Chapter 557
The feet are sallow and the five claws are sharp.The cat face has a long beak, a pair of orange eyes, jet-black pupils, and iron-colored striped wings, giving it a fierce aura; but the auspicious and auspicious aura on its body complements each other, making it look vigorous and upright.

The yellow-footed scorpion is probably the most majestic and most beautiful beast among the "five evil spirits".Even compared with the Wuhuo Kui Niu in the middle, although it is slightly more majestic and majestic, it is still rough and lacks this kind of aloof and arrogant spirit.

On the side of the valley, this yellow-footed scorpion has feathers falling from its body from time to time, and it disappears when it is reflected in the soil.The fine feathers on the back and neck also stood up, like needles and awns, shooting out with almost invisible sharpness, and could hurt people invisible if you didn't pay attention.However, its range of activities is confined within a narrow space of more than ten feet. The two thick auras are like stacking wall tiles to guard against it. .

There are two white-robed monks who are enemies with the yellow-footed scorpion. One has long hair and shawls, is slender and handsome. His eyes are like bright stars, his nose is enlarged and his eyebrows are trimmed, and his frame is also very broad. He keeps changing the formulas in his hands, manipulating one blue, one white, and one purple three-color rings, and swallowing five elements of magical powers.

When the two were dealing with the Yellow-footed Snake, they cooperated very well.But from time to time, it can be seen that the eyes of these two people are flickering, looking at each other, it seems that each gesture has a deep meaning, hiding extraordinary calculations and strategies.

The one with long hair and shawl is the second most popular person in the peacock clan after Kong Xuan, Kong Jiao; and the person who transports the third ring can also be ranked in the top ten in the peacock clan, named Kong Li.

At this place, four yellow-footed scorpions have been born, and the one in front of me is the last one.

Among the first three wraiths, Kong Jiao got two, and Kong Li got one.

As far as the comparison between Kong Jiao and Kong Li is concerned, it is true that Kong Jiao is slightly better in terms of merit; even in terms of the most powerful form of supernatural powers, Kong Jiao's "Shen Hearing Delusion Divine Light" is also comparable to Kong Li's. Above all kinds of formulas.

But Kong Li has a secret technique that is very extraordinary.There are three rings in his palm, and the power of the five elements in each ring will increase the power of the sixth form a lot; and the three rings will be used in turn, and after every [-] blows, they can form a very powerful form. Assassin, the lethality is more than doubled.

When beheading the second yellow-footed scorpion, Kong ignored this point, so that Kong Li made a plan.

Now the two of them are carefully calculating the rounds of shots, making clever arrangements, and for the final decisive blow, they will be the first to launch it.

However, the faces of these two people were calm, and they were not too nervous. They seemed to be calm about any final result.Because both of them knew it well, their ranking in the top ten was stable; but they were doomed to be hopeless if they won the first prize in the field hunting competition.

This is also unavoidable.

After everyone has a little understanding of the laws of the fifth floor, the outcome will be clear and unshakable.

Kong Xuan occupied a place where resentful spirits manifested; the foreign monk "Kong Ming", who displayed his might on the fourth floor and almost wiped out the elites of the Peacock clan's "Zhifu" lineage, also occupied a place where resentful spirits manifested. and he seems to have used a strange magic weapon to seal the boundary of that land.

If the matter of the two of them is ruined, if the rest of the monks who have entered the fifth floor can work together, they will rush forward.When the vitality of the "five fierce" wraiths is lower than a standard, they all attack together.Maybe it can really surpass the most powerful supernatural powers of Kong Xuan and Kong Ming, leaving them with nothing.As for who gets it in the end, it all depends on luck.

But everyone is selfish, no one will just sit back and watch the empty place where the resentful spirit manifests and ignore it, and just face the difficulties.This ideal joint situation is destined not to appear.

After fighting for a while, Kong Jiao's eyes lit up slightly.He calculated clearly that when Kong Li's three-ringed magic weapon hit the fifteenth and sixteenth blows of the fourth round of eighteen consecutive strikes, the vitality of the yellow-footed bird had already entered the killing line of his "Sheng Hear Delusion Divine Light".It seemed that he was about to acquire the third "five fierce" wraiths on the fifth floor.

But at this moment, the situation changed rapidly.The sky was full of clear sky, and suddenly a gust of wind hit; immediately after the golden light fell, there was a sharp ray of light in the middle, flashing past the heads of the two of them!

Kong Jiao and Kong Li both exclaimed "噫" and quickly raised their eyes to look around, but the speed of the escaping light was extremely fast, almost like a bolt of lightning.When Kong Jiao and the two of them took a closer look, the figure in the center of the twilight had turned into a dot the size of a sesame seed, heading north.

The next moment, the faces of Kong Jiao and Kong Li were full of astonishment.

In the eyes of the two of them, this yellow-footed bird, which was far from being really close to the limit and was at least a hundred times away from being killed, suddenly stood still, and then turned into crumbs and dust, fluttering It fell down without a trace of life.

Above the escape light, Gui Wujiu's expression was flat, and he couldn't feel the tension of winning or losing at all.

Replenish your energy and adjust your breath in the "bowl" for two quarters of an hour—equivalent to seven days in the outside world. The moment the power of the strange treasure is put away, Gui Wugui escapes immediately and goes straight to the target that has already been locked. .

Except for Kong Xuan who exclusively occupies the birthplace of the "Five Fire Kui Niu" in the center of the fifth-floor space, Kong Jiao and Kong Li occupy the place where the oriental yellow-footed scorpion manifests.This place has the fewest visitors among the remaining three places.

Apart from Kong Li weighing the pros and cons, and thinking that he has three rings in his body, and trying to challenge, the rest of the Peacock clan are well-known for Kong Jiao's "Shen Hearing and Delusion Divine Light".With fear in their hearts, they were unwilling to fight with him.

The place where the "Nine Caijing Jiao" manifested was occupied by four people, Kong Ying, Kong Ji, Kong Xi, and Kong Guang, trying to compete for balance.These four are also the top performers of the Peacock Clan. Except for Kong Ji who has not harvested the previous three wraiths, Kong Ying, Kong Xi, and Kong Guang each have [-] million kung fu.

As for the last place where the "Gaoyang Beast" manifested, it was divided among the descendants of the five peacock clan, the four people from Liuze, and two other monks from different races.

These five peacock descendants dare not compete with Kong Xuan and Kong Jiao, seeing that Kong Ying's lineup is quite strong, they avoid the edge for the time being.It was considered acceptable for the five people to gather in the last place; as for the six monks from different races, they did not pay too much attention.

But they ended up swallowing a bitter pill.Because at this time, apart from Gui Wujiu and the double-faced man, there is no monk of the lineage of "Struggling Talisman" on the fifth floor.Therefore, the four of Liuze quickly revealed their true identities that they joined forces to enter the country. Several Peacock Clan monks watched them cooperate, but they could do nothing.

Not only that, but the combined attack mastered by the four of Liuze is extremely ingenious, powerful and fast.Unexpectedly, within the time limit of one month, all four wraith beasts were killed.

Among the four wraith beasts, except for a foreign monk who used secret techniques to snatch one by surprise.The other three heads were taken by Liu Kui among the four.

For the four of Liuze, the fly in the ointment is this: the three "Nine-Collecting Essence Jiao" wraiths were all captured by Liukui.

The four of them knew very well that with Kong Xuan and Kong Ming in front, the martial arts of the three-headed wraiths were far from enough to win the championship in field hunting.If three of the four hunt one each, then it is very likely that all three will be among the top ten, which is far better than concentrating on one.

However, the five monks of the peacock clan and the other two aliens were eyeing each other fiercely, and it was difficult for them to make the most ideal distribution when they were about to fight.

Gui Wujiu flew away for a while, and then saw four handsome young monks, occupying four directions, surrounded by a strange beast that was roughly similar in appearance to an orangutan.

The "Gaoyang Demon Beast" was at the end of its crossbow, four monks surrounded the apprehended monks, two of them threw magic weapons, and two of them used their supernatural powers to attack this beast.

The moment the four of them let go of their supernatural powers, the faces of the three of them changed slightly. Only the tallest cultivator, who occupied the south direction, raised his head and said with a smile: "Three virtuous brothers, I have accepted it!"

Gui Wugui nodded secretly.The four of them revolved around the timing of the final blow, intrigue for a long time, trying to force themselves to strike a decisive blow.In the end, the monk who was in the south and held a dragon mirror in his hand cleverly tried to catch him and played a trick.As soon as the four people's supernatural powers are released, it will be clear who wins the deer.

Of course, this is without external interference.

As usual, Gui Wujiu pinched the sword formula with his fingertips, and the ice sword rose and disappeared, turning this strange beast into flying dust.

Immediately, he didn't bother to meet him face to face, turned his escape light, and escaped to the most center of this world.The exclamations and curses of Kong Xi, Kong Jiao, Kong Guang and others were fleeting in our ears.

Gui Wugui took out the amulet and took a look.

Twenty-four of the twenty-five neatly arranged "boxes" have now been filled in solid shapes.Now, except for Kong Xuan who is fighting the last wraith, the other twenty-four "five fierce" wraiths all have masters.

Doing the math, I hunted six resentful spirit beasts by myself, with a total of more than [-] billion martial arts;
Kong Xuan hunted eight resentful spirits, with a total of more than [-] billion martial arts.

Currently, Gui Wugui still occupies the top position in the Field Hunting Club.

However, if the last Wraith Beast is hunted by Kong Xuan, the outcome will be reversed.

After flying away for a quarter of an hour, a pretty and pitiful little girl, who is also the biggest opponent of Meng Dong's field hunting this time, appeared in Gui Wugui's sight.


(End of this chapter)

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