Chapter 1284

Gui Wujiu was waiting to watch carefully, unexpectedly the girl's perception was extremely sharp, she turned around suddenly, and saw Gui Wujiu.

At the same time, a bright light flashed in his eyes, and he met Gui Wujiu's eyes.

Gui Wugui's sword intent vibrated, dispelling the sudden strange power.

Although the girl's eyes are only for a moment, it is enough to make anyone below the Dao Realm fall for it.

Although the pinnacle of Gui Wugui is a near-dao existence above perfection, it is only barely able to use the Kongyun Nianjian to melt it away.If the Nascent Soul avatar appeared here today, it would be difficult to resist this blow.

The brilliance in Gui Wucui's eyes also changes from bright to dark.

Seeing that Gui Wugui didn't fall down, the girl suddenly stood there blankly, as if she didn't know what to do.

Gui Wugui walked in and looked at the girl's face carefully, and was even more surprised.

It turns out that the tone of the girl's speech just now is naturally like a young and mature person, but she just has the appearance of a boy; perhaps her temperament is more familiar than that of Huang Xiyin when she was young.

But when I looked at this girl, her lips were red and her teeth were white, her eyebrows were thin and pale, her expression was innocent, she was wearing four braids, and she exuded a quiet aura all over her body. The demeanor of speaking just now is connected together.

Gui Wugui asked: "What is your last name?"

The girl was stunned, as if she hadn't expected that anyone would take the initiative to talk to her; but she looked happy and was not afraid of strangers.

Putting the index finger of his right hand into his mouth and sucking it for a long time, he shook his head repeatedly and said, "I don't know."

Gui Wugui asked again: "Where are you from?"

The girl thought for a while, then continued to shake her head and said, "I don't know."

Gui Wugui asked again: "How did you come here? What is your purpose?"

The girl seemed to be a lot more proficient this time, she immediately shook her head and said, "I don't know."

Gui Wugui's heart moved.

Recalling the expression on the girl's face when she spoke just now, she glanced at the stele and pointed at it——

The point she was pointing at was the part of the nearby inscription that was crossed out by the girl. She said with a smile, "You say these inscriptions are nonsense, so please correct them. How should they be repaired?"

The girl opened her innocent eyes wide, shook her little head like a rattle, and said, "I don't know."

Gui Wugui frowned secretly.

The girl's manner of speaking was extremely real before and after, without any pretense.The reason why the front and back are not connected is that there should be a setting for the occasion first, and it should be developed according to the situation.

Could it be that what I expected was wrong?
With a glance, he looked towards the stone tablet.

The inscriptions on the three steles were originally the essence of Taoism established by Gui Wujiu.Therefore, those who leave behind "experience" will know at a glance whether they have gone far or near, and their level is high or low.

At this time, pay attention to the list--

Although those so-called "experiences" go a long way in Gui Wujiu's view, there are still differences between them.The better ones have been vaguely connected to the ripples of the true Dharma, but they seem to be separated by several layers of membranes, and they feel like they are scratching the surface; while the worse ones are often digressed, and there are fundamental mistakes in the direction of understanding Taoism.

And the words crossed out by the girl are precisely the lowest and worst part.

Gui Wugui changed his mind and immediately had an idea.

With the palm of his hand, a yellow scroll has already appeared.Unfold it, spread it gently on the ground, and said: "Look at this passage, what is the saying, how high is it, can it still catch your eyes?"

The girl covered her knees with her hands, bent down, watched carefully for a while, and said blankly, "What is this? I can't understand a single word."

Gui Wugui was taken aback.

What he took out was exactly one of the thirteen main stories in Yue Hengzong's "Psychic Manifestation True Shape Map", and some of the text was excerpted.

Gui Wugui thought there might be a surprise; maybe it was still "I don't know", but I didn't expect it to be such an answer.

After repeated debates, Gui Wugui had another idea.

With a movement of the palm, another sutra scroll with a slightly darker color unfolded and covered it.

Gui Wugui smiled and said, "Just watch this one again."

The girl blinked her eyes, and leaned over to look at it, she didn't seem to be a little timid because of the previous setback.

After looking down for a while, the girl's eyes suddenly flashed a gleam, she clapped her hands again and again, and said, "The implication here is close to the Tao! It should be clear about this."

The demeanor and anticipation of this sentence is obviously different from the "don't know" just now, and it is close to the appearance of "speaking wild words" when judging the stone tablet alone and crossing out the inscription.

Looking at the two eyes, the girl suddenly looked regretful, and said: "Although this supernatural power is good, it is the meaning of the second turn. It is borrowed from other places, not the first turn of my martial arts."

Gui Wugui's eyes moved, and he was even more surprised.

The source of this article is not trivial, it is the product of Gui Wujiu's martial arts presentation of the first sword "Ziwei" in the original eight forms of Kongyun Nianjian, and tentatively named it "Yuanyi" in his mind.

This is not an ordinary way of papering, just a rough makeover; with his Kongyun Nianjian attainments and martial arts cultivation, this style of "Yuan Yi" is completely the purest and top-notch martial arts supernatural power, compared with Xi Lerong and Jiang Minyi The martial arts method that the others had previously practiced was only strong but not weak.

But this little boy could tell at a glance that this was a "Second Turn" article.

Gui Wujiu's heart turned, and he asked tentatively: "You said this is a 'second turn' article, so how to turn it into a first turn, maybe you can teach me?"

The girl shook her head repeatedly and said, "I don't know."

Just when Gui Wujiu was slightly disappointed, the girl suddenly bent down and lay down on the scroll of "Yuanyi" supernatural power left by Gui Wujiu, her eyes were only two or three inches away from each word, and she read every word Watch carefully.As the text is read, move with hands and feet.

After more than a hundred breaths of effort, the girl immediately got up after reading the whole thing, grabbed a stone not far away, and circled many handwritings one by one.

Immediately said in a low voice: "I don't know how it changed; but the scope of the change is limited to these words."

Gui Wugui's eyes moved.

The words circled by the girl are indeed not bad at all.

But this does not mean that Gui Wujiu's eyesight is not as good as this girl's; because Gui Wujiu created this supernatural power for his own use, so there will naturally be subtle differences in the text of the prevailing method.The one circled by the girl at this time is the part that Gui Wujiu already possesses but is difficult to achieve with ordinary martial arts methods.

In other words, it is the "process" omitted in the passage of imputation.

From this point, she also saw that this was a "second turn article".

Gui Wujiu immediately took out many formulas and tried them one by one.

After about half an hour, the pattern has been roughly figured out.

This kid's specialty is searching for deficiencies in scriptures and Taoism.Even if it is Gao Mingru's classics that are close to the perfect level, she can still be taught to find out the slightest omissions.

But her ability is only "insight", but she cannot take the initiative to correct it.If you ask her how to repair and improve, she doesn't know.At most, it's just helping you to mark out what she thinks is a problem.

Moreover, her abilities are purely limited to martial arts.The rest of Immortal Dao, Yin-Yang Dao, Wu Dao and Taoism were shown to her, but she was completely at a loss.

After reading the last scripture, the girl hiccupped suddenly and said dizzily, "I'm going back."

Immediately, he turned around, his feet floated lightly in the air, and he was about to escape into the innocent "self image".

But after three breaths, before returning to nothing suddenly, the girl stopped by herself.

She turned around, looked at Gui Wujiu carefully, and said in confusion: "No, you shouldn't go back."

He immediately shook his head and said, "You should go back."

At this time, the speech can be described as inexplicably chaotic.

The girl suddenly raised her finger, fiddled with it carefully for a while, and murmured: "Find the one who has found the true method of martial arts itself, and the closest way is not far away..."

"It's right that the short distance is not far."

"It doesn't seem right to preach the Dharma."

The girl suddenly looked like she was about to cry, she shook her head again and again, and asked, "Should I go back or not?"

Gui Wugui sorted out the clues, and his heart suddenly brightened.

All the scriptures he took out just now, even if they used the martial arts classics as the testers, they were "transferred" from other Taoist arts outside the world, rather than the native martial arts.

No more hesitation.With a movement of the fingertips, the pen moved like a dragon and snake, and immediately turned into characters one by one, falling on the scripture scroll on the ground, covering the original characters in it.Then he said, "Look at this article again."

The girl looked down, her eyes were shining brightly, and she looked intoxicated.

Gui Wujiu secretly smiled in his heart, this is the text of martial arts that he obtained from comprehending the secret between reality and illusion, and it is the purest method of martial arts.In fact, fundamentally, it is the content of the three steles; it is just deduced at this moment and turned into a magical power.

Unexpectedly, after a few breaths, the girl was startled suddenly, as if waking up from a dream, she shook her head repeatedly and said: "This article is indeed a one-turn article, and the level is enough; but this sutra seems to be familiar to me, so it doesn't count."

The attitude of speaking is unusually firm, no longer hesitating before.

Gui Wugui was astonished, unexpectedly this girl was so difficult to deal with.

After thinking about it again, Gui Wujiu suddenly had a flash of light in his heart, looked at the boy carefully, and said: "So it was for this purpose..."

The "purpose" of this little girl is to correct the "mistakes" or "deficiencies" in the text of the martial arts revolution and the supreme secret code.

Although she can't fix it herself, just discovering the problem is also a great help.

In addition to the writing on the three steles that Gui Wujiu erected, she can even find faults with the supernatural power of "Yuan Yi" transformed by Gui Wujiu's Kongyun Nianjian.Then there are almost none of the existing ancient inheritance methods in martial arts that can fall into her eyes.

However, the writing on the stele, she "has seen it", doesn't count.

Then there is only one kind of martial arts method that is worthy of her attack and must be the purest one—the first direct inheritance of martial arts in the past dynasties, the method of self-cultivation gradually deduced by virtue of the "White Tiger Seal".

This thought is connected, Gui Wugui smiled and said: "The thing you want to find is not here; but I know where it is. You follow me, I will find it for you."

(End of this chapter)

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