Chapter 1289
After about a hundred breaths, Ning Zixuan moved his eyes, took a deep breath, and said, "Here we are."

Then the wind surged.

Qihua Xuanzong's protective formation seemed to be shaking slightly.

Just when people's hearts are swaying along with the huge boat, and the suspension is uncertain, the world suddenly becomes certain.

The huge black boat, slowing down from the speed, leaned down heavily, and stopped precisely above the cylindrical boulder, forming a strong sense of oppression.

Twelve people escaped among them.

The first three were Leng Hua, Ye Tuo, and a thin, unsmiling black-faced monk.

This person is also one of Leng Hua's two assistants, Lu Su, a cultivator of the God of Transformation in Qingliang Mountain.Looking at this person from a distance, he seems to be of extremely high stature; but when he gathers with Leng Hua and Ye Tuo Dunguang together, he is only about the same height.

The other nine people, however, are all cultivation bases in the Lihe state, and the light scattered, spreading in all directions.Eight of them corresponded exactly one by one, occupying the side of the eight peaks of Qihua Xuanzong; the other one was the tallest chief elder, who was a hundred feet away from Yu Lenghua.

The three of Mo Shanghui, and the eight Buxu monks behind them all trembled in their hearts.

Especially two or three of the eight Buxu monks couldn't help but change their colors slightly.

This is not all because of the presence of nine monks who have come together—although there are a large number of them, it is also possible that they are just showing their power and suppressing the scene, and they may not be the only ones.Qihua Xuanzong Zhuxiu cared about the actions of these nine people.

These nine people did not follow Lenghua; they were scattered in all directions and firmly fixed on the periphery.

This subtle difference, in the eyes of a sensitive person, is really a great pressure.

Leng Hua, Ye Tuo and Lu Su looked at each other, also slightly surprised.

Ye Tuo said in a low voice, "That's weird."

Ye Tuo seems to be cynical and undisciplined, but he is also quite insightful when it comes to the subtlety of the human heart.

In today's general situation, no matter who is on the other side, there are only three choices-either resist, escape, or face it head-on.And if you choose to face it, there are also three reasons for the appearance of the visitor:
Either fear, or apprehension, or flattery.

Even if it seems to be calm and calm, it is actually just superficial effort; one cannot get rid of these three rings when examining one's heart.

There will be no exceptions.

But the three Separation and Reunion Realm cultivators in front of them—

The left and right sides are fine; especially the person in the middle who is obviously in charge of Qihua Xuanzong is even more excited.

What is this expression?
Meet old acquaintances in a foreign land?
Friends meet again?
Ye Tuo was pondering in his heart, Mo Shanghui had already stepped forward, and said with emotion: "Qihua Xuanzong is in charge of Mo Shanghui, and I have been waiting here for a long time. The sky is clear and the clouds are clear and the moon is bright. Mo has been waiting for this day Hundreds of thousands of years."

These words, Mo Shanghui did not waver, but full of energy, and his voice was loud; even the low-level disciples of Jindan and Yuanying realm could hear it.

Behind the eight Buxu Realm elders, everyone was stunned.

Some people had a subtle look on their faces, as if they hadn't expected that Mo Shanghui could let go of his figure like this.

After all, there is a difference between being in a small room and being in the public.

Leng Hua raised his eyebrows, which was also a little surprised.

He had a plan for this trip, and he also had a close relationship with Ye Tuo and Lu Su.In fact, he had already made up his mind in his mind, to find an excuse to take the opportunity to make trouble, first take down Qihua Xuanzong and then talk about it.

But Mo Shanghui's attitude was far beyond Leng Hua's expectations.

Leng Hua took a deep look at Mo Shanghui, and said quietly: "The meaning of Sect Leader Mo is that you are in the Holy Cult, but you have long thought of joining the Yin Sect?"

"It's not just the current situation; you think so about the situation before a thousand years ago?"

Mo Shanghui didn't seem to hear Leng Hua's implication, and said with a smile: "What the envoy said is exactly."

Lenghua said indifferently: "Why?"

Lu Su and Ye Tuo's eyes moved slightly.

This Mo Shanghui did too much; but it gave him an excuse to be cold.If he can't speak coherently and justify himself, he can be charged with trickery and conspiracy.

Mo Shanghui laughed loudly and said: "Lands of the same kind attract each other, and different paths repel each other; blood is thicker than water, it is a natural principle."

Mo Shanghui turned around suddenly, and raised his voice by three points:
"All disciples, listen carefully."

"My Enlightenment Xuanzong was originally an independent Taoist lineage, with a long history. Although there are no successors, and the Taoism is weak; but the inheritance has never been extinguished. In the past, when the holy sect soldiers arrived, due to the geographical gap, the seniors judged the situation. However, despite the name of "Xuanzong", the Taoism of this sect has never ceased. The head of Qihua Xuanzong and the second and third disciples of the past generations have secretly passed on the mantle, and they have endured hardships until today."

"Today's victory and defeat are reversed, and we have to meet our comrades to rescue us. If we see the blue sky after clearing the clouds, our sect can also return to its original appearance."

All the disciples under the eight peaks were all stunned, as if falling into a dream.

After more than ten breaths of silence, the bustling voices gradually rose.

Ye Tuo opened his eyes wide.

What he cared about was not what Mo Shanghui said.

Ye Tuo had a strange intention, but he had long planned to take this opportunity to show off his prestige and experience the feeling of being obedient to the crowd, and there are many people with higher merit than him.Unexpectedly, Mo Shanghui, who was waiting to be recruited, could be so impassioned and achieve what he hadn't done yet.

Leng Hua frowned.

If it was the other tricks of rhetoric, he had his own way to resolve them one by one, so he could find Mo Shanghui's fault.But if Mo Shanghui's words are like this, unless it is exposed that he is definitely a fake, it is really inconvenient to start from other aspects.

It would be inappropriate to take it down indiscriminately.

Lu Su, who had been silent all this time and looked like a clay sculpture, suddenly sent a voice transmission: "Senior Brother Leng, why worry too much? This statement has no basis, and it needs to be proved. If they dare to play tricks in front of Senior Brother Leng, they will be kicking the iron. It's on the board. But if what this person said is really true, and he always has a different ambition and adheres to his inherent inheritance, then why can't we change the predetermined strategy and store it for reuse?"

Leng Hua nodded secretly in his heart.

Lu Su's words made a lot of sense.

After pondering for a long time, he said: "What did you say? What evidence do you have?"

Standing behind Mo Shanghui and the other three, Mo Shi was startled when he heard about him, and then secretly laughed, thinking that Mo Shanghui was so brave.

Shi Mo's insight is not trivial, he also had a look at many local Taoist classics that Gui Wugui got from Yinzong back then, and Huang Xiyin used the method of "returning three corners to one" to practice.The eight orthodox scriptures of the holy family are naturally among them.

And in the past six months, his dismantling of the eight classics of Qihua Xuanzong has also reached the level of sudden understanding.And one by one, the revision process of these eight classic words and sentences, which words and sentences were enriched by whom, is even more clear.

And the handwriting of the three elders today is naturally the most important among them.

With Shi Shi's method of deducing the sword and the heart, it is absolutely certain that the three of Mo Shanghui have practiced the purest holy teaching skills since the beginning of their entrance into the Tao, and this has long been integrated into them unconsciously. There is absolutely no trace of any other Taoism among every trace of Taoism in it.

Even if the three of them really took out some "ancient Taoist classics" now, it must have been obtained after the Taoism was fully formed, which makes no sense at all.

Because if it is true that this trick of deceiving the sky and crossing the sea can be formed, and there is a Taoist inheritance in a very small range, then this matter must be kept secret, and the disciples who have been passed on will inevitably be subjected to extremely strict inspections, including whether it is related to practicing the martial arts of the sect, No matter how xinxing is, it is absolutely impossible to delay until the Taoism is fully formed.

Hearing Lenghua, Mo Shanghui didn't speak out against each other, but asked questions for verification, and he was heartbroken.

I feel that this big plan has already become more than half.

Hastily said in a loud voice: "I have eight secret books inherited from this sect, and one 'Fayi Emblem Seal', which can be used as evidence."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and took out a gold box that had been prepared long ago.

Shi Mo's thoughts flicked.

He hadn't stayed in Yinzong for a day; and at this time, Huang Xiyin secretly applied a secret method to describe his temperament, which changed very slightly.Lenghua didn't notice his existence.

But Lenghua doesn't recognize him, but Shi Mo recognizes Lenghua.

When Shi Mo was in the Misty Sect, he was good at commenting on people in the world when he was bored, and the number of people who saw it was no less than five hundred.When it comes to the Yinzong, the current descendants of the Yinzong, who can be ranked in the top thirty, all have a name in Shi Mo's heart.

Characters who grew up in the local Taoist traditions, the cold aptitude and equipment are also no small matter.Compared with Zhen Shi, Teng Jing, Shen Tuhong and others who are not ranked among the thirty-six sub-pictures, although they are not as good, the gap is not as big as the difference in reputation.

In terms of potential, the Dao Realm may be slim, but the achievement of Tianxuan Shangzhen is very sure; and in the past, Tianxuan Shangzhen was not as good as this person in all likelihood.

I don't know if Mo Shanghui's "fake" is of good quality, if it is not at a very high level, I'm afraid it will be exposed by Lenghua on the spot.

Two endings, repeated deduction.

In the blink of an eye, graphite already has the answer.

But he suddenly took a step forward, took Mo Shanghui's arm lightly, and said: "The head of the sect may have been negligent for a while when he was worrying about waiting for the past few days. Seven days ago, the head of the sect mentioned the secret, and the disciple borrowed it." Watch the secret code, but it has not been returned."

Immediately when he stretched out his hand, a jade box also appeared in his palm.

Jin Xiangfei and Ning Zixuan immediately changed their colors.

Although Mo Shanghui's concentration is extraordinary and his temperament is sophistication, but for a while, he only felt a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and time seemed to freeze.

If Shi Shi was an ordinary low-level disciple, he would immediately reprimand and cover it up; but Shi Mo was also a "gift" he was about to present to Yinzong, so it would be hard to get away with it.

Shi Mo smiled slightly, already knowing everything in his mind.

I just heard him say: "It's not just the eight classics; the 'Fayi Sword Emblem' is also here."

Shi Mo palmed up.

A round bead with a diameter of two inches appeared suddenly.Among them are exquisite dharma meanings, fine sword shapes, endless circulation, and it is really like the tokens passed down by the ancient Taoist sect; compared with the seal letter forged by myself with "clumsy glue", I don't know how much better it is.

(End of this chapter)

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