Chapter 779

Dark Stone Xuanzong.

On a semi-circular dojo, eight Nascent Soul Realm monks were divided into four groups in pairs.

Two of them are on the left, sitting cross-legged, practicing profound arts silently.It can be seen faintly that there is purple air coming out through the body, attracting the rising and falling of the essence of the sun, and connecting with the breath.

There are another two pairs on the right, separated by about six or seven li, each using divine channeling skills, it seems that they are competing for skills.Turning vertically and horizontally, from time to time there is a clear light and sharp sword flying forward.But the four performers on the left stood still, like a rock.

A movement and a stillness complement each other.

On the high platform, an old man in green robe watched intently.His beard and hair were all white, and his face was heavily wrinkled.But between the eyes looking forward, they seemed to be full of determination and smug.

This old man is in charge of Anshi Xuanzong, Fuyaozi.Now he has three or four thousand years of life, and his meritorious deeds have already reached the state of separation and reunion.He has traveled hundreds of thousands of miles far and near, but he is also well-known and rarely meets opponents.

According to past practice, Xuanzong is first-class, already a very large-scale sect, equivalent to the Shinto Dynasty.The practice of Jindan and Nascent Soul Realm disciples is not to be taken care of personally.

But in recent years, times have changed.

The ancestral court of the holy religion has two religions and eight sects, and has established a charter.From each Xuanzong down, the method of "sorting" was implemented.

All the disciples of the next sect need to be assessed three times at the time of entry, at the time of forming the alchemy, and after forming the Nascent Soul, so as not to miss any talents with outstanding aptitude, and then they will be summarized in the eight sects of the Second Biography.

The Daoist originally has yin and yang, has body and usefulness, has emptiness and reality, and has a solitary peak, but it should also have a pillar foundation.

Because Gui Wujiu and others appeared on the side of Yinzong and its allies, Shengjiao did not gain the upper hand in the first two tentative battles.However, according to estimates by the Holy Cult side, in the second half of the contest, its territory, population, and the size of the seeds of enlightenment are far superior.If you can give full play to your strengths, it will not be difficult to regain the situation.

Needless to say, the rise and fall of Taoism is determined by the top group of people. Thousands of troops are easy to get, but one general is hard to find.But now in the actual competition, it is another matter.Gui Wujiu and the others, before they achieved Renjie Daozun, they were not enough to control the strength comparison between the two sides.

Every seed that is expected to achieve a shortcut has the potential to become a good fighting force.

A year ago, I heard that Tianji Xuanzong and Yining Xuanzong in the extreme south were selected and passed the test.It is said that it will be cultivated by the Shangzong, and there is great hope that it will become Tianxuan Shangzhen in the future.The mastery of those two sects also received extremely heavy rewards.

This is also the reason why Fuyaozi is so caring.Now Xuanzong of the Dark Stone also has two disciples. After breaking through the Nascent Soul, it seems that they have been enlightened, and their comprehension has grown by leaps and bounds.

Now these two are exactly one of the two pairs of martial arts fighters, the fierce battle is very fierce, and it is hard to distinguish them from each other.

Fuyaozi was preparing to speak, and the professor pointed out his strengths and weaknesses, when he heard a "bang" burst in his ears, which was extremely ear-piercing.

When his thoughts were interrupted, Fu Yaozi hurriedly turned his head to look; but when he looked, his complexion changed drastically.

He clearly saw a triple green hall leaning against the foot of the mountain, a big hole suddenly burst open on the roof of the main hall!
Dark Stone Xuanzong, Fuyuan Secret Mansion.

This "Fuyuan Secret Mansion" has another popular name, but it is actually similar to the Sutra Pavilion of ordinary sects.

After a breath, I heard screams again and again, twenty-five or six disciples of the Dark Stone Xuanzong flew upside down, or two or three miles, or five or six miles, fell to the ground.It's just that at any rate, it's all beards and tails, and it hasn't been poisoned.

Fuyaozi's heart trembled, he had already taken out several magic weapons, held them in his sleeves, and was ready to launch them at any time.

The Fuyuan Secret Mansion is one of the six most important places in the sect. In addition to being protected by the extraordinary forbidden formation, there are also four monks of the late stage of Huashen as guards, and twenty-four monks of the late stage of Yuanying are guards, carefully protecting them.

But it is clear that these guards and guards are not the enemies of the incoming people.

What's more, since the other party dared to make it clear that they would attack a family of Xuanzong, they would have nothing to worry about if they also had the cultivation base of the separation and reunion state.

It was too late and then soon, this figure came out of the cave, it seemed that the whole body was just shrouded in a layer of extremely subtle white smoke, and it was hard to see the description.

But when he sensed the opponent's aura, Fu Yaozi couldn't help being surprised.

It seems... a Nascent Soul cultivator?

"Leave it!"

Fu Yaozi was sure.

Before the words were finished, green and yellow glows appeared in the palm of his hand one after another. He breathed in and out like a ring, seemingly slow but fast, and immediately wanted to cover the uninvited guest, as if he couldn't fly with his wings.



But at the next moment, Fu Yaozi was surprised.

The mysterious guest covered by the white light suddenly formed a chakra of Qi under his feet, and he was very excited.The speed of escape was unbelievably high; in an instant, he broke through the trapped situation of Fuyaozi's triumphant supernatural power "two cloud rings".

With the momentum of the five great turns, the mysterious guest jumped in the air like a dragonfly on water, and each leap would be hundreds of miles away.

Not only that, this strange Taoism seems to be completely different from any of the two major lineages of the Holy Cult and the Yinzong. It seems to be spontaneous, novel and unique.

Fu Yaozi paused and sighed.After watching for a long time, I returned sadly.

Such a wonderful escape method, whether it is a supernatural power or a treasure, is ultimately beyond his reach.

But he didn't intend to care about the mysteries of Taoism at this time, and finding out the losses in the door was the top priority.

If there is a flaw in the fundamental classics of this sect, he, the Dark Stone Xuanzong, will be in charge, and he will be able to do it.

Thinking of this, Fu Yaozi was in a bad mood.

In fact, such an important place as the Fuyuan Secret Mansion should be guarded by a Buxu Realm elder in the door.It's just because Fu Yaozi used to practice here in the past, and with him as the head of the sect, the rest of the manpower doesn't have to be too heavy.I don't want to make a mistake now, but it has become a flaw.

He failed in his pursuit of merit, but instead caused a commotion.

After fifteen or six breaths, Fuyaozi returned to the door.Before the door, two middle-aged monks in blue robes and gold belts stepped forward to plead guilty.

Both of them are at the Buxu Realm, and they are obviously quite senior elders in the Dark Stone Xuanzong.

Fu Yaozi calmed down his mood, and said solemnly: "How? What was stolen, just report it. In short, the old man will be responsible for it."

The blue-robed cultivator on the left, with a trace of rejoicing on his face, quickly replied: "Don't worry, the Master Master. The eight classics and the four treasures are all safe. Song X checked and found that only one piece was missing. It's just 'Fengyun Wall'."

Fu Yaozi was very surprised when he heard this.After a long time, thinking of the cultivation of the unexpected guest, a look of relief floated on his face.


Three days later, it was fifty-four thousand miles away from Dark Stone Xuanzong.

On a mountain top that is not very high but has steep slopes, there is a tall and straight young monk in a gray robe facing south independently, holding a stone in his palm, his eyes drooping, as if his mind is immersed in it.

About half an hour later, he exhaled lightly, slowly opened his eyes, and seemed to be muttering to himself.

"No blame...Qin Menglin...Yu Gucheng...Yu Ion...Wei Qingqi...Master Li, Xi Zhenzi...Xun Shen, Kong Xuan, Lu Chengwen..."

"Sure enough, it is worthy of the title of 'big world'."

This person is no one else——

It was the first descendant of the original Martial Dao who Jiang Minyi and his party escaped from the Martial Realm ahead of time, and Xi Lerong was the same.

He decided to walk alone in Ziwei's big world, and reshape the opportunities of Qi, luck, heart, and art.

Xi Lerong doesn't mind who gets the title of the so-called "Child of Destiny" in martial arts; but that failure in the real world must be ended.

He was the one who committed the robbery case of Anshi Xuanzong three days ago.

As for what he got - it was a small stone in the palm of his hand.

After escaping into the world of Ziwei, in just seven days, Xi Lerong roughly adapted to the changes in his aura, changed his appearance, just like when Gui Wugui escaped into the martial arts.

Then, it is to broaden your knowledge and pick up news.

At this time, quite some time has passed since the battle of Yin-Yang Cave and Heaven, and the first battle of the turbid and pure elephant.The top geniuses who were kept secret in the past and were truly independent, all surfaced one by one, and were talked about in the Taoist circle.

However, it has been spread for a long time, and it is naturally distorted; the more it is said, the more mysterious it is, so that it is absurd.

Xi Lerong decided to ask for a real letter.

Under the open and unannounced visits, Xi Lerong finally found out.In the Holy Cult, up to the first class of Xuanzong, each has a "Fengyun Wall" - in fact, this object is a synonym for "Shading Stone", but it has only undergone special sacrifices.

The content in it is exactly the specific picture of the battle between the yin and yang caves and the battle between the pure and turbid mysteries.

Spreading this stone among various Xuanzongs has two functions of encouragement and selection.Those who are cultivated in the Nascent Soul Realm can only break the key to the closed door of this wall if their foundation is very strong; verb: move.

If you get this thing, you can find out the details of these extremely famous people.

Fortunately, Xi Lerong made some inquiries and found that the place he traveled around happened to be close to a sect named Anshi Xuanzong, which belongs to the Ziqi Taoist Sect sequence among the Eight Great Dao Sects of Shengjiao.After spending a little time, Xi Lerong made a decisive move after figuring out the supernatural powers of monk Clutch, and succeeded in one fell swoop without any surprises.

Xi Lerong judged in his heart that the true direct descendants of the two sects of the Holy Religion, Master Li, Xi Zhenzi, Xun Shen, Lu Chengwen and others, although they are rare in martial arts.But they seem to be slightly inferior to him; only Gui Wujiu, Qin Menglin, Yu Gucheng, Yu Zi, and Wei Qingqi are five people, and they are all mysterious and unpredictable.If you compete with the other generation, it seems that the gap is extremely small.

With a broad mind and vision, Xi Lerong suddenly felt heroic, like drinking wine.

Just when he was full of vigor, there was a ray of light in the distance, coming straight to the top of the mountain.

The escaping light was extremely fast, but within a blink of an eye, the visitor had already landed in front of him, facing Xi Lerong face to face.

In fact, it would not be too late for Xi Lerong to raise the "five qi chakras" to avoid it; but he had a clear sense in an instant, and concluded that the person who came was definitely not from the Dark Stone Xuanzong, so he chose to wait and see what happened.

Take a look.

The person who came here was all gold, and his stature was very burly, but his face was not clear——

It's just that the whole body of the person is hidden in a strange sphere about the size of Zhang Xu, whether it is a "mask" or a "bubble".

Such as magic weapons or supernatural powers such as body protection, once activated, they will condense into the shape of a light mask or bubbles to protect one's body, which is actually very common.However, it is unheard of to apply this method on the body like putting on clothes before fighting.

At first glance, it seems unconventional.

After looking at it for a while, Xi Lerong suddenly had a strange intuition: It seems that the small bubble is like a "real martial arts domain" that has shrunk countless times, delimiting one person and dividing two realms.

The two people, who had never met before, just stared at each other for a quarter of an hour.

Each of them has curiosity in their eyes.

Although Xi Lerong had the state of mind that the landslide was in front of him and the face remained unchanged, he couldn't hide his surprise at this time.

Although the face of the visitor was vague, he was clearly a Nascent Soul cultivator.

What's even more amazing is that through this ridiculously small mask, Xi Lerong keenly senses that this person's way of life is so deep and his foundation is so deep that he seems not to be inferior to him!
Attribution without blame is old knowledge not to mention.Qin, Yu, and Wei have seen their true faces in the wind and cloud wall.Even the "Jade Ion" who has never met and manifested the golden armor, although the real face is still unknown, but with Xi Lerong's Taoism, after a ray of Dependent Origination, although it cannot be determined, but it can be determined. Don't tell me what's wrong.

This person's aura is completely different from that of the jade ion.

For a moment, Xi Lerong was really in a trance—could it be that in Ziwei's big world, people like himself, Gui Wujiu, Jiang Minyi, etc., could also emerge in endlessly among the grass?
When the person in the bubble met, he also seemed very surprised.After looking at it for a long time, he suddenly came back to his senses and said with great interest, "Who are you?"

Xi Lerong said in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

After looking around, the person in the bubble seemed to smile, and said: "Your Excellency, don't get me wrong. I didn't come to find you on purpose. Well... Speaking of which, I was also bored for a while, so I came out to get some air. But I happen to have a supernatural power. If I have People whose basic luck is no less than mine appear within a million miles, and they feel it in their hearts."

"I am happy for a while, and I also said that fate is ingenious. Except for that very annoying person... It would be a wonderful thing to meet one of Fellow Daoist Gui, Fellow Daoist Qin, Fellow Daoist Yu, and Fellow Daoist Wei. But I never expected that, Given the size of the Ziwei Great World, there are heroes that cannot be hidden."

Xi Lerong was startled when he heard this.These words are exactly what he thinks in his heart.

The person in the bubble stared at Xi Lerong carefully, and seemed to be happier the more he watched.Suddenly he slapped his palm, and said loudly: "I have a little sister, who is also rare in appearance and bearing, and Daoji's fortune is also very profound. Compared with me, it is only a half-line difference. It's just that her vision is too high to see I am a mediocre person, so I haven't found a Taoist partner so far. I think...Your Excellency is very suitable."

"How do you like it?"

Xi Lerong frowned.

If it weren't for the fact that the human behavior was shocking, he would almost suspect that this person was insane.He said: "Your Excellency's words are a little too shallow. As for Lingmei... I don't seem to be blessed to accept it."

The person in the bubble laughed, and said: "Your Excellency and I hit it off right away, and we can't call it the word 'friendship'. Isn't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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