Chapter 1382
These two supernatural powers, which are as thin as a cow's hair, seem to be in bad shape, but Dongfang Wanqing used them at this moment, and it is conceivable that they are extremely powerful, and they are rushing to kill people.

Looking at its appearance, although it walks in an arc, but after turning lightly, it is swift and careless.

At the same time, Dongfang Wanqing never forgets to defend when attacking, facing Long Yun and Fengqing's siege attack, she is within the center of the circle, connected to herself, including the huge "Rhyme of the Central Circle", which is shaking slightly, Ripples repeatedly.

Even though Dongfang Wanqing's cultivation is above perfection, her combat power is now higher than that of Longyun and Fengqing; and the defensive skills of the half of Misty Sect's divine channel technique are enough to rank among the top three in the world's divine channel technique, but facing two An all-out attack with eight times the strength of a person, there is no hard work in the end.

In the whole world, except for imputation, no one has been able to decipher this move head-on.

But although Dongfang Wanqing couldn't force it, she still had a way to resolve it.Seeing his body as broken as a shadow, rippling inexplicably, even a person with extremely sharp eyesight can't tell the reason; but after that wonderful change of reality and reality, Long Yunfengqing and Long Yunfengqing's strong hand in breaking the siege was dispelled. up.

Everything is between lightning and flint.

At this time, Xiandao and Yingyuan's complexions were golden and purple, their auras were greatly damaged, and they were worse than ordinary Dao realms. Once they were trapped by the method of blocking the boundary and space, they were absolutely unable to resist, as if their defeat was only a moment.

But after careful deduction, the two still have the last chance.

This first chance lies in the rescue of Long Yun and Feng Qing.

In other words, so far, although the nine sects of Taoism are extremely close to sublime, but in terms of the power of frontal confrontation, in the world of Ziwei, there are still "doubled powers" of the two lower realms, Long Yun and Feng Qing. The means come first.Except for the blame-free method of heterogeneous Minglun transformation, the rest of the people face the multiplied force of more than four times, and finally only have the method of defusing it, but not the method of subduing it.

Even if the method of "multiplied power" is more than sixteen times, up to sixty-four times, even the great formation of the Nine Sects and the foundation of the Zhenzong have to be tested.

The space-fixing secret technique that Dongfang Wanqing used just now is obviously not entirely based on magical powers, but borrowed from the strange treasure that looks like branches and leaves.But the rare treasure that can be carried around and used at any time, even if its level is at its peak, is still within the scope of the high-power "power of multiplier".

Crack the door of the method, and it will be clear——

It only needs Long Yun and Feng Qing to work together to bombard the center of the condensed realm with eight to sixteen times, and this trapped seal will definitely be solved!
Long Yun and Feng Qing obviously saw the crux of the problem, so they thought and acted like this.

But unexpectedly, at the moment when the two were about to make a rescue, ripples suddenly appeared in their hearts:
It seems that a strong longing and curiosity suddenly appeared in his consciousness, he was very interested in Dongfang Wanqing's extremely "slippery" method to defuse the eight times the power of the two of them, and wanted to continue to attack Dongfang Wanqing.

Mind, heart, manual.

The next blow of the two of them really fell on Dongfang Wanqing!
When Long Yunfengqing guessed something was wrong and forcibly stopped half-moves at Dongfang Wanqing and forcibly changed, the opportunity for rescue was lost!
The minds of Long Yun and Yun are slightly confused, what kind of brilliant illusion is this?
It seems that I haven't heard that the Misty Sect is good at spiritual means?

On that side, Xiandao and Ying Yuan looked at each other, their beards fluttering.

Although the meritorious deeds have been greatly damaged, the power of perception of the two of them has not declined much; the inexplicable hesitation towards Long Yun and Qingfeng is all in sight.Even if it changes now, it's too late.

The ending is already doomed.

Both of them stopped drinking.

Cracks appeared faintly on the eyes and face.

Daoist Xiandao stretched out his left arm, and Daoist Yingyuan stretched out his right arm.

Although the method of escaping and piercing the void cannot be used, it is not difficult to move slightly.

This last move is the two people's mutual affection, using the "cause and effect method" established by the two Taoist arts, and using the soldiers to solve themselves as a belief, they brazenly launch the "eternal sinking seal".This is the method of reflecting the fruit of calamity. After using it, the two will undoubtedly die, but it can cause concentrated causal entanglement with the opponent who caused their own death, and evolve various demons in the future practice.

In fact, in the cultivation world, there are quite a few tricks to die with the enemy; most of them are rushing to die together.With the vision and resources of Xiandao and Yingyuan, even though they have never been able to practice this way, there are bound to be many methods they have mastered.

In theory, it is more powerful, but in fact it is not without it.

But the two of them saw the opportunity very well, and they knew that one move would cause them to be terribly wounded; with their crippled bodies at this moment, it was impossible to pull Dongfang Wanqing into the water completely; what the two of them used in unison was precisely the one with the highest success rate according to estimation. door means.

It would be harsh to say that it is a fight between red-eyed and trapped beasts; because regardless of meritorious deeds, this is also an unspoken inherent thought of people in Taoism——

When you are bound to be unlucky, if possible, if you can cause the biggest threat to your opponent, you should try your best to do it!
Dongfang Wanqing's expression remained unchanged.

But the two thin needles that shot out like cow hair changed again.

It was already inconceivably small, but now it is getting smaller and smaller, like a mote of mustard seeds, to the point where it is difficult to detect even a thousand feet away; at the same time, its speed has increased by three points.

Just when Xiandao and Yingyuan were about to close their arms together, there was a breeze blowing by.

Show the Tao and respond to the Yuan, that is, stop and move.

It turns out that although the "silver needle" is as fast as lightning and flint, it is enough to surpass the rescue of Long Yunfengqing, but it is slower than the means of showing the way, Ying Yuan and the enemy together - if such methods are not fast enough, they will eventually die. It's just a joke.

But after further changes, it can no longer be described as "fast", and it has gone straight into the gap, and it has not been released before.

However, the price of reaching the extreme is that the power is weakened.The two breezes blowing by seemed to be just to stop Xiandao and Yingyuan's desperate means, rather than to directly kill him; it seemed that Long Yunfengqing's delayed rescue was too late.

But after two breezes, things changed.

In addition to refusal, there is also "traction".Because of the two moves ahead, Dongfang Wanqing stood in the circle and sent out two more "black glows", the speed was obviously accelerated.At the moment when the image of the blockade of the world was broken, two thin lights pierced the eyebrows of Zi Xiandao and Ying Yuan!

Xiandao and Yingyuan's eyes were wide open, showing neither happiness nor anger.

After a breath, the two bodies disintegrated step by step.

But the "disintegration" at this time is actually just a phenomenon; before the bodies of the two of them disintegrate completely, the sky, the east and the west, and the east and west are already filled with two large pieces of darkness that devour everything at an extremely fast speed.Its incompleteness and bleakness, its vastness and scale, do not seem to tell how much worse the weather was when Wu Ming fell.

Outside the Copper Temple.

Mi Daozun, Yi Daozun, Wuhu Daozun and other Yinzong Daozuns looked at each other.

It stands to reason that in everyone's minds, the fall of the two people who weighed on everyone's hearts, who had been unable to breathe, and changed the structure of the immortal world in the local world in one fell swoop, should be groundbreaking, shocking, and arouse infinite waves; but the strange thing is that everyone is opposite calm.

Perhaps it was [-] years of fierce fighting, starting from the one where Gui Wujiu fought alone, all evolutions are headed towards an unprecedented decisive battle in the world of Ziwei; today's weather, today's ending, let alone doomed, But at least it is one of the most likely endings that everyone imagines.

The only surprise is:

too fast!
Several twists and turns, resorting to words may be complicated, but within the time of this world, it is only seven short breaths.Hundreds of years ago, I met Dongfang Wanqing for the first time. Although I knew that her meritorious deeds might be better than Xiandao and Yingyuan's, the two sides seemed to have room for competition; Like this.

Daoist Xu Xian, Kongwu Yaowang and others felt even more ripples in their hearts.

This group of people, especially Taoist Xu Xian, have all been instructed by Dongfang Wanqing several times in Taoism, and they are considered to be familiar with each other.But just now when Dongfang Wanqing came off the field, she and Long Yun, Xiandao and the others did not communicate with each other in any language or expression, and attacked and killed the two of them with lightning speed, which was really refreshing, as if I had re-acquainted with this Misty Sect. head.

Especially when she walked in, her divine gaze fell on the "Great Egg".

Even Xu Xian and the others seemed to have an inexplicable feeling in their hearts, Dongfang Wanqing was probably distracted by whether Gui Wujiu could show up on time.Thinking about it now, this kind of silent induction and hint of moistening things is actually a part of the battle, invisibly making the enemy relax.

Stand within the circle.

The space seal is broken.

Dongfang Wanqing still didn't look directly at Long Yunfengqing and the two, her eyes still fell on the "big egg", as if she didn't mind that Ying Yuan fell into her hands, she just said indifferently: " Twenty breaths."

Xu Xian and the others expected it well, when she entered the battle, she had both form and form, and all her actions were out of her heart and also served the fight.

But it would be too childish to say that a simple method of paralyzing and sneak attack can be successful.

The key to instant success is still in Taoism——

She completed a breakthrough in the Misty Sect's supernatural power, and innovated its application.Putting "creating something out of nothing" before "returning something to nothing".In everyone's imagination, the fundamental supernatural power of the Misty Sect is to first gain a foothold in defense, and then resolve the counterattack.If you attack first, the mana will come from itself.

Who would have imagined that the rhyme of "Yuanzhong" that had no magical power would reverse the order and first "create something out of nothing" to produce attack power?

Afterwards, Long Yun and Feng Qing's heart surged and the rescue was not timely, and it was not due to some illusion, but the "return to nothing" after the upside-down, which attracted the opponent to attack Dongfang Wanqing.

However, the fly in the ointment is that these methods still belong to the category of "application", not a breakthrough at the fundamental level.If the opponent is also a character above the realm of perfection, such changes will not be established.

The brilliance in Long Yun and Feng Qing's eyes suddenly became extremely solemn!
The negative emotions of Xiandao and Ying Yuan's death were completely forgotten by him.

At this moment, they also realized at the same time.

The "thirty breaths" and "twenty breaths" mentioned by Dongfang Wanqing are not to make a fuss, but the time when Gui Wujiu went out of bounds; and she is obsessed with this, clearly using the time before and after Gui Wujiu's out of bounds as the time division.

To put it more bluntly, she wanted to get rid of the two of them before Gui Wugui went out of bounds!

(End of this chapter)

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