Nothing is to blame

Chapter 355 Inside and outside the heart circle of impermanence

Chapter 355 Inside and outside the heart circle of impermanence
After the banquet was over, Gui Wujiu sat quietly in the garden, adjusting his breath and concentrating, gathering his sharpness.

Huang Caiwei was taking a bath for Huang Xiyin.

As a spirit of the "Xiongwei" family, Huang Caiwei is actually good at several basic five-element spells, especially water and wood.

At this moment, I saw hundreds of green leaves gathered at one end, with the tip of the leaf pointing to one place, drips of clear water kept coming out.

But the clear water did not fall to the ground, but gathered into an exquisite and lively small pool, floating in the air, the depth of the water was less than one foot, and Huang Xiyin jumped and played in it.

Huang Xiyin is usually very cute and cute, quite ladylike, but this time it is rare to enter the water, not only is she not afraid, but she is extremely excited, dancing like a boy.

Huang Caiwei has been taking care of Huang Xiyin for more than two months, and she has gradually developed a love for this considerate little doll, just like treating her own children and sisters.At this moment, Huang Caiwei turned into a human form, resting her cheeks on her hands, watching Huang Xiyin play in the water with her two watery eyes without blinking.

Huang Caiwei tilted her head, and her arms turned into green vines again, shaking slightly.But seeing a pure and spiritual energy that is completely different from the real energy of human cultivation and the evil spirit of the monster race, it suddenly formed two gourds, and the fruit was ripe.

Huang Caiwei held the gourd and threw it in the water, sinking and floating, teasing Huang Xiyin to catch it.Stubborn to the point of rise, he clapped his hands again and again, made a human voice, and laughed non-stop.

Suddenly, Huang Caiwei seemed to remember something, and quickly took out the "Shadow Stone" from her pocket, and recorded the scene of Huang Xiyin playing in the water.

When Gui Wugui was in samadhi, the images he visualized in his mind kept switching between the sword and the stubborn stone, the flow of his mind became more and more smooth, and the bitterness disappeared, so he couldn't help but secretly nodded.

Returning to the residence after Gui Wugui's banquet, he faintly felt that a thin layer of mist was covering his heart, which seemed to block the light, and he could no longer feel clear and refreshed.Looking back, I immediately knew that I had been in a state of invincibility for a long time, and now I finally encountered a pass in the "Nine Nine Tribulation Passes".

This level is one of the thirty-six heart calamities. In the Yueheng Sect classics, it is not explained with scriptures, but with two stories to illustrate the truth.

One of the stories is called "The Son of Heaven Comes to Earth".

It is said that a country's monarch is visiting privately in disguise, and suddenly a strange hurricane arises between the sky and the earth, and the monarch is swept into the uninhabited snow-capped mountains.

It was a blessing among misfortunes, after the wind stopped, the place where the monarch settled was just near a "small inn" in Zhongda Snow Mountain, and the distance was only a few tens of feet away.

The so-called "small inn" is a hut built every ten or twenty or thirty miles in the snow-capped mountains to prevent the hunters from encountering snowstorms on the way.This house is made of old building blocks nailed into the hard frozen soil, which is the most secure, no matter how big the wind and snow are, it will not do anything to it.

Not only that, the fire, fuel, food, bedding, etc. hidden in the "small inn" are extremely rich, enough to guarantee food for more than a month.The clear water freezes into solid ice in the water tank, and there is an iron cone kettle beside it, which can also be opened to get water.

Usually when Orion mountain residents enter the snow-capped mountains, what they are most afraid of is encountering a snowstorm between two "small inns" with no village in front and no shop in the back, and their lives will be in danger at that time.But if there is a "small inn" to rely on when the weather is bad, then you can sit back and relax.

However, half a month later, when the local officials received a report from the mountain people and rushed to this "small inn".This monarch has been dead for a long time.

When the subordinate officials buried his body, they found that some of the monarch's teeth had fallen out on the ground, and there were still a few faint tooth marks on the yams beside him.

It turned out that this monarch is a king, and he always stretches out his hands when he wears clothes, and opens his mouth when he eats.Even though there is ready-made food and fire in front of him, he doesn't know how to use it.

The monarch turned a blind eye to the most conspicuous flint on the table.Without fire, the raw yams are frozen harder than ice, where can they be eaten?

Another story is called "Neighborhood Nuggets".

But it is said that the two families each have some industries, and they are considered diligent in their work.

One day, one of the family was digging a well at home and suddenly found a bag of gold.

The head of the neighbor's family can't help but feel depressed.When his wife saw him, she persuaded her: "I will keep my life, why would you envy me?" She advised her husband not to have other distractions, but to work hard on his own business.

However, in the past few years, this family has become more and more prosperous, and the family business has been thriving; but the neighbors got rich overnight because of digging gold in the well, and finally indulged in wine and sex, and ruined the family business within three years.

It should be known that the family who dug out the gold is by no means a lazy and lazy person. They were originally simple and kind-hearted.

Just because of the sudden windfall, disrupting the rules of the mind and nature, it will be a disaster.

Recalling the ordinances, Gui Wugui's ever-changing mood.

In the Yueheng sect, Gui Wujiu was the Yinyu Nine Beads, and he sent one person; even though Xuanyuan Huai was born in the sky, after Gui Wujiu embarked on the path of "Heaven and Man Establishing Roots", there was Quanzhu In order to help, he is not inferior to Xuanyuan Huai after he is confident and enlightened.

Breaking through to perfection, among peers, it is hard to find a defeat.

Until the day before yesterday, I met a scholar with the surname Nan in the Demonic Dao.

Although this plan was proposed by Yu Wugui himself, but where his "heart" lies, he may not be ready for it.

Going across a large realm to fight Nascent Soul cultivator, Gui Wugui's status and position will undergo fundamental changes.

If you can't adapt to this change and become stronger step by step, but still indulge in the dream and past of being invincible, you are doomed to encounter setbacks.

Throughout the ages, many geniuses have been devastated after encountering setbacks. It is not because they have poor temperament and cannot bear the blow; but because their way of doing things, their status, and their identities have been solidified. , You will definitely feel that everything is not going well, and you will no longer be able to act in accordance with the old law that suits your heart, so that you will eventually embark on the road of self-destruction with a broken heart.

This level is called "Impermanence Heart Tribulation".Among the thirty-six heart levels, it is not common; but once it appears, it is also a level with a lot of lethality.

Only by understanding the impermanence principle of "not stagnant in things, changing with the world", and adjusting one's mind at any time with the changes of external things, can one pass this test smoothly.

Gui Wublai's mental training is actually quite sufficient.The golden talisman breaks the promise, tempering the heart of Taoism; the Tibetan elephant destroys the alliance, and goes away to a foreign land.After these two things, the rest of the ordeals are quite insignificant.In particular, there is super-first-grade Taoism and Taoism as the foundation, and it is not difficult for Gui Wugui to survive the "calamity of impermanence".

At this time, Gui Wujiu can completely melt the mind of impermanence immediately when he is in meditation, and he doesn't even need to use the heart-holding formula, and he no longer has the danger of breaking his mind.

But that alone is not enough.

Gui Wugui must make further preparations, and be able to enter the feeling of abandoning all worries and surpassing the limit when he fights "Yuan Yuan" in the Pillow Road Monument at all times, so as to add to this uncertain battle situation. Somewhat "grasp".

After three moments of samadhi, Gui Wujiu secretly nodded.I am ready to become an attacker!
Seeing Huang Xiyin who was extremely happy playing in the water, Gui Wujiu's heart warmed up.Gently flicking the sleeves, they lined up in a horizontal row, and there were five items in total in front of them.

The two classics of Yuanjiao "Xiangcheng Order" and "Xiaojiuxiaojing"; Puritanism "Cangyuan Four Records" and "Taisu Baolu"; "Viewing Fa Tu" of Bamai Kendo.

Among these five scriptures, Gui Wujiu has already absorbed all of them through Quanzhu's "Nianjian Evolution Diagram", which has contributed to his own path, and has stimulated the growth of "Kongyun Nianjian".

At the moment of becoming alchemy at the beginning, after "The Evolution of Nianjian" absorbed the essence of "Concept of Fa", the "Concept of Fa" gave the impression of no blame, like a road that has become potholes, and some holes have been dug out. The potholes left some flat areas, which seemed very uncoordinated.

If it is only about the growth and evolution of "Kongyun Nianjian", the essence of these five scriptures is indeed exhausted.

Gui Wujiu was convinced that even if the Heavenly Venerable and the Human Tribulation Daoist in the Ziwei Great World joined forces, it would be impossible to surpass the "Nianjian Evolution Diagram" in deducing one by one.

It is true that the path of blamelessness no longer requires the practice of supernatural powers.

The so-called "manpower is sometimes poor".Returning to no blame, even with the resources of heaven, there are three ways of Taoism at this time.Relying on Yue Hengzong's "Psychic Manifestation of True Shape", one of the three thousand wonderful methods and eighteen supernatural powers is one, and the second is the realization of the Kongyun Nianjian based on the "Nianjian Evolution Chart".Relying on the second of the four fundamental classics of the Mozong, and also practicing the magic way and magical powers as the third.

It is absolutely impossible to create side effects outside of the three methods.

Like the "Walking the Dust Sword", it is an "end" and a review of the century-old journey in the lower realms, one cannot be the other.

But this does not mean that the rest of the five methods are completely useless.Although there is no need to practice it personally, Gui Wugui still needs to thoroughly understand the essence of his Taoism.

Not only these five methods, but if you really can see hundreds of hidden sects in the future, as well as the methods of monsters, martial arts, witchcraft, and yin and yang, besides directly using the "Sword Evolution Chart" to grab the valuable "Kong Yun Nian" In addition to the essence of "Sword", the rest of Gui Wugui still has to be viewed indiscriminately.

These are for Huang Xiyin.

It wasn't until this moment that Gui Wujiu truly understood the true meaning of "using the way to prove the law".

The supernatural powers and methods tend to the extreme, although each has its own merits and splendor, it may not be able to insist on the same; but if the levels are close, then even if they cannot be integrated, it still does not hinder the promotion of the first to win the second, pointing from the east to the west, and the same coincidence. hair" principle.

All the superior methods obtained by Gui Wugui are equivalent to drawing a "circle" in it first, and everything within the circle is captured by the "Nianjian Evolution Diagram"; while everything outside the circle is captured All instilled in Huang Xiyin.

Then I observed every step of Huang Xiyin's growth, confirmed it, and proved it against it, so as to deepen my deduction and understanding of "Kongyun Nianjian".

At the moment Huang Xiyin is burying her little head in the water and blowing bubbles, it seems that this game is extremely interesting.

Gui Wugui looked at it for a long time, and thought to himself, even though this little guy has superb aptitude, without the help of other secret methods, it is still not an easy matter to digest so many methods.

This burden is not light!

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(End of this chapter)

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