Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1290 The Inspired Opportunity of Chaos Travel

Chapter 1290 The Inspired Opportunity of Chaos Travel


But in an instant, Mo Shanghui made a decision.

With the appearance of this "Sword Emblem", no matter how you look at it, it is a genuine Daoist master's handwriting.Could it be that Emperor Yinxing laid down a countermeasure for the survival of the sect?Although there are many obstacles in thinking, it can only be hoped for.

If this "ink stone" is a hostile identity, then with the level of supernatural power revealed in this sword emblem, half a year is enough to find out the old background of Qihua Xuanzong.


Mo Shanghui showed an apologetic look on his face, and cupped his hands and said, "Your envoy forgive me. I heard the news and my comrades came here, and they were overjoyed, so something went wrong."

When he spoke, he had already presented the jade box gifted by Shi Mo.

Jin Xiangfei and Ning Zixuan didn't have the guts of Mo Shanghui, they could barely hold on to their faces at this moment, and they didn't show their flaws.

Ye Tuo, however, is a person who hides subtleties in his mind, but at this time he thought deeply: "If you are really the inheritor of a hidden line of Taoism, then this matter must be very secret. And your secret The classics are easily awarded to this person... unless he is a descendant of your intention to develop into a mantle disciple..."

Mo Shanghui hurriedly said: "What the envoy said is correct. This man's name is Mo Shi, and he can be called a rare talent in the world. He found the worldly skills at will, and he has already cultivated to the golden core realm. He has been old for three years. I discovered him before, and secretly taught him Taoism. It was not until half a year ago that I officially invoked the sect."

Among the Golden Core disciples not far away, half were thoughtful, while the other half were still confused.

While asking questions, Leng Hua had already secretly read the classics hidden in the box.

The essence of the writing, the depth and density, and the grandeur of the atmosphere have really reached an unimaginable level.In terms of its magnificence and delicacy, there is probably no one among the hidden sect and daoist biography so far that can compare with the classics presented by Mo Shanghui.

Now that the Taoism of the hidden sect is gradually opening up, with a cold status, I have seen a lot of the other half of the local Taoism - the Holy Church Ancestral Court and its many Taoist and Xuanzong classics.I have to admit that in the Taoist classic in front of me, I can't find a trace of connection with the holy Taoism.

But when it comes to practice methods, these "Remnant Classics" are mainly based on the practice methods of building foundations and golden cores, and the Yuanying state is very rare; Those involved are rare.

This is extremely unfortunate.

This also means that it is not difficult to lay a good foundation with this remnant scripture, but it is difficult to practice consistently.

As for Ye Tuo and Lu Su, at this time one of them was thinking about Shi Shi, his eyes rolled and looked over and over again; the other was carefully looking at the so-called "Fa Yi Sword Emblem".

In terms of power level, this thing has already declined extremely seriously, it is only equivalent to the Jindan realm, at most no more than the Nascent Soul realm; but the magic principle of the sword thread in it is tangible and intangible, almost a charm of endless mutual generation and evolution. But it clearly shows its profound background.

The person who created this thing is probably not an ordinary Tianxuan Shangzhen.

Cooling brows slightly condensed.

Mo Shanghui, Ning Zixuan and the others felt uneasy when they saw Leng Hua's silence.

But it is consoling that it did not happen on the spot, at least it shows that the things presented by Moshi are worth thinking about and tasting, rather than just looking at them to know what is wrong.

It is indeed a little uncertain to think about cold thinking.

From the perspective of Taoism, he should be [-]% sure in his heart that this exercise has nothing to do with the holy religion, nor was it concocted by the three of Mo Shanghui; Harmony, it seems that this exercise does not seem to be inherited from the ancient Taoist sect.

Leng Hua thought to himself, could it be that he has made plans to start a big cleansing, so he has prejudices in his heart?Mo Shanghui and the others are waiting to make a move, and the situation here is beyond expectation, so you are not in harmony?
Immediately, he shook his head secretly, if he couldn't even pass this level, he definitely couldn't continue to improve and cultivate to today's level.

Shi Mo's mind is alive, but his face is calm, just waiting quietly.

At this moment, Shi Mo knows Lenghua's mind like the palm of his hand.

In the past six months, Shi Mo not only repaired the words and sentences of the eight classics of Qihua Xuanzong, but also opened the door and established the foundation, and established the Taoist biography.Drawing on the way I created Taoism for Xiaotong Muxin, I borrowed from many sources and invented each other, and developed two Taoisms, one upper and one lower.

Due to the limitation of cultivation, most of the practical methods in these two Taoist arts are only up to the golden core level; as for the formulas of the higher level, they are just fabricated by Shi Mo according to his imagination.

These two Taoism techniques are actually one method.Only the directions are different, one is top-down; the other is bottom-up.

Although the incident happened suddenly, Shi Shi sorted out the pros and cons in an instant.

If you don't intervene, the formulas that Mo Shanghui and the others have concocted alone will most likely be ruined, which is absolutely impossible.

But if you intervene, the best way is to present the "bottom-up" Taoism up.This method is most in line with the charm of the ancient Taoist sect, and no flaws can be seen in cold storage.

However, Shi Mo did not make this choice because of the guidance of a vague thought.

It is also inappropriate to let Mo Shanghui and others pass the test safely.

What I plan needs to have an opportunity, just like throwing a stone into the water, I will not be angry or angry.

Presenting the "top-down" method, the problem with this method is——

It is too clever.

The formless and ethereal rhyme in the text of the scriptures is more similar to the nine sects of Taoism, at least it is also the hidden sect of Taoism after Xun Shen's arrangement; and there is a clear difference in style from the previous ancient Taoism inheritance.

With a cold mind and Dao fate, even if you can't see through it directly, you can feel something wrong to some extent.

After a moment.

There was a sharp flash in Leng Hua's eyes, and he said loudly: "The classics presented are not a problem. But how do I know that this so-called 'ancient inheritance' is not a chance that you got by chance, and it is used to pass the test at this time? "

Mo Shanghui, Jin Xiangfei, and Ning Zixuan were all stunned when they heard the words, and their faces were both happy and worried.

The joy is that Leng Hua said that the classics presented are "no problem";

This is really unreasonable.

If it is a barren land outside Huawai, that's fine; where are there many "chances" available in the Evergreen Realm, where the holy religion has been cultivating intensively for tens of thousands of years?Taking out an ancient Taoist inheritance of Taoism is actually very convincing.

This is also one of the reasons why Mo Shanghui knows that Jin Xiangfei has a certain method, so he is very confident in using this strategy.

I didn't expect that the other party would really pursue this.

Jin Xiangfei hesitated, stepped forward and said: "In addition to the classic Dao book, there is also a 'Fayi Sword Emblem' passed down from generation to generation; The opportunity I got was a little bit reluctant."

In fact, he didn't know what the root of Shi Mo's "Fa Yi Sword Emblem" was, and whether it might reveal his flaws; but when things came to an end, he had to argue with reason.

Lu Su, who had been taciturn all this time, suddenly said: "Your Excellency is also a person from the lineage of ancient Taoism, who knows the inside story?"

Mo Shanghui answered: "That's right. I, Junior Brother Jin and Junior Brother Ning are all named Elders of Xuanzong, and they are actually biography of the Taoist sect."

In fact, if only one person claims that he is the identity passed down by the Taoist sect and knows the secret, it is obviously more reliable; but the three of them have already agreed to advance together and retreat together, and know the secret together, so there is no second choice on this joint. options.

Ye Tuo said thoughtfully: "You Qihua Xuanzong, there are three elders of Lihejing. And the three of you are all disciples of the Hidden Taoist sect..."

Leng Hua's eyes brightened, and he said calmly: "Since this is the case, it must be very convenient for you to carry on the inheritance and do things in the sect. It is unlikely that anyone below the Buxu state will be able to pass you three people to the Dao sect complaint?"

"Your working space should be quite ample..."

Ye Tuo immediately said: "That's right. If you and the others are indeed the inheritance of the ancient Taoist sect, and you don't want to get through by chance, then based on the conditions of the three of you, you can definitely come up with a lot of evidence?"

Mo Shanghui's complexion changed slightly, but he secretly complained.

At this moment, Mo Mo's mind suddenly brightened——

The path is immediately clear.


But Shi Mo Shiran stepped forward and said with a smile: "Could it be that the master forgot that you told me that the inheritance of the past generations has been carefully managed? Wouldn't it be the best evidence to take this thing away?"

Ye Tuo's eyes moved slightly, and he asked suspiciously, "What evidence?"

Shi Mo straightened his face and said: "Your envoy must know. The exercises practiced by Qihua Xuanzong's disciples must have been born out of Qihua Xuanzong's "Eight Classics". But these eight classics have evolved from It is impossible to blatantly violate the secret law of the holy religion's ancestral court."

"It's just adhering to the tenet that flowing water does not corrupt households and pivots, and each sect, whether it is the lower sect of Xuanzong of Daozong under the command of the holy religion, or each branch of the hidden sect, the eight classics they enshrine are not static; Taoism comprehension, correction and harmony."

"And the people who inherited the ancient Taoism, such as the head of the sect, are using their strength here. The eight classics have evolved gradually. Although they seem to be in line with the main purpose of the holy religion, they are also making preparations all the time. Why did this The doorway is handed over."

Leng Hua's eyes moved, and he said thoughtfully: "You mean...the practice of the eight classics that have been gradually fine-tuned today will have immeasurable benefits for mastering this secret teaching technique?"

Shi Mo said: "Exactly."

Leng Hua is also a very decisive person, immediately said: "Okay."

"Now, your secret biography of the ancient Taoist sect has been made public to the world. I ask you to be a disciple of the Xuanzong of Enlightenment, and to practice your secret method and the eight classics of the Xuanzong of enlightenment; besides that, I will choose another aptitude Similar to other sects, relying on the classics of the other family's eight veins, we will practice together."

"After one year, test his entry experience."

"If you, the disciple of Qihua Xuanzong, are clearly leading the way, then what you said is true. If can't blame me."

Disciples near and far heard the words, both rejoicing and terrified.

Mo Mo glanced around, and said loudly: "The real face of our sect is the inheritance of the ancient Taoist sect, which is called Wanfazong. As long as all fellow sects have no doubts about the gains and losses, advances and retreats, and life and death of the formula that will be announced soon , the speed of entering the country must be far better than others."

(End of this chapter)

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