Chapter 308
On the way of Bai Xinchan and Gui Wujiu flying away in a speeding car, the scenery is ever-changing, and they never tire of admiring it.Every hundred or ten miles, another mist condenses into beads and turns into buoys to indicate the direction.

About a quarter of an hour later, a strange scene appeared in front of the eyes, which made people's eyes bright.

The nine peaks are round like pillars, and the cliffs are like cities, piercing into the sky.The clouds and mist in the sky stretched no less than hundreds of miles, but turned into a funnel, from thick to thin, connecting with the top of Jiufeng Mountain.The cloud turns into water and turns into a waterfall flowing down the cliffs of Jiufeng, just like a white silk robe clinging to the mountain peak.After the water flows down the cliff, it goes to the middle of the nine peaks and merges into a pool, like a mirror.

Bai Xinchan said with a smile: "This is also among the best in the 'Thousands of Peaks and Thousands of Waters' of the Tibetan Elephant School, and it is called 'Yunhai Yinzhuang'."

No blame deserves a few words of praise.

Bai Xinchan drove his car through the gap between the two peaks.In the middle of the nine peaks, there is a pool of deep blue, which can be learned from its brilliance.Above it is a flying island floating in the air, although it has no roots on its feet, it is calm and solemn, but it is better than Jiufeng.

The island is about as high as the mountainside of Jiufeng Mountain, flat at the top and sharp at the bottom, as if cutting off a mountain and turning it upside down.The top of the mountain below is also more than a hundred feet high from the water pool. There is a reflection in the water.

Bai Xinchan left the bronze carriage behind the flying island, collected the treasures, and said, "Please."

Gui Wujiu could see it clearly when he was in the car, there are eight entrances on the flying island, leading crookedly to the very center.So he and Bai Xinchan walked along the bluestone path one after the other.

Soon, he saw a five-color glazed door in front of him, with a stone hanging on it, with the three characters "Tiansuan Palace" in pale gold.

Gui Wujiu was a little surprised, except for the luxuriant green bamboos and the continuous shrubs, the island seemed to have nothing but palace buildings, only a few gates on the periphery, which were somewhat different from the so-called "palace" he had expected.

Going forward for a while, Gui Wugui suddenly felt that the weather had changed.Not far ahead, there seemed to be five vast, subtle and mysterious auras, covering the entire island in a daze, reaching to the sky.However, the line of sight in front of him is blocked by a bamboo grove twenty or thirty feet high, so he can't see its reality.

Bai Xinchan smiled and said, "Brother Gui is here later. In a short time, someone must pass it on."

Gui Wugui nodded, and sat down on a bluestone next to him.

Through this bamboo grove for about a hundred zhang, there are five people sitting cross-legged around a round stone platform, but their figures are all shimmering and foggy, so they can't see clearly.The majestic aura that enveloped the entire flying island emanated from these five people.

The circular stone platform under the five-person seat is six to seven feet wide, smooth as a mirror, without a trace of blemish.If it weren't for the blue color, which is exactly the same as the bluestones scattered everywhere not far away, one would almost suspect that it was made of wrought copper and wrought iron.

Only one person said: "As soon as he entered our sect, he broke the duality generation formation in one fell swoop. Isn't this a sign of a change in the past [-] years? The deal that Brother Du and Yue Hengzong made back then, She has only one eye. At that time, Jian was suspicious, but now it seems that I, the Tibetan Xiangzong, took a big advantage."

This simple Taoist's speech is as gentle as jade, with a natural bearing, which makes people unconsciously feel kind.It's just that he spoke almost every word, and it seemed that it took a long time in just a few sentences.

Another person said: "Break through the limit with a body of cultivation, Tianxuan Dao has reached the top. Even Xuanyuan Huai is nothing more than that."

Although this one was also slow, he was much smoother than the Taoist Jian who spoke before.

Taoist Jian immediately interjected, "Junior Brother Shen is right."

"Junior Brother Shen" nodded slightly.

Taoist Jian changed the subject and said, "Junior Brother Liang, just now he was fighting with the Dual Element Formation. You must have watched it secretly using the method of 'holding oneself to see the truth', right? The doubts from the previous Hongyun meeting have been dispelled." ?”

"Junior Brother Liang" sat across from Taoist Jian, snorted coldly, and said: "The sect's long-term plan must be foolproof. This son did it himself, and did not use what was hidden."

Daoren Shen clapped his palm and said: "That's it. It coincides with the time of the Great Controversy, and it is the fortune of our sect to have such a chance meeting. Use the "Book of Heaven's Calculus" to explore for him, no matter what the result is, Just take it as a way to see the path of absolute difficulty for him as soon as possible.”

Liang Daoren said: "No way. This kid is as talented as he is, but if there is only a one-in-a-million chance of passing this hurdle, is it possible that the fate of my Tibetan Xiangzong depends on this one-in-a-million chance?" superior?"

Shen Daoren snorted, and immediately retorted: "If you are selfish and conservative, facing Chenyang Sword Mountain, Yuan Lu Zong Wandao, Xuanyuan Huai and Lin Shuangshuang are outstanding talents, I am afraid that there is no chance of one in a million."

Hearing the word "selfishness", Taoist Liang's face changed, and he wanted to refute.At this moment, Liang Zhenren gave him a wink from diagonally opposite him.Liang Zhenren narrowed his eyes and fell silent.

As soon as the man opened his mouth, his voice trembled strangely, as if it was vibrating endlessly in the air: "To deal with everything in the world, it is nothing more than a word of weighing. If I ignore this kind of talent, it is naturally inappropriate. Besides, it is not appropriate to easily break the promise. It’s not easy to explain to Yue Hengzong.”

Taoist Liang was astonished when he heard this.The man waved his hand and said, "Of course, Junior Brother Liang's concerns are not unreasonable."

Taoist Shen frowned, and asked suspiciously, "What does Senior Brother Rong mean?"

Taoist Rong said leisurely: "Generally, it is still in accordance with what Junior Brother Liang discussed earlier. However, for such an outstanding talent, I, the Zangxiang Sect, should take more risks."

"How about another thirty years?"

Taoist Shen was already furious, but after hearing the second part of "Senior Brother Rong", he calmed down a little.

Taoist Rong said in a deep voice: "Rong's words are based on a public heart. With his aptitude, the catastrophe of 'Chasing Shadows and Chasing Shapes' must appear in advance in the Golden Core Realm. There are still eighty years left after refining that thing, and it is already Tight and tight. If this time limit is exceeded, it will be absolutely difficult to catch up with the conference."

Taoist Jian and Taoist Shen were still contemplating, and the only one among the five who hadn't spoken said, "Fu Mou thinks it's feasible."

"If there is no objection, we will consult Senior Brother Du and Senior Brother Yu respectively. If the two Senior Brothers agree, the matter will be considered settled."

Taoist Jian and Taoist Shen looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

But Taoist Fu and Taoist Rong stretched out their fingers and flicked, each of them had a strand of breath condensed like beads, and flew far away.Then the five of them closed their eyes and fell into meditation, as if they were waiting for something.

About half a quarter of an hour later, the five of them opened their eyes at the same time.

Taoist Rong said: "Brother Yu agrees."

Taoist Fu also said, "Brother Du also agrees."

Master Liang's eyes flickered, and he finally said, "Then let's come in without blame."

Tibetan Xiangzong, Luozhao Mountain, Longpan Peak.

Surrounded by cliffs on all sides, there is only one entrance.The rock wall of the cliff is tilted inward, looking up, the skylight only shines in from a very small patio.Ordinarily, this place should be regarded as a "valley", but because it is too steep, it is almost surrounded by a cave.

In the center of the valley, Pinghu Lake is clear, and fish swim like it is.Among them, there are twenty-four tall and beautiful beauties dancing barefoot on the lake.The clear air moves under its feet so that it will not fall into the water.Its figure is graceful, light and shadow fluttering, it is really a rare beauty.

There is a case under the mountain wall in front of the lake.There are rare melons and fruits, fine wines and wines, and everything is prepared.One person behind the case was drinking and entertaining each other, appreciating singing and dancing, and even held a bamboo stick in his right hand, tapping lightly.

This person is about double ten years old, and his face is like a crown jade.Wearing a crown of kingsun.A black gold gown suit, embroidered with jade unicorn.

This person is intoxicated with singing and dancing, but there are seven people standing not far from the left side, the first middle-aged man is talking about something cautiously, but the six people behind him are all old men with long beards and beards, carrying a copper rod on their backs .

These seven people are exactly the ones who put up a duality formation to invite the fight to return to no blame.

The young man in the golden suit seemed a little impatient, he waved his hands and said, "This man is of peerless aptitude, better than me. It was my guess that things went wrong, but instead I helped him to be prestige. You are not at fault. You all step down."

The middle-aged Taoist was stunned, admitting that he was inferior to others, and this was the first time he heard it from this person.Just as he was hesitating whether to advance or retreat, a bird suddenly flew down from the courtyard above his head and landed on the shoulder of the young man in the golden suit.

Asuka landed on both feet, and immediately turned into dots and scattered in all directions.Only one of the thin golden threads penetrated into the palm of the young man in gold clothes.

The young man was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed and said: "I am sorry to say that Zhenjun is from my 'Jing' sect, and his actions are a bit rigid. He let go of his mouth and gave him thirty years of grace."

"Miss me, miss me, miss me."

In addition to more than ten servants who are hundreds of feet away, there are two people standing beside the young man in golden clothes.Both of them are blue robes and soap boots, they look very shrewd and capable, and their cultivation has reached the Golden Core realm.The person on the left looks lean and dark-skinned; the person on the right is a bit stout.

The one on the left took a step forward and said with a smile: "From what I see, the Palace Master can rest easy."

The young man raised his eyebrows, squinted, and said, "How can you see that?"

The lean man swore: "Three years ago, my subordinate had a conversation with Deacon Wu of Qingya Cave, and occasionally learned some secrets."

"A hundred years ago, Senior Brother Bai suffered an accident, and our sect's trump card was greatly damaged. And there was no mansion master in the 'Jingmen'. Therefore, Du Zhenjun and others hit it off with the Yueheng sect and formed an alliance. For this The path of human beings is difficult, and the Yue Hengzong side also confessed."

"Zhenjun Ning of the Yueheng Sect is the first-rate figure among the true monarchs of the Nine Sects. It is said that if he hadn't chosen to pass on the scriptures directly when choosing his path, he might be the Sixth Patriarch of Yueheng today."

"With Zhenjun Ning's talent, it took two hundred and seventy-six years to deduce the path of the treasure's promotion with divine will. To be disrespectful, I am afraid that none of the seven true monarchs of my Tibetan Xiangzong can be better It's all right."

"Even if this person's aptitude is unrivaled, he can overwhelm the previous generation of Heavenly Venerable, perhaps ten or twenty years faster than Ning Zhenjun, if it is said to be fifty or sixty years faster, it will be difficult to do it no matter what."

The young man in the golden suit nodded.

Seeing that the young man agreed with his opinion, the lean man smiled and bowed.

Unexpectedly, the young man kicked up suddenly, kicked the man five or six feet away, and fell on the lake, collided with a singer, screamed and fell into the water, splashing a big ball of water.

The young man in the golden suit has not formed a pill yet, the lean man could easily avoid this kick, but unfortunately he dare not lend him ten courage.

The middle-aged Taoist who was the head of the seven, and the Golden Core cultivator on the right of the young man looked at each other in amazement.

In their eyes, although the palace master has a domineering temperament and is arrogant, he can be regarded as a discerning person, not a treacherous and gloomy person.Judging by his expression, he clearly agrees with the opinion of the lean man, but I don't know why this is so.

The young man in the golden suit stood up slowly, and said loudly, "Your analysis makes sense."

"It's just that I prefer to hold my destiny in my own hands."

"There is a saying called 'cook rice with raw rice'. Only in this way can you really rest easy. There will be an opportunity to cook rice in the near future, and then it will be the time for you to play."

(End of this chapter)

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