Nothing is to blame

Chapter 554 Unpredictable Yin and Yang

Chapter 554 Unpredictable Yin and Yang
Gui Wugui secretly sensed the spirit of the double-faced man.

Even without the "Xie Yuzhen" puppet at his side, Gui Wugui's combat power is enough to rival most demon cultivators in the Nascent Soul realm.

After tens of thousands of battles in the world of wraith spirits, it's not that Gui Wugui hasn't encountered someone who is as powerful as him.For example, Ma Zhen of the Tianma clan; Kong Tan, the peacock clan who defeated with the "Moluo Power Realm" dangerously and dangerously by virtue of the sense of Taoism.Compared with human cultivators, these two people have high status and few in number, roughly equivalent to the true biography of the various factions of the Yellow Earth that Gui Wujiu defeated at the "Chongtai Meeting".

At the peak of Taoism, every step of the way, the gap is never small.

Gui Wugui was able to easily surpass the true biography of the "Chongtaihui" schools when he was at the limit of Jindan; , Master Li, the combat power is also quite close, the victory is not too much.

As far as the present is concerned - after being promoted by the "Xie Yuzhen" puppet, Gui Wugui is still not sure that he will be able to defeat this double-faced man.

In other words, the gap between the strength of the double-faced man in front of him and Ma Zhen and Kong Tan is almost equivalent to the gap between Xun Shen, Mr. Li and the direct descendants of the hermit sects in the five major meetings.At such a level, it is by no means an exaggeration to say that he is an outstanding person in the world and a talent at the right time. It is said that he is destined to be a romantic figure at the forefront of independent trends in this era.

But the strange thing is that when Gui Wujiu compared him with the characters in the "Thirty-six Sons", he didn't find a person with a similar appearance and temperament.

Can it be so strong without entering the "Thirty-six Subgraphs"?

At this moment, Gui Wugui and the two-faced man trembled at the same time, as if attracted by something.

Gui Wugui immediately reached out and took out the meeting token.At a glance, the double-faced man also made the exact same movement.

On the card symbol, there are twenty-five "squares" with five horizontal lines and five vertical lines, and the third row is the first one, which has just been filled into a solid state, like an iron lump.

This change confirms the inference of imputation.These twenty-five points really correspond to the twenty-five wraiths one by one. Every time a "five fierce" wraiths are hunted, the twenty-five points on the card symbol will change accordingly.It can be seen from this that the "Danlin Iron Crane" he just hunted and killed was the first wraith to fall in this world.

The double-faced man sneered, and said: "Although you won the first place, but you may not be able to laugh at the end if you set up obstacles yourself."

Gui Wugui frowned.According to this person's cultivation base and identity, if he had any connection with himself, then after thinking about it, there is only one person, that is the character in "Private Room No. [-]" at the Nine Wings Hall Auction——Bidding " The one who can't "reflect the moon and the lotus platform".

Sure enough, the double-faced man said calmly: "Bidding for the magic weapon, the one with the highest price will get it. This is a matter of course, and I don't take it to heart."

I don't blame him and don't care about how this person can recognize himself as "No. [-]"; but his sentence is obviously contradictory.

Immediately said: "Since you don't care about it, why bother to obstruct it?"

The double-faced man snorted, and said, "It's about you ruining me. It's not about today's auction, but about three years ago. This Liangzi is much more important than the 'Yingyue Lotus Terrace' .”

Gui Wujiu resolutely shook his head and said, "Your Excellency may have admitted the wrong person."

Three years ago, the Yinzong Alliance had not been completed yet, Gui Wugui was still practicing in the Yunzhong Sect.

All the things that have been experienced are nothing more than the victory of the Chongtai meeting, the opening of the Quandao meeting, and never stepping out of the sphere of influence of the Yunzhong faction.If there was an intersection with this person in front of him, it is absolutely impossible for him to forget.

The double-faced man rolled his eyes, and said bitterly: "How can there be a mistake in the divination secret technique that my family has kept for thousands of years? There will be connections in this field hunting meeting; my achievements are not inferior to mine...except you , who else?"

"To tell you the truth, I participated in the hunting party because I was guided by the method of divination, and I came here to seek your bad luck."

In his speech, this person claims to be "our family" rather than "our family", which shows that he is indeed a direct descendant of the Yao clan.

But listening to this person's talk, it's even more weird.It seems that he himself didn't know who was the one who ruined him, but calculated it through the method of divination; it sounds a bit absurd.

Gui Wujiu thought for a while, and said tentatively: "Then why don't you tell the cause and effect of the matter and refer to it together. See if it is really related to me? If there is a misunderstanding, you can solve it in advance; if there is cause and effect, There should be a way to end it.”

This person's meritorious deeds are good, although Gui Wugui is not afraid of him, but even if there is a competition, it is better to wait until after this field hunting meeting before making a judgment.

If he would do the same thing and intervene the moment he kills the beast every time.So for Gui Wugui, it is indeed a huge trouble.

But the double-faced man raised his head and sighed, feeling very regretful: "Misunderstanding? Cause and effect? ​​The past is unbearable. Let's not talk about it."

Accidents happened for no reason, and they couldn't name them, Gui Wujiu was hesitant, his murderous intent disappeared in a flash, and he said in a deep voice, "Your Excellency, you are really a fool."

Hearing the words, the double-faced man was not only not angry, but laughed, and said, "Seeing that your thoughts are not smooth, I am really very happy. Now you are no longer an 'external force' that jumps out of the sky and creates branches, but you personally The piece that jumps into the chessboard is quite constrained and cannot be free. It is a pity that he did not bring fine wine with him before entering the border; otherwise, it will be a big white hole."

"Back then, when you pushed others away and took away your own chance, did you ever think that you would have today?"

If it wasn't for the fact that this person's cultivation base was too high, Gui Wugui would have suspected that he had become obsessed with cultivation and had injured his soul; or that he had fallen victim to some kind of witchcraft.

Just thinking about the method of breaking, suddenly there was a clear air in front of the two of them, and it turned out that another "Danlin Iron Crane" appeared on the spot, flapping its wings and stomping its feet, making more and more pounces.

Gui Wugui didn't go forward immediately, he glanced out of the corner of his eye to see the movements of the double-faced man.

Seeing Tie Crane come into the world again, the double-faced man reversed his carelessness just now, and said calmly: "In the fifth floor, the five fierce beasts are not randomly formed, but manifested from five directions. Now you and I The foothold happens to be the place where the 'Danlin Iron Crane' was born. Only when the first iron crane is dealt with can the next one be born. Your Excellency has done extraordinary things, and you can deal with the first iron crane very quickly, so this Naturally, the second iron crane was born quickly."

"If you don't take it now, when will you wait?"

The words of the double-faced man are clear and coherent, as if he has forgotten the cruel words of the bad thing he said just now, and suddenly becomes an innocent staff officer, but it makes people unable to figure out his chess strategy.

Gui Wugui acts naturally by adhering to the concept of "self-centered", and will not ponder the two-faced people's nagging and contradictory words for no reason and disturb the mind.

Now that Tie Crane appeared in front of him, there was no reason why Gui Wu Jiu would not dare to strike.

If God does not take it, if the time does not work, you will be blamed instead.

With a flick of the two swords, he attacked and killed without hesitation.

At this time, Gui Wujiu had a certain degree of confidence in Tie He's walking rhythm and the number of offensive and defensive moves.Even without using the "Supplementary Letters", it is enough to deal with Danlin Tiehe's strange offensive.

A fight lasted for about half an hour. The qualities of "Little Ran Yiyi" and "Mountain and River Wanli" finally showed their advantages, gradually wearing down Danlin Tiehe's strength.

When the time comes for the real harvest, Gui Wujiu will naturally not be negligent in guarding against the double-faced people making trouble again.

However, the double-faced man smiled lightly, and said: "The supernatural power I used before, it is not difficult to use it three or four times a day. But it needs twenty-four magic weapons to assist me. The effect of getting twice the result with half the effort. Unfortunately, in the previous battle with the five people headed by that boy Kong Tan, several magic weapons were damaged a lot, and they were not warmed up for several months, so it was difficult to use them again. If we try our best to use this move just now. It will inevitably hurt your vitality.”

"Your Excellency, you can hunt with confidence."

According to Gui Wugui's feeling, what the two-faced man said was probably the truth.But he naturally wouldn't put all his hopes on the opponent's tolerance, just at the end of Danlin Tiehe's battle, Gui Wujiu had already made two preparations.

Firstly, the sword is still recited in Kongyun; secondly, if there is another unpredictable change, let the little blacksmith swallow the iron crane into his stomach for a moment, and he will be able to calmly implement countermeasures.

However, this double-faced man really kept his word, and he really didn't intervene.Gui Wugui was also happy to save another chance to use the "Kongyun Nianjian", and calmly pocketed [-] million martial arts.

Gui Wugui stood there and waited for a while.

What the double-faced man said was true. This place was indeed the place where the iron crane was born. Not long after, the third iron crane appeared again.

After the third hunt is complete, the fourth will manifest immediately.

Gui Wugui never thought that all this would come so easily; but he never let go of his vigilance against the double-faced man from the beginning to the end.


Sure enough, when the fourth iron crane was fighting fiercely for half an hour, at the moment of harvesting the fruit, the double-faced man suddenly laughed, and with a backhand move and a chop, a crescent moon slashed towards the iron crane!

This person just said that "this type of supernatural power should not be used again" is really deceitful.

Gui Wujiu felt awe-inspiring, faced with this move, only supernatural powers can break it, apart from "Kongyun Nianjian", there is really no better way.

Now is not the time to be stingy, Gui Wujiu made a decisive decision, flicked his fingers, and used the magical power of "Kongyun Nianjian" again to secure the [-] million martial arts.

However, seeing that Gui Wujiu was still able to use this terrifying secret technique, this double-faced man was not disappointed, on the contrary, he was very satisfied.

At the moment when he made a volley slash and forced Gui Wujiu to take away Tie He's martial arts, there was another thing in his sleeve, which was activated immediately.

It turned out that it was a lie to rob the iron crane, and this person had another trick.

The thing seemed to be a transparent bowl, it was thrown into the air, and immediately expanded a thousand times, turning into a huge bowl with a diameter of two or three hundred feet and turned it upside down, turning the double-faced man and Gui Wugui into two. firmly in it.

Seeing that the plan was successful, the double-faced man smiled and said: "Twenty-five fierce beasts, fellow Taoist get four of them first within two hours, I think it's very comfortable?"

"Unfortunately, the remaining [-] billion martial arts are destined to be lost to fellow daoists."

(End of this chapter)

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