Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1381 Counting as an Electric Attack of the Empty Yin Charm

Chapter 1381 Counting as an Electric Attack of the Empty Yin Charm
Xiandao and Yingyuan had expressions of surprise and bewilderment on their faces for a long time.

With the keenness of the two people's Taoist hearts, after a while of careful thinking, they were able to untie the knot, and roughly grasped the thoughts of Mingjun, Hanzhen and others.But is it easy to let go of the rise and fall of the road, life and death?
More than ten years ago, after they understood what was going on, the two of them were really shocked when they first heard about a shocking change.

But as people who have been working in the world of Ziwei for an unknown period of time, the two of them actually made a decision immediately.

The foundation of the holy religion is important, but it is a kind of "dharma door" after all, a method that helps the two people to further their achievements.Maybe the situation will develop further, the foundation of the holy religion will continue to grow, and even to the point where the era is not worn out, there is still a chance for the merits of the two to continue to evolve; It was a great success.

When the Taoism has reached a very high level, the ingenuity of mind induction is often no small matter.Although the two of them had fantasies about the person who arranged the arrangement at the time; but after the idea and the "truth" lingered in their hearts for a while, Xiandao and Ying Yuan always felt that the person who arranged the arrangement was of a high level, but it seemed that they were not a good match. man of.If the meritorious deeds fail, the cause and effect will be repaid, and the consequences are no small matter.

Once ascended to the upper realm, it is a trap for oneself.

However, the method of waiting for the rabbit and watching the changes of time is not in line with the two people's ideals after all, and it is hard to say that it will be successful.

However, with the current strength of the enemy and ourselves, and with the holy religion as the main force, it is impossible for everyone to realize the confusion of the world.

After weighing the pros and cons, Xiandao and Ying Yuan still think that this threat is the main one.Therefore, we must do our best to truly achieve the ultimate, and then withdraw and return karma.If this is the case, although the achievements of the Ziwei Great World are not perfect, the elimination of the threat of moving forward after the ascension will always have more advantages than disadvantages.

The two of them just thought about this thought for a while, and they had already established it long before the formation of the allies of the Yinzong.

Trying to pose the greatest threat to Gui Wugui, success is of course good; if it fails, at the last critical moment, when the situation is almost exhausted, use the "up and down traction" formation to leave; this cause and effect can be regarded as unraveled.

Another thing is that Xiandao and Yingyuan are very good at nourishing qi, and the depth of the city is even higher than that of Xi Lerong.

The two have made up their minds, but the detached temperament is exactly the same as when they knew the truth not long ago, as if the intention of breaking the cauldron has not changed.Even Gui Wugui didn't see any flaws.

Seeing the barrier break, Long Yun was refreshed, but he didn't gloat, but said indifferently: "It seems that something went wrong with the way you two left. If this is the case, why don't we welcome the situation in front of us with one heart and one mind? one game."

Seeing that Xiandao and Yingyuan's faces were neither sad nor happy, as if they had never heard of it, Long Yun continued: "If the two of us have to escape, the moment we break through the boundary and leave, there will be extraordinary power and change. If the other party I can't deal with it in time, and the two of you have already prepared, so there may not be a [-]-[-]% chance of getting out of trouble."

Ming people do not speak secretly.

Long Yun's so-called "one heart and one mind" is naturally as the original plan, trying to use the two to create opportunities for him to escape.But the other party is not a stupid person, rather than hiding it, it is better to go straight.As for whether the so-called "[-]-[-]% chance of getting out of trouble" in the second half of the sentence is true or not, it is not known.

But the world is like this, and the empty wish under the desperate situation may not be unable to touch people's hearts.

Ying Yuan glanced at Long Yun, and said word by word: "It's all about the camera."

Feng Qing felt relieved.

Although the words were vague, they did not directly refuse.

At this moment, the sky and the earth suddenly shook and swayed, as if the clouds gathered and scattered, and turned upside down.

Long Yun, Feng Qing, Xian Dao, and Ying Yuan have sharp minds, but only the world is moving as usual, and it is not shaking.

Looking far away, there are only clues.

It turned out that the formations of the dragon and phoenix clans were completely disintegrated, and they scattered in one breath, as if they were thrown away by an inexplicable rope and exchanged positions with the seven enemy formations.

Once the force dispersed, the image of "balance" and "coagulation" in this world was completely broken.

Those monster kings of dragon and phoenix clans who fled outside and completely dissipated the form of the formation have no intention of forming a new formation at all; But he didn't catch up.

At the beginning of this formation, there were only a few people who disbanded, so there was enough manpower to capture them; now that the rest of the formation is gone, if you want to catch them all in the future, you must dismantle the people in the seven formations; At this moment, the formation is naturally difficult to disassemble, so they had to be forced to leave on their own.

Of course, if the five masters of Yinzong rob Taoist priests and various ethnic groups take the initiative to use the "possession method" secret method, it seems that it is not difficult to capture and kill these demon kings.

Several patriarchs may not have this intention; but before the Bronze Hall, it seems that Huang Xiyin's words of persuasion finally made the main force of the dragon and phoenix formation leave.

Once the big formation is broken, the situation has reached a critical moment where life and death are at stake.

Sure enough, before Long Yunfengqing and the others had time to say a few words, a red shadow in the sky became more and more prominent, approaching without slowing down!

Evening sunshine in the east.

Daoist Xiandao frowned slightly, and said hesitantly, "It's just her?"

Even though Dongfang Wanqing won three victories in the previous battle of balance between the two realms, it was a solo fight after all.What is about to usher is a real life-and-death struggle, and the four of them will definitely fight with all their strength.Even though Dongfang Wanqing gained great benefits in those three battles and became the only person in the previous generation who was in the "above consummation" realm, but in the end she was still better than any of Long Yun and Feng Qing. We must not be one against four.

Daoist Ying Yuan did not take his eyes off, stared at both eyes, and continued: "Seven formations of mixed strength."

Long Yun and Feng Qing were silent in thought.

The two of them could also see clearly that around Dongfang Wanqing's red shadow, there was a faint white glow, unfathomable, unreachable, majestic, majestic and magnificent.It is not difficult to sense that this is undoubtedly the most authentic magic power mechanism, but it is attached to Dongfang Wanqing's body, but it seems to be her own magic power.

This clearly borrowed the strength of the seven large formations.

However, what puzzled Long Yun was that with Dongfang Wanqing's current advanced level, she had tempered the combination of the seven formations by herself, and she could completely borrow [-]% or [-]% of the formation's strength; It looks like "the formation is separated", but it is indeed equivalent to the combat power of two or three top Taoists.

What Long Yun and Feng Qing could imagine, Dongfang Wanqing would certainly be able to do.

Instead of forcibly condensing the strength of the formation to integrate with the body as before.Although it looks good-looking, it seems to be as good as her own mana, but from the inside, the use of the power of the seven large formations is only [-]-[-]%.

An Dongfang Wanqing, plus [-] to [-]% of the strength of the seven large formations... the four of us may not be unstoppable?

In just a short time, Dongfang Wanqing had already come close.

When they reached the range to meet the enemy, the red light was retracted, and the image of the middle circle, that faint ring that belonged to the technique of "Chengxiang Di'erin Langshu", suddenly appeared; Dongfang Wanqing, standing in the circle .Just looking at its size, it was slightly shrunk by three points compared to the previous three battles.

The four of Long Yun felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

After Dongfang Wanqing approached, she didn't speak to any of the four people, nor did she make eye contact with them; she just looked at the "big egg" very quietly for a while, and then said: "Thirty breaths."

Before the voice fell, the voice rose again!
It's just that it wasn't Dongfang Wanqing who answered the conversation, but Xiandao and Ying Yuan shouted twice.

The light and shadow are collected together.

Even if it is an ordinary dao state, it doesn't see clearly what happened.

Although Long Yun and Feng Qing could see clearly—but they had no time to rescue them.Because they themselves, under dangerous conditions, used the most proficient posture to use twice as much power to take a move!
In an instant, Xiandao and Ying Yuan were severely injured.

When Dongfang Wanqing came here, although she was still far away from her body, the ring part of the "Central Circle Elephant" exercise was actually very close to Long Yun and the other four.If this ring is supernaturally sharp and makes a surprise attack, the distance between the heart and heart is really extremely difficult to resist.

But Long Yun and the others didn't pay attention.

It's not that the four of them are exaggerating; it's that the so-called "circle" is not a supernatural entity, but actually just a "virtual image", which symbolizes the conservation of inside and outside.

Misty Sect's magical powers, if an outsider uses their magical powers to attack first, this ring will "return to nothing".It has its own magical effect; then it shakes up and down, and then counterattacks back through "creating something out of nothing".

But if the opponent does not take the initiative to attack, this "circle" is just a thin line.

If Dongfang Wanqing wanted to take the initiative to launch the attack, the magic power would come from herself, so Long Yun and the others naturally had enough time to prepare.

After fighting for a long time, each other's Taoism skills are subtle, and both sides have already mastered them by heart.

There is no such thing as "carelessness"; taking [-] steps back, with the subtle perception ability of Long Yun and the others, if it is said that the "circle" close to them actually hides extremely majestic mana, they will definitely Not unnoticed.

But the fact happened!

The magic power of the sudden attack did not originate from Dongfang Wanqing's body, but erupted inexplicably from the phantom circle, which was inexplicable and unreasonable.

Xiandao and Yingyuan are not chaotic in the face of danger, and the combination of their magic and energy has already triggered a change in the formation here.

The two were clear in their hearts, at this time they were inexplicably hit hard, forcibly resisting would only lead to faster defeat, only by cleverly using the force of the formation to shift, coupled with Long Yunfengqing's help, the four of them could join forces .

Sure enough, Long Yun and Feng Qing did the same.The two of them each used an eight times the strength of their fists to bombard them head-on.

But Dongfang Wanqing seemed to have expected that the two of them would choose to use cleverness to escape instead of stubbornly resisting; with a slight rotation of the left hand, it seemed that it was a leaf or other strange object, and the distance of a hundred thousand miles away immediately froze.

Then two black awns, slenderer than hair, pierced out from the southeast and northwest of the "circle", circled one by one, and landed on him.

(End of this chapter)

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