Chapter 1294
There is no doubt that stepping on the footsteps is equivalent to "confirming" that the handwriting is correct.

Bu Zhi's face was hazy, and he seemed to be staggering drunk.Step by step, and soon the first line came to an end and began to turn back.

Every handwriting on the first line has left footprints, but no word has been changed.

second line……

The third row……

The same is true.

Gui Wugui sees it, and secretly praises it.

The upper realm of martial arts is powerful, since he has gone through all kinds of troubles and sent "Buzhi" to the lower realm, he is naturally confident that his martial arts will definitely improve in the lower realm.

Even if Jun Yan is a person who has not been born in the era, there is still room for improvement.

But the Dao of Zhenliu is no small matter, even if it is a powerful person in the upper realm, it is not easy to give and accept it privately, and give it to you at will.Even if the realm of aptitude has reached perfection, and there are people who have already mastered this way, it cannot be said that it can be easily understood.

According to Gui Wugui's estimates, the "improved" level of Taoism is roughly equivalent to one step away from Zhenliu Dao.

The current martial arts definitely cannot reach this level.

Rao is not as good as Zhenliu, but it is already extremely terrifying.

However, with such a high level of inspection by Buzhi, after traversing more than two hundred characters in three lines, I couldn't find a single person who was not perfect.

Jiang Minyi's mastery of Taoism with the help of the White Tiger Seal is worthy of the pinnacle of martial arts.

After waiting for a while, Buzhi finally stopped on the seventh row.He frowned slightly, and after sucking his fingers for a long time, a trace of blush appeared on his face, and he murmured to himself: "It's not easy to pick a little fault."

Immediately, he stomped heavily.

Strange to say, Bu Zhi obviously didn't have the slightest magic power, but as she stepped, the handwriting that was as tall as her body suddenly disappeared and became a "blank".

During the period of illusion, Bu Zhi saw all kinds of stone inscriptions, but he commented on them at any time; even if he saw the Taoism left by Gui Wujiu later, it was the same.But at this moment, she has seen the most orthodox martial arts inheritance, but she has become extremely cautious and silent.

This is not necessarily a manifestation of her own heart.

Gui Wu Jiu Yuan was still waiting for her to point out Jiang Shan, but he was finally disappointed.

Jiang Minyi looked at the hidden word with all her heart, thoughtfully.

On the nineteenth line, Bu Zhi finally found the second handwriting of "Unfinished Consummation", and stomped on it with bare feet, crushing the word.

Thirty lines later, Bu Zhi never made a third move.

About half an hour passed, and after seventy lines, halfway through the entire scripture, I found the third word.

Since then, the frequency has increased slightly, and one character can be found every three to five lines.

After traversing all the [-] lines of text classics, those who were trampled and erased by each step, there are only [-] characters in total.

Jiang Minyi's energy was lifted, her eyes were blazing with brilliance, but her body stood still like a statue, obviously falling into a state of deep-mindedness, as if in retreat.

After thirty breaths like this, her energy suddenly sank, and the brilliance in her eyes suddenly converged into a strange softness, as if the torrential waves on the sea suddenly turned into calm; at the same time, she waved her sleeves!
The [-] gaps were filled with new handwriting.

When Bu Zhi looked at it, the small mouth immediately opened wide, able to stuff his own fist.

At the same time, her eyes were wide open, and the eyeballs rolled up and down.

She was afraid that Jiang Minyi would rely on her, and was about to explain that she could only make corrections, but not creation; unexpectedly, Jiang Minyi immediately made up the scripture after only a few breaths.

Go back and read this scripture again.

Sure enough, it is coherent from front to back, every word is pearls, Taoism and secret meaning, and there is no place that does not echo the two.

For some reason, such a scene made Bu Zhi feel a little lost.

Gui Wujiu is also a person who is well versed in martial arts and Taoism. At this time, he read it again and again, and he was very satisfied.With this tactic, Jiang Minyi is at least not inferior to Shentu Longshu and Wei Qingqi in terms of Taoism.

Given time to practice and improve, it is enough to rank among the first class under the real stream.

Suddenly, Bu Zhi's eyelids loosened, he yawned, and said, "Since it's successful, I'll go back first."

The body staggered up into the air, as if it was about to escape.

Gui Wujiu's heart moved, but he didn't stop him.

Sure enough, after more than ten breaths, Buzhi escaped only a few dozen li before turning back suddenly.I don't know whether it is clear or confused.

Gui Wugui smiled and said, "Why did you go and come back?"

Bu Zhixiao frowned, resting his chin on his hands, and said, "It seems to be finished; but it seems that it is not finished."

Jiang Minyi and Gui Wugui looked at each other.

Before Gui Wugui waited for someone to ask questions, Bu Zhizi added: "At first, I thought her Taoism was too high-level, and there were not many things that I needed to change, so I had this unfinished feeling; but when I was about to leave , but the thoughts gradually became clear—it’s not the reason.”

"It's true that it's not finished."

Gui Wugui knew it in his heart.

Buzhi's lower realm is indeed not a "repair Taoism" in the usual sense, but has a special purpose.

This move is a targeted move, in order to balance an advantage of the opposing camp.

Gui Wugui smiled and said: "Just wait a little longer. At most one or two days, the 'unfulfilled meaning' in your heart will definitely be fulfilled."

Bu Zhi said without hesitation: "Okay."

As verified by the current example, Gui Wugui has preliminarily established credibility with her.

Jiang Minyi's eyelids twitched suddenly, her face showed a strange look, and she said thoughtfully: "It's a coincidence—but you don't even have to wait for a day or two."

Gui Wugui nodded secretly.

It fits perfectly, without missing a beat.

Jiang Minyi muttered to herself for a while, then suddenly threw her backhand towards the sky, and as a violent brilliance pierced the blue sky like lightning, the "White Tiger Seal" had turned into a pumice stone more than ten feet in size, hanging in the air two or three miles high.

At this moment, this white tiger seal is half bright and dark, with countless rays of intense brilliance intertwined and shining on the ground.

The place it reflects is not more than ten feet in radius, but has been enlarged by ten times!
One bright and one dark light and shadow staggered, and after falling on the ground, they just formed handwriting one after another, weaving brocade into writing, showing the appearance of pearls and jade.

The size of these texts is very different, obviously not one piece; the smaller ones, each character is exactly the size of the handwriting in ordinary letters.Or hundreds of words, or thousands of words are condensed into one piece, widely distributed on the edge of this hundreds of feet of land.A piece of text is only the size of an open scroll.There are all kinds of things, maybe there are three or four thousand pieces.

But in the middle of this place of reflection, there are extremely eye-catching big characters.

The size of its handwriting is one-third larger than that of Jiang Minyi's previous [-]-character classic text.

However, although the handwriting is eye-catching, in terms of perfection, it may not be good at it.

The three or four thousand characters on the edge of the square look small and exquisite, but the handwriting is neat and clear, and it is clean and tidy without omissions; while the large characters occupying seven or eight of the central area, although each character is two or three feet in size, But instead, the light and shadow were chaotic and seemed blurred.

Buzhi also seemed to be exhausted, and became more active, clapping his hands and shouting: "The success is complete, there is no coming and no going!"

It seemed as if she was about to wake up from a dream and suddenly realized that the scene in front of her was the goal of her trip.

Gui Wugui fixed his eyes.

This moment was captured by him——

From Bu Zhi's expression, Gui Wu Jiu saw the shadow of that man.

After more than ten breaths of effort.

The text gradually became clear.

The bold and powerful characters in front of the head are eye-catching:
Only my Mahayana Sutra.

Calculating the time, Yuan Zun's ascension was just two days before and after this; but I didn't expect that the connection between this and that was exactly the same.

Those surrounding the surroundings, the size of the handwriting is equivalent to the characters in normal books, are the secret scriptures of the various clans in martial arts.Judging by its scale, it also has a considerable climate.

It's just that it pales in comparison to the "Solips Mahayana Sutra" in the center.

Gui Wugui smiled and said, "It's time for you to make meritorious deeds."

But before he finished speaking, Bu Zhi was already impatient, and rushed over with his feet loose.

Jiang Minyi frowned and said: "Using this method to absorb the secret meaning of the mantra for a lifetime, if the person you encounter has a high enough level of skill, you will feel it. If you deduce it in detail, you may not be able to understand the origin of this matter."

Gui Wujiu said indifferently: "It's just that he may not have thought that we will be able to obtain this method in its entirety."

Jiang Minyi looked up and asked in surprise, "Can you?"

Gui Wugui said leisurely: "Let's wait and see."

Those paragraphs after paragraphs of text were traversed so fast that when they tasted the Taoism left by Jiang Minyi earlier, it was even better by three points.

But although the speed is fast, there are also many more handwritings that have been trampled!
Just after the first line, Bu Zhi stepped on four characters.

After dozens of lines, half a volume of scriptures is already riddled with holes.

Jiang Minyi frowned slightly.

As the white tiger seal fell, the central part of the text first appeared as a blurry shadow, and after a final turn, it became a definite handwriting. She knew in her heart that this method taught by the great power of the upper realm must not be the "Ascension Reflection Method" of martial arts. "Take as much as you can.

But I didn't expect there to be so many mistakes.

After two full hours.

Bu Zhi paced back panting, his feet seemed a little unsteady.

She seemed a little sleepy, and suddenly fell to the ground and fell asleep.

The entire "Only Me Mahayana Sutra" is no longer complete—that is, the text that has been separated from the original scriptures and has not been successfully reproduced has a total of [-] characters.

Jiang Minyi turned serious and said, "I'm afraid it's a little difficult."

Daoist classics, based on the premise that the meaning of the text is smooth, coupled with the best deduction power of the characters above perfection, in fact, the possible handwriting in each "blank" space is easily locked within thirty or fifty.

It seems to be a no-brainer to make up a mere eight hundred and eighty-eight characters.

However, the subtlety of Taoism's wonderful principles cannot be understood by common sense.

Even if you deduce it in the realm of no blame, you may think that one of the words is very appropriate; but after the words filled in the vacancy of B are changed, the words that seem to be filled in the original place A may suddenly become inappropriate up.

Eight hundred and eighty-eight places are all in harmony, and they must be unified and complete. In fact, the difficulty is beyond imagination.

Gui Wugui calmly said: "I have a solution."

ps: When the body is in a state, the brain feels a little sluggish.Even typing mistakes are frequent.

(End of this chapter)

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