Chapter 555

This huge alms bowl looks transparent like ice crystals from a distance, but once it falls, there will be endless brilliance flowing in it, and dazzling stars will appear from time to time, which will cover five or six out of ten of the scene outside the cover.

But after the double-faced man used this hand, his complexion suddenly became thicker and heavier, and beads of sweat could be seen faintly oozing from his forehead.

His extremely strenuous appearance didn't seem to be caused by using this magic weapon; instead, it was more like the burden caused by the supernatural power that was released like a moon and a shovel at the moment when he was about to hunt Danlin Iron Crane without blame.

Gui Wugui suddenly realized.Just like his own level of Taoism, the induction of Taoism is extremely sublime.If you lie easily, it will make you feel a little bit.

That's why what the double-faced man said just now, "The magic weapon is damaged, and this supernatural power should not be used lightly", is actually true.The ultimate goal it wants to achieve is to force itself to make a choice at this critical juncture, so that it has no time to deal with the cover of this "bowl".

At this time, the double-faced man seemed a little unable to support himself. He took out a low bed from the storage ring, and then sat on it to meditate and adjust his breath.

Gui Wujiu's heart moved, he took out a sharp sword from his sleeve, and stabbed tentatively at the wall of the "bowl".

The double-faced person wants to use this supernatural power even if his vitality is damaged. Gui Wujiu has already prepared mentally. This thing may be stronger than iron, and the means in the Nascent Soul Realm cannot shake it.

Unexpectedly, this flying sword penetrated without hindrance.

In Gui Wugui's spiritual consciousness, he didn't even feel the force of the long sword. It seemed that the huge glass cover in front of him was just an illusion, and it didn't actually exist.

However, after only one or two breaths, there was a sudden feeling behind Gui Wugui.Turning his head, he saw that the long sword protruding from the front turned back from the "bowl" and re-entered the world.It seems that this translucent mask of light and halo hides a wonderful spatial turning point.

"You don't need to worry too much. If your lord is willing to talk about the past and the present in this hour's time, I am willing to accompany you." The double-faced man covered his mouth and coughed slightly, and said plainly.

"An hour?"

If you trapped yourself here for an hour, all the twenty-one beasts outside would be preempted?Gui Wugui heard it in his ears, and he didn't believe it.

At this moment, a familiar throbbing breath came from the sleeve.

Gui Wugui picked up the meeting tokens, and the first row of twenty-five "squares" has become a solid bump.In the entire fifth floor, the first ferocious beast hunted besides himself has already appeared.

Just as he was about to think about the identity of the person who won it, and the palm talisman, when Gui Wujiu looked at it, the first "square" in the fourth row seemed to take shape.

In this short moment, two ferocious beasts already had their masters.

According to common sense, Gui Wugui should actively plan ways to get out of trouble.Feijian's trial was fruitless, but it doesn't mean that other methods must be useless.But at this moment, Gui Wujiu felt a ripple in his heart, as if he felt a subtle change in his spirit and aura.Countless thoughts suddenly became active, churning in his mind.

"Time is flickering, white clouds are green, and the energy flow in a world is changing and changing..."

"The vegetation is withered, the tide rises and falls, the terrain of the sea and land rises and falls, the endless deep sea rises slowly, and finally evolves into a lone peak rising, standing on a thousand walls..."

"The life and death of countless creatures, from croaking to the dead bones in the grave, and turning them into fertilizer to feed the vegetation..."

I don't know where these thoughts come from, and why they are so active.

However, Gui Wugui didn’t worry too much, let’s not mention his high destiny; just the experience of Shenyi’s special training can give himself enough confidence——

Gui Wugui didn't think that there was any means of attacking the soul, which could be done quietly so that he wouldn't be alerted.

Calm down, Gui Wugui once again concentrated on adjusting his breath for half a moment.He clearly and unmistakably felt that the operation of his true treasure golden elixir and the flow of energy and mana seemed to be as usual without any signs of abnormality.

In this moment of effort, Gui Wugui felt that his talisman moved again.

Lift it up and see that the second "square" in the first row has become a solid and prominent dot.

Gui Wugui's expression turned serious, extremely serious.

Gui Wugui didn't pay too much attention to the hunting of two wraiths just now.After all, I was the fifth person to enter this world and had already hunted down four wraiths; the rest of the people who entered earlier, no matter how cautiously they fought, should have come to fruition.

But... the second "dot" in the first line, almost a quarter of an hour has passed since the change in shape just now?

He hunted four Danlin iron cranes by himself, ranking first to fourth in the third row.As expected, each row is the same birth point of the wraith.According to what the two-faced man said, these vengeful spirits evolve continuously; the former is immortal and the latter is not born.

That means that the second wraith was hunted and killed less than a quarter of an hour after its birth?
The double-faced man laughed, and said: "The Jiazi Yuan in the mountain is endless, and the Penghu is eight thousand with one roar."

"Fellow Taoist, don't you think that you and I are just the immortals in the mountains, playing chess around the stove, diluting the years. The rotten strings are broken, and the cold is gone. I don't know the years. Isn't it wonderful?" Speaking of pride, the two-faced man endured He couldn't help looking up and laughing, his voice was endless.

Just inadvertently, he seemed to be affected by the injury, he quickly rubbed his chest and coughed twice, his face turned bluer and bluer.

Gui Wujiu's heart skipped a beat, "What do you mean?"

The double-faced man smiled and waved his hand.The four walls of the "bowl" suddenly revealed four areas of radiant flow, in which the shadow figures were formed in an instant, as if the four "shadow stones" were split.

But these four "shadow stones" linger with light and shadow, and vibrate extremely fast. I can only see flickering phantoms, but I can't see the specific people, objects, scenery, and appearance clearly.

The double-faced man waved his hand, and the flow of the picture gradually slowed down.Gui Wujiu counted silently in his heart, double, quadruple, six times...

Until the speed slowed down to [-]/[-] of the original speed, the picture on the four scrolls finally became clear.

The first picture scroll shows a delicate and delightful woman, who is doing Taoism, and countless dense pearls rush out from her palms, hitting a strange beast.The tail of the strange beast was five-colored, and sparks fell from the tip of the tail constantly, throwing them out indiscriminately, creating a momentum like magma boiling.

Although the girl's name was not written on her face, the profound Taoism she showed at that time has already revealed her identity.

While looking around, a spark passed by the girl's ear at an extremely fast speed.

The girl dodged and seemed to have avoided it, but a strand of hair was still withered and yellow immediately.

The girl seemed to be frightened, patted her chest, exhaled, and immediately took out a treasure, like a mask, to firmly protect her body, and then tried to move forward.

Gui Wugui can also guess that the human is Kong Xuan of the peacock family; the beast is the five-fire Kui Niu, one of the "five evils".

The other three picture scrolls are similar with minor differences, and they are also people in the fifth floor, fighting with the "five evil" spirits.But with the strength of this generation, not one person can deal with the beast.In every battlefield, two or three people join forces.

In the process of fighting these people, there is both alliance and secret fight.Surrounding who will get the final beheading blow, I don't know how much painstaking planning and conspiracy are hidden.

When the double-faced man waved his hand, the four images sped up another three hundred and sixty times, turning into four trembling phantoms.

There are all kinds of signs.

Gui Wugui had an idea in his mind, but he couldn't believe it.This has clearly penetrated into the root of the law of heaven and earth, the real method of the immortal family.No matter whether it is the True Treasure of Hunyuan, or the "Heavenly Sacrificial Artifact" or "Constant Artifact", it will never have such terrifying power.

Although Gui Wujiu is still far away from the upper realm, he has a vague feeling that even if the Nine Sects Tianzun wants to use such great supernatural powers, it may be very reluctant.

Only those who have jumped out of the upper realm of Ziwei's big world, such as the white-clothed woman who gave her a chance, or the four great demons of the Mozong, can be convincing if they show such supernatural powers in the hands of such characters.

The double-faced man took a deep look at Gui Wujiu, and said, "It seems that Fellow Daoist has already guessed."

"However, your composure is beyond my expectations. When this object first appeared in my eyes, my composure was nothing compared to fellow daoists."

"This is a strange thing in the world, and it cannot be made by human forging. It is just a fluke that I can get it into my hands."

"However, it took a long time to realize that this thing looks scary, but it is actually not very useful. It is used once in a hundred years, every hour, tasteless, tasteless! This time it is used on fellow daoists. It worked the best it could."

Gui Wugui calculated the changes in the image and the various strange feelings he had before, and said in a deep voice: "A day is a year, and an hour is a month?"

The double-faced man smiled without showing his teeth, and said blithely, "That's right."

"One month, is it enough for these people outside to deal with all twenty-one wraiths?"

"If you don't give up, feel free to use powerful supernatural powers, magic weapons, and even teleportation and escapism one by one, and see if you can get out of trouble early."


(End of this chapter)

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