Chapter 519

The Nine Wing Hall is built with twenty or thirty feet long stones, like building blocks, very simple in shape, with few decorations; There are a total of twelve gates, lined up in a row, showing great power.

Of course, there were only tens of thousands of aliens participating in the "Meng Dong Field Hunting" meeting.But how could there be ten times or a hundred times as many monster cultivators from various races who regard Cyanwood City as a place where hundreds of races gather and where the news is well-informed, and thus settle here.

Gui Wujiu and Ma Zhen entered the main hall together, and finally found out the details of the changes to the rules of the auction.

Among them, the notice is clearly written, and the items to be auctioned are divided into two types: one is all kinds of weapons, swords, offensive and defensive weapons made from the feathers of the peacock clan; the other is rare treasures with higher value.

According to the previous rules, these two items were not deliberately distinguished, and they were just auctioned at random based on the availability of the goods.

But this time, it was clearly stated in the notice.Because the treasures refined by the feathers of the peacock family have similar breaths, the decorative patterns and colors are also similar.An auction one by one is boring.

In order to save time, all the treasures were specially announced on the lobby and bid in batches; all participants received spiritual tools to bid.

Each batch of treasures is limited to three hours, and those with the highest price will get it.

At the same time, if the bid for a certain treasure reaches the capped price, even if the time limit of three hours has not expired, the treasure can be taken away in advance.

If there is a cap, there will naturally be a reserve price.All the prices offered during the auction were zeros added; plus the reserve price of [-] million spirit stones, it was the real price.

Ten million spirit stones, the number is certainly extremely huge.But it's nothing to think of a meeting card with [-] million spirit stones.

In the Nine Wings Hall, some doors of the center are currently closed and no entry is allowed.Only the periphery is wrapped in an inwardly curved arc by continuous screen galleries, about three hundred feet long.

Viewed independently, each screen is exactly the length of Zhang Xu, and there is a pear-colored weapon stand in front of it, with a weapon standing vertically.

Take a closer look.Sure enough, what the notice said was true.

These weapons, although swords, guns, swords, halberds, axes, hooks and forks, have all kinds of appearances.However, the main material is the same as the charm of the peacock feathers, but it has distinctive characteristics and a unified style.Therefore, although most of these rare weapons are of extraordinary quality, it would be too boring to sell them one by one at the auction.

The little blacksmith was overjoyed when he saw many treasures.Jumping and jumping, looking left and right.

Ma Zhen was very surprised when he saw it, and said: "This female puppet of Wen Daoyou, the delicate changes in appearance and demeanor, just like a real person, is really amazing. I'm afraid the wonder is not under the 'Zhu Lingqiao Eye'. "

In the local civilization, no matter the two races of humans and demons, there is no knowledge of "magic creatures".Although Ma Zhen is well-informed, he is only guessing in his heart. Could it be that he implanted the soul of some strange beast into the puppet.

Gui Wujiu said indifferently: "This is a rare treasure recently developed by our seniors. It is called 'Xuanjizi', also known as 'Xionghuangyu'. It is good at distinguishing the world's treasures."

Ma Zhen was even more surprised when he heard the words; but he was even more surprised by Gui Wugui's blunt confession, and nodded slightly.After all, if one can really distinguish the traits and grades of Wanbao, it can be regarded as an extremely remarkable function.If it was an ordinary person, he must keep it secret, how would he tell others?
The little blacksmith suddenly turned around, blinked at Gui Wujiu, and made another grimace, as if he was very dissatisfied with the name "Xiong Huangyu" that he slapped around.

I don't care if I don't blame it.He communicated with the little blacksmith in spirit, and he had already explained that he was not allowed to speak after entering the body of a puppet.

But as soon as Gui Wugui was said, it seemed to arouse others' ideas.About a dozen demon cultivators from different races approached intentionally or unintentionally after hearing the words.

Gui Wugui stopped making a sound, walked to the end of the screen gallery, and walked slowly from west to east, watching the quality of each weapon.

With Gui Wugui's method of changing the atmosphere of the demonic way, and the supreme treasure "Two Mirrors of Imaginary Yin and Yang", it is natural that he will not lack confidence, so he has to use the magic weapon of the Peacock Clan to cover up his identity.When it's time to fight, Gui Wujiu will sacrifice "Mountains and Rivers Thousand Miles", only this sword can be used more smoothly.

In fact, when Gui Wujiu was outside the Nine Wings Hall, he heard that the weapons trade fair would last for a few days first, and then the real treasures.

But after seeing the more than [-] magic weapons on display, he changed his mind.

There is no other reason.The quality of these weapons is very high, just like the "sacrifice utensils" in the local humane civilization, and it also surpasses the limit of the fifth rank of non-natal magic weapons in the Nine Sequences.

Gui Wugui recalled that he had seen the classics about Yaozu before, and then he remembered that the method of refining weapons of Yaozu is divided into four levels from high to low: constant weapon, ancient weapon, mysterious weapon, and regular weapon. It is about the same level as the heavenly sacrificial utensils, upper sacrificial utensils, and real sacrificial utensils in the local human civilization.

Although the method of refining weapons among the monster clan is different from the subtlety of "fitting weapons with the body" in the human world, it has two advantages.

One is that many monster races often shed their bodies, skins, and bones as they grow up, and they can be used as materials for refining weapons; How much is good for refining foreign objects.

Therefore, in terms of refining the miraculous treasures skillfully used by spirits, monster monks are naturally far inferior to human cultivators; but in terms of the quality of refining weapons alone, they are not necessarily bad.

Of the more than [-] magic weapons in front of us, although there is not a single "permanent artifact" equivalent to "heavenly sacrificial artifact", there are quite a few first-class "monster clan ancient artifacts" equivalent to "sacrificial artifact".

Although Gui Wugui's "Kongyun Nian Sword" is extremely clever and has been perfectly mastered, it is too powerful after all, which often makes him sigh "how can you kill a chicken with a bull's knife".

On the contrary, the tangible swordsmanship equivalent to the "sword scabbard", especially the lineage of splitting light and transforming shadows, is the method he uses more often in actual combat.In the past hundred years, the two swords of "Little Ran Yiyi" and "Mountain and River Wanli" have always been on the shoulders.Maintain this image until today.

"Xiao Ran Yiyi" is taken from the Xuanchi Pavilion of Yue Hengzong, which is equivalent to the magic weapon of the fourth refinement; and "Mountain and River Wanli" is the treasure of the sixth refinement when it is born.There is a difference between the two, but it's not too big.It's just that, after the first refinement of Jianzhangmen, "Mountains and Rivers Thousand Miles" is already equivalent to the treasures of the seventh or eighth refinement, and the gap between the two is thus highlighted.

It's not that Gui Wugui didn't think of finding another famous sword to replace "Xiao Ran Yiyi".

It's just that although there are many "superior sacrificial utensils" of the hidden sects; but these magical treasures forged with life, nine out of ten have their own owners, and everyone's predecessors are hidden in them.Hastily asking for and exchanging, even if you pay a higher price, will always break the law of karma and violate the heart of the Tao.

As for the masterless artifacts that have broken the lineage and belonged to the sect, there are actually a few; it's a pity that even if you don't blame their quality, you don't like it.

Today, it ushered in an opportunity.

The little blacksmith suddenly became interested, and said via voice transmission: "There is no blame. You and I make a bet, do you dare to take it?"

Gui Wugui said, "I don't know how to gamble?"

The little blacksmith said enthusiastically: "You might as well look at these [-] magic weapons one by one and choose the five with the best quality. I will write down the answers in advance. Then compare them to see how many you can get right." item?"

Gui Wujiu knew that the little blacksmith wanted to show off his skills, but he also wanted to see how his eyesight was, so he readily agreed and said with a smile, "OK".

At this time, many people have begun to place bets and bids.

The bidding method here is also extremely unique, without the rudeness of the monster race, but very fresh and unique.Maybe it's because the peacock clan is aloof and noble, which is different from those aggressive and aggressive clans.

Behind every treasure is a screen.The portraits on the screen are all dense green bamboos without exception.

This bamboo is exquisite.

Although these bamboo forests have different shapes.But counting the bamboo knots in each picture, the total number is thousands of knots.

When Gui Wujiu and the others entered the palace, everyone received a "Spiritual Stone of Sensation".If anyone valued that treasure, he would silently read the serial number of the screen in his heart, and then gradually inject mana in his hand according to the scale of the "Sense Yuan Lingshi".The bamboo forest picture on the screen behind the magic weapon will change.

Every time one million spirit stones are injected, a bamboo node in the bamboo picture behind will change from light to dark green.At the same time, the name of the current highest bidder will be displayed in the blank space on the left scroll.

Of course, this name is the name you left in the "Gan Yuan Lingshi", not the prophet who can know the real name of the bidder.

At the beginning of Gui Wujiu's mind, he did a calculation in his mind, every injection of a thousand bamboo knots is just one billion spiritual stones, and it can dye a "bamboo knot picture" into dark green.It seems that the price of this cap is quite kind.

But after a deep understanding, Yu Wugui realized that his thinking was wrong.

If someone pays a price of one billion, the dyeing of the bamboo joints will return to dark ink, in fact, it will only be for a moment; then it will return to its original light green color.At the same time, a large character "Zhu" will appear on the scroll.

If it is two billion, three billion, four billion and so on.On the bamboo joint map, for every one billion increase, the bamboo joint map will be dyed into full blue and then restored to its original appearance, and the sixteen characters "The mountain of fertile land, the collection of thousands of treasures and salty waters; the guests come and go, join in the grand event" will be manifested in turn.

Only after the seventeenth full green, will the green color be permanently fixed and never change.

Therefore, the capped price is not one billion, but [-] billion.If someone offers this price, you can get this treasure on the spot without being limited by time.

However, the price offered by the current bidder is only tentative, at most [-] to [-] million, at most a little over [-] million.

And as Gui Wujiu and the little blacksmith walked slowly, more and more people followed behind them intentionally or unintentionally.

It turns out that although the new bidding method of the Peacock Clan is elegant, it is also fast and efficient.But compared to usual, one crucial link is missing—that is, the introduction of the treasure by the person hosting the auction, as well as the starting price.

The treasures refined by the Peacock Clan have similar materials with minor differences, and the difference in quality among them is very difficult to judge unless someone is proficient in the way of utensils.

Originally, wait for someone from the Peacock clan to tell you how much the treasure is worth, and then let the bidding go.But now the master keeps silent, everything depends on your eyesight to guess.

Those who know the goods may be able to pick up the leaks; those who do not know the goods have to be blind.

Nine out of ten of these monster monks are rude and uneducated. How many of them are proficient in the art of weapons?If you rely on your own ability to judge the superiority of the magic weapon, then it is pure luck.

But they are not fools, so they will naturally think of the technique of "following".

The so-called "the speaker has no intention, the listener has the heart".Now more than one person knows that Gui Wujiu's strange puppet "Xionghuangyu" that acts like a real person has the ability to distinguish the quality of magic weapons.

Therefore, this generation all focused on watching how Gui Wujiu would do it, and then made a move to promote the idea of ​​cutting Hu.Among them, Liu Ze, Liu Kui and others followed far behind, hiding in the dark.

Two quarters of an hour later, the little blacksmith excitedly transmitted the sound transmission: "It's nothing to blame, have you made your choice? Alright, let's compare the results."

Gui Wugui raised his eyebrows, and felt something unusual in the state of the little blacksmith: it seemed that this guy had eaten himself with his hands.

Gui Wugui really valued several high-grade weapons equivalent to the seventh and eighth refinement ranks, all of which were swords.He has some confidence in his own eyesight.But the state of the little blacksmith clearly told him that any treasures like light and dust would surely escape his eyes and ears.

Could it be that he is going to make a lot of gains?

However, Gui Wujiu glanced behind intentionally or unintentionally.Now it seems that even if you choose a high-quality treasure, it seems that it is easy to merge into it if you want to get it smoothly.Whichever one he likes, the people behind him must carry whichever one.

Although he has a lot of spirit stones, he is unwilling to be slaughtered for no reason.You have to think of a way.After a while, he had an idea in his mind, and said via voice transmission: "After the competition, you, the 'bear yellow croaker', are needed to cooperate to put on a good show."


Ps: I originally thought about some bidding routines, but I gave up halfway through writing.Write something leisurely and fun.

(End of this chapter)

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