Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1282 Do your best to turn your heart

Chapter 1282 Do your best to turn your heart
In a golden secret realm.

The two stood facing each other, with a distance of several miles.

Dong Xiang is a young woman with phoenix eyes and slender eyebrows, with a graceful demeanor, dressed in a pure black robe, dragging the ground three feet.The brilliance in the eyes seems to be extremely soft, but every twelve breaths, it will turn into a very sharp taste.

And the man in Xi Xiang was an old man in a gray robe, with his hair tied in two, which was a bit unconventional.Moreover, his anti-client-oriented charm emerges vigorously, which is clearly a cultivation base close to the Dao realm.

I only heard Dong Xiang say indifferently to that person: "I have Lao Anyan Elder."

This person is none other than the first descendant of the Feng Clan, one of the top six people in the world, Yu Ion.

The old man smiled wryly, and said: "Your skills have changed from movement to movement, and now the song continues, and when you reach the limit, you already have a three-point true rhyme close to the Taoist realm. Although it is only three points, it is already quite difficult for the old man to deal with it. I'm afraid you If your performance reaches five points or more, you can only ask Yaozu Zhanheng to untangle your moves for you, but the old man is helpless."

The Elder An Yan who spoke is already the top five demon kings in Feng Clan.

Yu Ion's practice method is different. It is not just blindly retreating and penance, but pays attention to the harmony between movement and stillness.

There are not no kung fu techniques that combine movement and stillness in the world; but those are in all likelihood just "movement skills" and "footwork".However, Yu Ion's method is particularly unique, and he has to use all his strength to test his moves as part of his "practice".

Therefore, except for one of the top five elders in Feng Clan who is in charge of important affairs, the other four are Yu Ion's "accompanying trainers".

At this moment, Yu Ion's path to breakthrough and shortcut is only [-]%, but these "accompanying trainees" are gradually approaching the limit.

It is reasonable to say that the higher the level of skill, the more precise the control of mana, and the ability to send and receive it at will; but it is also because of the special formula of Yu Ion, once Feng Wu Jiutian makes a move, there is absolutely no way to stay strong.

A month ago, the Demon King Ruifan was inadvertent, and he was injured by the jade ion.

After another month, Yu Ion's merit should have increased again, no wonder Elder An Yan was worried.

But at this moment, Yu Ion's face was somewhat subtle.

After thinking for a while, I said: "Elder, don't worry. This time... although my performance has approached [-]% or so, it may not hurt you."

As soon as the words fell, she had already made a move!
The figure suddenly changed from solid to virtual, and a nine-colored phoenix soared into the sky!

Different from using this formula in the Nascent Soul Realm before, Yu Ion's aura has climbed to the highest point at this time, and some signs of near-Tao Realm can be clearly seen.At the same time, the rays of the sun could not stop overflowing, dyeing half of the sky.

This is no longer "anti-customer" but the world is the truth, which is within my grasp.

Elder An Yan felt bitter in his heart.

He also watched the picture of the last match between Yu Ion and Ruifan Demon King himself. Even though he was in a different place and didn't make any mistakes in coping, it was just passable; and this style is obviously much stronger.

How could this be [-]% and [-]%? It was clearly a full increase of [-]%.

But even though he was helpless, he could only try his best to resist.

With a shock of original strength, the inside and outside are in harmony, turning into an arc-shaped shield hundreds of feet high, standing in front of him.

This pose seems to reveal the truth, but in fact it is the most perfect form of mana in his body, and it is restrained layer by layer. Even if he loses, the image of the "shield" will gradually shrink until it becomes a "point" in the palm of his hand. Give the opponent maximum consumption.

Two forces and one hand.

The moment Yu Ion hit landed on Elder An Yan's shield, the energy and blood of Elder An Yan's whole body surged, and the figure in front of him swayed.

This blow was stronger than he imagined!
With just two or three breaths of effort, the shield, which is more than a hundred feet in size, has shrunk down to a "point".

A thought flashed through Elder An Yan's mind——

This is no longer a matter of injury; could it be that I want to explain it here?
However, at this moment, it is too late to use any protective treasures.

Just this moment.

When Elder An Yan felt unlucky, the inconceivably majestic power suddenly disappeared.

Elder An Yan only felt a trance in front of his eyes, as if he was already in the boundless galaxy, with countless stars, each star was moving along an unfathomable and mysterious trajectory, maybe it was still in the eyes of the last moment. It was a little bit the size of sand; but at the next moment, it was already a giant by someone else, as if a meteorite had fallen from the sky and was about to fall on him.

If you want to avoid it, you absolutely cannot.

What's even more amazing is that Elder An Yan had a vague premonition that if he was hit by a certain "meteorite" or "star", it would turn into a tiny "point" in an instant, and pass through before he used any defensive measures. Pass by!

In the end, the immeasurable stars are the infinite blows, enough to grind anyone standing here to dust.

However, the power of the immeasurable stars washed away, but Elder An Yan was not hit by any "meteorite"; it seemed that he just traveled through the void and completed a wonderful journey.

But after the infinite star power was exhausted, he did not see Yu ion standing in front of him——

It can be clearly seen that there is a vast expanse of whiteness in front of my eyes, the four Wuji, and nothing exists.

I was obviously sealed into a strange space.

After more than ten breaths, just as a trace of apprehension arose in Elder An Yan's heart, a gap suddenly opened and the seal was broken.

Elder An Yan said in surprise, "This is..."

Yu Ion's face was cold, and he calmly uttered a few words: "The end of strength."

Elder An Yan was in a trance for a while.

The strongest and most domineering Fengwu Nine Heavens Dharma Gate in the world has now undergone changes in the hands of Yu Ion, and the style is completely opposite, with endless changes and inexhaustibility, it seems that there are endless hidden possibilities and inexhaustible uses.

Elder An Yan murmured, "What's the point?"

Yu Ion said calmly: "Back then, I practiced 'Kong Yun San Nerve' with Yu Gu Cheng, and I was exposed to all kinds of wonderful techniques, and my Taoist behavior has gone a step further. It's just that my Taoist foundation is obviously better than Yu Gu Cheng, but for swordsmanship, it is true. The initiation and comprehension of the flow is much slower than him."

"After deliberation, it's because...the way that suits me best is not here."

"That's why I started with the supernatural powers of the Feng clan. After hundreds of years of exploration, I finally realized it. The so-called sky-shattering strike method is neither the true flow of swordsmanship but only consciousness and the heart; nor is it the way of calculating the true flow but reality. The method of one force opens everything, but it is the starting point of 'dispersion and deduction'."

"At the same time, a single effort is like opening up the universe and opening up the heart, which is the beginning of idealism."

"Passing this hurdle, the way of truth and reason will become clear."

Elder An Yan couldn't hide his shock, and said: "You have mastered the two true ways of being only truth and reason, and knowledge only and heart?"

Yu ion smiled lightly.

In fact, Elder An Yan did not fully understand what she meant.

It's not that she masters the two true ways, but uses the one-power method as the hub to fit the two ways.Such a realm is second only to the level of opening up the true flow avenue.This also means that her basic realm has suddenly risen to another level.In today's Ziwei world, it is second only to Gui Wujiu, surpassing Qin Menglin, Huang Xiyin, and Yu Gucheng.

Compared with Xuanyuan Huai before losing the battle of Liulitian, the level of Taoism is exactly the same, but it lacks the luck blessing of winning a unique Xuandao fruit.

But she didn't need to correct her.

At this moment, a three-foot-long feathered arrow suddenly shot out in the sky and landed in front of Yu Ion.

Yu ion stretched out his hand, took off the arrow, and immediately opened a scroll that was one finger wide.

After reading it at a glance, Yu Ion's complexion changed abruptly, and a gleam of brilliance flashed in his eyes.

At that time, most of the top figures above the Consummation Realm, and most of the female cultivators, from Qin Menglin and Huang Xiyin down to Mu Yunli, Lin Shuangshuang, Du Niansha and others, even if their hearts were strong, they showed it to the outside. At least it is strong on the inside and soft on the outside; only jade ions are strong and sharp both inside and outside.

The change in her complexion at this time was no less than the change of the situation, and a coolness flashed in Elder An Yan's heart.

Elder An Yan's heart skipped a beat, and he directly sent the talisman to Yu Ion, either from Zhanheng Yaozu or Fengqing Sacred Ancestor.

Could it be that the Feng Clan's great formation will be defeated by the Holy Cult's ancestral court without blame?

Thoughts changed, but he was still hesitating whether to speak out.

Yu Ion's gaze moved, but he tossed the talisman in his palm in front of Elder An Yan.

Immediately turned around, and left with a ray of light.

The figure disappeared in a flash, only the remaining voice lingered: "Who will make the chessboard and who will place the pieces? My fate is up to me."

Elder An Yan quickly opened the book of talismans to read.

After looking at it, I couldn't help being stunned.

By letter, Xi Lerong said that Xi Lerong was willing to give the "Only My Mahayana Sutra" as a gift.And the Dragon Clan is willing to dedicate the method of "Divine Transformation" to Yu Ion for detailed deduction.As long as Yu Ion's conversion to precision transformation succeeds together, she and Yu Gucheng will jointly cultivate the "Only My Mahayana Sutra", one human race, one monster race; Changes, after achieving the Dao Realm, the combat power will suddenly increase by one level.

Isn't this great news?
And if Elder An Yan didn't understand the mistake, what Yu Ion had just obtained, the deduction of "realism and reason" is actually the ultimate in the method of subtle changes, and the so-called "Second Transformation of God" by the Dragon Clan is only infinite. approaching but not reaching this level of realm.

It is rumored that the "divine change" method that the Dragon Clan has been operating for a long time has not yet completed the last half step, otherwise the end of its evolution will be the avenue of "realism and reason".

In other words, Yu Ion doesn't need to practice the method of "Divine Transformation" of the Dragon Clan at all, and its true realm is already beyond it.Obtaining the "Only My Mahayana Sutra" at this time, decades later, will naturally achieve the peak combat power in the Ziwei Great World.

At that time, Yu Ion, Yu Gucheng, Li Yunlong, and Xi Lerong teamed up, no matter what, it was blameless.

And Yu Ion, who has mastered both kinds of true flow avenues, is undoubtedly the leader of the four.

Why did Yu Ion have such an attitude just now?

After thinking for a long time, Elder An Yan suddenly realized.

It was too much of a coincidence that this Dharma door came to the door when the Yu-ion Dao was first completed.

(End of this chapter)

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