Chapter 354

Gui Wugui drilled out of the underground swamp, looking around without anyone, took out the "Slips for Relics" buried here, and returned along the original road.

Previously, every time Jin and Hang used the "Yin-Yang Transformation Method", Gui Wugui would touch the ground without any trace and secretly bury a letter, there were three in total.At this time, they need to be packed back one by one.

However, in this way, Tian Shanke and the other five people originally returned the same way, but Gui Wujiu went in the same direction, and the time when the six people met again was delayed by another half an hour.

Gui Wugui randomly took out a futon-shaped magic weapon and sat cross-legged in the air.

Not long after, the blazes of light returned back the same way, with a huge momentum, even the swamp under their feet was split into a ripple more than ten feet deep, which is no different from whipping water.

The five of them flew away with all their strength.

But once there is no room for holding hands, the merits of each person will also be displayed.Lan Miyan, Qianhe Xuanzong, rode Juechen, and his speed was the fastest among the five.But her movement was the smallest, slipping past like a wisp of smoke.

The shirtless man wearing a pair of snakes, Tianshanke, followed closely behind, boiling hot air overflowing from his body, as if reflecting the glowing red clouds, the deformation in the swamp was probably caused by man.

The Yi brothers of Yanhai Xuanzong were a little slower than Tianshanke, their spirits were like smoke, but they were fumigated like dry firewood being roasted.

However, Leng Youshan, Emperor Xuanzong of Qiaoyang, was at the bottom.

Gui Wugui hit his backhand with his index finger in the air, it was clear and loud, as if hitting a copper gong, there was a loud "clang".

This small trick is borrowed from the method of "upstream return wind" and "cumulative sky cloud thunder", which is not worth mentioning.

But when Lan Miyan and the other five people heard the sound, they were immediately attracted by it, and quickly made a turning point, one after another turned around and rushed to Gui Wujiu.

The five of them were really anxious at the moment.

At first, due to the combination of elite soldiers and strong generals, everyone was full of confidence, and they all planned that this trip would be a great success.

But now the five of them are still in the mood to care about some demon spies.It is the most important thing to find the blame.

The five people are all people who are good at looking at colors. Although they have different sensory judgments about Gui Wugui, they are probably descended from the lower realms of the Taoist sect, which is well known in their hearts.

In case of being lost in the Dachang Dynasty, more than thousands of people would be implicated.

Gui Wujiu disappeared without a trace, and they couldn't decide whether Gui Wujiu used the secret method to actively pursue the enemy, or was captured by the enemy by surprise.

Lan Miyan and the others settled down to Gang Yun, and kept looking at Chaogui Wugui.It seems a little impolite to just rashly ask whether he has fallen and whether he is still safe.Looking at each other, no one spoke for a while.

In the end it was Tianshanke who had a rough and bold personality, he greeted him briefly, and asked with a smile, "Is everything alright, Fellow Daoist?"

Gui Wujiu smiled lightly, shook his head, and said, "It's nothing. I'm sorry to trouble you all."

Yi Muqiu brewed for a while and let out a long sigh.Nian Xu said: "Fellow Daoists are fine, and we are all relieved. Those two demon cultivators have already fled far away, and now it is difficult to catch up."

There was a bit of sadness in his tone.

Leng Youshan had a smile on her face, but she didn't seem to be annoyed at all, and said: "These two devil cultivators have clever escape methods, far better than the previous enemies, and they are also first-class elite disciples in the devil sect. If they miss this time, With more experience next time, the chances of success will naturally increase a lot. Why do you bother?"

This person really has no regrets in her heart, and even the brisk words are a portrayal of her true feelings.

If this trip succeeds, it will undoubtedly be Yi Muqiu and Tianshanke who will steal the limelight.

The five people in this group are all the best Nascent Soul cultivators in several sects near the capital.Leng Youshan naturally didn't want to be compared to others for nothing.

Tian Shanke seemed to see through Leng Youshan's intentions, he snorted with a smile on his face, and stopped talking.

Only then did Gui Wugui understand everyone's intentions, but secretly thought that he was negligent.With a quick wave of his hand, two demon corpses were thrown out from his sleeves.

The five people were startled when they saw it, and exclaimed in unison, their necks stretched two points before they knew it.After being stunned for a moment, Lan Miyan was the quickest to react, and hurried forward to test the authenticity of the two corpses with secret techniques.

With the means of the Nascent Soul stage, the result can be imagined.

No blame but did not let down his vigilance.Although the scholar with the Nan surname said that no one below Tianxuan Shangzhen can see through this secret technique, but Gui Wugui seems to be leisurely, but in fact he is secretly observing Tianshanke's every move.

In Gui Wugui's judgment, the two snakes "Taiyin" and "Taichang" on this person's body are the cards with the strongest ability to identify monsters.

However, it turns out that it is too much to worry about.At this moment, the two snakes were hanging lazily between Tian Shanke's necks, the heads of the two snakes hung down to the man's navel and tied in a knot, they seemed to be sleeping, and had no interest in the two corpses of demon cultivators.

It's nothing to blame, so I'm relieved.

After some explanations, to tell the truth as usual, you only need to hide yourself and sneak into the ground, and meet the scholar surnamed Nan.

Tianshanke and the other five were all amazed when they heard the secret art of "Yin-Yang Transformation" by the monks of the magic way.With such a method, if one does not understand its secrets, it is almost inevitable to be bullied by it for the first time.

But after this experience, the five people's judgments about the blame have become more and more unpredictable.

Because after all, Gui Wugui used Jindan cultivation as one against two, beheading the two Nascent Soul mid-stage demon cultivators.Previously, Gui Wugui's strengths were mostly in escapism and judgment. As for the true supernatural power between offense and defense, it was actually just a glimpse.

However, the five people are also very knowledgeable, and they are not willing to ask how Gui Wugui will destroy the enemy.Killing the enemy by leapfrogging in this way probably involves Shangzong Zhongbao, which they can't inquire about.

After returning together, pay the decree at the Dachang Temple.

Lord Changshen was overjoyed when he heard that, and immediately held a banquet to welcome the six of them.

During the banquet, Tianshanke and the others were all clear in their hearts that they were just being blameless, and they kept a low profile during the banquet.Not to mention the monks of the late Yuanying period, even the monks of Huashen and Buxu, it is difficult for them to be worthy of the banquet of Chang Shenjun.

Because this is not an ordinary banquet, the etiquette set by Chang Shenjun is not insignificant: the "Two Leaf Residence" in the back hall, which was originally more than ten feet wide, suddenly expanded five or six times, and turned into the size of a main hall. .

At this time, two giant leaves, one green and one red, floated above a quiet and quiet lake, more than a hundred feet away.

The shadow of the Two Leaf Feilu in the water seems to be more like an exquisitely reflected treasure, like the finishing touch of the whole lake.Even when looking at each other, it may not be possible to tell the difference between reality and reality at a glance, on the contrary, it is more like two palaces, one up and one down.

Only when the mist gradually grows on the lake surface, revealing the arrogance of the two leaves in the sky, the quiet scenery, and the greenery floating in the sky, it will not overwhelm the guests.

The manifestation of these two leaves into a temple is a great gift that has not been seen in more than [-] years.The last time he was born, it was still the personal entourage of the Great Banquet Emperor Shenxu who came to Dachang.

Among the green leaves, the God of Chang and Gui Wugui frequently persuaded him to drink.

Everyone sits on the jade couch, and the table used is made of a three-foot-wide lotus leaf.A disc is filled with all kinds of fine wines and fruits, as well as clear water and nectar.

There are ten lotus leaf plates in front of you.

Chang Shenjun and two trusted generals had a total of three seats, Gui Wujiu and his party had a total of six seats, and Chang Shenjun insisted on setting up the other seat for Huang Xiyin.

When Gui Wugui was traveling, Shenjun Chang naturally saw the appearance of the residence as if he was facing a big enemy, and there were many forbidden formations.From this point of view, more than ten years later, Huang Xiyin must also be a direct disciple of the ancestral Taoist sect.Chang Shenjun's move was to forge this fate with all his heart.

However, Huang Xiyin is a little bit small at the moment, and it would be troublesome to sit on the jade couch as she is short, and she can't drink or eat by herself.Gui Wugui simply let her hold the feeding bottle and lie on the green lotus leaf tray, enjoying herself.

If people who don't know it look at it, they may mistakenly think that it is a dish like "ginseng fruit" served.

Chang Shenjun smiled and said: "The news came from several neighboring dynasties. In the battle of pursuing and suppressing the spy, most of the other roads went smoothly. Only the road where I met the disciples of the Demon Sect was extremely difficult to make achievements. But I, Dachang, can do it all. , all belong to fellow Taoists who brought blessings to Dachang."

Gui Wugui smiled and said: "The word "do not disgrace the mission" may be taken as it is, but it's too serious to say 'bring down the blessings'."

After drinking for three rounds, Shenjun Chang tentatively asked: "I don't know how to arrange the itinerary for the two days, friend Gui Daoist?"

Gui Wujiu knew what Shenjun Chang was thinking.

But since he already has a plan for the next itinerary, he will not easily accommodate.

He replied bluntly: "Originally, in the eyes of the seniors in the sect, there are indeed two geomantic treasures in Dachang. It's just that the situation has changed now, and I can't wait any longer. It may be more than a month, or a few days. Visit other places. This will not bother Shenjun."

Gui Wujiu paused for a while, and said again: "In the past two months, God Lord Laochang has warmly treated you with great care, Gui will remember it in his heart."

There was a trace of disappointment on Shenjun Chang's face, and the worry in his heart really happened.

After learning of Huang Xiyin's identity, Shenjun Chang was both surprised and delighted.The joy is that if this future direct Taoist settles in Dachang, it will be a great fate; the worry is that there will be chaos on the border, and the original plan may be changed if there is no blame.

Now that the original hope really came to nothing, Changshenjun felt that it would be useless to force him to stay, and instead hurt his feelings, he had to put his plans elsewhere.

Chang Shenjun winked, and a burly white-armored general on the right understood it.As soon as Chaogui Wujiu saw the ceremony, he said: "I heard that fellow Taoist Gui left a monument when he was in Qianfu County, and he was promoted to Jianyue Xuanzong's "Guidebook" in one fell swoop. Dachang left a pen and ink?"

The golden-armored god general opposite this person hastily said: "That's right. My Dachang Dynasty will never treat the calligraphy left by Guidao friends shortly. It will be treasured as a gift, compared with other classics."

The two said it respectfully, it's really hard to refuse Gui Wugui.

But if the "Three Swords Intent" is left behind, others will know that Jianyue Xuanzong's stele was not done casually.

Gui Wujiu pondered a little in his heart, and made a plan.Since Shenjun Chang and the others mentioned the Sword Intent Stele, they probably have seen the original picture.With this foundation, it is not difficult to deal with it next.

With a certainty in my heart, I said: "Pass the pen and ink."

Seeing Gui Wugui, the two gods said that they were "passing the pen and ink" instead of "passing the stele", and a trace of disappointment flashed inadvertently between their brows and eyes.But Shenjun Chang still had the same kind face, the city palace remained the same, and he ordered to pass the pen and ink with a smile.

The pen is more than two feet long, but the sharpness of the pen is no different from that of a golden needle. It is a high-quality dragon bone rabbit hair brush.

The picture scroll was opened, and Gui Wugui was filled with thick ink.

Except for Huang Xiyin, who was lying soundly asleep on the lotus leaf tray, the other eight people gathered around and used their tricks for no reason.

It is said that when the stele was left behind without blame that day, it was achieved in an instant, and no one saw it clearly.Those who attended the meeting that day were all regretful.Now Shenjun Chang and the others are naturally unwilling to let the old things repeat themselves.

But this time, the action of imputation was not too fast.The spirit is concentrated, the wrist is stretched, and the pen is actually painting without slowing down.

What is drawn by the pen is one after another, large and small circles.

Shenjun Chang concentrated on his judgment, only to feel that this "circle diagram" does not seem to be very clever, and there is obviously a huge gap between the intention of the three swords left in the inscription that day.

But there are changes hidden in this picture.It seems that many circles keep enlarging, and many circles shrink at the same time, one after another hides a wonderful truth, and he can't see them all clearly for a moment.

Gui Wugui smiled and said: "Fate Dharma should not be kept lightly, Taoism should not be passed on lightly."

"The tablet of the three swords left in Qianfu County that day is the most brilliant and proficient method; but the 'full picture' left today is the path of change hidden in the most basic. Because from the very beginning Because of the deduction in the foundation, there are many flaws at first glance, so it is not suitable to leave an inscription, and it is not that I deliberately neglected it."

"This one is 'Mortal Way', and Jianyue Xuanzong's one is 'finished product'. Comparing the two, if you want to study the truth, I personally think this one is more important. If there are young people in the Kingdom of God , look at this picture first, and then go to Jianyue Xuanzong to look at the stele, maybe you can gain some points in the magical power of the sword."

Chang Shenjun was overjoyed and thanked him, and quickly ordered someone to seal it up, engrave an inscription on the formation, and hide it in the secret vault.The two divine generals had just swept away the gloom, and their brows and eyes were full of joy.

Gui Wujiu shook his head secretly in his heart, at this time he borrowed some of the connotation of Chenyang Jianshan's "Viewing Fa Tu", and added tricky words to explain it, and the "Three Swords Intent" pearls and jades were in front of him, so he got away with it.

Of course, it is not entirely false to deduce a trace of kendo essence from this picture.

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(End of this chapter)

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