Chapter 1582

In a blink of an eye, it was time for Nangong Boyu to ascend.

Shangzhen, Sanbo, Qingli, Bei Zelun and others who gathered here before, none of them left.

The final parting place did not choose Tianming Mohaichuan, where all the reals often gather, but chose a mountain called Xiaoyuan Peak, more than a hundred miles in front of the Chongmingzong Mountain Gate.

After Nangong Boyu and the other leaders nodded their heads in greeting, they turned around and went into the sky in one step!
Sanbo Shangzhen waited in a trance, so relaxed and freehand, without a trace, it seemed to have returned to a thousand years ago, which reminded people of the scene when Tie Ke Shangzhen left.

It should be noted that Yin Ganmu and Mo Fangping's soaring departure is also known as "simple" in form; but no matter the parties involved or the bystanders, the sharpness and solemnity in the spiritual realm, the hidden ruin, the determination and courage to never return , but it cannot be concealed.

Only Tie Ke Shangzhen, who was the first to ascend, really has the appearance of walking in the courtyard and swaying freely.

Today's Nanyu Shangzhen has reproduced the style of that time.

It took only a short while, after Nangong Boyu took a few steps, his body was already indistinguishable, obviously he had reached the real boundary of this world.


When people go to the shadows, there are no traces, leaving only the viewers in a sense of loss.

Mu Xiang passed Zhuzhen and the visitors, and waved lightly.

At this moment, she is already in charge of Chongmingzong.

Immediately, two disciples stepped forward, released their magic power, and suddenly punched out a hole on the mountain top in front of them, the position where Nangong Boyu left just now, and then filled it with a blue stone tablet. The time, place, and whole process of Yu Shangzhen's ascension.

Nangong Boyu was naturally familiar with the process of returning to Ziwei.

After making great achievements, especially after stepping into the galaxy and entering the mysterious space field, Nangong Boyu even had a wonderful feeling - obviously the concept of time and space is nothingness, but he can vaguely sense the world of crape myrtle. There are several possible "falling points"; at this point, Yu is better than the difficult ascension back at the beginning.

But he didn't make it easier, but still chose the time and place agreed with Gui Wujiu.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the scenery in front of me changed.

The scenery on the ground suddenly appeared, it was a barren mountain range that stretched for thousands of miles, as if it was made of copper and iron, no birds or animals were seen, it was all dead and silent.

According to the calculation of the pull of fate, Nangong Boyu's landing point after his ascension should be in the realm of the dragon clan; but after the dragon clan broke through the sky and chiseled the realm, it was drifting on the edge of the Ziwei Great World.However, the ascension and return from the red world must be attributed to the main continent of the Ziwei Great World.

And the realm in front of him is the original location before the Dragon Clan broke the void.

It turned out that this place was originally a deep and empty sea, but as the years went by, it gradually filled and solidified, but it was still full of vitality, which was still very different from other places.

After Nangong Boyu stood still, there was no gap, the big and bright star in the sky, the size of a disk, flashed by.

Nangong Boyu suddenly turned his head to look, above the star shadow, the streamer fell and immediately changed shape.Almost at an unbelievable speed, it turned into a vague figure that was not only similar to himself, but also similar to Li Yunlong, and jumped forward!
There is no gap in the combination, and the speed is fast, almost no different from the Kongyun Nianjian.

Moreover, Nangong Boyu could clearly feel that if he accelerated his escape, the speed at which the photo would match him would be significantly faster!
This is a method that can't be hindered even by the Dao realm.

A palm was pressed on Nangong Boyu's shoulder.

Immediately at the moment when the photo almost matched Nangong Boyu, Nangong Boyu's figure disappeared.

After a meandering change, when Nangong Boyu looked again, he was floating in the air, with a tall tower behind him on the right.

On the topmost floor of the pagoda, one person stands in front of the portal, clasping palms together, doing exercises with eyes closed, and the changes in Qi mechanism are very familiar—it is the difficulty of taking the same advanced route as myself.

Nangong Boyu turned around and bowed his head to see him.

Gui Wujiu nodded lightly, and said calmly: "You did a good job."

Nangong Boyu immediately said: "In terms of difficulty, the responsibilities undertaken by this disciple are no better than Tie Ke and Fei Nan; they are even worse."

Gui Wugui smiled slightly, and said, "I mean your own Taoism."

Nangong Boyu was stunned, feeling inexplicably moved.

Tie Ke, Fei Nan, and Nangong Boyu went to the Red Realm, and it is expected that they will be able to complete their mission without blame; in addition, this trip is both worldly and personal; In terms of position, there will also be a lot of gains.

In terms of the extent of progress, Tie Ke, Fei Nan, and Nangong Boyu have all risen to a higher level, which can be regarded as equal.But the later in the practice, the more difficult it is to progress.From an absolute height, Nangong Boyu's mind has risen to one level, and he can see the complete true flow, but the absolute state is the highest.

Nangong Boyu lifted his palm, and a jade jade appeared, with countless fine words in it.

Presenting this object, Nangong Boyu said: "The mystery on the two pieces of jade is all here."

Gui Wugui took it over, and said quietly: "Actually, the avatar of Li Yunlong is still your chance. The reason why you don't want to reunite is just that it's not at the right time, especially when your foundation is strong. After returning, strengthen your body and become stronger." The method of Daoji has already been obtained by Fei Nan, so you can refer to it with him.”

Nangong Boyu took the order again.

Gui Wugui's figure slowly dissipated from here.


After seven days.

Gui Wugui stood with his hands behind his back, quietly watching the subtle scene in front of him.

It was a series of fine sword energy, like swimming fish, jumping up and down, going up and down, sometimes gathering and sometimes dispersing.After some extremely weird changes, it suddenly condensed into specific words one after another, like a beautiful article—but this "article" can never be formed. Here, or appearing there, eventually causing all the sword energy to collapse together.

This is actually a wonderful method of deduction.

Qin Menglin did not know when he had already approached, calmly said: "Is it still not working?"

Gui Wugui nodded.

The method of deduction in front of him is naturally aimed at the jade disc Xuanwen taken from Nangong Boyu's place.It's just not "reappearance", but "transformation", which is transformed with the Taoism of Ziwei Great World.Once successful, it will be enough to see through the true purpose contained in this text.

But with the skill of returning to no blame, after seven days of deduction, it failed.

Qin Menglin thought for a while and said, "Maybe this is a good thing."

Gui Wugui said: "I understand what you mean."

Of course, all the experiences above the red world are irrelevant, not just a result, but also the entire process of causal change.

In fact, the secret lock of the jade bi Xuanwen seems to be loose and tight, and there is some mystery; but I didn't expect that it would be broken by Mu Xiang with a similarity and difference separation method.Just above the Red Realm, Mu Xiang met the coincidence of "two people broke through the realm at the same time and met in the sea of ​​mind and consciousness" that had never happened in thousands of years.

Everything went well before, thanks to Wugui, while being careful every step of the way, he also firmly believes that there is nothing wrong with it.But this time, it seemed to smell a mysterious taste from it.

What Qin Menglin meant was that if the deciphering of the Jade Bi Xuanwen went smoothly at this moment, the probability of hidden mechanisms in it would be increasing; but if encountering difficulties, it means that obstacles still exist, and the probability of hidden risks seems to have decreased.

After contemplating for a while as if in a trance, Gui Wujiu said very firmly: "There must be some means."

Qin Menglin said decisively: "Since this is the case, no matter what content is deciphered, or there will be no results; the two pieces of jade are not allowed to enter the world of Ziwei."

Gui Wujiu shook his head slightly, and said, "How do you know that this is not what he wants to achieve?"

Qin Menglin was startled for a moment, but immediately realized.

This time, both Gui Wugui and Qin Menglin were vaguely aware of the hidden dangers that were hidden when things went too smoothly.This is of course due to the two people's high moral affinity; but it also clearly shows that the opponent's means of concealing secrets have not been perfect.

At least, it didn't reach the level of secrecy at the beginning of entering the game.

Therefore, the choice before him is not a solution to the opponent's secret hand, but a half-light test.Maybe everything in front of him is in the calculation of the other party, and it will not be a big problem to transport the two pieces of jade back to the Ziwei Great World; it will be wrong to find another way.

The general path is nothing more than three.

First, the most primitive plan, that is, the other party's superficial arrangement - to transport the two pieces of jade back to the Ziwei Great World.

Second, it is the method that Linghu Qubing has always considered. If it is harmful to transport the two pieces of jade back to the Ziwei Great World, it must not be done. Whether to transfer other things, such as the nameless realm into the world of crape myrtle; it is possible to turn the crisis into a miracle and bring positive help to Gui Wugui.

The third is to do nothing, really have nothing to carry, and return empty.

These three routes, from the simplest point of view, the first route is wrong, the choice of no blame, between two and three, and most of them are the second route.

But Yigui Wugui thought deeply, especially the full estimate of Wan Qingming, but he dared not be so sure.

In fact, each of these three paths may be a trap.

Gui Wugui said indifferently: "The critical moment of decision has come."

(End of this chapter)

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