Chapter 1583

The land of the barren sea once again became lively and extraordinary, presenting a spectacle.

This has nothing to do with the discussions and exchanges between the younger disciples of various sects and ethnic groups after the Ten Thousand Law Sect meeting.This matter has already become a custom. The direct heir of the Yinzong Monster Clan, as long as they rank among the top [-] within their clan and sect, they will naturally participate in the three-point rotation "Huanghai Exchange".

In the past, the gathering platform under the gate of the sword array always showed signs of prosperity.

The new imagery is in the sky.

I don't know from which day, when I looked up at the sky from the gate of the Wanfa Sect, I could find that the color of the sky was divided into two - the east half was all deep and shallow red, like cloud tiles; it filled half the sky. ; Its scope is unimaginably wide, and it is not only within the reach of the eyesight, but it is also boundless when the spiritual sense is explored.

On the other hand, in the western half of the sky, there is a clear air flow. It seems that the scale is smaller, but in fact it is becoming more and more unified, deep and distant.This air flow, sometimes like a mirror, sometimes like dust, is really inconceivable.

It is not difficult to draw conclusions for people whose foundation has reached a perfect state and whose Taoism has reached a near-Tao state.

The east half is actually an extremely large-scale formation.

It's just that the scale of this "array" is really huge. In the past, the Yinzong, Yaozu and other alliances would attack the giant egg barrier, and it seems that they did not create such a huge scale.

But the western half is very likely to be the strength of one or two people; it is not difficult to imagine that the one who can keep pace with such a large formation is naturally none other than the Great Tianzun.

This kind of weather is naturally the handwriting of No Blame.

At this moment, Gui Wujiu and Qin Menglin stood in the sky, facing each other with their palms facing each other. They each operated their Dao Hearts, exerting the perception power of the Kongyun Nianjian and the deduction skills of Yin and Yang Taoism to the extreme, instigating changes in the world. , Diverse and changing, like dust.

The dust rises and falls, the light of the sword is faint, and it is like a spring of water from time to time, falling and rising, as if it is constantly interacting with the replica that simulates the "unnamed world" under the barren sea, generating countless mysterious causes and effects.

It has been a full 49 days to hold on to the formula.

What Gui Wugui and Qin Menglin jointly deduced is exactly the hypothesis of Linghu Qubing—in fact, it is also a choice that can be seen at a glance—if the two jade inscriptions are not used, but other things are carried, the most conspicuous , is the "unnamed world" itself.Moreover, this object is related to the power of life and death karma intake discovered by Nangong Boyu, and it is very likely to be an important part.

And the large-scale existence that occupies half of the sky is also the calculation of the execution——

Among the Nine Sects, the Youhuan Sect, Zangxiang Sect, Yuanlu Sect, Misty Sect, and even Chenyang Sword Mountain and other sects that are good at calculation, plus the four hidden sects that have robbed Daoist, as well as Peacock, Chi Mei, Tianma, Teng Snake, and even Feng Clan, their respective sharp weapons and calculation methods are all brought together by Wugui to form a union!

Such a thing was unimaginable before.

But now that Ziwei is unified, Gui Wugui holds the wood spirit Yin-Yang Cave, and it only took more than three months to form a union from the organization to the Taoism.

The mission they undertake is obvious: that is to deduce the meaning and utility of the words on the jade bi, so as to obtain the consequences of returning them to the world of Ziwei.

In fact, in terms of the upper limit of calculation alone, even if it is the top ten factions in the Ziwei Great World, hundreds of thousands of shortcuts specializing in divination and calculation, the union of the demon king, plus several first-class magic weapons Formation diagrams - such as Tianguan Sixiangyi, Tianshushu, etc., may not be as effective as Guiwuqin Qin Menglin's combined power after he broke through the sword fruit and the yin and yang fruit.

But it has one advantage—

Because the manpower and material resources gathered are too great, almost bear the weight of cause and effect of the whole world of Ziwei, so such a divination algorithm door, at worst, can't calculate the result; and it is extremely difficult to be reversed and tampered with by the whole.

With Gui Wujiu and Qin Menglin alone, the upper limit may be higher, but in case of a miscalculation in the contest with Wan Qingming, the risk is even greater.

Borrowing the power of all Taoist techniques in the Ziwei Great World and the overall trend can be regarded as a powerful backhand after the unification of Ziwei.

Suddenly, a hundred days passed.

Above the sky, Gui Wujiu and Qin Menglin opened their eyes at the same time.

In front of him, the speckle of light, dust, and floating mysterious atmosphere suddenly condensed and converged, turning into three or four lines of writing.

Results are out.

At almost the same time, the force of the red formation occupying the eastern half of the sky skyrocketed, and then condensed into a string of words.In the air, like an entity, stumbled and rolled down to Gui Wugui!
The two divination gates turned out to yield results at the same time.

Gui Wugui and Qin Menglin glanced at each other, and the two were surprised at the same time.

The two teamed up to calculate the "nameless world" and came to the conclusion that this object is actually similar to the heart hub of the red world, if it is once transported to the world of Ziwei.The relationship between the Red Realm and the Ziwei Great World will change from the relationship between the "Upper Realm" and the "Lower Realm" to the relationship between the "Big Realm" and the "Small Realm".

In other words, the Red Realm will gradually transform into a part of the Ziwei Great World.

As for the changes that will be triggered next, it is not yet known.

And the results of each family's joint divination - if Mu Xiang and Linghu Qubing transport the jade jade they are carrying to the Ziwei World, the inscription will not be a kind of kung fu; The lowest level of Taoism and mysteries pervades a world.The result is that the Taoism of the Ziwei Great World and the Taoism of the Chijie are implicitly connected.

This is not its ultimate purpose.

The distance between Chijie and Ziwei Great World is subtle and unusual.It can be entered in one fell swoop, and it can also go without returning.The reason for this is not only the beauty of space, but also has an obvious relationship with the differences and systems of Taoism in various realms.

And once the crape myrtle world and the Chijie Taoism gradually become interlinked, the result will be that the distance between the two will be inexplicably close.

At this moment, the Red Realm is already outside the minimum distance from the influence of the Ziwei Great World; once it gets closer again, it will inevitably show a trend of assimilation and integration, making the Red Realm a part of the Ziwei Great World.

Therefore, at the end of the divination, a very strange conclusion was reached——

Moving the Wuming Realm as a whole, or two pieces of jade, to the Ziwei Great World, the ultimate effect is actually the same!

Qin Menglin said: "Or...or choose the third way?"

The so-called "third way" is naturally to completely abandon the two things; neither adopt the two pieces of jade that Wan Qingming arranged in advance, nor save another carrier to avoid waste.

Gui Wujiu thought for a while, and said, "Perhaps there are subtle differences in this seemingly different ending."


Above the red world.

Near the Kuanxin Zen inscription in Wumingjie, Linghu Qubing moved and sometimes remained still, so he looked carefully at it.

The truths in the Nameless Realm are already used to his way of lingering around despite clearly breaking through this level.Because another person who is as famous as him, Chong Mingzong is in charge of Muxiang, he often does this too.

Linghu Qubing Jianxin's body, according to the current level of cultivation, may not be comparable to Nangong Boyu, Fei Nan and others; but he has a strong point - if he specializes in deduction of one thing, with the time of immersion The longer it takes, there will be a kind of effect of peeling off the cocoon and deepening step by step.Even if you can't break through the limit of this level, you must be able to reach the limit within your power.

After observing here for more than a hundred days, an idea inexplicably popped up in Linghu Qubing's mind.

That is, the "unnamed realm" is the root of the Red Realm. In fact, it should be extremely difficult to move outside the realm; once this is done, the entire Red Realm will inevitably collapse.But the impression I got in the moment I tried it was extremely real-after my second turn, the power of "body and body" can indeed move this world.

This constitutes a contradiction.

After thinking over and over again, Linghu Qubing came to a seemingly unimaginable conclusion—in fact, these two possibilities are real; he can return with one thing; and the nameless world here will never disappear.It's like splitting a body or revealing half of a painting, one is divided into two.

If this guess is correct, perhaps doing so is indeed the ultimate forehand.

(End of this chapter)

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