Chapter 510

The leader in golden armor crossed the compartment in the hall and entered the inner room.

Different from the bright and graceful dark yellow on the outside of the palace, the interior of this room is all in a simple caramel color. The doors, windows, beams, tables, chairs and seats are all made of wood. When you look up and down, it looks like a harmonious whole, which is extraordinarily comfortable.

At this time, the very spacious inner hall was divided into twelve semi-enclosed spaces in two rows on the left and right, each with six intervals.Each compartment is about the size of a bedroom that ordinary people live in.

The height of the partition wall was about as high as the chest of the golden armored leader.Therefore, he has a clear view of every scene in the interval.

In each interval, there is one person sitting cross-legged.

These twelve people all look very young, and most of them have extraordinary demeanor.Everyone's aura is strong and weak, it seems that the cultivation level is very different, and it seems that they are running special skills, it is difficult to distinguish clearly.Everyone is wearing a pure black gown, which is probably the common clothes of the peacock clan to perform some kind of ceremony.

In front of every man in black was a copper coin the size of a bowl, shining brightly.However, unlike ordinary copper coins with round and square holes, this "big coin" does not have one hole, but two holes on one side, one circle and one center on the left and one on the right.The size of the hole is about a quarter of the entire copper coin.

At this time, in the palace, the twelve double-hole copper coins were floating in the air like this, turning slowly, and the speed was getting faster and faster.Until the two holes in the copper coin are not visible, only a faint halo remains, which seems to be a flywheel with three layers, only the middle layer is darker.

And these twelve men in black, all holding a thin silver stick, kept hitting a finger-thick gold mace horizontally in front of them, and the rhythm and sound were constantly changing.

"Meng Dong Field Hunting" is a grand event of the Peacock Clan every [-] years, and the biggest profit is not only for the winners or top ranking figures at the event.Its far-reaching influence has penetrated into every link of the family.

For example, the scene in front of you is the "Nine Divination Meeting" before the field hunting begins.

Pre-knowledge calculus and predictive prophecy are the most important of supernatural powers.Since the rise of Taoism, it has occupied an extremely important position among the three thousand veins.Whether it is a human cultivator or a monster sect, all have this line of inheritance.

The holy ancestor of the peacock clan, apart from being born into the world and satisfying the conditions of the four leaders of Meng Donghui, there is very little superfluous guidance left for the fate of the clan, the rise and fall of fortune and misfortune.Every two hundred and seventy-six years, the winner of the meeting is destined to be the handsome man at that time.

Therefore, this nearly three-hundred-year gathering has become an excellent "specimen" demonstration, which is used to show off the skills of the calculus disciples.Divinators are divided into nine types according to their cultivation level.

It is said that the most complicated one can calculate the name, origin, and facial features of the current leader Meng Dong.But this is just a legend. In most cases, being able to achieve one-point and half-claws in the Chinese style can be called excellent.

As for the feat of depicting the whole picture, it has only appeared a limited number of times in the history of millions of years.

As for what the twelve people in front of us are doing, it is the easiest one in the "Nine Divination Meetings", and it is also the first divination—the so-called "two-point divination".The current divination results are the results of field hunting by monks in the Nascent Soul Realm.

This divination called 'two-point divination' is just to figure out how the winner of the championship will participate in the meeting, whether it is a "stop charm" cultivator who forbids fighting and harvests wild monsters purely by himself, or pursues a practice that can plunder each other's harvest "Struggle" repairer.

Because the result is not accurate, even if it is pure Mongolian, there is a [-]/[-] chance of hitting it.

At this moment, the large copper coins in front of each of the twelve fortune tellers were spinning rapidly.Accompanied by the sound of everyone striking the golden mace, although it was complicated and dense, it did not feel noisy and harsh.

Finally, one of them suddenly raised his head.This person seemed to wake up suddenly from the wonderful state of being immersed in the rhythm, his eyes were wide open, protruding blue veins and wrinkles were faintly visible on his cheeks, and his whole body suddenly bloomed, showing an extremely rare spiritual atmosphere.

The burly golden-armored leader was in a trance, and seemed to be infected by this person's mental outlook.

The man immediately stood up, raised the silver lotus in his hand, and held it with both hands.Then suddenly plunge down!
He stabbed it all at once, and the large copper coin that was spinning rapidly in front of him made a "ding" sound, followed by a tremor, and swayed around for a while.Immediately it fell down with a plop.

The leader in golden armor stepped forward to take a look, and it turned out that the silver stick happened to be stuck in the circular hole.

The circle means that there is no competition in the world, and it symbolizes those who hold the "stop talisman".Square means sharp edges and corners, and symbolizes those who fight for "struggle".

The result of the first person's divination has come out.The first name of the Nascent Soul Realm this time is a "stop charm" monk who practiced the way of self-reliance and killed the wraiths himself.

After this person is finished, the rest of the people are not far behind.The divination calculations were completed one after another.The results were all the same: without exception, the silver picks stuck into the round holes one after another.

The golden-armored leader caught everything in his eyes, and in his eyes was the joy of revealing the answer in advance, but also a slight disappointment: it seems that this year's "Meng Dong Field Hunting" is another "perennial".

In this way of divination and calculation, there is another mystery hidden.

As for the profound methods of trying to figure out the name and face of the leader, I will not mention it for the time being.Although those divination practitioners are more refined, their accuracy is really worrying, and they cannot be relied on as a regular practice.

On the contrary, simple divination such as "two-point divination" actually has another important meaning, and it can be called the "two-way test" that people in the peacock family talk about.

Because "two-point divination" is too rough and easy, and the twelve fortune-tellers who are qualified to calculate "Meng Dong's Field Hunting" are all the outstanding ones in the peacock clan who are extremely skilled in fortune-telling and magical powers.Therefore, the most common situation of divination is that twelve fortune tellers can all get the same result, and this result is finally verified to be correct.

This kind of result almost accounted for nine and a half out of ten "Meng Dong Field Hunting" meetings.There is an exclusive title called "Xunyi".

The year when the phenomenon of "Xunyi" appears is also called "every year".

But there are also some special ones.

According to legend, there are some years and months of the "Meng Donghui", and the results of the twelve fortune tellers will diverge.Maybe there are five or six people who can do the calculations well, and another six or seven people can do the calculations squarely, and there is no consensus.

This rare situation is called "wrong couple".

The image of "wrong pair" is enough to explain two facts.

First, the person who won the championship in the end was not extraordinary.Instead, there are unexpected great opportunities and great relationships.In the future, he will definitely become a big man with a bright future and far-reaching influence in the Peacock Clan.

Second, among the twelve fortune tellers, there are differences in their performance and potential in this difficult problem.

You must know that the success or failure of divination and supernatural powers within the scope of each person's ability depends on one word.It is rare to encounter such a situation that is enough to distinguish between superior and inferior.This also provided a revelation for the future cultivation of these divination practitioners by the Peacock Clan.

The appearance of "wrong couple" not only shows that the leader of the field hunting meeting is an outstanding figure who appears once in thousands of years, but also distinguishes the twelve fortune tellers, and selects a few promising outstanding figures in the way of fortune. figure.

Therefore, this is a "two-way test".

In fact, there is a last, more special case.That is, the results of the twelve fortune-tellers were exactly the same—but in the end, it turned out that all twelve were wrong.

This situation is called "full color".In the "Meng Dong Field Hunting" meetings throughout the history, it only appeared three or four times in total.This shows that the person who finally won the first prize at this year's "Meng Dong Field Hunting" meeting is really a dragon-like figure.The peacock clan is about to usher in an opportunity to boost their strength.

As for the twelve fortune tellers, even though their fortunes were wrong, they would not feel ashamed.On the contrary, the entire peacock clan will usher in a big celebration, celebrating the birth of another great person with extraordinary luck.

Not long after, the voices in the palace gradually became monotonous.One after another, the eleven fortune tellers all completed their calculations one after another.The result is also a neat, check-in round icon.

The last unfinished person has a slightly collapsed nose bridge, pale complexion, and a slightly short stature, and seems to be not very energetic.

The blood of the peacock demon clan, the beauty of its human form is closely related to its peacock appearance.His name is Kong Quan, and his peacock appearance is far inferior to that of his peers, and he is not known for his appearance.

Even though those who possess the divine power of divination and calculation are all extremely noble figures in the peacock clan.But chickens have chicken heads, and phoenixes have phoenix tails.Kong Quan obviously belongs to the first class of "Phoenix Tail", and he is not considered successful among his peers.

At this time, Kong Quan was a little restless and dreamed about something.

A few days ago, he fell in love with a young woman in the "Water Virtue Palace", she was extremely beautiful.

"Water Virtue Hall" is the place where the peacock tribe who have awakened the supernatural powers of water movement gather together to study Taoism together.

In terms of bloodlines and genealogy branches, Kong Quan and this woman are brothers, so they can be regarded as a close match.In terms of the potential of the supernatural powers cultivated, the status of the "Zhanshu" line is far higher than that of the "Water Xing" line.

But after expressing her intentions, the woman felt somewhat disgusted by Kong Quan's lack of handsome appearance.This made Kong Quan feel depressed and extremely upset.

At this time, he was restless, seeing that the rest of the divination practitioners had finished their exercises, he suddenly felt a little flustered.After the luck was finished, he raised the silver stick and plunged it down!
It's just that during this stroke, the woman's beautiful face suddenly appeared in his eyes, and his hands shook involuntarily.

The leader of Jinjia was sure that this year must be a "normal year", and was about to go out to deliver news for Kongde.But at the moment when he was about to turn around, he caught a glimpse of the silver stick in Kong Quan's palm, and it was accurately stuck into the square hole of the big money.

Not only the golden-armored leader, but the eyes of the other eleven people also gathered together, shining on Kong Quan's face as if they were real.


(End of this chapter)

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