Nothing is to blame

Chapter 511 Fortune and Misfortune Are Uncertain

Chapter 511 Fortune and Misfortune Are Uncertain
The first person to complete the divination narrowed his eyes and stared at it for a long time.Seemingly confirming Kong Quan's divination result again and again, he suddenly smiled and said, "Brother Kong Quan, congratulations. Could it be that you have won the divination of 'One Eye'? If you do the Chinese divination, my Peacock Eight Clan will have two peerless talents come."

"If you soar into the sky, don't forget the past friendship between me and everyone in the sect."

It's just that although he said "Congratulations", the smile on his face was a smirk, not happy, and he couldn't see the slightest sincerity, on the contrary, it seemed to be gloating.

Kong Quan ignored this person, turned to face the golden-armored leader Kong Zhou, and said urgently: "Brother Kong Zhou. Just now, when Kong Quan was doing the divination, for some reason, he was restless. This is considered to be a waste of time. Please trouble Brother Kong Zhou to cover up the past, and report it according to the 'Xun Yi' rule."

All kinds of situations of "difen divination" divination can be verified afterwards.There are only three situations: "Xunyi", "Wrong Even", and "Full Color".

Among them, the two pros and cons of "Xunyi" and "full color" are either all right or all wrong, and there is nothing special about it.But in the "wrong couple", there is a change.

The appearance of "wrong couple" is due to the fact that the person who won the championship this year has a mysterious appearance, as if shrouded in clouds and mist, with impermanent luck and indisputable male and female.Therefore, the results obtained are difficult to find order, and end up in chaos.

Therefore, the probability of divination of the image of "wrong pair" is chaotic, and it is inevitable to be attributed to the middle number.Usually, five or six people get the square, and six or seven people get the circle, and those with superior spiritual resources and unique enlightenment of the heavenly heart often account for exactly half of them.At most, it is only a ratio of three to four, eight to nine, and there should be no sign of a large disparity in the ratio, that one person is different from the other eleven.

But if there is a situation where one person is completely different from the other eleven people; and it is finally proved that that one person is the correct one, the remaining eleven people are all wrong.In this case, there is a special name in "wrong couple", which is called "dumu", which means "with only one eye".

The "single-eyed" situation has a very small probability of appearing in the records, and it has not appeared five or six times in the history, almost no less than "full-color".Even the elders of the peacock family who are proficient in divination think that in fact, "one eye" should not be regarded as a branch of "wrong couple", but should be regarded as a branch of "full color".

The leader of the current "Meng Dong Field Hunting" meeting has a deep foundation of fortune, no less than the great genius of the "Full Color" year, there should be no one who can predict Chinese style.However, among the twelve fortune-tellers, there was also a very commendable hero, and only when the opponent met a good talent, did the real result be calculated.

But for the "Single Eye" branch, no one dares to make a definitive statement until the end.

As a matter of fact, in the fortune-telling tests of the Meng Donghui in the past, it happened from time to time that a certain person had different fortune-telling results from the other eleven.Every time this happens, almost no one dares to believe that they have been hit by the "one-eyed" formula.It is more likely that there was an omission in the process of human divination, which led to errors.

People who are "different" often know it well.In such a situation, if he voluntarily admits his mistake, others will turn a blind eye, then they are pretending not to know, secretly modifying the result, and still reporting the twelve unified answers.

The golden armor leader Kong Zhou hesitated for a while, and finally said: "The result has already been decided, I'm afraid it's not easy to change it."

Kong Zhou didn't want to be a villain either.But since he accepted Kong De's entrustment, he wanted to inquire about the news.For this fortune-telling, it is natural to redouble your efforts and not want to leave anything behind.

What's more, in the past, once in a while, one or two people made mistakes in divination, and they were able to cover up the past.That's because the clansmen who have entered the discipline of pre-knowledge and calculation are often extremely united and form a tight small group in addition to being proud.

An isolated person like Kong Quan who has been excluded is indeed extremely rare in this school.

Kong Quan's status in the hearts of fellow disciples is well known to Kong Zhou.If he intends to cover up, I'm afraid there must be more than one of the other eleven people present today, Gao Mi, the elder of Shangtou.

Kong Quan's face paled upon hearing this.He seemed to have expected that the future of his temple would be bleak and he would no longer be trusted.Shaking his head, without saying a word, he went out through the back door alone.

Among the eleven people, quite a few people exchanged glances, and it was difficult to hide the joy in their brows.Just as Kong Zhou expected, if he covered up, this generation would definitely report him to the higher authorities.

From their point of view, Kong Quan, no matter his life or appearance, is worthy of being juxtaposed with them?I don't know how he was lucky enough to awaken the talent of knowledge and knowledge, so that he can be regarded as a peer of the same generation.It would be extremely gratifying if he could take the opportunity to kick this unsightly guy out.

Kong Zhou got the news and walked out of the palace gate quickly.

Kong De quickly greeted him and asked, "How is it?"

Kong Zhou pondered for a while, organized his words, and said, "It's all divination. Most likely it's a sign of 'Xun Yi'. Of course, we can't say it dead. Now the result is undecided. If you get lucky and everything is wrong, then It's a 'full color', who knows?"

It suddenly occurred to him that he hadn't actually helped Kong Quan cover it up, so he quickly changed his mind and said, "Well, if it turns out to be a 'one-eyed' phenomenon in the future, who would know?"

Kong De saw that Kong Zhou's words did not match his words, he was surprised and asked why.

Kong Zhou then told all about Kong Quan just now.

Kong De murmured: "Is there only one person... Please brother Kong Zhou introduce this Kong Quan for me."


In a vast wilderness, more than ten people walked together.

These ten or so people all slowed down their escape speed, chatting happily while walking.

But I heard a burly man say: "I don't know if you have all the talismans for the meeting? If you haven't prepared them yet, a 'struggle talisman' costs at least [-] high-grade spirit stones. If it's a 'stop talisman', just I'm afraid it will be more than one or three million. Brother Yu still has some savings here. It is also fate to meet by chance these few days. If any of you are short of money, feel free to ask Brother Yu to borrow it."

A green-faced monk beside him said with a smile: "Brother Yuan is joking. If you don't even have the property to buy this thing, why are you here to participate in the 'Meng Dong Field Hunting'? You should go home earlier and play tricks."

Another tall and thin black-robed monk said: "If brother Yuan is willing to prepare a magic weapon of the peacock clan for each of us in the 'Nine Wings Hall', that would be a great deal."

As soon as this remark was made, three or four people echoed it repeatedly, as if they were booing.

The blue-faced monk said with a smile: "If that's the case, Xiao is a little bit moved. But the best one is naturally for Brother Yuan to use for himself. I'll just make do with finding some that I can barely get my hands on, and that's all."

But just as he finished speaking, a man behind him burst out laughing.

The green-faced monk wondered, "Brother Hu, why are you laughing?"

The man on the other side said: "You have forgotten, what kind of cultivation is Brother Yuan? He thinks that his cultivation is so deep that his illusionary powers are enough to hide the 'Dan Xuguang', one of the five primordial lights of the peacock clan."

"Entering the Wraith Realm to show off your talents is naturally to use your own means, your own weapons. It's a joy to teach those arrogant miscellaneous hairs to guess nine out of ten, but they still can't grasp the clues. Brother Yuan, where do you need to ask?" I'm waiting like this, carefully covering up and hiding? A good weapon, my old Hu will do my part."

The burly monk surnamed Yuan smiled reservedly when he heard this.

On the other hand, the man continued to flatter: "In my opinion, this year's 'Meng Dong Field Hunting' meeting, brother Yuan will definitely occupy one of the top ten places."

Hearing the words, the monk surnamed Yuan hurriedly said a few words humbly, "Being able to rank among the top ten requires not only strength but also luck. Unless you are confident that you are invincible, who dares to say that you will definitely be on the list? "

When he said this, several people nodded secretly, mixed with compliments and approval.

At this moment, a person suddenly said: "In my opinion, although Brother Yuan's cultivation is excellent, he may not be the number one among us."

Everyone was surprised, and the expression of the monk surnamed Yuan himself changed slightly.

The monk surnamed Yuan is an extremely confident person, and he has long believed that he must have a seat among the top ten places.What Cai just said was nothing more than modesty and politeness, and others understood it.I don't want someone to really be ignorant of color, which is a big spoiler here.

With a calm face, he turned around and took a look.It was a middle-aged monk named Ming who spoke, and he kept a low profile among the group.I don't know why he made such an astonishing statement.

The middle-aged man surnamed Ming said: "It's well known. Due to the fact that the teleportation arrays in various places are not connected between humans and monsters; moreover, we monsters with the same level of cultivation are already better than humans at the same level. It is unfair to compare skills. So Although the "Meng Dong Field Hunting" meeting is a grand event, except for the Peacock Clan, most of the participants are neighboring monster tribes, and few people participate in it. Brother Wen Jin Yuanwen dared to participate in this meeting, it is really courageous. I want to come There must be an astonishing artistic career."

As soon as these words came out, everyone suddenly felt that this taciturn person was ignored in this business.They all turned around together and looked over.

"Wen Jinyuan" is naturally a pseudonym that Gui Wujiu used frequently.

At this time, Gui Wujiu secretly had doubts in his heart, he first looked from a distance, and then saw everyone looking at him together.Seeing the opportunity, he said: "Everyone, I will leave here and see you in the Wraith Realm. How are you?"

Unexpectedly, all the people headed by the monk surnamed Yuan were stunned when they heard the words that there was no blame.

It is even more strange to blame yourself.Suddenly it dawned on me that maybe I made a mistake in some important link.Pointing far away, he tried to ask: "Could it be that everyone entered Qingmu City with this description?"

Gui Wugui received a letter from Kong De in Jianzhangmen.Transferring to a series of teleportation formations maintained by the Peacock Clan and Jianzhangmen, they came to a land called "Juze".

According to the direction Kong De said, as long as they fly away for another seven days, they can enter the territory of the Peacock Clan, the Qingmu City specially set up for the "Meng Dong Field Hunting" meeting.

Along the way, Gui Wujiu encountered more than ten monster monks one after another.At the beginning, Gui Wugui was very vigilant, but after a little contact, he found that these demon cultivators were very enthusiastic, and without exception, they all admitted that they were going to the Peacock Clan to participate in the 'Meng Dong Field Hunting' meeting.

The dozen or so demon cultivators in front of them couldn't hide from the sense of Gui Wugui.

Two of them belonged to the Howling Wolf clan; one belonged to the centipede centipede; and several belonged to the "Fire Fat Bird" clan. This clan is known as the descendants of the Phoenix. .

There is also the blue-faced monk who has been talking non-stop, and he is a member of the blue-winged bat family.

The meritorious deeds of this group of people are indeed not weak.Judging by Gui Wugui's eyesight, even though Kongde's superb cultivation base is obviously superior to several others, it is not easy to win with one and a half moves.

As for the cultivator surnamed Yuan with the highest cultivation, his strength is even more extraordinary.Gui Wujiu secretly sensed several times with his divine will, and finally saw the phantom of a red giant ape.It is determined that this person is the identity of the King Kong ape family.

But except for this monk with the surname of Yuan, the rest of them are all demonic, without any cover, and they are determined not to hide it from others.

At first I didn't take it seriously.But now that the giant city of the Peacock Clan, Qingmu City, is almost in sight, it is obvious that everyone should disperse and use their own methods to disguise their identities.

Is it impossible to enter the territory of the Peacock Clan so swaggeringly?
Looking at each other, the blue-faced monk from the Bat Clan suddenly smiled and said, "I guess this fellow literary fellow came to this 'Meng Dong Field Hunting' meeting on a whim. I'm afraid I don't know much about this meeting."

On the one hand, the man understood, and quickly added with a smile: "Actually, 'Qingmu City' is a special existence. Among them, there are many members of the Peacock Clan, but none of them has a serious job in charge of capturing bags. Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Wen. "


(End of this chapter)

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