Chapter 310
Facing Liang Zhenjun's arbitrariness and dominance, Gui Wujiu thought for a while, and said calmly: "I'm afraid the result calculated by your sect's 'Tianshu' may not be accurate."

As soon as this remark came out, not only Liang Zhenjun and Rong Zhenjun, but also the two Zhenjuns Jian and Chen all changed their expressions slightly.

Several true monarchs shook their heads, Gui Wugui's words were sloppy, and they looked down on him instantly in their hearts.

Liang Zhenjun was about to rebuke each other, Fu Zhenjun waved his sleeve and said: "You have any basis, you might as well tell it."

Gui Wugui calmly said: "What I experienced on the lotus platform just now is just a preview of Wujiu's future practice. The subtleties seem to be real, and it is completely consistent with my personal experience in the past century. Zang Xiangzong's "Tianyanshu" ", of course it's not in vain."

But Gui Wujiu changed the subject and said again: "However, in the calculation of more than a hundred years, the progress of the practice is only the practice process of "Psychic Manifestation True Shape Diagram", and does not involve the rest."

Jian Zhenjun raised his head slightly, and pondered: "In addition to Yue Heng Zhi Dharma, don't you also practice other methods? The nine Dharma sects are not interlinked, even if I Zang Xiangzong's "Secret Fingers of Two-Phase Biochemical Mystery" is all-inclusive. If monks want to learn from it, it will be after the Nascent Soul Realm."

"As for your magic skills, no matter how good or not it is, I'm afraid it's even less good than treasures."

Gui Wugui solemnly said: "No. I am following the path of 'Heaven and Man Establishing the Roots of the Earth', and now I have all the three factors of 'Fate Law', 'Practice', and 'Calculation'. If this path goes smoothly, follow the 'Tao It is the standard of "Survey of Physiognomy", and when the supernatural power reaches a very high level, it can also make up for one's merits. At that time, it will not be difficult to increase the period of accumulating essence for three to five years."

Shen Zhenjun leaned forward slightly, and seemed to be a little moved.

Rong Zhenjun said indifferently: "No blame, it's an exaggeration. The so-called 'Taoism is necessary', adhering to the principle of 'the strong helps the weak, and the weak attaches to the strong'. Wouldn’t the height reached be even better than the Nine Sects’ True Inheritance? Even with the resources of the gods, it will be impossible to achieve this step in less than three to five hundred years.”

Shen Zhenjun tried his best to say: "Brother Rong, why should you judge lightly. So what if you give him a chance? What we are concerned about is that there is a time gap of more than a hundred years between the two of them using that thing. If they don't handle it properly, there is a risk that both ends will fail. If so Sixty years later, let Gui Wujiu try again, but there is no problem here."

"According to previous calculations, after [-] years of Gui Wu Yu Cheng Dan, it will take [-] years to refine the refined dendrobium. It will be verified after [-] years. If it can be done a year and a half earlier, it will prove that he It is true."

It's just that after Shen Zhenjun said this, the four Zhenjuns all remained silent, and none of them agreed.

That's all for Rong and Liang Zhenjun, but Fu and Jian are people in the door, and they have always agreed with Shen Zhenjun before, but they didn't say a word at this time.

Shen Zhenjun looked at Fu Zhenjun and said, "Shen thinks so."

Rong Zhenjun interrupted: "Junior Brother Shen. Thirty years of forgiveness is already a great grace. If it fails, it is God's will. How can we make further progress?"

"Even if it turns out to be a refined dendrobium in [-] years, and a nascent baby in the remaining [-] years, who can guarantee that he will be able to do it?"

Jian Zhenjun sighed, took out something from his sleeve and threw it in front of Gui Wujiu, it looked like a palm-sized white jade disc.Said: "There is no blame. Before leaving, you can take this token to the 'Wushan Kufu' to choose three treasures by yourself. It can be regarded as fulfilling the unfulfilled fate between you and my Tibetan Xiangzong."

After a few breaths, Fu Zhenjun made a tactic, and his figure turned into white again, and then scattered, a dazzling brilliance flashed around, and disappeared from the round platform in an instant.

Jian Zhenjun, Rong Zhenjun and others also did the same thing one by one, on the high platform, everyone went to the empty building, and only Gui Wugui was left alone.

Gui Wujiu took a few steps forward, sat on the stone platform, and stared into the distance.

Naturally, he is not a person who is saddened by the slightest setback, but it is too sudden at this time. Although it seems to be caused by the dispute between the dynamic and static sects of the Zangxiang sect, there are many inexplicable things after careful consideration.

It is necessary to smooth out the cause and effect.

One of the difficult ones is Yuan Yu Jing Dendrobium, which is a treasure that Yue Hengzong painstakingly cultivated for more than [-] years.Once this thing is refined by one person, it will no longer belong to the sect.If you can't get the fruit of the Tao, it will be more than one hundred thousand years, and countless human and material resources will be wasted.

The Yue Hengzong took a big risk in handing over the Yuanyu Jinghu to himself. This decision was made on the premise that he and the Tibetan Xiangzong had already negotiated and promised to exchange for the gods.

Now the Zang Xiangzong unilaterally broke the promise, causing the Yuehengzong's ten thousand year plan to seek the barren sea mineral veins to come to nothing, but it is a very offensive thing.Even though the Tibetan Elephant Sect is strong and has the initiative, the two sects are originally allies, and if they want to restore their relationship, the price they have to pay will definitely be high.

The second problem is that he is not to blame, it is the absolute reliance of Yuehengzong and Zangxiangzong to deal with Xuanyuanhuai.Zangxiang Zongshe pushed out another person himself, even if he reached perfection, he would definitely not be Xuanyuanhuai's opponent.Even if the disciples of the Jingmen sect really use the general situation to force the Dongmen sect to compromise, what they are fighting for is the distribution of interests within the sect.

Once the sect is in decline, what's the point of this kind of internal friction?

Gui Wugui suddenly discovered that because he knew little about the secrets of the Nine Ancestry, it was difficult to make an accurate judgment under the premise of insufficient information.

The most critical point is the Nine Clan Dharma Conference held every [-] years.All I know is that this is a meeting for the achievement of the real king, and it has lasted for [-] years.But this conference four hundred years later is the most important one in history, perhaps the end of the old era and the beginning of a new era.

In the usual [-]-year meeting, the final winner is probably only one person.And in the last moment four hundred years later, it seems that at least a few digits can be achieved.But the order of ranking seems to have a profound impact on the fate of individuals and sects.

What is the fundamental difference between Chenyang Jianshan, Zangxiangzong and others dividing their camps?What are the interests of the final winner after five hundred years?Where is the key to victory?Is it only about the person who wins the top spot in the end?If so, how could Tibetan Xiangzong abandon himself?If not, where is the other mystery?
For these questions, he can't answer accurately, so naturally he can't understand the basis and hole cards of dynamic and static.

There is one more thing that lingers in Gui Wugui's mind.

This time, Hongyun Xiaohui and his party helped Du Niansha obtain the top-grade Xuanseed of the second layer of the secret realm, which was a big favor to the Tibetan Elephant Sect.

That day Du Niansha was practicing in the middle of the Nine Weeks Mountain, but with her original skills, she stopped three steps before the end of the Ninth Floor.It was precisely because of the ultimate profound seed that pushed the power of the four elements to the extreme that Du Niansha came to the end.

This means that Du Niansha really has nothing to lack before forming an alchemy, and she retains the opportunity to go further after the golden alchemy state.

Regarding this matter, Du Zhenjun did not express any inappropriateness.

It would be fine if he didn't deal with him originally, but Du Zhenjun was originally the person in charge of "Moving Gate", a friend of the Yueheng sect's Zhuzhen, and he tried his best to promote him to join the Zangxiang sect.

While concentrating on contemplation, the center of the bluestone platform turned into a green spring again, a trace of space power spread out, and a quiet and clear voice came out from it, as if seeing through Gui Wujiu's heart at this time. Think: "Come in. All your doubts can be solved."

Ps: There is a problem with chapter division, there are fewer excessive chapters, and one chapter at night is 4000.

(End of this chapter)

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