Chapter 1336

Ten years later.

One of the Baimai Yinzong, Qingliang Mountain.

Thousands of miles away from this sect, suddenly a ray of light flashed by, its momentum was very fast.

Looking at the appearance of him crossing thousands of miles, he is clearly a Tianxuan Shangzhen.

It's just that when Tianxuan really acts, he often pays attention to restraint and demeanor, and is meticulous and flawless.And this person's aura is so violent, it is obviously a bit unusual.

Before this person settled down at the gate of the sect, he raised his hand and opened the Qingliang Mountain restriction.Only now did I see that this was a middle-aged monk wearing a blue cloud suit.Wide forehead and deep nose, sharp and sharp.It's just that the long sleeve of his right arm was broken at this time, and he was clearly in a bit of a panic.

After the middle-aged monk entered the sect, he went straight to a hall behind the triple gate.

The palace was a hundred and twenty feet in length and width, and there were high platforms on the left and right, and there were already seven Tianxuan Shangzhen, each of whom was concentrating.

The top ones on the left and right are obviously Quan Shangzhen and Yuexiang Shangzhen.

The light in Quan Shangzhen's eyes flickered, and he said in a distant voice, "Friend Luo, how is it?"

The one with the broken right sleeve waved his hand, and said very concisely: "Same."

Immediately, he waved his left hand, and a shadow stone appeared immediately, turning into a scene of light and shadow.

It's just that in the light and shadow, there is only his own figure - but he keeps making shots and using various magical techniques; but he can't see where the opponent is.

Quan Shang Zhenwei pondered for a while, and said: "Although this matter is mysterious, the battle in the ancestral court of the holy religion is the real thing at this time. If this is the case, the only way to make a decision is to wait for the dust to settle there. "

The remaining five or six Shangzhengs all nodded.

In the last ten years—to be precise, nine years ago, a strange thing happened suddenly.

When the Yinzong masters really went out of the world, they encountered challenges from unknown people one after another.

As the world goes by, ancient and modern times change.

Thinking back more than a thousand years ago, all the Tianxuan and Shangzhen sects were people who suppressed the sects, and they couldn't get out of seclusion after leisure.Even if anyone wants to fight, there is probably no chance.But now the whole world is changing more and more intensely. Although the Taoist realm is the main force that determines the situation, they have to move.

For example, today's siege of the Holy Cult's ancestral court involves refining treasures, providing food, manpower, and formation strength, and there are quite a few people who need the real hands of Tianxuan.

This is just an external factor.

In the realm of Yinzong's approach to Daoism, many insightful people think that in an extraordinary world, perhaps there will be subtle changes in the future, and this is something closely related to themselves.Especially for those Shangzhen whose merits and aptitudes are very good in the near-dao realm, but logically far away from the dao realm, they are extraordinarily attentive.

The "some" that was originally lacking may be made up for by the current brilliance of the Ziwei Great World.

Combining internal and external, Tianxuan Shangzhen of the Yinzong is obviously acting more violently than before.

Perhaps, it is also such a condition that gives the person who strikes a chance.

The first example is Lou Yuxuan, Shangzhen of Jianglizong.He entered an abyss nine years ago to pick up a spiritual object of heaven and earth, but he encountered an unexpected guest.The man didn't wear a mask or anything to cover him, but his face naturally emitted a precious light.

After the meeting, that person didn't care about anything, and he really shot at Lou Yuxuan.

The merits and deeds of each other seem to be between brothers.After fighting for three full hours, Lou Shangzhen was defeated by someone who came.However, the secret treasure of body protection on Lou Shangzhen's body did not activate.

At that time, Lou Yuxuan had picked up the treasures and returned home. If you search carefully, it is not difficult to find the treasures on him.But the man ignored it and left.

This matter is quite strange.

In all fairness, Lou Yuxuan's Shangzhen ranks at the bottom among the Jiangli Sect's Shangzhen.A person who can fight fiercely with him for three hours is naturally not considered to be too outstanding.But that person had no intention of looting, and he didn't even activate the protective treasure refined by Daoist Master, so it was really evil.

Such cases are out of control.

In the past nine years, a total of thirty-five incidents have occurred.I don't know how that person can just intercept these many Tianxuan Shangzhen.

Moreover, the real meritorious deeds of these thirty-five people vary greatly, and the gap between high and low is huge.

Those with a weak foundation are not as good as Lou Yuxuan Shangzhen; and the most outstanding ones are only one step away from Quan Shangzhen and Yuexiang Shangzhen.But these thirty-five people were defeated by the unidentified person without any accident.

Moreover, they all fought fiercely for at least an hour before they could barely lose.

Since the energy of the five Daoist priests were all on the battlefield in the Holy Church's ancestral court, they had no time to attend to others, so this strange matter was handled by Quan Shangzhen and others.

After operating for a long time, he missed two more chances, and finally used the superior divination algorithm to capture the opportunity of the comer; he ordered Gantang Zong Luo Yanhong to challenge him;

What he had done this time was very careful, but he didn't expect that it was still a failure, and he didn't even leave a photo of the other party.

If he had known this earlier, he wouldn't have to worry about scaring the snake, and mobilized the crowd to besiege him in one breath, just capture him.

Yue Xiangshang really took a look at Luo Yanhong, and said: "The karma of grievances and enmities is not in a hurry."

He understood Luo Yanhong's intentions.

The rest of the real defeats were accidents; but this time he took the initiative to go out and did not make any achievements, so it was shameful.

Luo Yanhong's complexion changed, and he finally nodded reluctantly.

At this moment, a dazzling white light suddenly stood upright in the palace, rapidly expanding from the thickness of a toothpick to more than three feet wide, like an extra pillar; immediately the light turned back and retreated.

When I looked again, there was already an extra figure here.

The softness of facial expressions and the rigidity of qi and movement are all perfect, but they are perfectly combined together; the vision of turning away from the guest is also better than the seven Shangzhengs in the temple.

A look of surprise appeared on Yue Xiangshang's face, and he said, "Daoist Jiang Minyi."

Jiang Minyi nodded slightly as an answer.

Yuexiang Shangzhen said: "Daoist Jiang Minyi's speed of crossing the border is fast... I don't know what you mean?"

Jiang Minyi replied cleanly and succinctly: "I came here for what you discussed."

Quan Shangzhen suddenly looked a little strange, and said: "The many battles in the past ten years are your trials, Fellow Daoist Jiang..."

Jiang Minyi's eyelids moved, and said, "Quan Shang really thought of where to go. I'm here to help you solve problems."

Quan Shang really breathed a sigh of relief, and repeatedly confessed: "Someone's thinking went wrong."

Thinking about it, Jiang Minyi's level is really far from them.Previously, Fanmo Tianqing broke through the realm and approached the realm, and he was only challenging the Nine Sects.Although the foundation of Taoism is one level lower, it can be overcome by the "name" and "potential" of the Nine Sects.

However, I really can't figure out the meaning of challenging the Tianxuan Shangzhen of the Yinzong sect.

Jiang Minyi said: "Long story short. That uninvited guest is heading to the Qing Weizong right now. You can just come with me to watch the excitement."

Yuexiang Shangzhen, Quan Shangzhen and others looked at each other and nodded.

As for how Jiang Minyi knew that person's whereabouts, there was no need to ask.


In the place where the Weizong of the Qing Dynasty was established, in the south of the vast marsh, a shadow in the shape of a ghost suddenly appeared.

But at this moment, he did not use the method of hiding his face after contact with Dou Zhan, but completely showed his true face——

The direct descendant of the Kirin family, Lin Yi.

After gaining close combat power, Lin Yi and Mo Tianqing embarked on two different paths.

Mo Tianqing's actions are still in accordance with the original strategy of lobbying everyone - to challenge the top true monarchs of the Nine Sects, and to accumulate his own strength.But after Lin Yi thought about it carefully, he took another path.

In fact, Yinzong Zhuzhen really did not expect that the "uninvited guest" would be Lin Yi who is in a perfect state.

In the eyes of Yue Xiangshangzhen and others, although this unexpected visitor has some unfathomable taste, defeating Yinzong thirty-five Weishangzhen is easy to do, but fully overestimating it is only a figure who is two or three steps away from the thirty-six sub-picture .

As for the top people who have achieved shortcuts, it is really unnecessary and meaningless to play such pranks with them.

But for Lin Yi, it really "meaningful".

The method of "four colors" of the Qilin family opened a precedent for the "unity of all forces" of the monster family.Although it seems that the follow-up is weak in the process of development, it has been successively surpassed by similar methods of the dragon, phoenix, and Tianma clans.But since it can be the first to open up the atmosphere, it must have its reasons.

Because this practice is extended to the original, there is an all-inclusive "core", which seems to be the hub of integration.But this "hub" from today's perspective is that the foundation has been dug shallow, which limits the upper limit of the final "four hues" method.

After Lin Yi initially possessed the near-dao realm meritorious deeds, he decided to walk the road he had walked before.Not only the family's secret method passed down from generation to generation, the hidden sect's humane Taoism, but also more research and expansion of potential.

This kind of method is different from the eclectic method of Kongyun Nianjian, and does not pay attention to how clever the method absorbed; the original hidden sect Taoism, it can be said that the size is just right.

Lin Yi spread his palms and glanced at him.

In the palm of his hand, there is a bronze compass, with ten degrees as a quarter, and now thirty-five out of thirty-six quarters are completely black and brown, like burnt coal, losing its aura.Only the last one remained, with a hint of copper-colored brilliance.

This is the last foundation he obtained from the Qilin clan, able to go back to the seal, escape far, and play the role of the yin and yang cave.But after all, this thing cannot be used for a long time like the earth vein teleportation array and the yin and yang cave channel.

Ten years on, the opportunities are all but exhausted.

In fact, in order to escape and hide, it is ideal to leave a few pockets; but under the constraints of the situation, I have to squeeze out all the potential of my body.

While thinking about it, the space suddenly swayed.

It seems that there is a person coming through the air at an extremely fast speed.

Lin Yi's mind immediately froze, and he was about to use the secret method to conceal his face; but after thinking about it, he didn't do so.

Because he felt it, the visitor's eyes settled on him, and he was one step ahead of him, and he had already seen his true face clearly.

When the person appeared, Lin Yi's eyes froze.

(End of this chapter)

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