Nothing is to blame

Chapter 319 What is the way

Chapter 319
Take the elixir donated by Youhuanzong Xue Jianchi, transport Zhou Tian, ​​and refine the medicinal power.

Finally, Gui Wujiu's eyes flashed, his sleeves rolled up, he grabbed the four mysterious seeds floating on his chest without hesitation, and swallowed them into his stomach in one go.

It's strange to say that the four mysterious seeds enter the stomach, there is no need to use the method of retrospection, the changes in shape, movement, stillness and restlessness of the four mysterious seeds are all present.

When it was floating in the air, the fourth mysterious species of the highest rank was like a dead thing, without any magic at all.But once it enters the stomach, it explodes like dry wood and raging fire, even if it is innocent, it has already been prepared, and it will be embarrassing for a while.

The fourth mysterious species suddenly turned into various forms at this time, sometimes it turned into a blue pony, and sometimes it turned into a golden rooster standing upright.When the golden rooster raises its head and wants to sing, it turns into a speckled deer, all of which are active creatures. Every slight movement is an inevitable synesthesia spirit, which repeatedly stirs and is blameless. I only feel swelling and pain in my forehead, and I feel like drinking.

Fortunately, Gui Wujiu breathed out with an extremely firm determination, and after half an hour, he finally felt as if cold water had poured into his forehead, he was agitated, and immediately regained his composure.

Gui Wugui knew that this was the effect of the medicine Xue Jianchi gave him, so he lifted his spirits.

This fourth-class mysterious species is indeed more stubborn and fiery than the fifth-class mysterious species with the strongest sense of existence, and there is no sign of tameness in moving things.Naturally, it is impossible to establish a connection with the other three mysterious species.

I can't be in a hurry, I just use the pure and pure power of primordial light to wash and soak it repeatedly to reduce the vitality of this mysterious seed.

This process is simple to say, but after sitting in meditation for three days, Gui Wugui didn't realize the shape transformed by the mysterious seed, and his movements were a little slow.However, Gui Wujiu's Yuan Guang, which was already so solid that it could not be added, was cut off a bit for no reason.

After careful observation, Gui Wugui couldn't help being surprised, it turned out that the original light was not cut off, but solidified again!This is the fourth mysterious species known as a fruit of [-] years, and its subtlety is actually here.

It is difficult to really go to the limit of the way of mellow and perfect skill.It is like putting stones in a cup, then you can add fine stones; after it is filled with fine stones, you can add sand;Even if the water is overflowing, if the vacuum is smashed and turned into infinite dust, it will also create a further concentrated space.

After Gui Wugui reached the state of consummation, he had already believed in advance that the mellowness of Yuanguang had reached the point where there was no way to increase it.Who knows that this most wonderful and supreme fourth mysterious species, just when there is no way to increase it, steals a gap!
The evolution of [-] years is for this step to reach the pinnacle, man and heaven are equal!
In the past twenty days or so, the activeness in the fourth profound seed finally completely dissipated, and the mellowness of Yuan Guang, which was blameless, also improved a lot through this step.

At this moment, after more than [-] days of evolution of the fourth mysterious species, its form has shrunk to a point like a bean grain, completely identical to the other three mysterious species.

It's time to really condense the pill.

The three ninth-class mysterious seeds under Gui Wugui's preparation are fire, earth, and gold.But this fourth mysterious seed has all the five elements, and can evolve any kind of change at will.

Gui Wujiu has two choices at this time, one is to evolve this mysterious species into water-type, fire, earth, metal, and water to produce wood; the other is to evolve it into wood-type, wood, fire, earth, Gold gives birth to water.

There is no blame to blame.

The nature of water, the number of the five elements is one, the so-called water in the sky is the first of everything.The way to obtain pills from the five elements is naturally the best to understand the profound meaning of "raw water"!
For the vast majority of monks, there is no choice in this link, and they can only make a profit or loss according to their own five elements.However, if there is no one out of hundreds of millions of people who have perfected their skills, if they can choose freely, they will naturally be able to achieve water quality first.

A thought arose in my heart, the fourth mysterious seed that had almost turned into a small pebble suddenly revealed a refreshing vitality, and its appearance seemed to have also turned into a seed containing infinite possibilities.

Huai Ding Bao Bing, Yi Mu root seedlings.

With a light leap, the "seed" formed by the fourth mysterious seed is located right in front of the fire attribute mysterious seed.

At a certain moment, Yimu pushes Dinghuo, Dinghuo pushes Jitu, Jitu pushes Xinjin, Xinjin pushes sunflower water, and sunflower water returns to Yimu; in an instant, the five virtues are possessed, and the nature of the five elements is slowly discovered.From the gaps of the four mysterious seeds, there is naturally a faint water image that is pure and pure!

That is the fifth "mysterious species" formed by the deduction of the four elements.

At this point, the five mysterious seeds formed a closed loop, and the original mysterious seeds, which were about the size of rice grains, collapsed in an instant, as if the tangible body was swept away by the primordial light in the body, leaving only five stars, which were extremely slight and extremely dangerous, in the dark dantian. There is a little light in it.

In low-level exercises, the Yang five elements are often respected, and the Yin five elements are humble.However, the Taoism of returning no blame to the extreme is not included in this list.Among the five elements of Yin, the changes of Jiamu, Binghuo, Wutu, Gengjin, and Renshui are implied, which actually bear Yin and embrace Yang, which is superior to innate!

At the moment when the five elements are inter-generated, Gui Wujiu is carrying Zhou Tian's body light, immediately synthesizing the inside and outside, and slowly running in the direction of the five elements' inter-generation!
If any of the disciples of the Nine Great Upper Sects saw this scene, they would be jealous and hate them.

Those who have achieved the lower level of the outer alchemy below the fifth rank, use their Yuanguang to return to the Xuanzhong, the Xuanzhong is the main part, and the Yuanguang is supplemented; they condense the invisible and formless good fortune and mystery into a dead thing, and practice like this. So insignificant.

But for the high-grade golden elixir above the fourth rank, the five-element mysterious seed is just an introduction. After a little push, the primordial light of the whole body circulates on its own, and finally the form is born out of the invisible. Dan Avenue.

In the way of high-grade golden elixir, the lower the grade of the mysterious seed, the less the remaining external reality will be.

But there is one crucial point that cannot be ignored: the lower the quality of the mysterious species, the weaker the power of the five elements to generate each other.If the purity of your Yuanguang has not reached a very high level, and you cannot feel the driving force of the mysterious seed, then the alchemy will fall short.

Those who can't do what they can and seek high-quality golden elixir will lose at this step in all likelihood.

And what Gui Wugui achieved is the highest grade first-grade golden elixir, and the power of the mysterious seed is the lowest grade of the ninth-grade mysterious seed.At this time, the meaning of the five elements intergrowth, the primordial light all over the body is activated immediately as if being pulled by a bullock cart, so keen, it is simply shocking.

Even Yin Jiuchou, an outstanding talent who emerges once in tens of millions of years, has the qualification to become a first-grade alchemy, and when the five elements are born together, he has to wait quietly, hold his mind, and slowly welcome his own Yuanguang into concentration and feeling. The process of spirit, initial movement, and acceleration takes about an hour or so before it can really start to work.

But Gui Wugui seemed dissatisfied, his brows furrowed slightly.

Silently practicing the profound art, unexpectedly stopped Yuan Guang's rotation.

It turns out that with the movement of Yuanguang, the power of the mysterious seeds in the five elements will quickly disintegrate and become smaller and smaller until it disappears completely.It lasted for a total of twelve hours.

The reason is obvious, the less the mysterious seeds remain when the alchemy is formed, the less impurities there will be after the alchemy is formed.

Therefore, albeit the highest grade of alchemy is extremely sublime, it does not mean that there is no distinction between superior and inferior.

Like Yin Jiuchou, who has just reached the first-grade level, feeling the pull of Yuanguang, he can't be neglected at all, and immediately starts to turn into a pill carefully; The first grade is still not the limit, you have to hold back the momentum of Yuanguang's rotation, and wait until the power of the mysterious seed has weakened to the extreme, almost missing the moment of forming the pill, and then activate Yuanguang's rotation.

The longer the delay, the purer the golden elixir, and the grade of Chengdan is naturally superior to the first grade.

The ancestors of the other family didn't know the blame, but according to the records of the Yueheng Sect, the four celestial beings except the first ancestor all waited for the five elements to decay for more than nine hours before they started to activate the primordial light.

After a while, Gui Wujiu suddenly felt a move in his heart, trying to let go of the restriction and let Yuan Guang run.Afterwards, the magic elixir worked together to completely cover the driving force of the Five Elements Profound Seed, and then observe the operation of its own primordial light.

In the past two full hours, under the condition of completely losing the impetus of the power of the mysterious seed, the movement of this primordial light has not weakened in the slightest.It can be seen from this that the innocence of Gui Wugui's original light has reached the level of perfection and nothing can be added.

Gui Wujiu smiled in his heart, he already knew what choice he was going to make.

But he didn't have the slightest carelessness. After withdrawing the power of the magic pill, he stopped the movement of the Yuanguang, and his spirit was as subtle as the still water without waves.If there are warning signs in your heart, you must make a decision immediately.

Fortunately, everything was extremely peaceful.

One hour, two hours passed.

Eleven hours passed.

Gui Wugui remains calm.At this moment, the five-point black seed in his dantian is far inferior to the fireflies two or three miles away at night.

But Gui Wugui firmly believed that as long as he let go of the restriction at this time, the whole body of Yuanguang would definitely run at an extremely fast speed.

Relying on Gui Wugui's meritorious deeds, he can naturally sense the time of day accurately, and he must be clear in his heart how far away it is from the end of the last twelve hours.

But Gui Wugui did not do so.

He is extremely confident in his synaesthesia, and has no worries about missing the hour in the slightest.At the moment when he really reached the limit, Gui Wugui thought to himself that he must be able to make the right choice.

The passing time is both slow and long, and it will never return, but it is still in the present.

When this ultimate moment arrives, it is not, as expected by Gui Wugui's vision, a flashy, fleeting moment, a moment of failure if you can't grasp it, but it is an extremely calm oracle.

Everything seems to be blissful to the soul:
Is it time?It's here, it's here.

Gui Wugui let go of his body and mind, and let Yuan Guang run; but Yuan Guang didn't move at all.But in the telepathy, the power of the five elements profound seed can't be felt at all, as if it never existed in the world.

Could it be that the twelve hours have passed because of a careless mistake?
Gui Wugui still sat quietly.

Finally, with a breeze blowing on his face, Yuan Guang in Gui Wujiu's body seemed to tremble.

From nothing to something, Yuanguang rotates on its own.

Only then did Gui Wugui have a thought, sensing the time of day.Sure enough, everything was as he expected, at the last moment, at the moment when the twelve hours had expired and the existence of the Five Elements Profound Seeds disappeared, Yuan Guang within his body took over the last sliver of impetus.

This also means that there are impurities in the golden elixir formed by Gui Wugui, but there is absolute "nothing".

Although the road to alchemy has not yet been completed, Gui Wugui smiled knowingly:
What has been achieved today is no longer a first-grade golden elixir.

Ps: There are a lot of words.But it is written in the "author's statement", and the readers of the reprinted website cannot see it.Anyway, the number of words in the main text is over 3000, and the addition of this paragraph is less than 4000. There is no problem of adding money to the number of words, so I will write it here.

To be honest, the writing method and setting of this novel are still very tiring. It is impossible to finish it in one go like "kill, kill, kill, fight, fight, fight," and you can easily grasp 2000 words in an hour.To be very sincere, although I have made full preparations for the psychological construction in the writing process, it is still very difficult.During this period of time, I wrote about 6500 words a day, and I was extremely tired. Several times I wanted to ask for a leave of absence for a day off.But it can only be said that this time the psychological construction was relatively in place, and I adjusted my mentality and survived.

But there must be incentives to do everything, especially short-term incentives.It's really hard not to add a new reader for many days.I don’t ask any local tyrant to give me a reward of 100 million leaders, even if I only need to see the slow growth of subscriptions——yes, even if it is a "slow" growth, the author's mentality will be much better.A few days ago, there was a new reader "Moore" and looked at it from the beginning. Seeing that the subscription suddenly increased by dozens and dozens, and then looking at the comment area, I found a person, and I was very happy for a long time.

Although I was in poor health and asked for a lot of leave a while ago, the promise I made at the beginning is definitely not tj, at least the 300w completion is not empty talk, and I will definitely do it.I hope that if some pirated copies come over, I will be grateful; otherwise, sometimes it is really a torment.As for those who have been subscribing, thank you and hope to vote for more recommendations.It's good to see it on the Xianxia weekly list, even if it's the 100th.

Many thanks.

I will delete this passage after a while to keep the text clean.

(End of this chapter)

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