Nothing is to blame

Chapter 1584 Revel 1 Bu Wuyi

Chapter 1584

Mu Xiang floated in the sky, as if he was chasing the sky.

From her perspective, where she can vaguely see, there is a mass of light energy, like stars, but there is nothing there.

I don't know how long it has passed, Mu Xiang shook his head lightly.

It can be known that what she is chasing and observing is another wonderful existence above the red world - after the peace of mind meditation, all those who are only one step away from the Taoist realm cut off half of their competing shadows and put them in. "Invisible Stars".

There is a reason for Mu Xiang to stare at this thing.

Carrying the mission of Wan Qingming's chess game, what he hopes to transport are the two jade inscriptions.

But to reverse yin and yang and use it for me, Linghu Qubing searched for substances similar to the "essence of the five elements" but found nothing, so he shifted his perspective to the nameless realm.

In fact, Mu Xiang also agrees with this very much.

But if this conjecture is true, there is a difficult link——

According to Linghu Qubing's secret attempt, one of him and Mu Xiang can independently undertake the responsibility of transporting the "Nameless Realm" back, and there is no need to separate and cooperate.In this way, after one person completes the mission, the other person must be vacant.

In Mu Xiang's view, it is unreasonable for either of them to take a trip empty-handed.

After careful deliberation, Mu Xiang once again focused his attention on the "unnamed star" that had been rejected by Nangong Boyu and Linghu Qubing.Let's see if this thing is transported back to the Ziwei Great World to help the master succeed.

But after chasing for a while, I felt that this road was not very feasible.

This formless star is indeed formless and formless, its boundaries are blurred, and its meaning of wandering formless is not easy to grasp even with the ingenuity of the magic technique held by Mu Xiang.

Gathering into one is already difficult; let alone absorbing its operation into a small space.

Suddenly, beside Mu Xiang, a rainbow flashed.

Mu Xiang didn't turn his head, just nodded lightly and said, "Fellow Taoist Linghu."

Now Nangong Boyu and others are all gone, and Gui Wujiu's avatar is guarding the edge of a world, and the only one who can get close quietly is Linghu Qubing.

Linghu Qubing chuckled and said, "Daoist Mu Xiang. Long time no see."

Mu Xiang turned around in surprise.

Linghu Qubing's sword spirit body has always been unrestrained, approachable and innocent.But today's him is obviously more lively than in the past, and the vivacity overflows from the form.

After thinking about it, Mu Xiang said: "Fellow Taoist Linghu...has a big harvest."

Linghu Qubing didn't answer, he just raised his hand.

On the palm, a round bead about the size of an inch emerged, faintly presenting two opposite images of transparency and exhaustion, but they are very unified.

At a glance, Mu Xiang knew that this was a simulated image of the Nameless Realm.

Linghu Qubing stretched out his hand and flicked.

This flick, like the sleeve of Qian Kun, immediately included the "round bead" on the palm.But after the big sleeve was removed, the ball in the palm still existed.

Mu Xiang was silent.

Of course she could see clearly that this was definitely not a trick of the eye; indeed, something was picked up by the big sleeve;

Linghu Qubing smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand again!
This stroke is similar to the first one.It also seems that something was taken away, causing the remaining "image" to undergo a third change.

Mu Xiang's eyes sparkled, and he said, "You mean, both of us are..."

Linghu Qubing said: "That's right. It's all about moving the 'Unknown Realm'. In this way, the problem that fellow Taoist Mu Xiang worried about will be solved."

More than a month ago, in the Nameless Realm.

Linghu Qubing suddenly realized the mystery of "a double body is like a painting".

But after careful consideration, in the past two days, he suddenly thought deeper!
Since the nameless world still exists after "carrying away", then what Mu Xiang will carry back and forth may also be the "nameless world"!
It's really like exposing a painting, one uncovers the first layer; the other uncovers the second layer.

After returning to the world of Ziwei, they merged into one.

At the same time, it also solved Mu Xiang's confusion of "paying for nothing".

Linghu Qubing said very seriously: "I vaguely feel that it is very clever to act like this. To be honest, given the complicated deduction of the current situation, I don't believe that such a strange path will be a trap."

Mu Xiang's Dao heart was running, he thought carefully for a long time, and he also agreed with Linghu Qubing's conclusion very much.

After thinking for a while, he said: "Fellow Daoist Linghu's confidence can be passed on to the master as it is. The master will think about it seriously if he thinks about it."


Deserted Sea Palace.

Today seems a bit unusual.

In addition to Gui Wugui, Qin Menglin, Jiang Minyi, Huang Xiyin, Shi Mo, and even Wei Qingqi, Xun Shen and other guests from other sects, the true monarchs of the Nine Sects, the Yin Sect, the elders and patriarchs of the first-rate monster clan, and others are not bad. gather here.

Everyone knows that the game between Gui Wu Jiu and Tianwai Almighty has reached the most critical moment.

Gui Wugui will make an important decision today; and to make a decision, each faction will have its own mission.

However, in the depths of the inner hall, there are still only Gui Wujiu and Qin Menglin.

Qin Menglin said: "What method of decision? Even I can't announce it in advance?"

The so-called important decision is naturally the choice of how to use the work of Linghu Qubing and Mu Xiang.The answer is nothing more than three-the yin and yang jade; the nameless world; or do nothing.

As far as divination skills are concerned, Gui Wujiu's method is on par with Qin Menglin's; Gui Wujiu's Sword Heart, Qin Menglin's Yin-Yang Dao Unusual Law; the formation and integration of divination methods of other great forces in the Ziwei Great World.There are only three methods that can be used.

Even Qin Menglin couldn't think of how Gui Wujiu would find another way to make this final decision.

Gui Wujiu smiled slightly, and said: "If you tell me in advance, it won't work."

Sit quietly with your eyes closed for an hour.

An hour later, Gui Wujiu suddenly opened his eyes, and with a flick of his sleeve, the sword flowed out and turned into a copper coin.

Gui Wujiu withdrew his energy quickly, as if turning into a mortal, and said indifferently: "If the jade is facing up, it will bring the jade back; if it is facing up, it will be the nameless world; if it lands vertically, it will be doing nothing."

After finishing speaking, throw the copper coin into the sky!
A strange light appeared in Qin Menglin's eyes.

If others are here, they will definitely think that Gui Wujiu's performance in front of him is just an "appearance"; inside it is an incomparably profound Taoism connotation.But Qin Menglin could see that Gui Wujiu really withdrew all his mana and gave up all control; it was really the simplest random throw!

Is this simplification?
Or the most radical appeal to luck?
Gui Wugui turned around and looked at Qin Menglin.He calmly said: "After thinking for a long time, I refined some vague understandings in my heart, and I don't know whether it is right or not."

"Today's game, there are three taboos, or traps."

"The first taboo is time. If you fail to make a decision before a certain fixed time limit, then after this time limit, no matter what kind of decision you make, it will be wrong. The depth of the trap lies in how The difference between things returned is not absolute."

"The second trap is the law. If you pay too much attention to the results of Taoism deduction and divination, even if it is the calculation of gathering the power of crape myrtle, there will be no backlash; there will still be a slight error in the end. Correct The answer cannot be found in law.”

"The third kind of trap is meaning. If you have the thought of facing Wan Qingming as if you are facing a big enemy, and take the victory too seriously, the final outcome will inevitably lead to some unfavorable circumstances."

"So, after thinking about it, this is the most appropriate way."

Qin Menglin nodded slightly.

Not only did she understand the three points that Gui Wujiu said, but she also understood many hidden meanings that Gui Wujiu did not express.

It's not hard to imagine that Gui Wujiu had an understanding of Wan Qingming's overall plan on the chess game.

The real mystery among them can only be known after future verification.

Although Gui Wugui didn't use any power, the throw was powerful.The copper coins flew to the point where they were barely visible, and it took a while before they fell to the ground.

Before landing on the high platform, a burst of bumps flew.

After more than ten breaths, it finally settled.

Tails face up.

Gui Wujiu's expression was indifferent, he didn't seem to have the slightest burden, he said: "Let's teach Linghu Qubing and Mu Xiang to follow their own plans and fly up from the Nameless Realm."

ps: There was really no way to change it yesterday.Every night thereafter.It's time to 11 o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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