Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1285 Four proverbs perfectly matched

Chapter 1285 Four proverbs perfectly matched
As soon as these words came out, the girl's eyes immediately became as deep as stars.

After an inexplicable faint brilliance seemed to flicker, a gleam of joy appeared on her face, and she said, "Okay."

The word "good" sounds extremely sincere, but it always makes Gui Wugui feel like it is the "result" that happened after a certain condition was touched, rather than the girl's own emotions.

It is probably through a peculiar method to judge whether the words of blame are true or false.

And after the word "good", she immediately stepped forward two steps, standing motionless beside Gui Wujiu, as if waiting for Gui Wujiu to "take her away".

I don't know if it's smart or clumsy.

Gui Wujiu said dumbly: "Don't you ask, where is the 'dharma door' I found for you, and who does it belong to?"

The girl asked blankly, "Why do you ask?"

Gui Wugui was silent.

If he expected it to be true, the great power outside the sky made frequent attacks, and although there were many enemies, he did not appear to be alone; the person in front of him was probably another "alliance" of himself.

Gui Wujiu thought for a while, and said: "Apart from searching for a true biography of martial arts, which is close to the great way, and checking for mistakes, is there anything else you should do?"

The girl immediately shook her head and said, "I don't know."

Gui Wujiu stared at her, and slowly said: "Since you want to follow me to find the true method, it would be inconvenient if you don't have a name. How about I give you a name?"

The girl opened her eyes wide, neither showing resistance nor expecting much, she just nodded and said, "Okay."

Gui Wugui said, "Then you'll be called 'Buzhi'."

The girl blinked her eyes, as if acquiescing.

The thought of imputation turned.

It can be said that the connection between martial arts and the lower realm is very difficult.Otherwise, there would be no fruit for that period of time.Perhaps it was because of the statue of Gui Wujiu himself that a hidden barrier was broken through and it became easier to try to make contact.But even so, there is still a huge difference between the girl "Buzhi" and the real creature born into the world.

In terms of Taoism, he can only break but not stand; he can't even achieve the purpose and subconscious mind after the lower realms, and he just acts on a sliver of instinct in the dark.

With such a weather, Gui Wugui always felt that something was missing.

After thinking about it for a long time, Gui Wugui finally realized it.

Just like the final battle with Mr. Mood and others at the time of Mana Island.Although the internal and external isolation of Mana Continent is more serious than that of the Ziwei Great World, through the seemingly irregular power of shocks and divination fragments, the supernatural powers have still reached a level where they can almost simultaneously know the battle situation of Mana Continent .

Even if it is limited by the natural Dao, this girl has not awakened her own memory, and she cannot "submerge up and down, like an arm and a finger".But as long as one can roughly control the "figure" of the girl after she came to this world, there will always be some way to convey the message, so as not to be completely blind.

If there is no support or additional "manipulation", just relying on this little idiot with instinct in front of him will get twice the result with half the effort.

Gui Wujiu stretched out his hand, suddenly picked up Buzhi, and inspected it repeatedly.

Bu Zhi still had an innocent look on his face, as if his mind was not very bright, and he didn't fight back.

But Gui Wujiu vaguely guessed in his heart that if he hadn't explained the purpose of his visit and attracted the light of Bu Zhi's eyes, he would have touched the "organ" on the next level; Run away.Even if it is him, he may not be able to catch her.

Perhaps there are some clues left on the skin, bones, and clothes—this is the most primitive and realistic method.

It's just that the white cloth wrapped around Buzhi's body is clearly visible, without any decoration.

But Gui Wugui felt an inexplicable movement in his heart.

Although there are no decorations, the light and shade of the luster change, which seems to hide a mystery.

Gui Wugui lifted up the branch and joined it with his "self image".

The two figures, one large and one small, overlap each other.Among them, the light and dark changes of light and shadow are very skillfully outlined as a martial art.Gui Wujiu's mind moved, and he immediately deduced it.Observing the spirit of it, it seems to be the four-style martial arts boxing method.

Gui Wugui immediately rehearsed these four styles of boxing.At the end of the rehearsal, the shadow of the void fist in front of him will shatter the void, and suddenly sixteen large characters will appear:
If you are in front of others, you will know it naturally; a natural cage is just right for you.

Gui Wugui smiled dumbly.

This smile was not because he had finally discovered the secret, but because the legislator had either underestimated himself, or remained secretive.

In fact, this method is extremely ingenious, even if another person accidentally discovers the mystery, because of the difference in skills, the final result of the deduction will also be different.

If the performance is a little weaker, then the "Zhaoying Fist" will be deduced to the end, and the appearance it will demonstrate will not be these sixteen characters, but another strange appearance.

Because Gui Wugui happens to be the avatar who came, this avatar is equivalent to the level of "near Dao state above consummation", deduces this method, and finally can get the result of these sixteen characters without bias.If the ones who came here were Gui Wugui's two righteous bodies, then the deduction would definitely "cross the border", and it would be too late, and he would miss it instead.

If it is said that the person in the layout of the military domain is expected to arrive as a clone, that is absolutely impossible.Because of the strangeness of the "Great Egg", it is very likely that it was written by that person.A person who has fallen into this position in the martial arts field will never surpass that person in merit.

So, it can only be said to be a coincidence.

As for the essence of these sixteen characters, Gui Wugui does not need to rush to deduce it, because it is bound to be impossible to be too difficult a riddle.When the time comes, it will naturally become clear.

Bu Zhi rubbed his eyes, suddenly looked a little dazed, and said, "Where can I sleep?"

Gui Wugui pondered slightly.

At this moment, he already knew it in his heart.

This "Buzhi" seems to be a human body, but the shape it presents at this time is more like Baoling.

As soon as Gui Wugui's mana sank, the energy in his dantian surged.

Although he doesn't have all the jewels in his body at this time, the Void Pill in his body still has magical effects no less than that of the top magic weapon.

Sure enough, Bu Zhi lowered his head and looked at it for a while, then suddenly jumped into Gui Wugui's dantian.

After confirming that there are no other changes in the "True and Illusory Room", Gui Wujiu slowly exited the room and landed on the Martial Field Star Terrace.

At the moment when his body was frozen, a voice came from his ear: "Fellow Daoist Gui, please come and gather."

Gui Wugui had already expected it, and immediately threw himself away.

After a few breaths, he was already on the attic of a lone star.

Martial Dao Yuanzun, who looked like a young man, was already waiting here with a smile on his face.

Gui Wugui jumped in and met him.

Yuan Zun said with a smile: "It's only been a little over a hundred years from being the top descendant of the world to a combat power that surpasses the Dao realm of the world. The extraordinary world and extraordinary people really cannot be judged by common sense."

"It's even more unexpected to use a shortcut to escape the golden cicada's shell."

It became clear immediately that there was no blame.

Although the martial domain is closed, the most outstanding figures in the martial domain are all practicing in the Ziwei Great World.Then every move in Ziwei's big world, and the vicissitudes of the situation, naturally cannot escape Yuan Zun's eyes and ears.

Gui Wugui simply smiled and said: "In the past few decades, Xi Lerong, under the name of 'Left One', has set off a great trend in the world of Ziwei. Now he is one of the few figures in the world of Ziwei with meritorious deeds. Yuan Zun Have you ever regretted choosing the wrong person?"

Yuan Zun shook his head slightly, and said seriously: "On the contrary, it is the right choice."

Gui Wugui raised his eyebrows.

He was joking; but Yuan Zun's reply was obviously not aimless.

Moreover, this matter seemed to be related to what Yuan Zun specially greeted him and was about to explain.

Gui Wugui said: "What advice does Master Yuan Zun have?"

Yuan Zun waved his hand, and said calmly: "I dare not take advice."

After pondering for a while, he said, "I'm about to break the boundary and leave."

These two sentences seem to have nothing to do with each other.

Yuan Zun continued leisurely: "My martial arts inheritance already occupies a small corner in the world of Ziwei. If the inheritance of each line is self-preserving, or it may go astray, then the martial arts method will definitely become weaker and weaker."

"However, it would be even more inappropriate if all the tribes are unified and the disciples of the combined realm practice the same method. There is no intention of opposing each other, but it is even more difficult to breed new life."

Gui Wujiu nodded and said, "The balance between the two is indeed difficult."

Yuan Zun said: "Therefore, there is actually a special method in martial arts. Before the previous Yuan Zun flew away, he was able to look down on the entire martial arts inheritance, and reflect all the subtle Taoisms that are preserved today in the martial arts. Integrate into one, tailor the clothes to present its shape, and finally pass it on to the successors of the next generation through the true seal method."

"I only realized this point when I had the intention of going back."

Gui Wugui's heart shuddered.

This method seems to be an understatement, but in fact it is extremely overbearing.If there are more than one top figure in the current world who have invented some good laws and techniques, even if they are kept secret, they will be taken away by this method and forcibly classified into one.

Yuan Zun smiled slightly and said, "Do you understand the difference?"

Gui Wugui thought for a moment and nodded slowly.

It makes sense.

If Xi Lerong is the person in charge of the White Tiger Seal, then Yuan Zun's actions will not be of much use; but Jiang Minyi is the chosen person, it is different. If Xi Lerong obtained the secret method of chance, all of them can be copied One copy belongs to Jiang Minyi.

Yuan Zun looked at the stars outside the attic, and said: "But the situation this time is very different from the history that has been recorded for thousands of years. Xi Lerong's sharp weapon "Only Mahayana Sutra" did not come from the real world. It is a deduction, but it is granted by the power of the upper realm. Therefore, the method of "convergence" of martial arts may not be able to see the whole picture."

"Perhaps what I got is just a half-simplified and incomplete text, and I don't know."

Gui Wugui heard the words, but suddenly understood in his heart.

The lower bound of "Buzhi" clearly has some connection with what Yuan Zun said, or it is a kind of ingenious "coordination".It's just that the object of deduction is Xi Lerong's "Only My Mahayana Sutra", so isn't this method still a "second turn" text?
Even his Kongyun Nianjian deliberately evolved into a martial arts method, and he was judged as a "second biography"; although the "Only Me Mahayana Sutra" was passed down by a supernatural power, he did not believe that it could cross the barrier.

There is a slight contradiction with Buzhi's previous statement.

Yuan Zun said again: "After I go, there is another small item that I want to pass on to you. It seems that it is of some use to you."

(End of this chapter)

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