Chapter 558
Gui Wugui's qi is ready to be released, and when he gets close, he will make a move.

But as soon as the magic power condensed and the golden core of the real treasure trembled, a wave of waves suddenly appeared in his heart.

Only then did I remember that when I killed Danlin Tiehe, I used the Kongyun Nianjian twice; to win and defeat the double-faced man with one blow, I used the Kongyun Nianjian once; Yun Nian sword.Accumulated before and after, it has reached five times.

If the six swords are all clean and nothing remains, I'm afraid there will be future troubles, which will be very detrimental to the foundation of Taoism.

At this moment, Gui Wujiu's awareness of using the Kongyun Nianjian had just arisen, and a hazy sword image seemed to manifest in the dantian.

This sword is hidden deep in the sea of ​​energy, beyond the reach of divine power; if it is not sensed that the sixth sword is about to be used, this sword is hidden and invisible, and it seems that it will definitely not come out.

Gui Wugui was shocked.

When he accomplished the second and third stages of the Kongyun Nianjian Jue, he had a feeling.At that time, I clearly understood that the second and third Kongyun Nianjian supernatural powers each had one more sword than the ancient Kongyun Nianjian.

But in the end, when the cultivation went deeper, this feeling of silence disappeared.It seems that the second, third, and fourth levels of supernatural powers, as usual, achieve six, nine, and twelve swords; after actually refining the second level of supernatural powers, this is also confirmed.

Today I know that the initial induction is indeed correct, and the second, third and even fourth supernatural powers indeed have one more sword than the ancient Kongyun Nian sword; but this sword is hidden deep in the emptiness, only the first six Only when the sword is present and used, can it emerge from the secluded and mysterious realm.

Now that the sixth sword can be used, Gui Wujiu is confident.

However, there was a vague taste of "still holding the pipa and half covering the face" in that sword, as if it was vaguely sending a message to Gui Wujiu: If it is not a last resort, don't use up the first six swords if you can.

Gui Wujiu looked forward for a while, and saw that Kong Xuan was still several hours away from finishing the last "Five Fire Kui Niu" wraith.He secretly made up a plan in his heart and woke up the little blacksmith.

Since Kongjiao, Kongying and other two tigers are fighting for food, the two sides have reached the last moment to kill and plunder the beasts; if they are stingy with the number of times the Kongyun Nianjian is used and refuse to use it in time, as long as it is delayed for a moment, [-] million martial arts It will be thrown into the water.

Now Kong Xuan is not urgent here, and she can arrange it calmly.

Gui Wugui's arrangement for the little blacksmith is to use the "Xuanji Dinghua Furnace" as a transit hub, and lay a subtle magic circle similar to the "Six Returns Wishful Formation" in it, and then restrain thousands of sword lights in it, so as not to escape.Finally, when the time comes, spew it out in one breath, and the power will be increased several times, and it will become a slaying tool.

Hearing the words, the little blacksmith took the initiative to occupy the body of "Xie Yunzhen", rolled his eyes, and said, "No way!"

Gui Wugui asked in surprise, "Why?"

The little blacksmith said sullenly: "My stomach hurts when you toss around like this."

Last time, the little blacksmith gang Gui Wujiu stored a huge amount of spirit stones in the magic weapon space. After it was agreed to carry them out, they moved them to another place in time; Shi has been hiding in the belly of the little blacksmith.

Although it was paid for by taking him out to play and see the world, the little blacksmith was actually quite disgusted.

After experiencing this incident, although he and Gui Wujiu are still affectionate on the surface, they also have their own narrow-mindedness in secret.

He opened his mouth easily today, but if he took advantage of the blame, and used this method as a commonly used supernatural power, and let Jian Guang run wild in his stomach in the future, it would be very bad.

Seeing that Gui Wugui was lost in thought, the little blacksmith also felt a little bit sorry, and said: "Since you have a way to win, but the cost is relatively high, and you don't want to use it lightly; then you might as well negotiate with him and clarify your interests."

Gui Wujiu nods his head slowly, and the driving light falls in front of him.

Kong Xuan had already sensed that someone was hiding in the clouds several miles away, but she just pretended not to know.Tens of millions of "bubbles" overflowed from her palm, as if turning into a formation portal, firmly trapping the last wraith spirit beast in this world.At this time, seeing that the person who came came down to the light, he stood aside and watched in a grandiose manner, he couldn't hold back anymore.

In Gui Wujiu's eyes, a young girl with bright eyes, white teeth, eyebrows like emerald feathers turned around and walked within ten feet.

Although her skills and temperament are excellent, her actions are quite immature.I saw her eyes flickering, she stuffed her right index finger into her mouth and gnawed, unable to tell whether it was scrutiny or hostility.

In the mirror light on the wall of the "bowl bowl", although Gui Wujiu vaguely saw Kong Xuan, but after all, he couldn't see clearly clearly.Seeing her face clearly at this time, I couldn't help being secretly surprised.

The Peacock Clan is worthy of being the great sect of the Monster Clan, and the rare treasures in the clan are indeed on the list.

It was the first time Kong Xuan met her when she saw the visitor, but the way she sized her up was as friendly as meeting an acquaintance, and she couldn't help feeling a little displeased.

Then feel the air movement, although the scale is slightly inferior to my own, but this is a natural distinction between the two races, and it is not something to be proud of; if the air movement is subtle, precise, indifferent and far-reaching, it seems endless, undetectable, and deep. Unreachable, obviously a sign that the depth of Taoism is higher than his own, and it adds a bit of fear in his heart.

He couldn't help but said, "Who are you? What are you doing standing here? If you have nothing to do, please leave early."

Gui Wugui smiled and said: "You can call me Kong Ming. I think fellow Daoist Kong Xuan is somewhat familiar, and I think he is a predestined person. You and I can make friends."

Kong Xuan made a slight movement of curling her lips, rolled her eyes, and said, "Make friends? You don't mean to get this last 'Five Fire Kui Niu' idea?"

Gui Wugui laughed, took out the card talisman in his hand, threw it into Kong Xuan's hand, and said frankly: "The current number of martial arts is [-] billion. If I guessed correctly, the number of martial arts of fellow Taoist Kong Xuan is [-]. One hundred million. Tell me, do I want to play this 'five-fire Kui Niu' idea?"

Kong Xuan's small face suddenly became tense, and she reached out to take the blameless amulet. After a glance, her eyes narrowed immediately, like a kitten ready to hunt mice.

Qi is also full like a bowstring, ready to go off at the slightest touch, showing his hostility unabashedly.

The little blacksmith suddenly stepped forward, shaking his hands, and said: "This little friend, this is the case. This fellow Taoist 'Kong Ming' possesses a superior secret technique. It is actually easy for him to snatch this last wraith. It's just that This technique is not easy to carry out, and it has a lot to do with his Taoism."

"Since the result is already doomed, in order not to hurt peace, it would be great if you can take the initiative to give in. If you force him to use means, it will harm others and not benefit yourself."

The battle for the first name is of great importance, how can it be easily persuaded by words; it's just a matter of giving it a try.

Unexpectedly, Kong Xuan stared at "Xie Yuzhen" very curiously for a while, as if the hostility was diluted by the miraculous performance of the little blacksmith.

Hearing this empty-mouthed white wolf's request, unexpectedly, he didn't rush to refuse, or sarcastically.She just bowed her head silently and thought for a while, then took out another copper coin that was missing a third, and recited the formula.Let it dance in the air for a while, and then float down.

Picking up the copper coin and looking at it, Kong Xuan's complexion changed.

When he raised his head again, it seemed that his hostility toward Gui Wugui had subsided a bit, but his brows were furrowed, and it seemed that he was even more embarrassed.

Gui Wujiu's heart skipped a beat, as if Kong Xuan's incomplete copper coin could divination the authenticity of known information.If it really has such a magical effect, this treasure is extremely rare.

In this transaction, if both parties are absolutely rational, Kong Xuan will give herself the top spot and get some rewards. This is the best win-win outcome.

But the difficulty lies in the word "mutual trust".Who knows if your words are true or false?Wouldn't it be a lifelong regret to be deceived by this simple trick and lose a great opportunity.

As long as you can't fully trust your side's rhetoric, even if you know that there is a [-]% or [-]% possibility of being true, and you only have a little hesitation, in the face of the great opportunity to meet the ancestors of the peacock clan, anyone will make a desperate decision.

If this point can be resolved, then this seemingly absurd "negotiation" is not impossible.

Unexpectedly, Kong Xuan hesitated for a while, raised her head, and said seriously: "I believe what you said is true. However, I, Kong Xuan, also have a secret technique. If I am willing to pay a certain price, it is enough to easily kill this 'five' Huo Kui Niu'. So. I can't give in!"

Gui Wugui nodded slowly.Since the negotiation fails, the only option is to use the sixth "Kong Yun Nian Sword" to compete with Kong Xuan's confident secret method.

"Wait a minute!"

Regardless of blame, Kong Xuan was startled by the scream.

The one who made the sound was naturally the little blacksmith.It's just that he pronounces it now with the body of "Xie Yuzhen", and his voice is naturally high-pitched.

The little blacksmith felt ashamed when he saw that the fantastic idea he had put forward failed to achieve success.In desperation, he made another plan.

Running in front of Kong Xuan, the little blacksmith said in an old-fashioned way: "I see that you are young, and your journey is smooth sailing. What do you want to do when you have the opportunity to meet the ancestor of the clan? This fellow Taoist Kong Ming, who is also knowledgeable It is extremely extraordinary. If it is convenient, you might as well tell the question you asked the Holy Ancestor, if it happens that Fellow Daoist Kong Ming can help you solve it, wouldn't it save a big opportunity?"

Gui Wujiu secretly marveled, after this field hunting meeting, he must carefully investigate one or two reasons why the little blacksmith's thinking became more agile.

However, the method proposed by the little blacksmith is quite feasible.I am responsible for a lot of knowledge of the nine civilizations, and the local monastic community regards it as a problem, and it may not be impossible to solve it.

Kong Xuan didn't answer when she heard the words, she seemed to be in a daze.Then gradually bent down, hugged his legs tightly, not knowing what he was thinking about.

After a few more breaths, a blush rose on both cheeks, and a pair of watery eyes also glowed, and she couldn't help chuckling, as if she was having a sweet dream.

Seeing this, the little blacksmith said in amazement, "Little girl, thinking of spring?"

As if he had found some treasure, the little blacksmith jumped up excitedly, and said loudly: "Could it be that you want to ask the ancestors of your clan, who is your wishful gentleman?"

"It's not easy? It's far away in the sky, but it's close in front of your eyes. Do you think this fellow Taoist Kong Ming is suitable? He is handsome and talented, and he is rare in this world. If you can marry him, you are still on the top... ..."

He turned his head and shouted loudly: "No blame, congratulations on finding another Taoist partner..."

Gui Wugui was ridiculous, and was about to stop the little blacksmith from messing around.However, Kong Xuan rolled her eyes and said: "This is a big plan of the clan, not just my business. As for him—"

"Although it can be seen that it is a person. But his understanding of Taoism is deeper than mine, so it is destined to be impossible."

This time, Gui Wujiu and the little blacksmith looked at each other in astonishment.

What Kong Xuan is looking for is really looking for a husband-in-law?

The little blacksmith also saw a clue, so he made nonsense.At this time, seeing that I had expected it, I regained my spirits and applauded again and again.Suddenly, she lowered her body again, stared at Kong Xuan's lower abdomen, and said loudly: "I don't know if you will be pregnant in the future, will you give birth to a fetus, or lay a peacock egg?" Feeling more and more curious in a trance, she wanted to reach out to touch it.

Kong Xuan let out a "humph", stood up immediately, and kicked the little blacksmith with a flying kick.

(End of this chapter)

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