Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1335 Secret message transmission 2 hearts breaking barriers

Chapter 1335 Passing Secret Messages and Breaking Obstacles
Huang Xiyin and Tie Ke looked at each other and smiled.

Huang Xiyin said: "Fate and fate are fixed, fueling the flames, endlessly. I didn't expect you, Tie Ke, to be a part of it."

Tie Ke said: "As shown by my heart, the scroll guides, and the foundation has already been laid; Tie Ke just followed the trend."

After finishing speaking, Tie Ke clasped his palms together and slowly closed his eyes.

With a thought, Huang Xiyin did the same thing as Tie Ke.

This is a strange method in the magic way.

They don't communicate with words or spirits; instead, they run one of the "Four Classics of Demonic Dao" respectively, modifying them on the fly to understand their minds.When Huang Xiyin and Shentu Longshu passed the news, they also used a similar method.

After the heart was exhausted, Tie Ke said solemnly: "This matter is over, I will go back. I think Fellow Daoist Huang has his own ideas about the countermeasures."

After the voice fell, he turned around and left leisurely.

Huang Xiyin secretly understood the secret message and was quite moved.

This situation is not difficult to study and judge - what strategy should be adopted should be decided by Gui Wugui himself.

If Gui Wujiu thinks he can handle it, then knowing the news in advance is enough to make preparations; if he is not sure, then it is completely too late to create trouble and destroy Li Yunlong before he succeeds.

Is it possible to use the characteristics of the "Great Egg" from the inside to the outside, and the horizons are interlinked, to convey the message in a magical way?
But Huang Xiyin's thought moved slightly, but she rejected the idea.

The way of magic is subtle, and no useless son will fall.

This time, Tie Ke's message was so ingenious, and it happened to be combined with the "truth deviation method" that he arranged on Mo Tianqing's body, which shows that such a secret message is very necessary.For this level of secrets, the other party should also have extremely meticulous deduction and defense techniques.

It would be ridiculous if there was no mistake in Mo Tianqing's message to him, but something went wrong in his eagerness to reply to Gui Wugui.

After careful consideration of her mind, Huang Xiyin finally felt that she should have confidence in Gui Wugui.

Its third clone, together with Qin Menglin, would tell the matter after returning from the secret world, and it would be too late.Before that, she acted naturally, as if nothing happened, and did not cause any waves in the world of Ziwei.


South of the barren sea.

An isolated tower, the weather is more wonderful than before.

It can be clearly seen that there is an extra layer of floating pavilions on the tower body, with a length and width of [-] feet, which almost looks like a monk's mansion near the Tao.

This is the place where Xingyuemen's sect resides.

On the Xingyue Gate's iconic giant tower, the extra layer of pavilions is exactly the same as the intuitive impression at a glance-it is prepared for sitting in the near-dao realm.

Relying on the Xingyue Sect's own skills, it is naturally not enough to break through the realm of the near-dao realm; but in the Yueheng Sect and other sects, those who have long been looking forward to the "new method to achieve the Tao" without blame, travel here, but they think it is nine. The exercises in the fringe areas of the sect have a taste of "merging" with the local Taoism invisibly.

In the future, if one becomes enlightened through the method established by Gui Wujiu, it may be more relaxed than the serious disciples of the Nine Schools.

More importantly, this place was originally related to Gui Wugui.

Although Gui Wujiu himself did not express his position, but since fifty years ago, there have been inexplicable rumors spreading here that it is due to the cause and effect of the chance of becoming a Taoist, even if there is still a small gap between the cultivators here and the foundation of the short Tao, Gui Wugui Gui will also leave three short-cut opportunities here.

When this news came out, those who had more advanced skills in the Nascent Soul Realm here were inexplicably moved.

The bottom of this giant tower.

A stream, beautiful land.

An old man in a black robe with a very old face, sitting alone on a wicker chair, looked leisurely and content, his mind was racing, and he looked thoughtful.And on his right hand side, there is an extremely precise formation disk, which seems to be no more than the size of a palm, but the text in it is dense, almost over [-] characters.

In the place where the "streams" converge in front, there seem to be many visible and invisible fish fry swimming repeatedly in the water, setting off starlight.

On the bank of this stream, there is another peach tree more than three feet high.

The peach tree seems very ordinary, but there seems to be a hidden meaning, which is connected with the mana of the "array" beside the old man.

The black-robed old man was in a trance, suddenly startled.

Then he rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

After a full pause for three breaths, he shouted: "Who are you...?"

It can be clearly seen that there are suddenly two more people on the bank of the stream.

The surprise of the black-robed old man was no small matter.

This is not another place, but the inheritance secret place of Xingyuemen's "Kongyun Nianjian".

Of course, compared with the short-cut opportunity that is about to be obtained, the remnants of the Kongyun Nianjian in the most primitive form, the experience of "enlightenment" by the previous generation of local monks, is actually not worth mentioning.At this moment, what this place is really proud of is that Gui Wujiu has been in seclusion here for a long time.

not only that.

The extra "peach tree" in front of me is actually a very high-grade rare treasure. It was borrowed from the Yueheng Sect by the head of the sect who somehow became friends with a big man from the Yueheng Sect. of.

The use of this thing can go back to the ancient meaning within a thousand years, and make it true against the current.Practicing under the tree, you can feel a hint of the connotation of Gui Wugui practicing here.

It stands to reason that such a sublime magic weapon cannot be used by Yue Hengzong himself, so he will never hand it over to a local monk who is too low in level.However, the "rhythm of practice" brought by this tree is closely related to the formation of my own natal supernatural powers. The monks of the Yueheng sect all cultivated from the "Psychic Manifestation True Form Map", which has not been connected with the sword intent here. It is not worthwhile to abandon one's own practice because of the merits.

And here, as a place where Gui Wujiu practiced for a very long time, it seems quite meaningful.

Whether it's leisure chess or friendship, this treasure is placed here; let's see if there is any bottom-up touch on the Taoism of the local world.

This black-robed old man is the one who is responsible for the control and operation of this treasure——

Whether this thing is practiced under the tree or not requires a special activation process.

Of the two people in front of them, one has a simple and honest appearance, and the other is connected by silk threads, like phantoms.

The simple-looking man smiled slightly at the black-robed old man, and said: "Guest. I used the precious land to practice in seclusion. Didn't it mean that I lived here for a long time and practiced for a long time? He borrowed it, so naturally I can borrow it."

The old man in black robe looked dazed, and his mind moved, as if he felt that what the person said was very reasonable.

Immediately back into the wicker chair, ignore it.

The man with the ethereal lines blinked his eyes and said, "In the secret realm of Changying Star, you explained that you have realized the mystery, so you have come here all the way. Could it be that your practice method is to return to nothing that you have gone through before?" Do you have to walk the same path again? This doesn’t seem to work, does it?”

"Even if your deduction skills are no less than what he used to be, once a path is cleared, it will block the path for future generations to follow suit."

The simple boy said: "Of course I understand. It's not an imitation; it's just a reference."

When the two were talking, in fact, their merits were already in the situation of "rising with the trend", like a huge water tank, with inexplicable spring water continuously poured into it, and the water line continued to rise; but this "water tank" also It will never be full, as if the entire "water tank" is constantly growing.

In terms of the intensity and intuitiveness of this image, it is even higher than the current image of Gui Wugui and Qin Menglin.

Obviously, this is the effect of "Only Me Mahayana Sutra".

It's just that whether it's Xi Lerong, Yu Gucheng or Li Yunlong, all of them practiced at the level of Taoism in closed doors. It's really incredible to be able to walk outside at this step, and to be distracted.

The image of the ethereal lines paced back and forth: "Is it for reference? Is this really useful? He developed the real flow alone, but just followed the name of cause and effect; and you have made a new look of the Eight Meridian Swordsmanship; but it is still the original Eight Swords style .This is where he beats you."

"In my opinion, if the eight swords of Chenyang are pushed to an unprecedented new level, it will be better than imitating the Taoism of imputation."

The native boy laughed dumbly and said, "Isn't what you said exactly what I'm doing?"

In the future, there may no longer be the Eight Swords of Chenyang, but the Nine Swords of Chenyang. "

The image of the ethereal lines stared at the country boy for a long time, and said, "I really wonder if there is something wrong with your spirit."

If it's the Taoism in the world, you can call it Nangong Eight Palms or Dugu Nine Swords, it's up to you.But the "eight" of Chenyang Eight Swords is based on the fundamental existence of Taoism.

Kendo method, one transformation sixteen.

Open up the true flow, take eight out of sixteen.

A complete Zhenli Dazong of swordsmanship will never exceed the limit of "eight out of sixteen".The eight swords are within the category, and the eight swords are outside the category, and there is no such thing as "nine swords".

Even if an impossible event happened—for example, Gui Wujiu completely learned the Eight Swords of Chenyang Sword Mountain; or Xuanyuan Huai completely learned the Kongyun Nianjian.What they can hold at the same time is still eight swords, not sixteen swords.

If the principles contained in the two kendo conflicts, then only one can be kept.

This is the "only" of Zhenliu Kendo.

What the country boy said about "Chenyang Nine Swords" was almost like ramblings that had not reached the highest level.

The country boy blinked suddenly, and remained silent for a while, apparently using an inexplicable method to convey the news, said: "So...does it count as an extra sword?"

Immediately, the ethereal lines showed a look of extreme astonishment. After a long trance, he said, "So this is what you said about enlightenment, and this is your 'Nine Swords'... What you have to deal with is not blameless."

The country boy said indifferently: "This secret is veiled in the dark, no matter how smart a person is, he can't deduce it. It's just that he can't think of it. This so-called absolute cover is limited by 'one heart'. And I and You really turned into two minds and two bodies, scrutinizing positive and negative, but you were freed from this predicament."

Ethereal Lines said confusedly: "It seems that this shouldn't be the case..."

The local boy smiled and said: "You said that the general trend is hard to catch up. But after passing this hurdle, this is an opportunity that is really better than blame."

"Even he has won, and it's not too much to win, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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