Chapter 533
The scenery in Wraith Spirit Realm is quite different from what Gui Wujiu expected.

In front of Gui Wugui, there is a lush forest, but these ancient trees, regardless of their trunks, branches and leaves, are all a strange withered yellow color.Looking left and right, the forest is endless; but the depth is not wide, only about ten miles or so.

Behind the forest is a vast plain.The plain is covered with withered yellow grass about an inch high.This wilderness is like a jade belt, running from east to west, and its width is similar to the forest in front of it.

Looking across the wilderness, there is a screen of horizontal mountains, about a thousand feet high, extending left and right, and it is impossible to trace the source.Comparing the distance from the foot of the mountain on both sides to the top of the mountain, it is also about ten miles.

The shadowy side behind Hengshan is closely connected to a wide river, the water color is gloomy, and there is no trace of luster.

What's even more strange is that on the other side of the river, a similar dense forest can be vaguely seen, just like the current scene.

Forests, fields, mountains, rivers.

The four landforms are like four kinds of puff pastry, which go back and forth endlessly, and the order is not bad at all.This peculiar scenery, including the mild climate here, is far from the real appearance of the Wraith Realm.

This is a secret world that the Peacock Clan has been running for a long time.In order to control the wraith hidden deep underground, it takes a lot of effort.Now that it has reached the point where all vengeful spirits can completely control the changes in form and strength, the modification and shaping of the environment is a matter of course.

Just as Gui Wujiu slowed down his escape speed and altitude, and slowly observed the geography of this world, there were bursts of rumbling sounds, somewhat similar to the sound of horseshoes, but obviously clearer and more scattered, and they could not stop coming to Gui Wujiu in the ears.

Then it can be seen that the withered yellow dense forest in front of him is billowing with smoke and dust.

Gui Wujiu jumped up, crossed the woods, and stood on the field more than ten miles away.

But the voice in the woods was extremely alert, and also changed direction.The smoke and dust moved back and forth, and became scattered in an instant.But in a short while, the group of things rushed out of the dense forest and appeared in front of Gui Wugui.

Seeing no blame is dumb.

A herd of... pigs?

It seems that the Peacock Clan classified Wraith Spirits into five classes, and the names they gave were very accurate.The resentful spirits of the first level are called "Five Animals".

The group of pigs in front of them were not black wild boars with thick armor, thorny mane, and sharp fangs.It is, as the name suggests, a white-haired fat pig like a "livestock".

White and fat, his muscles are white and red, his body is round, and he even looks a bit simple and honest.Apart from being slightly larger than ordinary domestic pigs and exhaling a little hot breath from the nose, there is no trace of wildness or hostility at all.

It's just that the fat pig transformed by the wraith is appropriate in name, but it is unreasonable.From this ancient and dense forest, a large group of white and fat domestic pigs, which are three times fatter than those in captivity, is indeed a very strange feeling.

For a moment, Gui Wujiu didn't have the idea of ​​beheading him.Let the herd of about one hundred and fifty-six pigs slowly approach him.

However, when this group of fat pigs approached within a hundred feet of Gui Yu, a change occurred immediately.

But he saw that the ears of these hundreds of fat pigs gradually stood up, and their eyes were bloodshot.At the same time, the body is also white and red, gradually turning into a blood-filled bright red; the eyes looking at Gui Wugui also gradually become fierce.

Suddenly, the fattest and strongest big pig in the front suddenly narrowed its eyes, slammed its hind legs, and rushed towards Gui Wujiu.Its fat body draws an arc in the air, it seems to be extremely vigorous, quite contrary to its body.

With this big pig leading the way, the other hundreds of fat pigs jumped up one after another, and Gui Wugui was immediately surrounded.

Gui Wugui immediately became interested.

He was not in a hurry to kill it, and took out a hexagonal array with his backhand, silently channeling mana.Immediately, several beams of clear light leaped from the array, turning into a strange space like a hexagonal prism, firmly protecting him.

This magic weapon is a defensive treasure that was taken casually in order to anchor the power of treasures such as "true sacrificial utensils" when wandering around in the Yunzhong School's treasury.In terms of defense, not to mention comparing it with Yue Hengzong's true herald talisman, even compared with the "No Front Arrow" given by Xingyuemen, its power is far inferior.

But it is enough to deal with this group of domestic pigs.

With Gui Wugui's cultivation after breaking through the "Infant of the Alchemy", even in the face of the ordinary hidden sect's true biography, he can still win in one go.This group of resentful spirits who are only in the early stage of the Nascent Soul did not pose the slightest threat to him.If you want to kill, you can send it away with one shot.The reason why we wait and see what happens now is that it is a way to observe this thing deliberately.

These more than a hundred fat pigs rushed towards the mountain of light mask formed by the formation plate.Although he suffered repeated setbacks under the firm defense, he was not discouraged, and instead became more and more ferocious.

After a while, Gui Wugui has already seen the clues.

This group of vengeful spirits manifesting domestic pigs roughly mastered three, or five methods.

Its eyes are blinking continuously, and the light is blooming, which is quite similar to a magical spell that hurts people's spirits; while a pair of ears that can't stop shaking, can secretly shake the blood flow of people close to them.

These two methods can be said to be two different methods.But this fat pig often uses it at the same time, so it can be regarded as a set of matching methods to kill the enemy.

At the same time, its mouth is good at exhaling turbid air, and its nose is good at exhaling clean air. The combination of the two can quite achieve the effect of combining water and fire, and harmonizing dragon and tiger.Compared with Renxiu, it can indeed be regarded as a supernatural power that is so-so in second- and third-rate sects.

As for the last method, it is just like the method of close-to-body fighting with a half-cultivated martial arts.These fat pigs look fat and bloated, but in fact their front legs are very powerful. If someone is caught off guard and kicks a person's chest and back, it must be extremely uncomfortable.

After observing for a while, Gui Wujiu already knew it.

The five abilities of the white pig wraith coincide with the five principles of its breath control.I can't say for sure what the supernatural powers of the resentful spirits after the second and third floors are; but the rest of the chickens, dogs, cows, and sheep on the first floor of the "five animals" must be similar to the group of fat pigs in front of me.

After a while, Gui Wujiu suddenly realized that he seemed to have underestimated this group of pig demons.

The clear and turbid air in the mouth and nose and the brute force are nothing more than that.The seemingly inconspicuous supernatural powers of eyes and ears may not be powerful when used alone, but with the gathering of pigs, they can resonate with each other, making the power rise steadily.

If any participant is thrown into the siege of tens of thousands of white pigs, this person will be unable to resist, and his breath will inevitably surge, and his soul will be injured.

Looking up, because the momentum created by these hundreds of pigs was too great, there were three times as many pig demons rushing forward in the dense forest in the distance.

Gui Wugui, fearing that something might change, smiled slightly. "Mountains and Rivers Thousand Miles" released his hand in an instant, turning into a sharp and tricky arc, going back and forth, flying around the body for thirty-six circles within one breath.

Not far away from Gui Wujiu's body, it was like blossoming flowers, splashing blood.The sword is like a frightening dragon swimming around, it is uncertain where to live, more than a hundred white pigs died within a breath.

With another wave of his hand, the sword traveled a thousand zhang away, and with a burst of back and forth violent strikes, it killed more than [-] pig demons that hadn't come close.

However, after killing more than [-] "domestic pigs", there was not a single corpse left on the ground.The scene of blood splashing and staining the ground red, which was clearly visible just now, also quietly dimmed.

Gui Wugui took a look around, and there was a small wooden box about two inches square, about the length of a finger, at the place of each fat pig's corpse.He was about to reach out to take a look, but the wooden box seemed to not exist, and it slowly sank into the ground, as if the five hundred or so white pigs had never appeared before.

Gui Wugui was satisfied after a small test.But at this moment, Gui Wujiu suddenly felt that something about his body had changed.

Take it out and see that it is the participation card of this "Meng Dong Field Hunting".

At this time, the decorations and dense characters on the talisman are all invisible.Both the front and the back are manifested into an extremely simple shape with a few numbers.

Gui Wugui lifted up the amulet and looked at it again.

The writing on the front is divided into two lines.At the top is the small word "Wugong", and below it is the striking red number "Five Hundred and Eleven".Gui Wujiu counted silently in his heart, the pig-shaped wraiths that had manifested just now were indeed five hundred and fifty-one.

It seems that in the first level, each of the lowest level of "five animals" resentful spirits represents a bit of martial arts.

Symmetrically and similarly styled to the word "Wugong", there are two other words: "ranking".

Gui Wugui's heart moved, if everyone could know in real time where they are currently ranked in the Wraith Realm, then it would be an important basis for judging their strategy choice, conservative or aggressive.

It’s just that if you look down, there are indeed numbers after the “ranking”, but the arrangement is a bit strange.

The first line is a string of numbers: "one hundred and nineteen"; then separated by a small dot, followed by an "eleven"; after the "eleven", there is also a dot separated, and finally a dot The number "two" alone.

Could it be that he currently ranks [-] in martial arts with [-] points?Among all the more than [-] attendees, the bottom one?

Gui Wugui thought about it, and felt that it was unlikely.

Among other things, Gui Wujiu was certain in his heart that some participants who were more cautious than himself and hadn't made a move so far must be there.

At this moment, Gui Wujiu suddenly discovered that the last number "two" had become "one" just now.

Looking back at the current time changes, Gui Wugui suddenly realized.The three spaced numbers are not the current ranking, but a countdown.Counting an extra quarter of an hour, after one hundred and twenty days, ensure that all the participating monks who have not been eliminated enter the domain of the "five evils" on the last floor of the Tao, and the ranking reminder will officially open.

Flip this token over, and the displayed content is much simpler.

It is divided into five lines from top to bottom, the first four lines are all a "zero"; the fifth line is a line of numbers - "[-]".

These five elements are not difficult to guess, they are the number of people who broke into each floor.At the moment, none of the participants have achieved [-] martial arts, so the first four numbers are all "zero".

Gui Wugui suddenly realized that although he could not grasp the ranking in real time.However, if you can successfully grasp the number and time of entering the next level, it will still be of great reference value for making your own hunting plan.

A plan immediately took shape in Gui Wugui's mind.

Without further ado, after burying a "recovery letter" here, Gui Wujiu immediately summoned a flying boat with the highest flying speed, and jumped onto it.


Ps: In case you have something to do in the future, try to only go out for half a day.This can also guarantee two updates.Of course, most of the time, it is still the third watch.

(End of this chapter)

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