reality and illusion.

After about eighteen months, when this small world shrinks to one-hundred-thousandth of the Ziwei Great World, a Nascent Soul clone that stays outside for a long time can be condensed.

It's just that the communication with the Lord of Yin and Yang, the head of the East, Huang Xiyin, etc. was done by the shortcut avatar ahead of time, and it seemed that the Nascent Soul avatar was not that important.

Gui Wugui smiled lightly.

The above strategies are actually only for other people.

But for him, there is another way.

Sitting cross-legged without blame.

Don't pay any attention to the mana, energy, and supernatural powers that condense from time to time outside the boundary—the two bright wheels can naturally resist them.But I don't blame myself, my mind is calm, and I slowly use my mana.

A quarter of an hour later, one could vaguely see a trace of tiny and pure mana flowing out from his fingertips and congealing three feet in front of him.Then it dispersed very quickly, filled the air, and vaguely outlined a human figure, which was Gui Wugui's true face.

Whether it is the external image or the internal essence, they are all improving at an extremely fast speed. In about ten days, they can be condensed into a thing that looks like a replica of Gui Wugui himself.

Its cultivation is naturally in the realm of shortcuts.

It turned out that although Gui Wujiu used the Minglun, he had already borrowed the power of his body to form a unique Dharma image that matched his own Minglun and the Sword Dao Minglun.When the spectators saw it, they only thought that it was Gui Wugui's clone.

Yet this could not be further from the truth.Gui Wugui's avatar was cultivated with the wonderful characteristics of Quanzhu when he was in the Nascent Soul Realm, and he was transported in the barren sea to make the new law break through the realm independently, almost the same as the Zhengshen, not the "clone" he established after he approached the Taoist realm. ".

Until this moment, Gui Wujiu started to refine his "short-track clone".

More than ten days later, another "Return to No Blame" who was close to the Dao Realm was able to move in the barren sea for a long time.


Outside the dome.

Long Yun and Feng Qing looked at each other, silent for a long time.

Although you have cleared your minds and understood your Dao heart—even if there is only a glimmer of hope, you must carry this gamble to the end.

But this does not mean that as long as this huge gamble fails, if Gui Wugui really has not fallen ten years later, they will just surrender.

Because the time, place, and even conditions are fixed for the judgment of the result; the number of winners and losers can also be clearly expected as time goes by.So we can still make preparations early, ten years later, even if Gui Wugui really comes out, we can still have the power to deal with it.

There is no contradiction between this and a firm heart.

The problem is nothing more than to try our best to enhance our power.

Even not just "our side", but all potential opponents who are not to blame are listed here.

Just now Xi Lerong came up with a whimsical and sincere idea——

He is willing to donate the "Fundamental Mahayana Sutra" to Yuzi of the Feng family.

This is not finished.

Because if Gui Wugui cannot be resolved this time, when Yu Ion achieves the Dao realm, Gui Wugui is very likely to achieve the Dao realm.When Gui Wujiu really achieved the Dao Realm, and if he really got inexplicable benefits from this "big egg", even if Yu Ion joined, he might not be the opponent.

Xi Lerong's idea is to cooperate with the dragon and phoenix clans to see if Yu Ion can digest and absorb the essence of the dragon clan's "Divine Transformation" in the Phoenix Dance Nine Heavens within a short period of time.

This matter seems extremely difficult, not to mention that it is extremely difficult for the Dragon Clan to give away their own secret method in vain, but the way held by Yu Ion is completely opposite to the "Divine Transformation" method of the Dragon Clan, which pays attention to subtlety and precision. Compatibility is extremely difficult.

The benefits of this are-

Now Wudao Yugucheng has already obtained the "Only Mahayana Sutra" through the transaction of the previous eight priests.Moreover, the shamanism's ability to strengthen the physical body is very brilliant. With Yugu Cheng's current level, I'm afraid it's not inferior to Xi Lerong's back then.

And if Yu ion has completed the "turn".From fine to fine, waiting between Ruoyu ion and Yugucheng, can also open up the unique combination and transliteration of different scriptures in "Only Mahayana Sutra".It means that there is another pair above Xi Lerong and Li Yunlong; and this pair has already reached the realm of true flow.

Xi Lerong's behavior can no longer be described as "sincerity".

Because Yu Gucheng and Li Yunlong obtained the "Only My Mahayana Sutra" because they had a special deal and agreement with Xi Lerong; no matter what level they reached, they would not threaten Xi Lerong's status.

But what Xi Lerong said at this time was "a free gift".

If these ten years of no blame are really consumed by them, then Xi Lerong's move is tantamount to creating a character who may be above himself for nothing.

Witnessing the fighting power of Gui Wugui's double Minglun, Xi Lerong knew that it was impossible to achieve the original "independent" Dao Nian by himself; after repeatedly asking about his original intention, he made such a decision.

He has taken an incredible step, but now he is throwing the problem to the dragon and phoenix.

Are the dragons willing to accumulate the Taoist background that has only been united until now?
as well as……

Is Yuion willing to practice "Only My Mahayana Sutra" and form a joint force with Yuguyana?

ps: Revised at night.

(End of this chapter)

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