Chapter 381

Gui Wugui's figure, which was as steady as Songyue's, trembled slightly.

After entering the deduced state of "Nianjian Evolution Diagram", there will be such a scene!
A hundred years ago, on Zhenru Island, Yuan Yu Jing Dendrobium was used for the first time to refine five elements of miscellaneous jade for cultivation.The impact and vibration of ten times the speed of cultivation seems to return to the present moment.

Especially against the background of the limited income of the first nine classics, this strong contrast is even more colorful.

This feeling is like taking a sea of ​​water, hanging it upside down in the sky, and then violently washing it down on your head, with endless power!

In Gui Wugui's dantian, the third stage of the "Kongyun Nianjian" technique instantly presents a wonderful scene.

Countless candles, more than a hundred in number, were lit up with bright yellow brilliance.Look carefully when the brilliance of each dot dims slightly, and it turns out that each "dot" is a handwriting.

With a flick of a finger, the world has changed.

The third layer of Kongyun Nianjian has more than ten thousand characters, great success!
The next moment, Gui Wujiu felt a tickle in his throat inexplicably, as if something was jumping with joy, impatiently rushing out of his throat.

Gui Wujiu immediately drew his mind and controlled the vibration of the treasure.

However, Yuan Yu Jing Dendrobium was seen spinning around in Gui Wu Jiu's dantian, sending out bursts of heat, as if celebrating a big leap towards a higher level.

With this glimmer of hope, Gui Wugui felt a sense of fate.

A full twenty-four years.

There are two classics of the Shangluo School: Dazang's "Five Mantras, Six Talismans and One Truth", and the serious "Xinyuan Secret Deed Map".Completely accomplished the third level of Kongyun Nianjian's [-]-word kung fu, and promoted the growth of Yuanyu Jinghu, [-] years ahead of schedule.

This means that even if there is no further progress from today, I will gain ten times the speed of practice in ninety-six years, and I will definitely be able to achieve Nascent Soul in one hundred and eighty to two hundred years.

If the income from the "Quan Daohui" is included, this time can be optimistically advanced to at least one hundred and fifty years.

After achieving the Nascent Soul, Gui Wugui will have another [-] years to complete the breakthrough from the first level of the Nascent Soul to the fourth level of the Nascent Soul.This is already a great deal of relief for him.At that time, whether to continue to seek the second evolution of Yuanyu Jinghu, or to seek other methods, you can plan calmly.

Gui Wujiu was immersed in the third scripture of "Kongyun Nianjian", and was about to check whether it was as profound as he thought.

It's just that once the divine will is immersed in it, the more than ten thousand words suddenly shine golden.The entire space-time is also completely distorted, turning into a huge black hole.Gui Wujiu was in a trance for a while, and suddenly felt himself being dragged into a strange space.

In this world, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, pine shadows are chaotic, and the sky is blue.

It's not "Rubi", the sky is clear and cloudless, it's not azure blue, but light green.

Gui Wugui floated in a space more than ten feet high.

On the grassland in front of you, there are groups of bison, each weighing eight or nine hundred catties, each with a horn on the head, back, and buttocks, and the hair on the whole body is stronger than steel needles, billowing smoke and dust, and returning to nothing Zuo rushed in front of him.

This group of bison seemed to turn a blind eye to the impunity in front of them.

Here, the breath of the air seems to be wilder, younger and more extensive than the world Gui Wugui is familiar with.

When Gui Wujiu was observing this wonderful world, it was suddenly dark and the scenery changed.Looking down, he saw a huge black bird with wings spread out over ten feet wide, passing through his "body".Then he bowed his head and pecked, and a pair of sharp beaks firmly bit a bison.

The black bird slapped its wings, and once again spread its wings straight up to the blue sky, faintly visible drops of blood dripping from the giant bird's mouth.And the slap of the black bird flapping its wings, killed more than ten triangular bison with ease.

A long fog rose into the sky.

Gui Wugui calmed down and felt a slight sense.Then he knew that this place was not the real world, and he could retreat out of this "alien world" with a single thought, with a little peace of mind.

Judging from the actions of the triangular bison and the giant black bird, it seems that he is just a "bystander" who has gone back to the past, and the "creatures" in this world cannot feel his own existence at all.

After a while, when the frightened herd of buffaloes had disappeared, a loud singing sound came from afar:

The boundless wind and moon can be intoxicating,
How like new leaves see true alcohol.

Selfishness is insufficient to speak,
Accompanied by flowers, it is clear and clear. "

Gui Wugui followed the reputation of the song, but there was a man with a "straw hat" on his head, a green dress woven from green leaves, and a pure white pony on his crotch, leisurely and contented. come forward.

The "straw hat" is not made of dry straw, but woven of countless tender grasses. At the back edge of the hat, there is a semicircle in the shape of a "corona", the size of an open folding fan.At first glance, it seems that the man's head is three or four times bigger, which is very uncoordinated.

This person has clear features and fair complexion, but his originally handsome face, coupled with a broad forehead and slightly thicker lips, creates a strange sense of "simplicity", which looks very funny.

This person looks to be only twenty-three or twenty-four years old, but the vigorous temperament exuding from his body clearly tells Gui Wujiu: this is a person with profound achievements.

He was undisguisedly ingenious, and seemed to be slightly inferior to the Profound Sky Realm; but the dozen or so high-level cultivators in the Lihe Realm that Gui Wujiu had seen before were far from him.

This person seemed to be wandering around on a pony, but in front of him and behind him, there were strange creatures, big and small, following him.Some of them seem somewhat similar to the cats, dogs, snakes, and rats that Gui Wujiu has seen, but more of them are strange and unheard of.

In addition to animals, there are also many strange-shaped vegetation spirits, following like a puff of green smoke, inseparable.

Walked for a while.

Suddenly, a black dot suddenly appeared in the sky, and then it quickly became larger and swooped down!

This giant black bird is clearly of the same kind as the one that hunted the triangular bison before, but it is not the same one.

Because its wings spread out, it is more than fifty feet long.

More importantly, this bird is not an uninspired beast.An extremely strong monster aura can be clearly sensed from twenty or thirty miles away.In terms of cultivation, I am afraid that this beast fighting alone is not inferior to the monks in the separation and reunion realm.

Perhaps it is due to the fact that it is born with a different species. If this bird does not cultivate to a short-term position, it may be difficult to transform into a human being.

The giant bird pecked fiercely at the strange guest on the pony!
The strange man laughed, but without any fear, he unhurriedly stretched out his right index finger.

Gui Wugui was surprised to find that a "crystal ball" the size of an inch suddenly appeared in the index finger of the strange guest's right hand.

Inside the "crystal ball" is not a black bird with its wings outstretched, ready to pounce.It seems that the shape of the giant bird outside has shrunk countless times.

The stranger read out a few weird formulas, and then he opened his mouth and spewed out a stream of white smoke, completely covering the "crystal ball" above his index finger.The "Crystal Ball" was stained by the mist, and the miniature "Blackbird" hidden in it suddenly became dark and disappeared completely within a few breaths.

At this moment, the giant bird was in its true form, its sharp mouth opened, and the arc was close to ten feet, and it was about to swallow the strange guest.

Just after the strange man exhaled white air, the giant bird screamed without warning, its body was torn into seventeen or eighteen pieces and fell to the ground, making loud "bang" and "bang" noises.

Gui Wugui's heart skipped a beat.

The classics that can help me so much should be here.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came out of nowhere and rang in Gui Wujiu's ear: "What a handsome supernatural power."

Gui Wugui subconsciously turned around and took a look, the surroundings were empty, how could there be half a person?When he turned his head, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the strange man also turning around quickly, making exactly the same movements as himself.

Gui Wugui took a closer look, only to realize that there was an old man with white beard and hair behind the strange guest.

The old Taoist has a pale appearance, and the weather is mild and somewhat mysterious.He was wearing a simple Taoist robe with no decorations, but Gui Wugui vaguely felt that this attire was not like that of the natives of the Ziwei Great World, but more similar to the Taoist civilization of the Nine Great Sects.

They are only [-]-[-]% similar, and if you carefully identify them, there are still some differences.

The strange man on the white back was startled at first, but after careful observation, it seemed that the old man who appeared suddenly did not have the slightest cultivation base.With certainty in his heart, he asked, "I don't know how to call the old man?"

The old Taoist said with a smile: "The poor Taoist is a cultivator. As for the name, I can't tell you."

The strange rider blinked his eyes and said, "Okay, then I'll call you Wuming old man."

"Old Taoist Wu Na, what business do you have for me?"

The old man didn't seem to be angry, he said with a smile, "Come and plant a seed."

The strange man smiled happily, and said: "Seeds? It's wonderful. No one in the world can beat me in these matters of flowers and plants. I don't know what kind of seeds you want to plant, old man?"

The old Taoist twirled his long beard, and answered the wrong question: "I see that your supernatural power of killing monsters and birds is very good. I don't know what to call this wonderful method?"

The strange guest was even more delighted to hear him praise his own supernatural powers.He straightened his chest and said loudly: "You are an old man who has a bit of vision. Listen carefully: the spells of the nine tribes have been passed on to me, and they have finally been integrated into one furnace, which has never been done before, and the achievements are unique in the past and the present. This wonderful method is called..., um, the curse-killing method of purging the mind."

The old Taoist nodded, and said with a smile: "Your method also has some potential. Why don't the old Taoist help you and refine this spell into a sword technique. I don't know what you want? Would you like to learn it?"

The strange guest was stunned, and said angrily: "I practice my spells by myself, those scrap copper and iron are floating around in the air, like flies, what can I learn? You old guy, at first glance, you look kind. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a swindle and abduction. Hurry up and get out, or don't blame me for turning my face and denying people."

The old Taoist shook his head again and again, and sighed: "You can't teach with an elm head."

The old man did not see the slightest movement, the strange man suddenly fell off the horse, like beating dough, one head and the other face down, and fell hard on the ground three times.

Although the strange guest was not injured, he did not know where he met an expert.

As soon as he jumped up, he hurriedly shouted: "Fellow Daoist, stop... just listen to you, change it to the sword method... From today onwards, the Qingxin Dangwu curse killing method will be renamed the Qingxin Dangwu sword method."

The old Taoist sighed: "This is not a matter of changing a name. The name is Jianfa, and it is Jianfa? How is it different from hiding one's ears and stealing one's bell?"

The strange man snorted and said, "Then what's your idea? Whatever you say, go for it."

The old man and the strange man started talking.Gui Wujiu was absorbed in listening, unintentionally, his body drifted, and he approached the two of them, the distance between them was only three or four zhang.

Seemingly feeling that this strange man was not very enlightened, the old Taoist shook his head and said, "Don't you ask why the old Taoist wants you to learn swordsmanship?"

The stranger was startled, and immediately asked back, "Why do you want to learn swordsmanship?"

The old Taoist said slowly: "Because the strongest supernatural power is the supernatural power of swordsmanship!"

The strange man came up again with some vigor, and he was no longer afraid, and asked: "I don't believe it! Why is the most powerful supernatural power the swordsmanship supernatural power? I see that my conjuration supernatural power is not inferior to others!"

The old Taoist's face suddenly showed a bit of solemnity, a bit of embarrassment, and he sighed a long time, saying: "Because in the 'Supernatural Power Fruit', the 'First Fruit' was taken away by Kendo. And the 'Chaos Fruit' and 'Ruyi Fruit' Not my way."

"Among the supernatural powers, if you don't get the first 'sword frame', you will naturally be a head shorter than others. If not, why would the old Taoist go to such pains?"

The strange man was in a daze, unable to understand what the old Taoist said.Seeing that the old man flicked his sleeves, sixteen large and small light balls appeared in his palm, and said softly: "Don't think too much, just choose one based on intuition."

The strange man is a very straightforward person, and he is not shy.As soon as he stretched out his hand casually, he grabbed a green light ball from the palm of the old man.

The old Taoist looked at it, nodded again and again and said: "The way of sincerity is indeed somewhat congenial with your temperament. With this method, it is not difficult to comprehend more about the principles of the transformation of heaven and man, the study of things and the preservation of sincerity, and achieve the 'sword style'. "

The weirdo nodded half-understood.

The old Taoist said again: "This supernatural power is not born as a sword, so it can't be cultivated in one shot. After you have achieved the sword and scabbard at the same time, this method will go through a process of breaking and then erecting, leaving behind a seed , for the future. Presumably at that time, you will no longer be in this world."

The strange guest scratched his forehead and said, "Old man, since you have such unfathomable magic power, wouldn't it be easy to go directly to the Golden Pavilion Mountain to find those guys who control the useless... flying swords to teach them? Why do you need my sword Wouldn't it be too troublesome to have to 'break and then erect' once."

The old Taoist suddenly turned his head, facing Gui Wugui's direction.

Gui Wujiu's heart skipped a beat, the old man smiled slightly, as if he saw himself, but he didn't.But he heard him calmly say: "Because of the 'fate' in the future, it manifests here."


(End of this chapter)

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