Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1343 Separation of Shinto

Chapter 1343 The Separation of Shinto

Master Li once again sent out a condensed blow, with full and powerful mana.

It's just that there seems to be a faint golden layer of aura emerging from his body, like a streamer or a statue.

Xi Zhenzi also made a move.

In the previous fight, Xi Zhenzi acted as Master Li's assistant to restrain her; but at this moment, she actually used the exact same magical technique as Master Li—roundness and uniformity, consistent temperament, and coming in groups.Because she is in a perfect realm, so she uses similar Taoism, and the power is more powerful than Master Li!
This is clearly a means of borrowing from Shinto.

After using Shinto and Taoism, it is not only a dialectical attack and a confirmation of the harvest of Taoism; it can also "separate Shinto" at critical moments to achieve a new life after the end of the mountain.What Xi Zhenzi and Master Li are using at this time is the ultimate method!
It's just that the manifestation form of this method is a little different from the normal method; the divine way energy is scattered as soon as it surges, so it is limited that the divine way of attacking from a distance cannot be used.It has to be at a very close range to show its power.

It turned out that although Master Li and Xi Zhenzi were about to fight suddenly, their state of mind had climbed to an unprecedented peak.

After roughly thinking about it, I already knew that such a strategy would not be enough for Jiang Minyi; what I wanted was victory in defeat, the final fatal blow!
There is another beauty in this blow.

With the two of them as the center of a circle, a gray mask suddenly appeared three hundred feet away, and then quickly retracted.

Everything in the light mask is in the boxing power of the two of them.

This way of fighting is somewhat similar to the characteristics of Yue Hengzong's grand finale treasure. It is to form a domain first and then recover it. This is the way to completely prevent the enemy from escaping.

Master Yili and Xi Zhenzi jointly exerted the mana scale of "Dan Yuan Vibrating the Root", Jiang Minyi, whose skill was inferior at this time, was bound to be unable to resist.And at this time it was inevitable, the phantom of "Su Caicai" in front of her had already solidified from the void, and was about to manifest her figure.

But after Jiang Minyi's gaze experienced a momentary or permanent silence, she waved her backhand and took Baoling away.

The endless attacks fell on Jiang Minyi.

It's just that this attack is not specific, and it doesn't look violent; it's just rippling brilliance, like a spring breeze blowing on the face; but the infinite and condensed power inside is extremely amazing, almost burning every inch of Jiang Minyi's body, Loss of vitality and spirituality.

After about millions of blows, Jiang Minyi's body fell straight, and then rolled down more than ten feet away; it seemed that the spirit and soul had completely disappeared, leaving only a walking corpse-like body.

Xi Zhenzi and Master Li sat softly on the ground.

Using this method of "Separation of God and Dao" is a great overdraft of one's own Taoism background; the consumption is sufficient, and the difficulty of recovery is even more than that of Yingfazong's Day and Night Classics.With this shot, the outcome of life and death is truly settled.

After watching for a while, it seemed that Jiang Minyi's "recovery" method had not been activated, and the two of them settled down a bit.

In fact, the two of them were somewhat sure; with the strength of the blow just now, it was believed that it had already exceeded the upper limit of Jiang Minyi's recovery method.

But when this thought came to the minds of the two of them, there was a subtle change in the surroundings——

To be precise, there is an extra line of wonderful aura.

This aura did not appear directly on Jiang Minyi's "corpse"; it appeared in an open space more than a hundred feet away.This qi is becoming more and more condensed and solid; although there is no one to rely on, the weather is more and more obvious!

This is clearly the qi mechanism from the Nascent Soul to the shortcut.

The heavy group of gangsters was roughly equivalent to Jiang Minyi's mana and strength when he fought against the two.

Then the air mechanism skyrocketed rapidly, doubled, doubled, tripled; quadrupled.

If it is said that Jiang Minyi retreated from four-fifths to one-fifth when fighting against the two of them, then at this moment, the size of this group of auras has reversed from one-fifth to four-fifths .

And, it didn't stop!
After climbing up three times, the aura didn't stop, but jumped again at a swift and swift speed!
The subject and the object are reversed, and I am the main one; it is majestic, deep and precise.

The completed near-field air machine.

Then Jiang Minyi's "corpse" seemed to be inexplicably inspired, and fled quickly to join this ball of energy!
Vitality and spirit will be restored immediately.

Not only did he recover, but he also took advantage of this battle to break through the near-dao realm!
Master Li's eyes dimmed slightly; Xi Zhenzi remained calm, as if everything had nothing to do with her.

Jiang Minyi opened her eyes, walked slowly, and said in her mouth: "Do you think you are too unlucky? There are many days, but you are not on your side?"

Master Li also regained his composure, and said silently, "Maybe."

Just now, there is a key point in the first battle.

If the strike that finally achieves the decisive victory is not a delicate image, but another simple and rough style, the result will be very different.

For example, directly cut Jiang Minyi into eight pieces; or cut it into three sections.

Even if Jiang Minyi didn't die, she wouldn't use her mana to connect with her body as she does now, and she would immediately return to a perfect appearance.It should be known that the realm of the short path has not been able to completely eliminate the role of the physical body.If Jiang Minyi also had difficulty recovering, or re-condensed the dharma body, then the victory of this battle is still unknown.

But there is a contradiction in it, the meticulous attack, and the shrinking image suddenly enveloped by the last blow, which resembles the most precious treasure of Yue Hengzong, complement each other.If the attack method is changed, the "no leakage image" will be damaged, and Jiang Minyi may be able to escape in advance.

But to say that there are no regrets at all is not entirely true.

Because between these two images, there may not be an irreconcilable contradiction in Taoism; it is just a natural choice in the most favorable direction when studying Taoism intensively.If you know in advance that you will meet today's situation, it may not be incompatible.

At this time, Jiang Minyi's eyes flashed with brilliance, and she did not hide her sharpness at all.

Xi Zhenzi and Master Li's eyes moved.

The look in Jiang Minyi's eyes clearly meant that the body had suffered countless blows and was about to take revenge at this time.

Coming to the front in three or two steps, Jiang Minyi immediately raised her leg and kicked.

Master Li managed to dodge half a foot, but no matter how difficult it was to move.Jiang Minyi kicked her under the jaw as before, fell three feet away, and fell to the ground, unable to move.

Then Jiang Minyi stepped forward and stomped again.

It's just that Xi Zhenzi didn't dodge or evade, her face was extremely calm; not only was her body motionless and her eyes didn't blink, but even her mind seemed to be drifting away, as if completely ignoring everything in front of her eyes.

Jiang Minyi landed her foot an inch away from Xi Zhenzi's chest, but stopped suddenly.

Immediately he said: "My road to break through is a bit more difficult than I imagined. People like Lin Yi, Wu Xuanxi, etc., can no longer bring a little pressure; once we meet, we know that there is no value in making a move. And you did it."

"The key to this joint attack lies in you; it is actually quite difficult to complete."

Just now Master Li and Xi Zhenzi’s joint attack method, Master Li is following the old method, just completing the "separation of Shinto"; while Xi Zhenzi not only completes the "separation of Shinto", but also completes the method of "Danyuan Zhenyuan" against Master Li simulation reproduction.

Only when she masters this technique to the same level as Mr. Li, can the "No Omissions", which is like the most precious treasure of Yue Hengzong, be able to appear.

Even if Xi Zhenzi is in the realm of perfection, the difficulty of realizing it should not be underestimated.

Xi Zhenzi said indifferently: "After all, I still lost. Is Jiang Daoyou showing off his brilliance?"

Jiang Minyi suddenly stretched out her hand, stroked Xi Zhenzi's cheek, then pinched it lightly, and said, "Actually, among the characters in the world of Ziwei today, you are the closest to me... whatever."

Immediately turned his head to look at Mr. Li, and said: "In fact, he has become more courageous and clear-minded. But compared to your frustration and stubbornness, it is still a bit worse after all. Therefore, integrating the divine way, Breaking through the realm of consummation is your success."

A bright light suddenly appeared.

It was the figure of Su Caicai.With her palms together, she has already used the pulling technique.

Both Xi Zhenzi and Master Li felt a burst of irresistible force, and immediately became groggy.


With a flash in front of her eyes, Xi Zhenzi immediately found that she was thrown into an extremely vast new space. The atmosphere was very different from that of the Ziwei Great World, but it was a little bit reluctant to call it a "small world".

A gigantic statue with the appearance of Gui Wugui, dealing with the mountains and seas.

It's just that she was left outside; the figure of Mrs. Danli seemed to be hit directly on the "statue" of imputation, and then disappeared.

Just as he was hesitating, the huge "statue" of Gui Wugui suddenly became transparent, and the teacher Zhenzi saw through the pure and unique copper-colored aura inside, as well as Lin Yi, Wu Xuanxi, and the new Mr. Li.

The next moment, there was a roar in Xi Zhenzi's mind:
"Because I treat you as a half bosom friend, I only allow you to cultivate in this realm. But if you don't know good from bad, spend your time looking for a way to go out of the realm, or create troubles in this realm, and cause disturbance, then only you can practice." Take you into that prison to be with those three stinky men."

"The magic power in that prison is completely restrained, and it is no different from a mortal body. If you are locked up for a thousand years, even if you can't die immediately, it is like torture. Although practicing Taoism here is not as refreshing as in the world of Ziwei, it is also easy It's all right; don't mistake yourself."

After a pause, the voice reappeared: "There is a dense forest thousands of miles east of the statue of Gui Wugui. There are all kinds of nuts and delicacies, which are also delicious. If you are interested, you can go and have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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