Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1293 Returning to the Inheritance of the Secret Realm

Chapter 1293 Returning to the Inheritance of the Secret Realm
Gui Wugui gallops in the light, and suddenly stops in the air.

Looking at the sky from a distance, he nodded slowly.

After reaching the near-dao state, the Kongyun Nianjian is entrusted to the human body and connected by induction.Except for the need to use a unique method to transmit specific news, under normal circumstances, there is no need to use any means. If the person who entrusts the shape of the sword changes, Gui Wugui will immediately feel it.

At this time, Gui Wugui clearly felt that Shi Mo had broken through the Nascent Soul realm.

The limit of the four swords suddenly dissolves.

After waiting for a while, Gui Wugui escaped light again, and went straight to the gate of Banshizong.

Going around outside, Gui Wugui confirmed that almost all the figures in the Taoist realm looked around inside and outside the gate of the Holy Religion, without exception.After thinking about it again and again, Gui Wujiu didn't rush to pass the message directly, but slowly used a secret method of "Book of Essence" to write the message into the shape of the sword.

Qin Menglin, Huang Xiyin, etc., who had been entrusted with his sword intent as gifts, had no difficulty getting news in the form of Xinjian Mingwu after ten months.

What's even more wonderful is that this sword heart essence can only be activated in a few special realms, such as the "yin and yang house" of the yin and yang Taoist master.

Although Gui Wujiu is very confident in the "bone mask" given by Martial Dao Yuanzun, this thing can almost make Gui Wujiu's temperament reach the level that even a great Taoist can't recognize him; Never underestimate the opponent.

Even if it can't be seen directly, it may be able to catch a trace of abnormality in many macro and subtle places where the opponent is likely to hide its geographical advantage, and then peel it off.

Half an hour later, Gui Wujiu escaped into the Banshi sect without a trace.

There was no change in the celestial phenomena here.

This is also Gui Wujiu's far-sighted move, and he has set up a method.When necessary, he can enter this world for the first time without leaving a trace, and will not leave signs of the interaction between internal and external qi mechanisms.

Inside the secret realm, Gui Wujiu fled to the northwest.

After a while, when we came to the end, it was a wonderful scene.

This secret realm, which evolved into a small realm, was originally connected by mountains, rivers, waters, and continents; even when it reaches the end, there is still a sense of alienation that is extremely remote.But at this moment, this place is deeply sunken, and there seems to be an inexplicable darkness that is within reach, occupying the space within the small world.

This is the realm within the realm created by Jiang Minyi imitating "Wuyu" in the small realm.

Gui Wugui's figure is reflected, and he is already in it.

Gui Wugui was slightly surprised by the air movement in his face.

When Jiang Minyi first set up this world, the weather was simulated into a pure martial arts style, just like entering a martial arts domain; but at this moment, it is mixed with the Qi of the Ziwei Great World, becoming an unprecedented atmosphere. hybrid form.

This territory is not that big, but a small island with a radius of thirty to forty miles standing in the lake, surrounded by four much smaller islands.

On the island, except for more than a hundred extremely tall and straight trees, the rest are mountain walls one after another.

Gui Wujiu sensed Jiang Minyi's aura immediately, and fled away.

At this time, Jiang Minyi was wearing a very rare loose white robe, lying sideways on a bamboo couch by the water, showing a rare ease and calmness.

On the slightly damp sandy ground in front of him, there was a boy of six or seven years old, dressed in a short straight jacket, with his eyes closed, walking slowly, as if he didn't feel anyone coming.

Jiang Minyi stared at Gui Wujiu for a few breaths, and said slowly, "I didn't expect you to come out."

After looking carefully, he said again: "It's a clone."

In terms of Taoism, Jiang Minyi is not enough to see the true face of Gui Wujiu at this time; but since Gui Wujiu appears here, the grounds for inferences provided are bound to be extremely rich, so it is not necessary to see the true face, but also approach the real answer .

Gui Wugui looked at Jiang Minyi carefully, and said in surprise, "Your progress is also much faster than I imagined."

At this time, Jiang Minyi was still at the Nascent Soul Realm, and hadn't opened the way to break through the realm.

The so-called change and benefit lie in its spirit and temperament.

At this time, Jiang Minyi was moving and stilling, swallowing and spitting, no matter how her aura was described, the sharpness of a martial arts practitioner did not change at all.But Gui Wujiu's eyesight is so good, he can immediately see that Jiang Minyi has completely got rid of the "limit-breaking method" and reached a new level.

The "Breakthrough Method" is the easiest method for those who have just entered the realm of Consummation; but the limitations are also very obvious.Being above this path means that the cultivation of the realm above the consummation of one's own body is truly mature.

However, Jiang Minyi's own breathless atmosphere shows that she has not completely lost her mind and body, and is good at condensed counterattacks.

Jiang Minyi seemed to smile, and said: "Good steel should be used on the blade. The same is true of chance."

Gui Wugui nodded slowly, seeming to agree deeply.

For those who don't know the truth, listening to Jiang Minyi's words, they will be confused.But Gui Wugui's current state, coupled with the discussion of Yuan Zun in Wuyu, it is not difficult to clarify the true meaning.

Obviously, Jiang Minyi also realized that she may have a great opportunity and a great mission, and once she gets it, the benefits will be endless.Such benefits are naturally used at the critical moment of breaking the limit.

Jiang Minyi clapped her hands and said, "Come here."

Hearing the words, the little boy on the sand immediately recovered from his concentration, opened his eyes, and ran to the front in two or three steps.

Look at this boy, although he is very young, his face does not have the plumpness of ordinary children, but is extremely thin and his complexion is a little sallow.

But Gui Wugui glanced at it and found that not only was he free of illness, but he was more energetic than ordinary people.

Gui Wugui said, "Is this your new disciple?"

Jiang Minyi raised her hand.

The little boy stared at Gui Wujiu with great curiosity.Then he stepped forward and said, "Boy, Dai Siwen, he joined Master Jiang four years ago and sat down..."

At his age, four years ago he was only two or three years old.

Obviously, like Huang Xiyin and Shi Mo, this was also a very early enlightenment.

The little boy suddenly stopped talking, then he gave Gui Wujiu a hesitant look, and scratched his head.

Gui Wugui could see clearly, this kid clearly knew him.

What is hesitant is just a name.

Gui Wujiu immediately smiled and said, "I'm also not used to being called Shizhang, Shigong, etc. You can call me Shifu by the way."

The little boy Dai Siwen showed joy, saluted sincerely, and said, "Meet Master."

Jiang Minyi's complexion moved slightly, and she immediately said, "Show your skills."

Dai Siwen said "yes", and immediately put his arms together and used a punch.

Looking at the posture of his fist, it seems to be weak; but looking at his energy, it seems to be very concentrated.Two contradictory feelings, opposite and complementary.

Gui Wugui raised his eyebrows.

This is clearly a pure martial arts method.

But at this time, the realm within the square realm is no longer pure martial arts atmosphere, but a half-mixed Ziwei Great World Qi.Unless one is as brilliant as Gui Wugui and Jiang Minyi, ordinary martial arts practitioners will find it extremely difficult to use martial arts methods without using methods such as "martial arts dragon charms" to create authentic martial arts auras.

But this kid can do it.

Gui Wujiu said slowly: "I didn't expect you to even find the starting point."

Jiang Minyi said without hesitation: "That's right. With Wuyu, you may have an extraordinary opportunity, or you will have a chance to join the world again. But the first step to break the rules must be done by someone. He is a seed."

"Although he is able to do it by virtue of his own special aptitude, but it can be deduced into a law from the special. It will not be aimless in the end."

Gui Wugui took a look at Dai Siwen, and said, "The characters of the next generation have sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain, and they are so close to each other. Perhaps not all the characters in the thirty-six pictures have entered the Dao realm. The middleman is also approaching this level."

Jiang Minyi smiled and said, "Perhaps this is true for your good apprentice Shi Mo, but Dai Siwen is not among them."

"It should be noted that this is the boundary between the martial arts qi mechanism and the qi mechanism of the Ziwei Great World, not the pure outside world. In the Ziwei Great World, there will be subtle differences in the methods he uses. Although it is only a thin line , but to make up for this line, it will take a long time to work backwards and forwards. If you want to come first, it will be impossible.”

Jiang Minyi waved his hand.

Dai Siwen understood, and immediately went to practice alone.

Gui Wujiu's mind was moved, and he said loudly: "We have reached the boundary. Those who possess the true method are here."

As soon as the words fell, I immediately saw a roll of auspicious light, and a figure emerged, and it didn't stop for a moment.

I saw Bu Zhi looking around and shouting, "Where is it?"

Immediately seeing her fixed gaze, she soon fell on Jiang Minyi, and after carefully looking at her eyes, she showed a happy expression.

Bu Zhi stretched out his hands and said loudly: "Hurry up and take out the Taoist inheritance."

Seeing this scene suddenly, he thought he was a little robber.

Gui Wugui smiled and explained her background.

Jiang Minyi's eyes moved slightly, she suddenly smiled, and said slowly: "I think that I have reached a very deep level of refinement of my own realm and Taoism, far exceeding the bottom line set in my heart. But when I want to start to break through the realm, but always It was a feeling that the time had not come. It was supposed to be here."

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Minyi raised her hand.

A long scroll suddenly unfolded.

Different from Gui Wujiu's scroll that Yu Buzhi displayed in "The Real Illusion", Jiang Minyi's "Classic" is extremely large in size, it is a long scroll that is four feet high and twenty or thirty feet wide, spread out on the ground .Even if a palace is built on it, it is more than enough.

Every handwriting on the scroll is almost as big as Buzhi's body.

This was not done deliberately by Jiang Minyi, but the process of forming the formula, which is reflected in the "white tiger seal", so it presents such a face.

Unexpectedly, when Bu Zhi saw the size of the text, he seemed extremely happy, rubbed the soles of his feet very quickly, and rushed to the scroll like a joy.

Starting from the first handwriting of Mingyi in the opening chapter, Buzhi jumped up and down, standing on the "big character" for a while, and immediately saw a faint footprint appearing on the handwriting.Then she walked briskly, jumping to the next handwriting.


ps: May 5st is chapter 1. I just read it, and it is only chapter 180. On average, less than 2 chapters a day, something is wrong.A closer look revealed that the title was wrong twice.

(End of this chapter)

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