Chapter 1345
In the endless regions of the Ziwei Great World, countless creatures seem to see a star passing by from west to east on the night of August [-] this year.

This star is confused and confused, bright and dark.

What is particularly amazing is that, in the eyes of those who are well versed in astronomy, astrology, and divination, it seems that this star came out of nowhere and is not within the boundaries of the sky; It seems that it is not a comet or a meteor.

In the southeast region, Chenyang Sword Mountain.

Zhu Yongchen concentrated his mind on it, and made calculations with his fingers.

The fine sword intent in front of him seemed to turn into ripples; every three to five breaths, there seemed to be a curtain-like energy surging up, splitting into a fine sword heart, and the sound of ding dong sounded like a waterfall in the space near and far.

After about a quarter of an hour, Zhu Yongchen slowly opened his eyes.

On the edge of the railing about Zhang Xu away in front of him, with a clear air, a figure suddenly appeared.This person seemed to have established a calm demeanor, and he was the sword master Ji Cangsheng.

Zhu Yongchen said lightly: "After calculating twice, it should be like this."

Ji Cangsheng nodded slightly, and said, "The confirmed news will come soon."

As soon as the voice fell, two visions appeared not far in front of him.

One is that something flies away, which looks like an arrowhead of pig iron; only when it escapes to the front and reveals its true shape, and its energy is exhausted, can it be seen that it is a special-shaped talisman.The other anomaly is a gradually spreading vortex-shaped air machine.

Ji Cangsheng and Zhu Yongchen just stretched out their hands and didn't touch it, but they have already read the book of talismans.

Talismans come from Tibetan Xiangzong.

But the vortex-shaped air mechanism gradually expanded, and finally condensed into a portal, but a person walked in slowly from it, slightly agreeing with Ji and Zhu.

With such a head-on attitude, there is no need to see the person's face clearly, the identity of the visitor is already known——

The original Lu Zongmu sword fairy Jiang Chenglu.

Ji Cangsheng didn't speak, just flicked his sleeves lightly, and pushed the alien talisman book to Jiang Chenglu.

Jiang Chenglu stretched out his hand to catch it, then nodded and said: "The three schools of practice have all obtained the same results, so there is absolutely no difference."

Zhu Yongchen said softly: "This is a fate that should not be terminated."

The talisman of Tibetan Xiangzong was personally sent by Du Minglun.

And Jiang Chenglu came from the original Lu Zong, and he had just used deduction methods in the Zongmen.

The Chenyang Sword Mountain Heart Sword deduction, the original Lu Zong Tianguan Sixiang instrument, and the Tibetan Xiangzong Tianshu Book all pointed to the same result——

That is the Allies, who are not to blame, have already found a way to break the situation.

That seemingly indestructible "big egg" has flaws after all.

Ji Cangsheng said indifferently: "What do you two think?"

Although Ji Cangsheng and Zhu Yongchen belonged to the same sect, it was not surprising to ask such a question in the face of this sudden incident, and the three of them were all Daoists.

Zhu Yongchen's expression fluctuated, and he seemed to show hesitation that was not in line with the Dao Realm, and he said sadly: "If this matter was three or five years ago, then how to make a decision, don't need to say much..."

After a pause, he said again: "Slightly calm down, time flies like a white horse, and the time limit is approaching in a trance. I didn't expect him to be able to hold on for such a long time."

The reasoning of Zhu Yongchen's opinion is very simple.

If several years ago, when Gui Wu Jiu seemed to be in jeopardy, and his allies had found a way to break the situation, they would have made up their minds to intervene.But now...

Even if there is no such newly discovered "broken law", there is still a high probability that Gui Wugui will persist beyond the twelve-year time limit.

Such a thing must be done absolutely.

If even though the interference destroyed Yinzong's rescue method, Gui Wugui finally came out unscathed by virtue of his own ability, then the whole matter would become very boring.

Jiang Chenglu's eyes moved, and he said: "If the two of you do it, then what you have held in the past, the turning point in the way of doing things, will also have a big impact on the minds of the disciples. The general confrontation and the difficulty of riding a tiger, these low-level disciples will not feel it. "

Zhu Yongchen was silent when he heard the words.

If the posture is too high, it will be more difficult to put down the body, and the side effects will be more obvious.

How inspiring Chen Yang Jianshan was when he was arrogant and determined to win, but how "vulgar" his actions at this moment seem; it naturally has a great negative effect on the minds of his disciples. It is almost no less than the chess game theory that Mr. Mood put on the bright side back then.

In fact, at this moment, Zhu Yongchen and Jiang Chenglu are both holding the meaning of advancing and retreating.

Both of them set their sights on Ji Cangsheng.

In the end it was up to him to make up his mind.

Ji Cangsheng sorted out his thoughts, and said something astonishing as soon as he opened his mouth: "Trying to ascend twice, it is a bit of a windfall."

Zhu Yongchen and Jiang Chenglu both looked surprised and looked at each other.

Ji Cangsheng smiled slightly, and said: "Don't doubt it, you two. It's not a real ascension; it's just a deduction of 'ascension' by trying to deduce the essence of the sword and condense the entity."

Only then did Zhu Yongchen feel relieved.

Within the same sect, even if it is the first move to trigger the celestial phenomenon, it should not be hidden from his mind perception.

Ji Cangsheng said: "This attempt was originally just for one or two experiences in Taoism, to make two attempts. I didn't expect to have an unexpected harvest by watching the weather by chance."

Zhu Yongchen answered, "What harvest?"

Ji Cangsheng said silently: "In this world, there are a few more fellows in the same way; they are all new and cutting-edge figures of this generation."

The Dao Realm that can make Ji Cangsheng worth mentioning is naturally not an ordinary Dao Realm, but a key person who can profoundly affect the situation in front of him; a top existence in the Dao Realm!
Zhu Yongchen pondered and said: "Only my Mahayana Sutra... It's only been ten years, and its effect is so sick."

Ji Cangsheng said slowly: "It's not a coincidence that they achieved at the same time. It's just that the two of them are faster and one is slower; it's still a little time away from meeting and reuniting. I vaguely feel that these three people and Xi Lerong are working together to fight The power is enormous.”

Jiang Chenglu's eyes moved, and he said: "You mean... I'll make a move, as long as I don't teach Gui Wugui to break out of the boundary in advance? Delay for a while and see what they do?"

It seems logical in principle; but judging from Chenyang Jianshan's consistent style of doing things, it is too "weak".

Ji Cangsheng thought for a long time before saying: "The present opportunity is just to find their 'breaking method', and it is the best to be able to remove it without leaving a trace. If it can be solved invisibly, there is still a chance to wait and see." The surplus of wind and cloud."

Jiang Chenglu was silent when he heard the words.

He only said that Ji Cangsheng had already made a decision, and he had completely disregarded the negative impact of such actions.But now it seems that the mud is deep, even Ji Cangsheng can't ignore it.

Many theories and heresies of the previous "Zhongjimen" have eroded people's hearts a lot; today's Chenyang Jianshan can no longer withstand another wave of Taoism.


Witchcraft secret place.A series of gray air machines boiled and filled.

Yu ion and Yu Gucheng sat opposite each other.

It's just that the two of them at this moment are a "phantom" without thickness from any angle; but the mystery of the weather is so vivid.

Yu Ion suddenly asked, "When are you going to leave?"

Yu Gucheng said: "After half a year."

Yu Ion said: "If I reach the strongest point in the world, I must have a subtle feeling in my heart. But now this feeling is not very clear - it means that at this moment, in terms of combat power, it has not yet clearly surpassed Xi Lerong .”

Yu Gucheng shook his head slightly, and said: "So it takes half a year. You have just broken through, and you are similar to him, which is already very impressive; but his cultivation has improved three times in actual combat."

Yu Ion was silent for a long time, and said: "Have you felt it?"

Yu Gucheng said: "What do you think?"

Yu Ion said: "At first I was determined to go my own way, but you urged me to fight hard, and if I failed, I would leave; now, just over ten years have passed, and our position has been reversed."

Yu Gucheng was silent.

It turned out that during the process of practicing the "Only My Mahayana Sutra" to achieve Taoism, both Yuzi and Yugucheng had an enlightenment in their hearts.If the two of them retreat and practice the Tao for a long time, the cooperation will become better and better, and even one step of the practice will be achieved naturally.

However, this "cooperation" process is extremely long and requires closing the mountain gate for at least a thousand years.

It is not easy to establish a successful method with jade ions now in the realm of both true streams; but in the process of practice, the change of mind is so natural, it seems that as long as you deduce it with your heart, you will be able to achieve it.

Yu Ion's eyes seemed a little disappointed, and said: "It is a great pity for you and me to withdraw and leave without becoming the supreme of the world; but no one can use me as a marionette. After a battle, It is imperative."

Yu Gucheng's expression changed suddenly, and he said with a faint smile: "In all fairness, the number of defeats in this victory is not small. You go in this battle, it is imperative to do the eight words, it seems that you are sure that you will lose the battle, and you will end up hastily and complete the routine. generally."

Yu Ion took a deep look at Yu Gucheng, and repeated again: "It is imperative to go after a battle."

Yu Gucheng was startled for a moment, and immediately realized——

Even if the Four Elephants teamed up to defeat Gui Wujiu, because he did not defeat Gui Wujiu independently, nor could he become the supreme leader of the Ziwei Great World, Yu Ion had already made up his mind to "go away in one battle".

For Ziwei Great World, she is just a passer-by in the process of her enlightenment.Although this place is a must for others, she no longer has a trace of nostalgia and lingers on it.

(End of this chapter)

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