Chapter 1286
As soon as Yuan Zun finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed to a corner in the attic.

Gui Wugui looked intently, and it was a black skeleton that was as tall as a person.

Gold bones, white bones, and gray bones are more common as bone treasures; black skeletons are actually rare.At first glance, it looks like refined steel and cast iron, with a sense of depth and no lifelessness, it is really unique.

Yuan Zun said with a sigh: "The purpose of this thing is that I planned to travel around the Ziwei world that day, so I painstakingly refined it. Now it is useless."

"Besides, the original function of this thing is not too important to you; on the contrary, it fits the situation and can contribute three points."

Gui Wugui watched carefully for a while, and immediately noticed the subtlety of this "human bone".

This object looks like bone, but is actually skin.

Of course, it's okay to say "armor".

Under the cover of this object, it actually exerts a more flexible effect than the "Wuyu Zhenyin".Although the mana can't reach far, but after all, it can use the martial arts as it is.Roughly estimated, it can be regarded as retaining [-]% to [-]% of the combat power of the military means.

It's just that after Gui Wugui had the "Wuyu Reincarnation Heaven", the effect of the things in front of him was just as Yuan Zun said, and it was not obvious.

What deserves no blame is indeed just an additional function of this thing——

After this bone phase is possessed, Gui Wugui is equivalent to a person in the military domain hiding in a "bubble", even if he walks in the Ziwei world, unless he meets Long Yun, Xiandao and others head-on, Otherwise, no trace will be left, no reason for calculation will be left behind.

The appearance of such a strange thing here can be said to be a meeting of wind and clouds, and the heaven and the earth work together.

Gui Wugui smiled and said, "That's it, thank you."

Yuan Zun smiled lightly, and said, "Thanks are unnecessary; it's just that we haven't seen the peak of Wuyu's revival. I believe that in Jiang Minyi's generation, this matter will definitely be accomplished."

"Now she is in the world of Ziwei, although her reputation is slightly inferior to the others; but with the evolution of time, especially after the Dao realm, she will eventually have proof that she is the top five in today's chaotic world. One of six."

Gui Wujiu said in surprise: "Master Yuan Zun has such confidence in Jiang Minyi, but I can't imagine it."

Apart from Gui Wujiu and Xuanyuan Huai, the most outstanding people today are Yu Zi and others, a total of six people who have mastered the true flow.Compared with Li Yunlong and Xi Lerong, it is especially superior.

And Yuan Zun's so-called "top five or six people" at this time did not actually refer to it, it could be said to allude to the "true realm".

In all fairness, although Jiang Minyi has broken the boundary of the Consummation Realm, but among this class of characters, she is probably only ranked at the bottom, and it seems that she is not as good as Shen Tu Longshu and Jiu Zong.

Yuan Zun didn't hold back, and said very confidently: "Things in the world, the ups and downs rotate, and the profit and loss are at any time. If you can really control the general trend this time, if you don't blame Daoist friends, then Wuyu will change from the long-term closed phenomenon, and finally re-integrate back to Ziwei In the big world, it is very possible."

"This is not a big cause and effect."

"Originally, I thought that the great karma of cause and effect, and the achievements of karma in the real world, when they bloom and bear fruit in the future, the two together will always help her break through the realm of consummation. Even more optimistically, one of the karma , can help her break through this situation; another merit can help her go further on the road."

"If so, its future achievements will be limitless."

"But now, she has not yet achieved any of the two achievements, and she has broken through this threshold. Although it is difficult to be called a strong player among the characters in the 'above perfection' state, but once the ruggedness has passed, there is nothing behind."

Gui Wugui's thought moved slightly, and he said, "Yuan Zun's words are reasonable."

Yuan Zun smiled and said: "My breakthrough will be after three months. There are still many detailed arrangements. If you want to come back, fellow Taoists will rush back to the Ziwei Great World to manage your own business. If this is the case, you can do it in pairs. .”

Gui Wujiu nodded, solemnly said: "There will be a time to see you again."

Yuan Zun said: "More legacy will naturally appear in the 'White Tiger Seal' when the time comes."

As the voice fell, Yuan Zun's figure gradually became thinner, and turned into a phantom after a few breaths.

Gui Wugui stretched out his hand to take it, and immediately fetched the black skeleton.

That thing also seems to be a treasure for external use, it does not need any refining process, once obtained, it can be used naturally.

First change and imitate the appearance of a person, and then integrate this skeleton with himself, stepping out of the military domain without any blame.

This trip earned a lot of money, and the difficulties in advance were solved in response, which can be described as smooth sailing.

Although there are all sorts of important things to do next, but there is a priority, it is better to get in touch with Dongfang Wanqing, Yin Yang Taoist and others first, and make overall arrangements.


A middle-aged cultivator dressed in a bright yellow or green robe, with the appearance of a scholar, was wearing a light escape, more than three hundred feet above the ground, and galloped to escape.

Although this person's appearance and demeanor are good, but in terms of cultivation base, he may not be called top-notch.A Nascent Soul cultivation base, but it seems that the chance to go further is very slim.

Generally speaking, unless those monks who have just learned to fly away, or the monks who practice Qi with the help of magic weapons.In the Jindan and Yuanying realms with higher merits, very few people have suppressed the light so low—especially when they are intersecting with the secular world.

"Fellow Daoist Jade Ion."

A voice suddenly came from a distant place.

The middle-aged scribe froze.Immediately, her facial demeanor slowly changed, and she returned to a majestic female figure in a large black robe.

Yu ion fixed his eyes.

The way she walks in the big world of Ziwei is very clever.Even if it is a powerful person in the Dao realm, or the most outstanding person in the same generation, he can only feel a slight abnormality. He suspects that the person in front of him has some secrets, but he cannot directly identify her.

Those who can categorically break it are only a limited number of people who have been taught the method of discrimination by Yu Ion himself.

But the voice was strangely unfamiliar.

Fortunately, the person who made the sound did not play hide-and-seek with her. After about three breaths, a figure appeared in front of her.

Dressed in a rags linen robe, his complexion is red and blue intertwined, just like a scene of a blue-faced man painted with red paint.It is full of vigor, and sometimes has the rhyme of being close to the Tao and turning away from the guest, and sometimes it is realistic and realistic, just like ink hanging in the void.

The double pupil in the eyes is especially frightening.

Yu Ion glanced at the visitor, and said calmly: "Your shamanism method is also strange. Practicing "Only Me Mahayana Sutra" to break through the Taoist realm, and you can walk around at the same time. This is beyond the reach of Xi Lerong and Li Yunlong."

Yu Gucheng smiled lightly, and said: "This kind of trivial method is nothing compared to the merits of you, fellow Daoist Yu Ion, who have thoroughly mastered the two true streams."

Yu Ion's expression remained unchanged, and he said thoughtfully, "You came here specially to find me, what's the matter?"

Yu Gucheng smiled and said, "Come here for the gift of Dharma."

Yu Ion frowned, and said, "Xi Lerong asked you to come?"

Yu Gucheng nodded calmly, and said: "It can't be wrong. I got the "Only Me Mahayana Sutra" through Xi Lerong, and during this process, I also arranged a way to transmit news in a timely manner. Besides, the method you obtained, If it is directly obtained from me, it will kill two birds with one stone, or you can directly see the text of 'Second Turn'."

There seemed to be a flash of greenness on Yu ion's face.

It is precisely because she hates that "coincidence" and is unwilling to be anyone's "chess piece" that Yu Ion quietly escapes from the Feng Clan, travels around the world, and tries her Taoism.Unexpectedly, Yu Gucheng chased after him.

Yu Ion said indifferently: "I didn't expect you to come forward to be a lobbyist."

Yu Gucheng shook his head again and again and said, "I'm not a lobbyist."

"Whether this heart can be free depends on you and me, not on others; if you look at it strictly, with the means of the great supernatural powers outside the sky, no matter whether the way is good or bad, or the way is good or bad, it can be used. Want to It’s impossible to stay out of it completely.”

Yu Ion was unmoved, and said flatly: "This is not a reason."

Yu Gucheng was not in a hurry, and said slowly: "Listen to me."

"When I was practicing this method, I already felt in the dark that if the door is closed and the door cannot be closed, it is the biggest obstacle to Gui Wujiu's actions. Apart from my shamanism, if there are others If one or more forces are huddled together and cannot be easily breached, even if there is no blame, they will also feel great pressure."

"Such a situation, isn't it what the people who planned it expected?"

"Conversely. If we practice this method, we will eventually increase our combat power and fight with Gui Wugui. It seems that it will increase the chances of victory for Gui Wujiu's opposing camp, but this is not what Gui Wujiu expected .To be precise, this is what the innocent expects; what the innocent opponent expects; and what you and I expect."

Yu Ion frowned and said, "How do you know what I expected?"

Yu Gucheng smiled indifferently, and said: "Although you have taken another step forward, in all fairness, in the current situation, in the world of Ziwei, there is no one person who can win without blame. If you want to win, there is some suspense, unless you and my fellow practitioners like you Sutra, and then use two against one, otherwise there is no other way.”

"No one will refuse to challenge the opponent with a stronger posture."

Yu Ion narrowed his eyes and said, "Your ability as a lobbyist has improved more than your Taoism realm."

Yu Gucheng said seriously: "This is not a question of who takes advantage of whom, but a 'gathering'. You and I can achieve stronger combat power; returning to nothing will also avoid a problem; Will be happy to create a strong enemy for Gui Wujiu. Then why not accept it calmly?"

Yu Ion pondered and said: "Your calm...where did you come from..."

"That's right. You don't really have the intention of competing with Gui Wugui, you just want to reach the highest combat power of your own limit and fight him."

Yu Gucheng smiled and said, "Now you know, I'm not a lobbyist."

In fact, Yugucheng can hide his unspoken words, but Yuion has already understood his intention——

That is, Yu Gucheng hoped that Yu Ion would hold his own thoughts and let go of the idea of ​​competing for the number one in the Ziwei Great World. As long as he reached his own limit, he would fly away freely after fighting with Gui Wujiu.

In all fairness, this is indeed the path that people "borrow" the least.It is also a completely different way from that held by Shengjiao and others.

But jade ion...

Willing to act like this?
(End of this chapter)

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