Chapter 532

But if you think that this rule is beneficial to those who "compete for symbols", that's not the case.

If you are a powerful person holding the "struggle talisman", if you don't encounter an equal opponent, you will be able to defeat your colleagues, quickly break through the level, and finally win the championship, you are wrong.

In previous field hunting meetings, if the participants felt that the number of wraiths they had hunted was enough, they could choose to activate the cards and follow the traction of the cards to leave early.

It takes about an hour to activate the cards.As long as the spellcasting is not interrupted within this hour, then you can escape.

In this field hunting meeting, those who hold the "Stop Talisman" can still leave at any time; while those who hold the "Struggle Talisman" can choose to leave unless they are defeated by the opponent after the third floor.Or it is determined that the ranking will never change again.Otherwise, they would have to wait until the end of the field hunting meeting in the Wraith Realm.

It is equivalent to waiting for the challenger to appear.

Just imagine, even if someone broke through the fifth floor as quickly as possible in one go, and even wiped out the twenty-five beasts in one go.It is conceivable that this person will be the target of everyone's criticism next, and will surely usher in the siege of the latecomers.

Therefore, although those who hold the "competition talisman" break through the level quickly, it is still a measurable problem to choose when to enter the arena.

This new rule does not deliberately favor a certain party who holds the "Stop Talisman" or "Contest Talisman".Instead, it is conducive to the real strong to stand out, greatly reducing the risk of failure in the middle.

In the next few days, because all the participating monks who entered Yangcheng were very cautious, they chose to hide in their residences, lest they leak the details.Therefore, the atmosphere here is also very dull, only everyone is gearing up secretly, ready to go.

In this way, another five days passed.

At the exact moment of the day, Gui Wujiu jumped out of the door, stepped on the escape light, and hung in the sky more than a hundred feet high.Looking at the bird's-eye view, the fresh air on the roofs of various houses has dissipated in sevens and eighties, which means that most of the residents have ushered in temporary owners.

Gui Wujiu flew around in the air, counting silently in his heart.The number of homeowners has exceeded one hundred thousand.It seems that the start of field hunting is imminent.

When everyone was cautiously hiding, there was such an unscrupulous figure flying in the air, which naturally attracted the attention of many people.Like the people of the peacock clan, they naturally have fellows who are familiar with each other.Asking each other, they actually got the information.

This person is the eleventh favorite in the field hunting odds, Kong Ming.

It's just that it's not known whether the news leaked from the guards or some other place.From this alone, it can be seen that the Peacock Clan has great magical powers passed down from generation to generation.

Fifteen days, midnight.

The full moon hangs high, and the clear light is overflowing.This brilliance is scattered in Yangcheng, and all the buildings seem to be green and tender, as if they are thousands or tens of thousands of years younger.

However, about three quarters of an hour before Zishi, many monks in Yangcheng felt abnormal.It seems that the brilliance of this moonlit night is a little erratic.After about a quarter of an hour, almost all the participants noticed the change, so they all went out to watch.

Gui Wugui uses the "Moon Reflection Lotus Terrace" every night to practice under the moonlight.At this time, he was naturally one of the first few people who noticed the abnormality. He had already jumped out of the gate of the flying boat and looked up for a closer look.

In the moonlight, a tiny imperceptible dot appeared vaguely, like a tadpole, swimming up and down, left and right in the full moon like a silver basin, endlessly.It is precisely because of this small shadow that the moonlight is uneven and blurry.

After another moment, the little tadpole became bigger and bigger, and finally the full moon appeared in various strange shapes, the bright part and the dark part seemed to occupy half of each, and its appearance was ever-changing.

This flickering change lasted for a full quarter of an hour.Suddenly, as if the eggshell was broken, the black shadow in the full moon suddenly got out of the limit of the moon shape, and its size also skyrocketed thousands of times, almost occupying a quarter of the entire sky!

Looking at the shape of this thing, it seems to be exactly like a black dog.

Even though all the cultivators in the congregation are well-informed and well-informed, they couldn't help feeling stunned at this moment.In the ancient myths of various ethnic groups, there are more or less legends similar to "Tengu Swallowing the Moon".

But "swallowing the moon" is nothing more.But it has never been heard that the tengu is hatched from the middle of the moon, just like a chick breaking its shell.

Only a few elites of the peacock clan, who are extremely careful about the anecdotes of their own clan, are not surprised.Those who are interested in the records of "Meng Dong Field Hunting" in this clan must be able to know that the appearance of this vision means that the Field Hunting Meeting will officially start soon.

Sure enough, the tengu that turned into a huge black shadow lingered in the air for about a quarter of an hour.As soon as the hour came, he immediately kicked his hind legs, opened his huge mouth, and exposed his fangs.He jumped down and swallowed the whole Yangcheng in one gulp!
All the monks in Yangcheng felt that their eyes went dark, and immediately their bodies seemed to float lightly, and it was indistinguishable to distinguish between east, west, north, and west.


When Gui Wujiu saw light again, the scene in front of him was very different, he knew in his heart that he was already in the world of resentful spirits.

Looking around, far and near, there are still countless people appearing in the world for no reason, as if they were thrown into the dust of another world.The person seemed to be within a hundred feet, but immediately turned into a tiny dot, disappeared into the distance.

However, although the makeup and appearance of the participating monks who were originally dressed in various colors remained unchanged, in Gui Wugui's eyes, there were only two colors left in their clothes, black and blue.

Gui Wugui looked down and saw that the clothes he was wearing had also turned into one of the black colors that were close to deep purple.

It is not difficult to guess the reason for this change.There are only two colors, most of the people who hold the "Stop Talisman" are all dressed in green robes, while those who hold the "Contest Talisman" are all dressed in black robes.

At this moment, a person fell beside Gui Wujiu.

This time, it is really appearing "by your side", rather than seeming to be close and far away, looking in front of your eyes, but actually thousands of miles away.

This person has a large forehead and a very large frame. He is also dressed in a black robe, and he is clearly a person who holds the "Contest Talisman".His cultivation seems to be among the top rank among the participants, but there is obviously still a gap from the top group of people.

The man regained his composure, seeing Gui Wugui beside him, he couldn't help being startled.After a little hesitation, he stepped forward and said, "Fellow Daoist Kong Ming."

He actually knew Gui Wugui, the No. [-] favorite to win the championship.

Faced with the attitude of imputing no blame, although this person is somewhat cautious, he is not afraid.All the monks in front of them have not started hunting, and their martial arts are zero.Although both sides are monks on the way of "struggling for talismans", there is no reason to fight each other.

Gui Wugui nodded in response.The two sides did not communicate much, and the person left far away.

Gui Wujiu gathered his mind and flew away to feel the environment in the "Resentful Spirit Realm".

Since it is called "Resentful Spirit World", then the eerie, ghostly and piercing breath of this place has long been psychologically prepared.As long as you have entered a place where evil spirits gather in the big world.

But at this moment, when I feel it carefully, it is obvious that the weather here is not the same as Gui Wujiu imagined.

This so-called "Wraith Realm", except that the climate is slightly hotter than the outside world, and there is a dry and hot air like cast copper and wrought iron in the air, which makes people feel a little depressing, the rest is not much different from the outside world look.

And this level of oppressive atmosphere, I'm afraid it is not as good as Gui Wugui's repression of the realm barrier when he re-entered the Huangyang Realm with his cultivation base today, at least it will not have the slightest impact on the fighting methods of the cultivators.

Looking around, Gui Wugui suddenly felt that there seemed to be a discord between the two things on his body.

Taking it out with the backhand, it turned out to be the two treasures of Yunzhong Zheng's second pair of seals and anti-swallowing twin beads.

At this time, the secondary seal of "Zheng Er in the Cloud" is still bright and jade-like, and it looks like a high-quality rare treasure at first glance.However, the four magic spells left by Yao Chunshangzhen and others hidden in it seem to have disappeared without a trace.On the other hand, swallowing the twin beads seems to turn into two very ordinary stone beads, without feeling the slightest fluctuation of spiritual power.

These two changes, one is the weather, the other is man-made.

Fighting in the world of wraith spirits does not restrict the means used by those who enter.Anyway, first-class treasures such as "Constant Vessels" and "Heavenly Sacrifice Vessels" cannot be controlled by the cultivation base of the people who entered the country.Within the scope of your ability, you can use whatever methods you have.

But the mystic methods that come with Tianxuan Shangzhen and Demon King levels are not included.If this kind of existence stays behind, it will be easy to teach people to win the first prize in the field hunting meeting.This competition lost its original meaning.

So at the moment of "Tengu Swallowing the City" just now, there was actually a secret technique attached.It will filter the methods left by the demon king and Tianxuan Shangzhen level carried by the participants, making them temporarily invalid.Only after leaving the world of wraith spirits, can it be restored to its original state.

As for the change of the anti-birth double character orb, it is because of the special space rules in the world of wraith spirits.Except for treasures such as the exquisite storage ring, other magic weapons such as the mustard space will temporarily fail here.


Ps: I still have to deal with selling the house in the afternoon.It is possible that there are only two updates today.

(End of this chapter)

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