Chapter 382

Gui Wugui was in a trance for a while, although the old man spoke to himself, he might not really see himself now.

It is said that after the last step of detachment, it is enough to see the "fate" of the whole world, but that is only "fate".If everything in the future is predestined, then why is it necessary for someone as powerful as Miao Guan Zhi Da Mo Zun to make arrangements?

Therefore, even though Kongyun Nianjian is his own, Gui Wugui will not be so conceited that he thinks that he is the destiny, walking on a path destined to success.

The figure of the Wuming old man gradually became thinner and disappeared completely every time.A strange feeling arose in Gui Wujiu's heart, it seemed that the appearance of this old man just now was just a story in a dream, leaving no trace in the "past".

Looking at the strange and dazed expression on the strange man's face, he knew that this person's feelings were roughly the same as his own.

Then, the passage of time suddenly accelerated.

Stranger rides the seemingly powerless pony all over the world.

He came to a spring in an old forest deep in the mountains.

The clear springs gurgled and merged into a stream.The water and stones in the stream are staggered, the spring water is lingering with sound, the stone color is smooth and greasy, and the texture is brilliant.There are lotus leaf-sized heterogeneous species in the water, whose leaves float on the water surface.Suddenly a toad jumped out from the bottom of the water, landed in the leaves, and croaked.

The strange man touched the water with both feet and landed on the water.Although the appearance of the toad is not flattering, even a bit ugly.But the strange man didn't take it seriously at all, and stared at him intently.

After a while, the breath of the strange guest, the agility of the spring water, and the vitality of the toad completely merged without any gap.Finally, the whole world became brighter and sharper at that moment.


He came to a dry and majestic mountain.

That mountain peak is many times higher than the unique Jigu Peak in the secret realm of the Yunzhong School. The rocks are all dark iron in color, not to mention the vegetation, and there is not even a trace of soil.Gui Wugui floated over, although nothing in this world could cause damage to his real body, but he could faintly feel how cold it was here.

Even the strange guest, whose cultivation base is far beyond the separation and reunion state, is actually a bit livid at this moment.But the strange man was pacing on the peak, as if he was thinking about something.

Finally, the strange guest came to a boulder three or four feet high and slowly moved it away.Looking down, there was a small hole slightly bigger than a pinhole under the boulder.

The strange guest's expression was happy, and he breathed out lightly. After a while, a twelve-segmented iron-framed reptile really drilled out of the cave.The strange man stared at the reptile for a long time...

In this way, suddenly three thousand years have passed.Stranger travels to countless dangerous places, Jedi, and resorts, and comes into contact with countless creatures and strange objects.Every time you touch something, observe it with sincerity, feel it with vigor, and then accommodate it in the "sword style" taught by the old Taoist.

All the places that this stranger has experienced, all of which are firmly in mind.

Although this may have happened millions of years ago, as long as there are no human traces left, the changes in the appearance of the landscape will naturally be extremely limited, and it will definitely not be so unrecognizable.

After comprehending thousands of living beings, the strange guest finally walked into Fanminfang City and among the lights of thousands of homes, and comprehended the aura that only belongs to "human beings"...

I don't know how many years later.

One day, on the top of a high mountain, this strange man sealed himself in the mountain for eight hundred years.

One day eight hundred years later, the earth trembled and the situation changed.The boundless sky seems to suddenly turn into a delicate porcelain bowl; the thick and boundless land seems to turn into a mother's womb that breeds life.

There was a long whistle that lasted for three days.

At this moment, Gui Wujiu was in the clouds dozens of miles away, and suddenly there was a strange touch in his heart, as if a new creature was born between heaven and earth!
Quietly, there was a strange breath, containing infinite vitality.

In the first moment when this qi is produced, it seems to be very close to heaven and earth; in the second moment, it seems to be extremely distant from heaven and earth;

The strange man came out.Move your little finger.On the ridge that is hundreds of thousands of feet high, there are four warm and free characters in sequence:

Shang Yi became enlightened.

These four words are by no means disappearing in vain.Gui Wujiu's sharp eyes, the person's little fingertip, vaguely saw a mountain shape.The hollowed out place was obviously melted away by the spell of Huajian.

But the strange man sighed and said: "It's a bit too earthy to curse and kill swords with a pure mind. The heart of the Tao is strong and supple; when you look at everything, it's all in the void. I call you" Kong Yunnian Sword' bar."

After pondering for a long time, the strange man said again: "Although the sword is finished, the sheath is not yet set. I don't know how many years I have to work on. The old thief will kill me."

Gui Wugui was shocked.

The shock of being blameless not only confirmed that this supernatural power is "Kong Yun Nian Jian", which he had already guessed when he was in the third stage of kung fu, and it was already confirmed when the strange guest revealed the spell.

This is because Gui Wujiu accidentally observed the enlightenment process of a human being Jie Daoist, and he has a clear understanding of the mysteries in it.

This strange man named "Shang Yi", after attaining enlightenment, is similar to the heaven and the earth, but the opposite process has already been taught by the real king.Only the last step is positive and negative. If it is not done properly, it will not be possible to reach the wonderful state of "being in harmony with the heaven and the earth".

Not only that, Shang Yi's place of enlightenment also has a wonderful charm for no reason, it seems to cut the world, and smell the "smell of blood" that belongs to Gangtian's evolution.

This wonderful state is of great benefit to the younger generation of cultivators to comprehend the Taoism and break through the realm.

Gui Wugui took a long breath.He is only in the Golden Core realm at the moment, and it is too early to come into contact with the mystery of Daoist Renjie's enlightenment.

As expected.After Shang Yi became the Daoist Venerable, he did not hide himself from the world, and was willing to be a "superior person outside the world".Instead, he actively entered the world as an incarnation, traveling around thousands of schools and schools.

Ten thousand years later, Shang Yi accepted two disciples, one named the third and the other named the fifth.

The two disciples have outstanding aptitudes, but they study in different directions.

The third inheritance is the orthodox "Kongyun Nianjian" supernatural power; while the fifth learning is a real "swordsmanship" extended by relying on the opportunity of comprehending all things in the process of forming the Kongyun Nianjian .

After another [-] years, Shang Yi had already soared away.

Shang Yi's two disciples, the third and the fifth, also practiced the realm of Taoist Jie Dao Zun.

However, although their aptitudes are astonishing, their meritorious deeds are also pure and flawless, and they deserve to be at the top level of Renjie Tianzun.But the two of them secretly felt that something was still missing from the last step.

The two people's road to seeking the Tao is extremely difficult, and they tried countless methods to break through this step, but none of them worked.

Finally, at the last minute.The two realized that if there was no further breakthrough, they would be trapped to death in the world of Ziwei. Then they had an idea and finally pierced the last veil.

The way to break through is unexpected.

The third and fifth two people robbed the Taoist priest and started a battle that shook the world.

Dao Zun fights, Gui Wugui is vague and can't see clearly, I just feel that the whole world is crumbling, the inspiration of the whole big world is fluctuating in abundance and exhaustion, it seems that the next moment is the end of the world.

After an unknown amount of time, the two Taoist priests finally used their ultimate skills.

The third one uses the Taoist method to condense into a concrete form, turning into a three-foot-long crystal clear sword; the fifth also uses this kind of Taoism, but the manifested form is a slender sword sheath.

The head-on collision of the two supernatural powers seemed to usher in the destruction and rebirth of the whole world, and was swallowed by the long-lasting darkness in an instant.

When they saw the light again, the two Daoist priests were both intact, and they seemed to have grasped the opportunity for the perfection of Taoism at the same time.The third and fifth smiled at each other, and flew away hand in hand!

The scabbard of the fifth Daoist condensed into three pieces, and spread out in three directions, falling hundreds of millions of miles away.

However, the prototype of the "Kongyun Nianjian" of the third Daoist was shrunk by two-thirds, only the size of a knuckle, and it fell into an abyss in the north.

In the abyss that day, infinite purple air boiled and flowed, tumbling and overflowing.

This small sword pierced into it, and it immediately flew like sparks, arousing more than a hundred purple air masses, flying into the distance.

Gui Wujiu's eyes were sharp, and he suddenly felt that where one of the purple light clusters fell, there was a tall and independent peak, which was almost [-]% similar to the Jigu Peak in the Purple Qi Secret Realm of the Yunzhong School.

As for the little sword, it disappeared without a trace when it fell into the abyss of heaven, as if it disappeared out of thin air.After three days and three nights, he got out from a place of boiling purple sea water, turned it into a sword code, and burned it on the sandy beach of the deserted island...

Gui Wugui's lips parted, unable to hide his surprise.

barren sea.

Ps: I will proofread it again tomorrow and send it directly.

Maybe it's because I have a special constitution.To be honest, the problem is not serious, just a little cold, not even continuous pain.When you meet someone with a lot of nerves, it is not a problem to persevere.But as long as I have a little physical ailment, my spirit will be completely sluggish... I can't do anything.Although it's much better now.

Take a shower tomorrow morning to refresh yourself and get ready to work overtime.

(End of this chapter)

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