Chapter 320
Once the power of Yuanguang is in motion, from slow to fast, it will go on the road of alchemy, like a river going east, and never return.

After sitting in meditation for more than two months, Gui Wugui's Yuan Guang was full and omnipresent.At this moment, the dantian has left an empty and mysterious space, and no breath can be sensed.

And to experience it again every half an hour, you will definitely feel that the primordial light in your body has been slightly reduced by half, as if swallowed and absorbed by this invisible and intangible hollow mystery.

Gui Wujiu's mind is clear at this moment, he knows that although he still needs to do the work step by step, he doesn't have to be as tense as when he activated Yuan Guang and was ready to go.

Gui Wugui secretly thought, just now he had an idea, but accidentally discovered a kind of secret method in the alchemy.

Throughout the ages, most of those who also practice magic skills and learn from the two in the Taoist sect are not direct descendants of their own sect, and their aptitude and meritorious deeds have not reached a very high level.Just like Gui Wugui, when one achieves a first-grade golden elixir, one has already possessed a higher level of magic cultivation, which has never existed since ancient times.

After the formation of the driving force of the five elements, those who dare to refine the time when forming the alchemy and strive to reach a higher level in the first rank are all people with extremely high aptitude and predestined skills.

But even so, in the last two or three hours, because the power of the Five Elements Profound Seed is almost undetectable, it is actually extremely difficult to fully grasp the limit, and no one has to leave a little margin to prevent careless misses.

And Gui Wugui dared to take risks, not only because he had a very good heart for the law and Taoism, and his emotional response was like a god, but also because he released the magic elixir, shielding the driving force of the five elements and profound seeds, and observing that the primordial light in his body was completely helpless. The sharpness of the light can be used to accurately calculate the power required for the operation of Yuanguang.

If one day, the aftermath of the Demon Sect Kungfu is completely eliminated, this method of using concurrent practice of Demon Kungfu as a measuring tool can become a sharp weapon for those who have achieved first-grade alchemy.

Another seven days later, Gui Wujiu felt that more than half of the primordial light in his body had disappeared, and although there was nothing in the empty part of his body, and the shape of the golden core was not visible, the awareness of using this point as the center and controlling the energy of the whole body had already passed. Clearly spread out.

If it is an ordinary monk forming alchemy, at this stage, it is the time when the two artistic conceptions of "holding alchemy into circle" and "empty alchemy into rhyme" take root and sprout.Feeling the sharp increase in the subtleties of the five senses and six consciousnesses, at this moment, a sincere joy should have sprung up in my heart!
However, those who are at the top of the nine sects of this generation have all reached this state first.The result at this time is nothing more than making this subtle rhyme clearer and clearer.

At this point, Gui Wugui has actually entered the Golden Core Realm.Even if the process of collecting pills is stopped by an irresistible force, a golden pill will instantly manifest in the dantian.

It's just that if the remaining Yuan Guang has not been exhausted, although the quality is in good condition, the strength of the golden elixir will inevitably be greatly reduced.

At this moment, Gui Wujiu felt the hunger, thirst and calling from the "nothingness", smiled slightly, and the emptiness in the Yuanyu Jinghu was together, and with a push of the thumb, the Qingzhan brilliance suddenly activated, It is mellow and dense, both rigid and soft, and it is like flying out of an illusion. It is actually a brilliant sword move that has never been seen before.

Gui Wujiu sat cross-legged, with three treasures in front of him.

A jade plate with strange clouds and mist, which turns into phantoms from time to time, reflected in the divine light; a beige strange stone more than one foot high with nine orifices; and another one, a pocket chime bell the size of a foot and a half.

The sword intent shot out from Gui Wujiu's thumb was pressed on this chime.

"" There was a clear sound, and it continued.A ray of vitality and a bit of greenness suddenly appeared in the air, flowing together, mimicking, and forming a verdant green leaf.

The golden shape of the chime bell instantly blurred, reflecting on the green leaf, forming a golden bell pattern.On the back of the green leaf, there is also a figure, which is not difficult to see that it is a dagger the length of two knuckles.

The positive and negative patterns were completed, and the green leaves and Gui Wujiu's dantian were empty, and there was an immediate induction. With a sound of "buzz", the green leaf disappeared instantly, and when it reappeared, it was already in the middle of Gui Wugui's dantian.

[-]% supernatural power, golden core induction, is the mysterious use of the "Second True Treasure".

As early as at the peak of Tianxuan Dao, Gui Wujiu already possessed the ability to combine "Skillful Sword", "Clumsy Sword" and "Illusory Sword" into one, but he has never done so.The reason is precisely to achieve supernatural powers at this moment, and to become one with the second true treasure.

Although the meaning of this sword technique is not entirely derived from the "Psychic Manifestation True Shape Diagram", but with the blessing of Tianxuan Dao, the quality of this sword is not inferior to the first supernatural power obtained by the disciples of the nine sects.

Yin Yu Jiuzhu, send one person; for the whole tripod, descend to the mortal world.

Gui Wujiu thought to himself: This sword is the culmination of hundreds of years of practice in the lower realms. Looking back, it might as well borrow the name of the small street on Zhongqu Island.


The first natal supernatural power, the "Chenchen" sword, took shape!
Gui Wugui smiled sympathetically, for ordinary disciples of the Nine Sects, the natal supernatural powers evolved in the first step after the Golden Core Realm are often simple and complex, with emphasis on one side.The truly self-contained supernatural powers and spells often come after the triple realm.

Compared with it, this sword of "Luchen", which is fictitious, real and ever-changing, has the upper hand.

In addition, there is another advantage that cannot be underestimated.

The quality of Gui Wugui Golden Elixir is above the first grade, and its strength must have been unprecedented since ancient times; the "Phantom Sword" as the core of the "Luchen" sword has very little loss of strength; Make, and then reduce consumption by [-]%.

Taken together, the long-lasting combat capability of this supernatural power is almost inexhaustible.

The next step is to achieve the real natal magic weapon.

Which one should be the origin of Hede Qingxiang Yubi and Xiantian Companion Linshi?

At this moment, Gui Wujiu's thoughts suddenly stopped, his eyes fixed, and he raised his head slightly.

It turned out that suddenly two figures appeared in front of him.

To be precise, it was outside Ruyi Gate.

The matter of forming alchemy is very important. Before entering the "Ruyi Gate", Gui Wujiu has already set up a "Heart Return" formation outside the gate in advance.At this time, the scenery more than ten miles away from the barrier of "Ruyi Gate" was in front of Gui Wujiu.

Standing in front of the ever-changing Ruyi Gate, an unusually old voice said: "Nephew Mo, you have to think about it clearly. Since your trip has been a complete success, it's better to return to the clan. I know you and Master Pei My nephew and nephew are very friendly, but these trivial matters are not your business."

A sneer sounded, and the voice was young and energetic: "Elder Xu, you can really talk. Back then, Pei Hongping guarded me like a thief. Do you think Mo is a fool?" I have to say it. Speaking of this one in the formation, Mo is willing to make friends with him. If there is no him, the first true biography of the Falling Spring Sect will not be my turn."

The old man who spoke first, his complexion was dark yellow and almost black, his muscles were as stiff as if forged of wrought copper, he was motionless, his lips moved and closed when he spoke.The robe on his body seems to be made of hundreds of pieces of rags of different colors.

Judging from the atmosphere inside and outside of his influence, his whole body of meritorious deeds is the realm of Yuanying.It's just different from ordinary Nascent Soul cultivator's auspicious meaning, but this one's aura is bleak and cold.

As for the young man, he was wearing a jade leaf crown, his complexion was white and reddish, and he was wearing a light blue robe.With a body of cultivation, he has already reached the peak of the fourth level of Jindan.

Then Elder Xu said again: "Your completion of the Dharma Ritual of the Great Dharma Realm is far better than that of Senior Nephew Pei back then. It's better not to cause trouble."

The young man surnamed Mo shook his head and said, "Mo can't wait to have a fight with this one. You can either beat him to death, or... be beaten to death by him."

When this person spoke, his face was full of clouds, and his eyes were shining brightly.

Elder Xu said displeasedly: "Having learned the lesson from Nephew Pei last time, you wore a 'Frost Leaf' when you went out. I am afraid that even if you want to seek death, it will be difficult to succeed. If you want to compete, you will have to fight in the future." There are opportunities; or, in other words, they cannot be avoided."

The young man surnamed Mo shook his head again, and said leisurely: "Four hundred years is too long, just fight for the day and night."

Elder Xu turned his head and twisted his neck like a puppet, saying: "If you can break through this formation, then go to fight; if you can't, then let's stop."

After finishing speaking, a white porcelain bottle flew out of Elder Xu's sleeve. With a flick of his fingers, he lifted the cork and poured out a drop of light blue water the size of a soybean.

Elder Xu blew a mouthful of turbid air to cover the water droplets, and the light blue water droplets mist thousands of times, penetrating into the "Ruyi Gate" like migrating locusts.

It can be clearly seen in the samadhi of no blame, this drop of water envelops the Qi machine, and it has instantly turned from a single point into twelve trillions of dust particles, each of which is faintly connected with the old man's blood and breath.

This move was actually intended to use exhaustive methods to destroy the "Six Returns to Wishful Formation".

It's just that although this person has great means, he still underestimates the brilliance of the "Six Returns to Wishful Formation".Twelve trillion changes are extremely numerous, but for the total number of changes in the Liuhui Ruyi Formation, it is only one part of [-] billion.

Sure enough, after a while, all the dust flew back from the gate, condensed into a drop of water again, and got into the bottle.

Elder Xu let out a "hey" and said, "I don't dare to boast about the other eight types of formations. However, when it comes to breaking the 'Number of Extremes Formation', there is no second person in the sect who can surpass the old man's 'Da Hua'." Source'. A stronghold of the Yueheng Sect based on the foundation of thousands of years, it is indeed no small matter."

"Nephew Mo, unless you invite the celestial master here, today's wish will not come true."

The eyes of the young man surnamed Mo suddenly turned red, and he laughed abnormally: "Unless it is the 'Beginless Formation' and the 'Spell Stealing Formation', which are generally unbreakable formations, the remaining seven formations have always been unbreakable. Especially It's the so-called 'Array of Numbers' that evolves endlessly, doesn't it have a natural back door?"

Elder Xu looked suspiciously, and said in a low voice: "You"

The young man surnamed Mo raised his head and laughed wildly: "You keep saying that Mo Tianqing is a peerless genius who has been favored by the Luoquan sect for thousands of years and was born in time, but now it seems that he is just talking about it, but he doesn't take it seriously. .Although the formation in front of me is the best of the 'Number of Extremes', it may not be able to stop Mo."

The young man surnamed Mo flicked his sleeves, and stepped into the "Ruyi Gate" with a loud voice!

in the array.

The first level, thirty-six different ways to choose, the young man surnamed Mo made a choice without hesitation; the second level, thirty-six steps, is another decisive step forward;
[-]. Changes in the number of evil spirits in various places in the [-]th pass;
The number of days in each week of the fifth and sixth levels changes.
Gui Wujiu's face changed, within a short period of tens of breaths, the young man surnamed Mo had already walked through the six main gates, every step was a correct answer.


(End of this chapter)

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