Chapter 509
After a few more days, Gui Wugui rested and recuperated, jumped out of Qingrai Terrace, and fled out.

He first went to Luoshi Peak not far away, but saw that the gate of this peak was closed tightly.Not long after, there was a flash of light in the cave, and a person jumped out, who was a servant who had served Xun Shen since childhood.

It is said to be a follower, but in fact, he also has the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul Third Stage, and his foundation is extremely solid.Seeing that the person who came was innocent, the man quickly confessed.Then he carefully explained that Xun Shen had returned to Gantangzong for some reason.It is said that there is a secret place in the gate, which has a lot to do with Xun Shen's cultivation.

Gui Wugui nodded and didn't say anything more.Another turning point came to Tianshu Peak.

It's just that this peak suddenly became a tight barrier, which is even worse than Qinglai Peak and Luoshi Peak.Looking far away, Gui Wugui can vaguely see auspicious clouds shrouding the peak, and the subtle meaning is transpiring, like a ghost, like a ghost, gathered or scattered.In the meteorology of heaven, earth and earth, there is a hidden track of the evolution of Yuan Yuan.

Gui Wugui couldn't help being secretly surprised, it seems that Lu Chengwen is preparing to advance to the Nascent Soul realm.I'm afraid that when he returns from the Peacock Clan, he will transform into a Nascent Soul cultivator.

In this case, it is inconvenient to disturb each other.

Just when Gui Wujiu decided to go out, suddenly a blinding golden light chased towards him, and it came to the present in an instant.A figure appeared, a middle-aged monk in plain clothes, with superb cultivation, and he was outstanding in the separation and reunion realm.

It's no fault of knowing this person.This one is the head of Junping Hall, surnamed Han.Gui Wugui has won many good things from various sects, and three or four people out of ten who have undertaken the responsibility of recording merit are all passed by this one.

The man hastily saluted, and said: "In Junping Hall, the two lords really have an invitation."

Han Zhi went to Qingrai Terrace beforehand, but seeing that the gate was closed, he thought that Gui Wujiu had already left first, and he was one step late.

But Huang Caiwei said that before Gui Wujiu left, he had to say goodbye to Xun Shen and Lu Chengwen.It was only then that he chased him out, but luckily he caught Gui Wugui.

Gui Wujiu nodded and said: "Please let fellow Daoist Handan make this trip. Gui will be here soon."

Junping Hall was built at the core of Kaiyuan Realm, in a group of buildings under Wanjing Pond, very close to Gui Wujiu and others' Dongfu.In less than a quarter of an hour, Gui Wugui rushed to the main hall.

Going closer and taking a look, after two years of operation, the prestige of this hall has been established.Leaving aside the majestic purge of the main hall, the apse is faintly visible, connecting the eight treasured mountains that have been transported one after another.

These eight treasured mountains are the treasury of the rare treasures offered by the sects.It is also a foundation and guarantee to stabilize people's hearts and forge ahead.

Wait for the transmission, and then enter.

If it weren't for the distribution of extremely high-value treasures, the eight rotating masters would usually not be in the palace.Even if the four constants are true, two people will sit in the township and two will rest, and they will be deployed in rotation for a period of half a year.

At this moment, those who welcomed Gui Wugui were Jiang Lizong Yao Chunshangzhen and Xingyuanzong Kunhe Shangzhen.

Kong He Shangzhen can be listed as one of the four constant values ​​of Shangzhen in charge of affairs, naturally not only because this sect has Lu Chengwen.

Among his fellows in the Profound Sky Realm, his cultivation is equally outstanding; besides this, his personality is even more easy-going and approachable, with a mortal aura, which is different from the other three Shangzhengs. different.

But Kon He Shangzhen himself is not willing to serve with Yao Chun Shangzhen.

Because Yao Chunshang's true stature is taller than a man's.As for Kong He Shangzhen, although he looks like a twenty-eight-year-old youth with a handsome demeanor, his figure is not flattering.He is no more than six feet tall, and Yao Chunshangzhen looks down and sees him, and the contrast is huge.

Kong Heshangzhen and Gui Wugui were reborn once, and acquainted the second time.After meeting twice, they are called friends, and at this moment, they greet each other with great enthusiasm.

Answering a few words with a little courtesy, Kong Heshang really doesn't give a shit.Pointing to an object placed on the main hall of the hall, he said: "Please come here, fellow Taoist, not for other reasons. Before leaving, take this object together."

Gui Wugui looked up.

But I saw that there were Ruyi handles one foot long and short placed on the table.This thing looks very ordinary, and there is no abnormal phenomenon of precious light, and even the color is not too pure.In the white, there are many gray and black dots.

Yao Chunshangzhen said with a smile: "This thing is extremely valuable. But it is not a gift for fellow Taoists. When returning to Kaiyuan Realm in the future, it must be returned to the main hall."

Gui Wugui was surprised and said: "I don't know what is the use of this treasure?"

Kunhe Shangzhen said solemnly: "Without it, if you are in a dangerous place, if you activate this talisman, you can lead your fellow Taoist back to the Ten Thousand Mirror Pool."

Gui Wugui was taken aback, no matter which corner of the Ziwei world he was in, this thing would be effective.Then its miraculousness is even better than the front and back diagrams of the nine great sects.

But after questioning, I found out that the scope of use of this thing is indeed limited.

This command talisman was created just now by Wanjingchi's "Boundary Formation" connecting seventy-seven hidden sects.The foundation of the support is still the power of the five major leylines.Only within the vast area extending from Qiongshimen in the north, Juhaizong in the east, Yongyanzong in the south, and Dong'anzong in the west, can it be effective.

But even so, the area covered is still extremely vast, and it is still a very attainable method.

After Gui Wugui put this thing away, Kong He Shangzhen said again: "Fellow Daoist, please keep two things in mind."

"The first thing. If this treasure can be used, then its appearance will be the same as what you see now; if there are seventy-seven sects and five major earth veins, this talisman will turn yellow, and it cannot be borrowed." gone."

"The second thing. Fellow Daoist should not rely on this treasure and act rashly; when it comes to what is needed, don't hesitate. After all, Fellow Daoist is the key figure in my Yinzong's revival and entry into the world. Goodness can protect oneself, and don't show off a moment's bravery , is a far-sighted choice.”

It turns out that the fundamental principle of this treasure is still to borrow the power of the five great leylines.Every time it is used, it takes a full one percent of the vitality of the five major earth veins.

This also means that once this jade talisman is activated, the lifespan of the "Kaiyuan Realm", which was originally long-lived, will be shortened by a hundred years.Hundreds of times, the foundation of Yinzong will collapse on the spot.

Originally, several Taoists planned to refine four pieces, one for each of Gui Wujiu, Lu Chengwen, and Xun Shen.If you go on a long trip, you can be safe.

It's just that for various reasons, only one was refined for the first time.In this case, if Gui Wujiu and others want to go out alone, this protective object can only be used in turn.

Thank you for keeping this item.was about to leave.Yao Chun Shangzhen suddenly said: "Wait a minute. I don't know if you have a 'container' to carry it with you?"

Gui Wugui asked in surprise, "What container?"

Yao Chun Shangzhen uttered a very concise word: "Fa."

Gui Wujiu thought for a while, and suddenly something appeared in his palm, which was a big seal.Asked: "Is this thing usable?"

Yao Chunshangzhen took over the secondary seal of "Yunzhongzheng Er", sensed his luck for a moment, and said: "This thing is very good. There are two skills in it, but in terms of power, it is slightly inferior."

After finishing his speech, Yao Chunshang sincerely expressed his heart, and suddenly a spark of growth appeared in his palm, and in the blink of an eye, it was reflected in the Great Seal.

Zhenyi palm on Kunhe also took over this seal.Between the five fingers, it seemed that the phantom of the falling stardust flashed across, fell and retracted, and was immediately absorbed into the jade seal.

Yao Chunshangzhen said solemnly: "The sealed technique is very powerful. It is enough to withstand a random blow from the Profound Sky Realm. Remember, it's just a 'random blow'. The Profound Sky Realm has completed the 'Seizing Qi and Dividing the Territory' Afterwards, the formal attack of drawing energy from the Ze of Yuan Qi is absolutely irresistible."

Gui Wugui took back the jade seal and thanked him again.


In a magnificent and magnificent valley, there are continuous palaces and bright lights, and the horizon is endless.But that bit of brilliance is not dazzling.

Because all the buildings in the valley are slightly transparent bright yellow, as if they were made of pure gold.No matter how bright the brilliance falls into it, it only shows the difference between light and dark, and there is no such thing as a dark night star.

What's more, there is already a most eye-catching thing in this valley.No matter how dazzling other foreign objects are, under the brilliance of this object, they have to wait.

This eye-catching object is directly above the valley, a hundred miles above the blue sky, a phantom almost the size of the entire valley.

A phantom of a peacock spreading its tail.

The beauty can't hurt its charm, it's gorgeous and profound, but it's full of manners; it's extremely honorable, and it looks down on the world.

It seems that the thousands of palaces below are all protected under the peacock's wings.Anyone who looks up and sees this peacock phantom will feel extremely calm and at ease from the bottom of his heart, as if all troubles are nothing to fear.

At this time, there is a deep palace standing alone in the valley, surrounded by more than a hundred feet of bluestone open space.It's just that around the palace, there are three floors inside and outside, and there are many retinues, obviously all of them are heavily guarded.

The leader of the retinue was tall and tall with a wide mouth.Dressed in heavy gold armor, with a golden whip horizontally in his hand, he has an intimidating demeanor, like a door god.

In fact, the palace itself is orange-yellow. If compared with the buildings outside, it definitely cannot be called "deep".But mixed among the thousands of bright and yellow palaces, it is really a bit "heavy".

At this moment, there were continuous "jingling" sounds in the hall, as if there was something important and extremely confidential.

Suddenly, not far from the main entrance of this hall.There was a young man in red armour, who stepped forward quickly.Although he was tall, he was still inferior to the leader of the retinues.

It's just that this person is tall and handsome, and when it comes to appearance, he should be superior.

As this person walked forward, the retinue soldiers around the palace looked and hesitated for a while, and they didn't dare to stop him.

The leader of the retinue in golden armor frowned, and said: "Kong De. Although you have also received the duties of the palace, you are not among the people who are in charge of today's important event. What are you here for?"

Kong De smiled indifferently, and said casually, "I'm just curious."

The golden-armored leader's complexion changed, and he quickly put on an appearance of rejecting people thousands of miles away, and said loudly: "This important secret is a family rule..."

Kong De waved his hand and said calmly: "My brother Kong Zhou, don't doubt, I, Kong De, am not a greedy person. Even if you take the initiative to tell me about the divination of the second hall and the third hall, I, Kong De, will not listen to a word. Brother Kong Zhou only needs to help me find out whether the final winner in the Nascent Soul Realm is the 'Enforcement Talisman' or the 'Dispute Talisman'. It doesn't hurt to think about it."

The golden armor leader Kong Zhou hesitated for a while, and finally said: "You wait here."

After speaking, he turned around and entered the hall.


 In fact, it is still too late to write another chapter today.

  But time is free and I think clearly.I don't want this copy to be too vulgar.Two more days.

(End of this chapter)

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