Nothing is to blame

Chapter 518 Placement of the target of the cave mansion

Chapter 518 Placement of the target of the cave mansion
The conflict between Gui Wugui and the four of Liuze seems to be on the verge of breaking out.

The blackmail failed, and he was turned against the general.If Liuze and the others took out a piece of spirit stone today, then from now on, all the monster clans would have no face to face anyone.

Martial arts are prohibited in Qingmu City.

The four of Liuze met each other's eyes, and planned to make an agreement with Gui Wugui to fight a duel outside the city.If Gui Wugui dare not take it, then the only way to decide the outcome is in the Wraith Realm!
However, at this time, shouts and shouts from outside the Hall of Talisman Festival came in, bringing the tense atmosphere to an abrupt end.The four people in Liuze seemed to have gotten the message, leaving a sneer of "there will be a period later", they all roared out one after another, leaving in a hurry.

Not long after, two or three of the companions who came with Yuan surnamed Yaoxiu and others also returned, and Ling Gui Wujiu, Ma Zhen and others also got definite news.

It turned out that there was a change in the auction of the Nine Wings Hall this time.Not only has the start time been much earlier, but even the rules have been updated.

If you go too late, you will inevitably fail.

The four of Liuze will make big moves in this meeting, so they don't want to get entangled with Gui Wujiu here.

Entering the Talisman Festival Palace for the first time, not long after learning that the prices of the two kinds of talismans had risen sharply, many quick-witted people had already guessed it.If the Peacock Clan wants to make a big fortune, apart from the Token Talisman, the Nine Wings Hall Auction is absolutely impossible to let go of.Those who are interested in buying magic weapons will probably bleed profusely.

However, the peacock family is also very smart.The people in charge of the family know that the card talisman is an indispensable and rigid need. As long as the visitor has an emergency and covets the great opportunity to meet the peacock ancestor, the price will increase by a hundred times, and you have to obediently submit.

But the magic weapons and foreign objects auctioned in the Nine Wings Hall are different.

Originally, there were some demon cultivators who participated in the meeting, and perhaps they were extremely confident in their ability to cover up, and they bought the magic weapon of the peacock clan just in case.If the price is raised arbitrarily, then this generation must be more inclined to take risks, and may not buy it.

Therefore, on the auction side, the Peacock Clan did not simply and rudely adopt the method of raising the price.Instead, he made a seemingly "sincere" decision, which greatly improved the rank of treasures in the Nine Wings Hall auction.

It is said that even the clan has released at least dozens of secret treasures that have been treasured for a long time and are used by the top descendants of the sect.

Hearing the news, Gui Wugui thought to himself, such a good opportunity should not be missed.

Ma Zhen said with a smile: "With the wealth of Fellow Daoist Wen, this Nine Wings Hall auction will definitely show his talents. Although Ma only wants one or two weapons, he also wants to go with Fellow Daoist Wen, so the price will be better." Experience. You don’t want to be disgusted by fellow Daoist Wen, right?”

He said again: "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Wen. Even if you have a net worth of hundreds of millions, Ma will never speak again except for the [-] million spiritual stones you just borrowed."

Gui Wujiu smiled lightly, and said, "You are joking, fellow Daoist Ma."

But at this moment, Yaoxiu Yuan surnamed said at the right time: "After I entered Qingmu City, I went straight to the Fujie Hall before I had time to rent the cave. Even if this auction starts today, it will last at least a few days. Wen Do fellow Taoists want to settle down a cave first?"

Gui Wugui nodded and said, "Your Taoist Yuan's words are very true."

Seeing this, Ma Zhen didn't force himself, and casually threw a blue-gray stone strip about an inch in length and the thickness of his little finger, and said, "Fellow Daoist Wen, then go and settle down on the mansion first. Ma is waiting in front of the door of the Nine Wings Hall." friend."

"Although the Nine Wings Hall is crowded with people, but there is this thing as a belief, within a few miles away, with the change of color depth, it is not difficult to meet again."

Gui Wugui calmly reached out to take it, and responded casually.With a smile in his heart, Ma Zhen seemed to be tied to himself.But no matter what schemes he has, whether his intentions are good or evil, why should he be afraid of it?

It is very simple to deal with the resettlement of the Dongfu, and it did not delay too long.

In fact, the so-called "cave mansion" in Qingmu City has neither "mountain", nor "cave", nor "mansion".The thing rented is just the "land" surrounded by several wonderful forbidden formations of different levels and different powers. The cost is not expensive, compared to the cost of buying amulets, it is only a drop in the bucket.

The Nascent Soul Realm is not enough for everyone's goal; but from the perspective of the lower-level monks, it is already a veritable high-level monk.

When Gui Wugui traveled back then, he was only in the realm of spirit form.It can be used temporarily as a cave, and there are more than one flying boat artifacts such as "Shanshui Chonglou".Those fellow demon cultivators who come here are all people of great status, let alone this thing.

The mansion itself is still a trivial matter; what is more important is the defense of the forbidden formation alone.With these methods, each person's wealth and background are different, and the level of the means will inevitably reveal a gap.If someone takes advantage of the loophole, it is inevitable that something will happen.

In addition, if everyone showed their supernatural powers in Qingmu City and set up a ban on their own, it would inevitably lead to chaos and lose the dignity of the city.

The solution provided by Qingmu City is to set aside a large area of ​​land and lay out more than ten child-mother chain formations.Each formation map contains tens of thousands of independent small formations, whose defense is stronger than most of the means prepared by the visitors themselves.

After you get the key to the formation formula, it will be empty, only two or three miles away, allowing you to place your own first-class flying boat as a magic weapon for the cave.

However, after Gui Wugui followed Yaoxiu Yuan's surname to the place where the mansion was placed, he asked who was in charge.It is learned that apart from more than ten chained child-mother formations, there are actually fifteen or sixteen independent formations, the quality of which is extraordinary.

The defenses of these independent formations are so strong that they are almost enough to block the demon king's attack.It's just that the price of this independent formation map is very different from that of ordinary "cave houses". If you rent it for one day, you can get tens of thousands of spiritual stones.

Gui Wugui thought about it for a while, and finally decided to seek peace of mind and save trouble, so he chose an independent formation.

The Yaoxiu with the surname of Yuan saw it in his eyes, although he didn't show it on the face, but he believed in the words of the four Liuze more firmly in his heart, and secretly had many speculations about Gui Wugui's identity and intentions.

It's a pity that Yaoxiu Yuan surnamed chose an ordinary mansion, and the distance between the two was far away, so they had to part ways temporarily.

After Gui Wugui obtained the prohibition talisman, he entered his own "cave mansion" and set up a flying boat that was temporarily used for the cave mansion.

This object looks like a round altar, the upper and lower sides are the color of black iron.Its exquisiteness and denseness may not be as good as the original "mountain and river building"; but in terms of complicated and solid structure, rough skin and thick flesh, it is far superior.

This object was taken from the Yunzhong Sect, and it is a temporary residence commonly used by monks of Huashen and Buxu monks to travel.As Gui Wujiu's cultivation level gradually increased, some of the items collected from the Yueheng Sect at the beginning became less useful and were gradually replaced by new items.

With this mansion, even if there is a mistake in this vaunted and independent forbidden formation, it will not be caught off guard if there is no blame.

After setting up the cave, Gui Wugui took out "Xie Yuzhen" and woke up the little blacksmith who had been sleeping for a long time.

The little blacksmith was very happy when he heard that there was a gathering where many treasures were produced.Without waiting for Gui Wujiu's order, he hastily got into the body of "Xie Yuzhen".

Seeing this, Gui Wujiu ordered: "This time I'm not pretending to be a real person. This thing is in the Wraith Realm, and it has to show itself as a puppet. So the real Xuanji should restrain himself."

The little blacksmith responded casually.Just a moment later, the puppet's limbs trembled and its eyes blinked.Even the complexion was glowing delicately, exuding a breath of life that could be unreal, so he danced and danced on his own, clearly not listening to the words of blame.

Gui Wujiu shook his head secretly, and stopped forcing it.

Regarding magic artifacts and rare materials, although Gui Wugui thinks that he is already well-informed.But compared with the spiritual perception of the little blacksmith as a true treasure of tools, it is naturally far inferior, and there is always a lot to rely on him.

The cave mansion was properly handled, Gui Wugui and the little blacksmith immediately went leisurely in the direction of the Nine Wings Hall without delay.

Gui Wujiu and his group of monks surnamed Yuan came together, it seemed that they were very low-key, at most there were only some monster monks, and they were a little more curious when they saw someone Xiu came to participate in the "Meng Dong Field Hunting".

But now, after just one or two hours, it seems that more people know him, and quite a few of them are full of fear.

In addition to fear, there is also undisguised hostility.

It seems that the waves that happened in the Hall of Talisman Festival have already spread to ten, ten to hundreds, and spread out as quickly as possible.

Before arriving at the twelve gates of the Nine Wings Hall, according to the color of the stone bars in his palm, Gui Wujiu went around twice, and he found Ma Zhen who had been waiting here with ease.It's just that Ma Zhen was standing in front of the door at this moment, as if he was closing his eyes and resting his mind.

Gui Wugui said loudly: "Ma Daoyou."

As soon as Gui Wujiu uttered his voice, many demon cultivators around seemed to be shocked, and they all turned their heads to look.The vigilance and hostility on the face are stronger and more explicit than those of the pedestrians on the road.

Gui Wujiu has sharp eyes, and has already seen that there is a person standing not far from the side door, silently looking at himself with gloomy eyes, it is Liu Ze who just made a knot not long ago.

Liukui, Liugan and other three people are separated more than ten feet away.

However, among the demon cultivators who came and went, many of them were cold-eyed and fearful of him, but there were also many people who still greeted him very warmly.It seems that the popularity of Liu Ze and others is much stronger than that of Gui Wu Jiu.

With a smile on Ma Zhen's face, he gave a slight salute to Gui Gui Wu Gui.He glanced at it, and naturally took all the living beings around the two into his eyes.

Facing Gui Wugui, Ma Zhen said with a smile: "Only one or two hours later, Fellow Daoist Wen has already become one of the best figures in Qingmu City, in the minds of fellow Taoists, it's really gratifying to congratulate."

Gui Wujiu shook his head, and said: "Wen heard before that among the monster clan, only compatriots of the same clan can have the recognition of blood relationship. If you leave the clan, you are all outsiders. But seeing you today seems to be like this." The theory is quite absurd. At least, there is still a difference between human and monsters."

The meaning of Gui Wugui's words is very clear.

The four of Tianmang Mountain and Liu Ze took the initiative to blackmail Yan Qingshan and Gui Wugui successively, but Gui Wujiu was just a passive counterattack.But judging from the current situation, it seems that all the monster cultivators are more hostile to him than the four of Liu Ze.

It can be seen from this that even monster races of different races seem to be closer than human races.

Ma Zhen shook his head slowly, and said with a smile: "Your fellow Daoist Wen, you've lost your mind this time."

"The reason why the four of Liu Ze were able to blackmail the designated target was because of the 'Zhu Lingmu'. Even in the Wraith Realm, everyone changed their identities. You are guided by high and low, and you are not afraid that you will not recognize your real body."

"But what is the basis for the threat that Fellow Daoist Wen made against these four people to hand over [-] billion spirit stones?"

Gui Wugui narrowed his eyes, thoughtful.

Ma Zhen continued calmly: "If what Fellow Daoist Wen said in the Hall of Fu Jie was really intended to do so, rather than a quick word of mouth. Then in the eyes of others, there are nothing more than two possibilities. One is that Fellow Daoist and Liu Zesi Like people, they also possess a secret technique, or secret treasure, to identify the identities of the participants."

Gui Wugui realized instantly, and said, "Secondly, we want to drive out all the participants who follow the way of 'struggling for charms', so we are not afraid of missing one?"

When he said this, it seemed like he was voluntarily admitting it.Almost all of the monster cultivators around exuded real magical energy, and their hostility was even stronger, almost ready to go.

Ma Zhen laughed, and said: "Although there are factors contributing to the flames by people with ulterior motives, in fact... this can be regarded as a relatively well-founded conjecture. After all, under the detection of 'Zhu Lingqiaomu', fellow daoist is the current strength A person who ranks among the best. If you are confident enough in your own strength, this is indeed the easiest way to act."

"Now in Cyanwood City, in places where people gather like Talisman Festival Hall and Nine Wings Hall, it spread instantly. There is a humane monk who joined this field hunting meeting with the idea that everyone in the world is an enemy."

"In contrast, Liu Ze and the others are indeed annoying, but many people still count on the treasure held by the four of them to catch you out at the meeting. Then—"

Gui Wugui interjected: "Then attack them together?"

Ma Zhen nodded happily.Immediately, the two looked at each other and laughed.

Gui Wugui suddenly felt a strange feeling.After thinking about it carefully, his heart suddenly moved, and he asked, "Which one is going, Fellow Daoist Ma..."

Ma Zhen and Gui Wujiu looked at each other, and said calmly: "Naturally it's the 'Zhengfu'."

Gui Wugui's eyes flashed with brilliance.

But Ma Zhen immediately said: "The conflict of interests between Mr. Ma and Fellow Daoist Wen, there will naturally be a proper solution. Why don't you enter the hall now, first look at the magic weapon, and then talk about other things?"

A few thoughts flashed through Gui Wugui, nodded slowly, and said, "Okay."

The two stepped into the Nine Wings Hall side by side, leaving many bystanders of all kinds looking sideways.

(End of this chapter)

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