Chapter 1283

After about [-] days, Gui Wujiu condensed his avatar and finally succeeded.

Looking around, there is a "Return to Nothing" that looks exactly like his own, standing in front of him.

Even the first-rate people whose skills have reached perfection, seeing this avatar, must be amazed at its subtle and mellow atmosphere, unpredictable, which is beyond the reach of other avatars.

But Gui Wugui looked at it carefully, but frowned slightly.

In fact, he already had a premonition when creating this clone—the clone formed in the Nascent Soul Realm is called the clone, and it is no different from the real body.But what is made in front of him is a real "clone".Its basic level is actually inferior.

This is not due to lack of greed, because although this avatar is slightly inferior to his main body, it is still equivalent to the short-cut state above perfection.Once it is thrown into the world of Ziwei, its power of action will stir up the situation, which is no small matter.

But this thing has two fatal flaws.

First, because of the subtle difference between it and the main body, even with the help of other Dao realms, this clone cannot instantly climb to the Dao realm.

In other words, Gui Wujiu imagined his own Minglun, Jiandao Minglun, one of the nine branched Mingluns, and the wonderful idea of ​​the combination of the "three Mingluns" cannot be completed in a short time.

This one is still in the long run, at least for ten years, Gui Wugui will not fight against others.

The second defect is more of a headache——

Because its state is inferior to that of the main body, this avatar cannot always maintain the mind of the Dao state of "heart through the ages".Therefore, if you walk outside, you may not be able to reach the realm of no trace, and thus fall into the reason for calculation.

Undoubtedly, Long Yunfengqing, Xiandao Yingyuan and his group should not be aware of the escape of Gui Wujiu's avatar.

Changing appearance and acting in disguise is the proper meaning.

But this avatar is faintly lacking, and once it loses track of its actions outside, it may be found by the holy religion or the dragon clan's clever deduction of secret methods to find clues.At that time, they mistakenly think that Gui Wugui has already escaped the shell, and the achievements in the "Great Egg" will be in vain.

Although he created a clone, he didn't go out and continued to polish it here?
Gui Wugui immediately dismissed this idea.

At this time, his mind is moving, there is no doubt that he must act in accordance with his own Taoism.

After thinking about it, Gui Wugui smiled slightly.

Immediately, he stretched out his hand calmly and opened up a space channel that was not very stable.

Three hours ago, the "Great Egg" space had stabilized at the level of one percent of the Ziwei Great World.

Gui Wugui's "clone", stepped into it in one step.


Real fantasy.

Gui Wujiu didn't leave in a hurry, but let himself escape, wandering around in this secret place to wait and see.

In all fairness, the scenery in this secret realm has gradually evolved from virtual to real.

Hundreds of years later, there are more than ten thousand young martial arts disciples who have migrated to it many times. They are ranked according to their aptitude from the outside to the inside, and so on.Roughly speaking, there is almost a sense of prosperity.

No blame, since the opportunity of martial arts back then, he has used the method of self-image in the real and illusory space a dozen times at least; but this time, it is the first time that he is not in a hurry to use it as a springboard to escape, but stays in it carefully. observe.

Examining one's own mind, the pulsating meaning in the Dao heart, and the poor quality of the avatar, which is very likely to show flaws, are actually not contradictory.

Because Gui Wugui is not stepping back to the Ziwei Great World step by step from the giant egg space;

The secret realm between the real and the illusion is completely isolated from the outside world.

No matter how clever the method of detection is, he can't sense his own existence.

Maybe if I stay here for a while, I can get the answer.

Turning around for a while, returning to the vicinity of his "self portrait" again, Gui Wujiu was slightly taken aback.

When I entered the realm just now, the place was empty; but I returned after traveling for two hours in the secret realm, only to find that there were twenty or thirty more people on the nearby isolated island, most of whom were Jindanyuan. Infant cultivation base.

Of course, it is another way of saying to count martial arts and to use "star" and "moon" as the name of the realm.

After a short wait and see, these twenty or thirty people did not appear out of thin air, but came here on a special trip driving a superior flying escape magic weapon.

And they didn't seem to be coming for their own "self-portraits"; they were coming for the three true stone tablets not far away.

Looking around, under the three steles, there was an interval of about a hundred feet, but there were many more wooden and stone steles as tall as a person like mushrooms after a spring rain.The words on it range from numbers to tens, to as many as three or four hundred, and the number varies widely.

The expressions of the twenty or thirty people were clearly very vigilant, and their eyes kept wandering around.

Gui Wugui changed his face, stepped forward, stopped a monk in a black robe with thick brows and round face, and asked with a smile, "May I ask what your Excellency is doing here?"

The round-faced black-robed monk showed vigilance, and said: "Your Excellency is a stranger. If I read correctly, the three batches of elite disciples who came here to practice here seem to have no such person as Your Excellency."

Gui Wugui smiled and said: "My aptitude is only mediocre, and I am not well-known among the clans. It was only after a chance contact that I found out that there is something special about the practice of the second turn. It is the Wu Zun who licensed it and opened it up for me. One quota."

These words still did not report their family background, but they used the method of "magic dye" in the magic way.

Within this Martial Domain, other Taoist arts cannot be used intact; however, it is not difficult at all to apply the essence and tailor clothes in the realm of no blame.

The round-faced monk was in a daze for a while, then seemed relieved, and said: "Since you are new here, it is naturally not you."

Then he gritted his teeth again, and said bitterly: "It seems that such a rebellious, disrespectful, and unrestrained person must be caught out and disqualified from practicing in the secret realm!"

Gui Wugui asked again carefully, only to find out the whole story.

It turns out that the three steles in the Real and Illusory Room have always been regarded as miracles by the disciples who entered the country to practice.

Especially after Jiang Minyi realized the text of the second turn, the strange shape of the grass leaves in the culture of the third stele is even more mysterious and unpredictable.

As for the disciples who enter the country to practice, they are all people who have a lot of experience in practicing the text of the second turn, and are very confident in their own talents.After observing the three steles, these people always have some inexplicable feelings in their hearts, no matter whether they understand their meaning or not.

Hundreds of feet away from the three steles, those various stone steles, taller than one person, were established by such people, and they are called "heart steles."

But in the past six months, a strange thing happened.

Some disciples were surprised to find that sometimes after one night, when they went to the stele the next morning, many people's inscriptions were destroyed.

The so-called "destroyed" does not mean complete annihilation; it is like a prank, where the traces of sharp stones are clearly discernible.Even those "criminal weapons", large and small stones, were thrown not far from the stele.

Many people who were filled with righteous indignation used various methods, such as leaving a monitoring circle, or ambushing in a distant place to investigate; but they still could not catch the culprit.

In the end, they had to resort to the most stupid method—all the disciples patrolling the night in groups.

It is indeed a bit ridiculous to use it on cultivators.

Those various small monuments can also be regarded as the heart of the disciples who entered the practice, and the sustenance of pride.Although such an attitude may seem naive, it is also understandable.

After using this method, it was somewhat effective at first; but after a while, there will still be situations where the disciples on duty are unaware and the inscription is destroyed.

After Gui Wujiu understood what was going on, he secretly nodded in his heart, and immediately left——

Until two hours later, they went around secretly again, hiding from their tracks, and watching from tens of miles away.

He knew it well, the contradiction between "movement" and "quietness" seems to be the reason for this temporary stay in the realm of reality and illusion.

Waited for another half an hour.

At this time, the sky is completely dark, and the silence between reality and illusion is three points better than that of the outside world.

Gui Wugui's eyes lit up, and a trace of unspeakable astonishment flashed in his eyes; in today's world, there are really not many things that can surprise him so much.

The "uninvited guest" came.

What really surprised Gui Wujiu was that the man did not come from any direction in the southeast, northwest, nor did he come by riding a clever secret treasure; the way he came here was clearly the same as Gui Wujiu himself——

But I saw that huge "Return to Nothing" portrait suddenly flashed; after about one breath, from the center of "Return to Nothing", a figure slowly descended from the virtual to the real!

The twenty or thirty disciples who were on duty here immediately noticed the abnormality.

But the person who appeared seemed to be armed with means such as "Magic Ran" or "Magic Dao Xinjian". The two or three people just stepped forward, met the uninvited guest, and immediately passed out with surprise on their faces.

The man was extremely small in stature, only about a quarter of an ordinary person.With Gui Wujiu's avatar's short-cut cultivation base, although it is midnight at this time, it is not difficult to do it for hundreds of miles without showing any traces.But at this moment, Gui Wujiu seemed to feel that the distance was a little far away, it was very difficult to look at the "little man", and he couldn't see his specific appearance clearly.

But he saw the man wandering around the giant statue of Gui Wugui and the three stone tablets for a while, and then stood in front of a small stone tablet, leaning forward to watch.

Gui Wugui approached slowly.

When they were ten feet away, Gui Wujiu heard a clear and delicate voice: "It's still nonsense."

At this moment, he could see the true face of that person clearly.

This person is really very petite, less than two feet long, he doesn't have any decent clothes on his body, it seems that he is just wrapped in a white cloth.Looking at the braided hair, it was clearly a girl of two or three years old, and immediately reminded Gui Wujiu of Huang Xiyin when she first joined the Yinzong.

The girl changed to another stone tablet to look at, tsk-tsk said: "Inheritance of martial really is all trash."

Immediately, he picked up a stone from the ground and crossed out the words on the stele.

(End of this chapter)

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