Chapter 309

Gui Wujiu stood quietly under the stone platform.The five true monarchs remained silent, so he could only wait in silence.

The six people with very different meritorious deeds are in a strange tranquility.

When he was waiting outside, Bai Xinchan had already introduced him.Here Fu, Jian, Shen, Rong, and Liang are the five real monarchs and great powers. Among them, Fu, Jian, and Shen are from the "Dongmen" family, and Rong and Liang are from the Jingmen.

However, Du and Yu, the two true monarchs with the deepest experience in the two sects of movement and static, are not here.

The second of movement is considered yin, and the second of static is considered yang; the second is change, and the first is conservative.The two sects of movement and stillness have been clearly distinguished since the establishment of the Tibetan Xiangzong sect. It is said that Yu Zongmen has completed Taoism and grown stronger, which has no deep meaning.

Fu Zhenjun opened his mouth to break the calm: "There is no blame. A hundred years ago, the Yueheng Sect and our Zangxiang Sect reached an alliance. If you achieve Nascent Soul within [-] years, you will enter our sect and make up for the lack of Yuding with divine objects .The key to the success or failure of this covenant lies in the fact that you are well aware of it.”

Gui Wugui plucked his heartstrings, but his expression remained unchanged.Answer: "The key to success or failure lies in the speed of refining 'Yuan Yu Jing Dendrobium'. If this thing can't be upgraded to another level, and it doesn't have the effect of breaking down the jade, it will be impossible to talk about fulfilling the contract."

Fu Zhenjun's voice was long and thin, like spring rain swaying: "I used to wait and see that treasure with divine intent when the two sects communicated. Fellow Daoist Ning's spiritual evolution, two hundred and seventy-six years of gestation is enough to raise a level, such a talent, I don't have much time."

Gui Wujiu frowned, Fu Zhenjun's words came out of nowhere, quite confusing.

Liang Zhenjun said loudly: "There is no blame. Ming people don't speak secretly. Now I have a very outstanding talent in the Jingmen of Tibetan Xiangzong. This person's aptitude is similar to that of Niansha, and he has a special physique. , has something to do with that god. If it is used, the foundation is thick and there is a certain chance to go further and reach the realm of perfection."

Gui Wugui suddenly raised his head.

Rong Zhenjun said in a deep voice: "Naturally, even if this person reaches the realm of consummation, compared with your ability to break through the duality formation and break the limit, the only aptitude in ancient and modern times, it is still inferior. It stands to reason that the two sides compete It has been made clear that there is absolutely no reason for me to change course in the Zangxiang sect; but because of your lack of aptitude, whether you will be able to succeed in two hundred years is still unknown after all."

Liang Zhenjun interjected: "It's fine if you two compete fairly. It's just that this junior in my Jingmen, if he wants to use that divine object, the best time is when he conceives a baby sixty years later. The time is the same as yours. Staggered for more than a hundred years. If you leave this fetish to you, two hundred years later you will not be a Nascent Soul, the past is gone, and the coming is hard to catch, and I have lost both ends of the Tibetan Xiangzong, so what should I do?"

A few true kings and great powers chattered endlessly to Gui Wujiu's Jindan stage junior, and what they said was related to the most deadly link of Gui Wujiu's path.At the beginning, it was a little confusing to blame him.

But blameless to the end, his heart is tough, and he calms down after a little thought.

If the Zangxiang Sect has made up its mind to terminate the agreement, then it should directly negotiate with the upper echelons of the Yueheng Sect. There is no need to go to great lengths to bring yourself into the Zangxiang Sect and put on such a situation.

After figuring this out, Gui Wugui said: "Presumably, you seniors have already made a plan. Gui Wugui will listen attentively."

Shen Zhenjun and Fu Zhenjun looked at each other, smiled, and said pleasantly: "You don't have to be nervous, just listen to me. Among the nine great sects, Chenyang Jianshan, Yuan Luzong and our sect each have their own magic tricks. You know it."

Gui Wugui said: "I have heard a little bit about it. The secretary of your school is called "Zhongzhen Yuwen Badu Shangshu", also known as 'Tianshushu'."

Shen Zhenjun nodded and said: "Okay. When you went out to practice a hundred years ago, your sect Ning Zhenjun told you, if you want to achieve Nascent Soul in three hundred years, how long should it take for the treasure to be promoted to a higher level?"

Gui Wugui said without hesitation: "Two hundred years."

Two hundred years to upgrade the rank, it means that there is still one hundred years to enjoy the blessing of ten times the speed. Although I lack Dao foundation, it is about enough to advance to the advanced Nascent Soul.

Shen Zhenjun said: "We will give you two hundred and twenty years."

"We have agreed to use the 'Book of Calculations' to do a calculation for you. If you can refine and upgrade Yuanyu Jinghu within [-] years, the gods will belong to you."

It turns out that inviting myself to this "Tiansuan Palace" has such a meaning.

Gui Wugui secretly calculated, even if he didn't consider his own interests, but only from the perspective of Zang Xiangzong's strategy, it was definitely not a wise choice to give up himself.Bai Xinchan can see this very clearly, and there is no reason why the seven true kings of Zangxiang sect can't see it clearly.

But from the standpoint of the "Jingmen" of Tibetan Xiangzong, it is completely different.Both Du Niansha and Bai Xinchan were born in "Dongmen", and after joining Zangxiang Sect, they are undoubtedly "Dongmen" disciples.However, during this unprecedented change in [-] years, "Jingmen" does not have any outstanding talents.

If things go on like this, no matter whether they win or lose in the big changes four hundred years later, the "Jingmen" lineage will stand aside.The interests of Tibetan Xiangzong and the interests of "Jingmen" are not the same as those of the president.This is also the reason why the True Monarchs of "Jingmen" seem a little "disregarding the overall situation".

In order to avoid the division of sects, there must be a proper solution to this matter.Obviously, the time limit of [-] years is a time limit that can be accepted by both the movement and the silence, and it is a bet.The two parties agreed to leave without regret.

Seeing that Gui Wugui never replied, Jian Zhenjun would be wrong.He said: "There is no blame. Even if you fail, the Tibetan Elephant Sect will give you enough compensation. My sect has taught one method and seven skills, and I allow you to read it once. The rest of the treasures hidden in my door are up to you." You pick three."

Gui Wugui shook his head and said, "No need."

Jian Zhenjun looked at Gui Wugui with a calm face. He didn't know whether he was confident that he would pass the test, or whether he was depressed after being hit.Said: "Get ready, the magic trick will start soon."

Seeing that there is no blame, Shen Zhenjun seemed to be over-thinking, and warned: "God does not run away, and perform meritorious deeds in meditation."

It's nothing to blame.

Fu, Jian, Shen, Rong, and Liang, the five real monarchs, made a tactic at the same time, changing five or six handprints in their hands. It seemed that no mana overflowed, but within hundreds of meters around, the temperature suddenly rose.

The smooth, mirror-like cyan stone platform where the five people sat was indeed mysterious.A piece about the size of Zhang Zhang in the center suddenly melted into water like an ice crystal, turning into a pool of sparkling, dark green liquid.

It doesn't take five or six breaths, the green liquid in this "pool" with a diameter of only one foot two or three feet is completely boiling, and the green smoke is lingering, fluttering, smoky, and flying straight up.

Suddenly, something rose out of the pool.Taking a closer look, it is an eight-foot-sized emerald green lotus platform, jumping above the bluestone, with a height of about ten feet, as if supported by the mist.

Gui Wugui knew it when he saw it.Without waiting for orders from others, he jumped up without hesitation, sat cross-legged, and collected his mind.

The five true kings unanimously pulled out a bamboo chip from their sleeves, and performed calculations vertically or horizontally on the stone platform.

The five people wrote very lightly, but there were instant cracks everywhere where they wrote, as if the bluestone platform was a sand table with a strange shape.The resulting cracks spread to the clear water pool in the center, and then spread to the lotus platform under the seat of Gui Wu Jiu.

Gui Wugui suddenly felt a shock.

He felt as if he had been split in two, into two "blameless".

One of them, the leisurely and steadfast Gui Wugui just now, leaped several feet into the air in a trance to observe the other "self" sitting cross-legged from a higher perspective.

As for the other "Return to No Blame" who seems to be sitting motionless on the lotus platform, but is actually undergoing rapid changes, as if the whole person's life journey has been accelerated several times, dozens of times, until hundreds of times.
Of course, this "no blame" life course can only be cultivated.All other affairs are like shadows.

The four elements of the mysterious seed in Gui Wujiu's body began to circulate fiercely, promoting the mutual generation of the five elements, making up for the missing shape of another mysterious seed.

This is a sign of the beginning of alchemy!

During the whole process of forming the alchemy, the Yuanyu Jinghu in Gui Wujiu's body is also constantly producing inductions, and the connection with his own body is getting closer.

Gui Wujiu knew it well, as early as decades ago, he had inferred that once the alchemy was formed, the refining period of Yuanyu Jinghu would produce a clear feeling.

Sure enough, the moment the alchemy was completed, an omen appeared on the altar of "Return to No Blame".The "Yuan Yu Jing Dendrobium" in the body needs to be cultivated for another [-] years before it can be promoted to the first level, and it can be used to refine the first-class gang jade among the five elements of miscellaneous jade.

The high-ranking bystander "Return to No Blame" shuddered in his heart, and then became suspicious; Ning Zhenjun only used it for two hundred and seventy-six years a hundred years ago.If you break the limit of perfection by yourself, it should not be more than this number anyway.

But when Gui Wujiu lowered his head to watch, he saw the five true kings pointing their fingers upside down, silently practicing profound arts, and at the same time holding bamboo chips to calculate continuously, obviously the calculation has not stopped.

Only then did I realize that one hundred and ninety-six years is not a fixed number, and as my skills improve, this time can still be shortened further.

Sure enough, the time-accelerated "Return to No Blame" practiced hard, and even the difficulties encountered in the practice came as scheduled, and everything seemed to see the future, and it was true.

time flies.

One year, two years, three years.
Finally, at the juncture of [-] years later, the upgrade time of "Yuan Yu Jing Hu" sensed by "Gui Wu Yu" suddenly changed from [-] years to [-] years.

Sixty years later.Become one hundred and twenty-four years.

Ninety years later, from ninety-four years to eighty-two years.

Gui Wugui frowned, every few decades, the accelerated time was only around three to five years.According to this progress, it will be completed in [-] years, which is extremely slim.

At this moment, a big pass appeared, which greatly changed the original evolutionary trajectory:
In the [-]th year, "Return to No Blame" finally accumulated enough background and successfully advanced to the second level of Jindan.The remaining time for Yuan Yujing Dendrobium to be promoted has also changed instantly, from sixty-three years to twenty-one years, a full reduction of two-thirds.

Five years later, one hundred and ten years, there are still fifteen years left in my heart;
One hundred and fourteen years later, nine years remain;
One hundred and nineteen years have passed, and there are more than two years left;

Practice day by day, and finally turned to the [-]th day of the [-]th year.
six and a half months.

At this moment, the bystander "blame nothing", even though his face is calm, who dares to say that there is no disturbance in his heart?
In the end, the moment "Yuan Yu Jing Hu" completed its evolution was locked on April [-]th of the [-]st year.

At the moment when the form of Yuan Yujing Dendrobium in the dantian of "Return to No Blame" changed, the light and shadow disappeared, the five real monarchs stopped their hands together, the lotus platform fell, and the boiling water turned into bluestone again.On the edge of the stone platform, all traces disappeared.

The two "blame nothing" merged into one, returning from deduction to reality.

Just like when we first met, there was another burst of unspeakable silence.

Just as Shen Zhenjun was about to speak, Liang Zhenjun had already spoken first: "It's a pity.But that's the deal.Although the difference was not far, Xio said it was more than a hundred days, even if it was more than one day, it still couldn't be counted. "

The voice is cold and flat, like a bluestone under the seat.

(End of this chapter)

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