Chapter 1344
In the yin and yang house, there are four people in total.

Dongfang Wanqing, the yin and yang Taoist master, Huang Xiyin, and a middle-aged woman with a good face.

This person's name is Hu Yourong, and he is the patriarch of the current Nine-tailed Fox Clan.

The four gathered together to observe one thing, which was the picture scroll that Hu Yourong presented from the palace yesterday.

In the offensive and defensive battle surrounding the "Great Egg" of the Holy Cult's Ancestral Court, many treasures have appeared so far; but in terms of their value to each ethnic group, the objects presented in the picture scroll are the most important.

The Nine-Tailed Fox Clan also mastered methods such as the "Possession Method", and once this technique was used, it could achieve at most five Dao Realm combat powers, equivalent to the sum of the Peacock Clan and Tianma Clan.

But in a comprehensive evaluation, the possession method of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan can only be ranked at the bottom among the first-rate giants such as the Eight Orthodox and the Five Oddities.Because although there is no hindrance to the use of that thing, every time it is activated, it takes as little as a quarter of an hour or as much as a year, which is equivalent to a complete "one time".

However, the price of "once" is three years later, and the possession magic treasure needs to be cultivated for a full eight hundred years, which is a huge vacuum.

So there is an extremely rare situation——

The number one treasure of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan is not the "possession technique" secret treasure, it only ranks second in its clan.

Its number one treasure, the foundational object that the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan really relies on, is called "Yin-Yang Relying on Empty and Secret Travel Talismans".

In short, this thing is a treasure of escape.

This yin and yang are divided into yin and yang according to the emptiness and secret talisman, each of which can be integrated with a vast world with a radius of more than [-] li, and separate it from east to west; once it is used, the yin or yang talisman in it will form a pulling force , but it can completely move a realm equivalent to the size of a small realm to an extremely distant realm, even if it is half a world away from Ziwei.

What's even more rare is that this method can even be used several times at the same time in a short period of time.

It is not difficult to imagine that with the vastness of the Ziwei Great World, no matter how powerful the other hostile forces are, it is difficult for them to be invisible to the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan.Especially in the era when the holy religion was not established, without the constraints of the Yin-Yang cave and the Yinzong earth vein transmission array, one could sit back and relax with almost only one method.

Even if it is restrained by those two things, as long as one or two hundred places are avoided and the hidden land boundary is found, the old eightfold effect can still be exerted.

This is just one of its uses.

After this secret treasure was formed, the hidden secrets were turned into the ancestral motto of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan and passed on—so ever-changing and endless.

If you feel the "end of mind", this thing will usher in the end of its usefulness——

That is the inconceivable effect of the two esoteric practices combining the two into one, completely dissolving it, and collecting the circulation of the esoteric world.

After Hu Yourong explained clearly, Dongfang Wanqing nodded slowly.

The Yin-Yang Daoist also said: "So that's how it is."

"If it is the fundamental cause and effect of a family, it is really not easy to take over."

When Hu Yourong first explained the purpose of coming, even the master of Yin and Yang couldn't help being stunned.The fundamental treasure of a clan, how can it be said that it is discarded?Even if you no longer trust Gui Wugui, or are eager to make meritorious service, this is not the case.

If this item is used, even if we pay back the favor.To end the cause and effect, he must bleed profusely.

It turned out that it was Hu Yourong who realized the mystery in the secret place of his clan and felt the mystery of "exhaustion of meaning".It is about a few years in the shortest period, and no longer than a hundred years in the long term. The value of the main purpose of the "Yin Yang Secret Traveling Talisman Based on Emptiness" will suddenly become lighter.

Of course, this thing will not be discarded as soon as it is discarded. Its final use of burning itself can still usher in a chance to shine.

Hu Yourong said with a smile: "I originally imagined that this thing's 'meaningful' use is due to the incredible space blockade method, and the first effect of this thing can't be exerted; Wherever you can escape, there are still enemies."

"But I didn't would be like this."

Hu Yourong's voice was unusually moving, and there was a special kind of laziness in the calmness, which seemed to have a miraculous effect of calming people's hearts.

The combination of two yin and yang by means of void and secret amulets is the most brilliant method of space sealing.It is known as "Thousands of wrong paths, and the secret world circulates".

Roughly speaking, if it is used on an object, if the object is covered with a layer of extremely mysterious and incredible "space film"; it compresses and folds the vast, vast, and hundreds of millions of miles of space into a thin layer. ; As soon as external force is applied, it will immediately spread out, forming billions of wrong paths, and it is like a stone sinking into the sea.

In fact, this method of space folding to weaken the opponent is not new; it's just that the scale of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan has never been so large.

Even if our strategic goal is to rescue without blame, this thing can actually do it——

Because its utility is born from the self-destruction of heavy treasures, once anchored to the target, it is unstoppable.As long as this wonderful space folding imprint lands on the "giant egg", the magic power of Ruo Xi Lerong, Long Yunfengqing and others will dissipate out of thin air, and they will no longer be able to focus on it.

At that time, the power of impunity within the dome will be greater than the external force, of course it will not be difficult to break the boundary!

Of course, in the current situation, there is no need to suspect that this thing will be "a disservice".Because Gui Wugui sensed that the external force has weakened a lot, it is enough for him to reduce the internal force and maintain balance; and the person applying the external force is separated from this "membrane", and cannot be sure that his own force is still falling from an infinite distance. On top of the dome, it was still lost in the middle.

With this big weapon, it seems like it would be the best thing to finally strengthen the determination of Long Yun and others, and guarantee that they will be out of bounds without blame.

But Dongfang Wanqing and Huang Xiyin were all thoughtful, and they didn't seem too excited.

Hu Yourong asked suspiciously: "Could it be that this thing is the main thing, is it still not enough?"

Dongfang Wanqing said: "The background of the nobility is really the first-class treasure in the world of Ziwei. What's more rare is that the writing is ingenious, and it is not a blindly aggressive approach. In terms of utility alone, it must be able to make meritorious service."

Hu Yourong said: "Then you mean..."

Huang Xiyin answered, "There's too much movement."

The secret treasure of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan, the yin and yang talisman, looks like it has the word "fu". After listening to it, others will only think that it is something like a talisman or a talisman, and it is nothing more than a palm-sized thing; in fact, it is not.

These two talismans, Yin and Yang, are each three hundred feet high standing gold monuments, and they have no effect of changing at will; and the weight of this object is a thousand times heavier than gold and iron.Therefore, since objects are the acme of space, it is even more impossible to be incorporated into any object-containing space.

Once it is used, it is actually using the thirty-six picture scrolls that have been placed in the display to activate the ancestral secret method.Let it fly above the polar sky, walk at high speed along a fixed orbit around the sky; then stop it at the nearest, and move it to the front.

With the running speed of this object above the orbit of the sky, it is unexpected to be robbed by others; but in the end it is——

Too much movement!

Dongfang Wanqing suddenly stretched out her hand, and wrote a string of words, which landed on Hu Yourong's forehead, gradually disappearing.

Hu Yourong was stunned, surprised for a long time, and then said: "It turns out...that's how it is."

The crux of the problem is that the effectiveness of this product has exceeded expectations!

If this yin and yang talisman is like the two treasures of the former Panchi Meizu and Lingming Apes, although its power is amazing, but it is still not enough to break through the defense of the "big egg", then the size of this object is just right, and No worries, just grab it.

But the use of this thing has really reached the level of being able to "break the formation".

This is not just a problem that can be solved with the cooperation of acting; because such a large movement is escaped with this object, the power of cause and effect and the reason for the calculation are bound to be extremely rich; there are at least seven or eight kinds of Top-notch divination and occult techniques can deduce this fact——

To blame the camp, I really found a way to break the "Big Egg"!

In this way, things are completely out of control.

If Long Yun and the others firmly believe that Gui Wujiu will be able to "break the formation", they choose to break the pot and abandon the "Big Egg", and take advantage of the pass before Gui Wujiu has time to go out of the boundary, and fight a bloody battle with our true opponents ——

That was really a mistake, which constituted an unprecedented "misunderstanding" in the world of Ziwei.

The Yin-Yang Daoist pondered for a long time, and said: "It's really not trivial to cover up the movement of this thing... Difficult, difficult, difficult."

Even the Yin-Yang Dao Master, who is the most skilled at deducing and concealing the secrets of heaven, even said three difficulties, which shows that this matter is almost impossible.

Due to its excessive power, it has become limited, and it really is a bit of luck.

The deep light in Huang Xiyin's eyes suddenly flickered, and she said slowly: "No. This is not a problem, but an opportunity. The trump card that really breaks the situation, in the light of the chess game, is that we take the initiative to make a move, and the opponent is tested and precarious. right."

Taoist Yin Yang and Dongfang Wanqing looked at each other.

A meaningful smile suddenly flashed across the corner of Huang Xiyin's mouth, and said: "Dare to ask the two seniors. In today's Ziwei world, the upper limit of this thing's ability can be deduced through the movement of yin and yang based on the movement of the cryptic talisman, which is enough to break the seal knot." In the world, what methods are there?"

Dongfang Wanqing frowned and said slowly:

"The methods of Yin and Yang should not be compromised."

The Yin-Yang Daoist nodded slowly, and added: "Gui Wugui's Kongyun Nianjian, and the divination secret method of the dragon and phoenix clans seem to be able to do it; In between."

Dongfang Wanqing suddenly focused her eyes, met Huang Xiyin's eyes, and said, "You probably don't mean the above types. What you want to talk about is the three methods."

Huang Xiyin nodded slowly.

Dongfang Wanqing took a closer look.Today's Huang Xiyin seems to have already grasped the wisdom pearl with the full-fledged magic way and the atmosphere of affectionate flow.He said slowly: "This doesn't seem to be in line with their way of thinking and their long-standing strategy. Do you think they will do this?"

Yin Yang Dao Master's body lightened and darkened, and said: "If this is the case, they will end up. With their outstanding performance, the pressure we will bear will be much greater immediately. This is indeed an 'opportunity' Is it?"

Huang Xiyin blinked and said blithely, "Of course it's an opportunity."

(End of this chapter)

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