Chapter 780
Only to hear the person in the bubble say again: "In the vast world, there are very few friends. It's so lucky to meet a fellow Taoist. Dare to ask the friend's name?"

Since he repeated the old story, Xi Lerong did not go around in circles with him anymore, and said frankly: "Xi Lerong."

"Xi Lerong..."

The person in the bubble murmured in a low voice, thoughtful.

After a long time, he saw Xi Lerong staring directly at him, he couldn't help but startled.After thinking about it, I suddenly realized, and said repeatedly: "Reciprocity is the right thing to do. I'm..."

Having said that, it stopped abruptly.

After a while, the person frowned and apologized: "It's not that I concealed it on purpose. It's just my real name, and no outsider can understand the truth. I'm afraid that fellow Taoists won't understand what it means when I tell you about it."

Xi Lerong smiled lightly, making excuses.

The person in the bubble muttered to himself: "Fellow Daoist Xi reminded me. Walking outside, you should do as the Romans do, and have a name."

Xi Lerong pondered for a while, and from the meaning of these words, it was obvious that this person did not come from an active force in Ziwei Great World.

After a few breaths, the man seemed to show a smile, and said: "The name is easy to get... I am interested. But where did this surname come from... Yes. The first time I entered this world, I saw it. A plum tree seven feet high. Then take 'Li' as the surname."

It seemed that a big problem had been solved, the person in the bubble was very happy, bowed solemnly, and said loudly: "My surname is Li and my name is Yunlong. Fellow Daoist Xi is very polite."

Seeing Xi Lerong's face that looked like a smile but not a smile, "Li Yunlong" immediately said: "Although it is not his real name, it is actually better than his real name when used here. Besides, Daoist Xi is the first person in the world to know this name. In the future, "Li Yunlong" will Famous broadcaster Liu Yijie is still today’s Yuanshi. In this way, isn’t there a great fate between you and me? Regarding the matter of getting married, you might as well ask Fellow Daoist Xi to think carefully about it.”

While talking, I don't know if it was because "Li Yunlong" gave his name, the hazy mask immediately became clear and transparent.

Xi Lerong took a closer look.

"Li Yunlong" was dressed in a tight-fitting gray robe, his face was tall and straight, and his bones were exquisite, it goes without saying; there is another strange thing——

If one is engrossed in seeing the truth, and compares it accurately with one's own Dao heart, it is actually not difficult to discern: the stature of this "Li Yunlong" is only roughly the same as his own.But at first glance, this person will give others an illusion, as if he is extremely tall and majestic.

With Xi Lerong's realm, it is quite rare to teach him to judge inaccurate people and things without using any divine channeling skills.

Li Yunlong seems to be quite a talkative person, eloquent on the spot, talking to Xi Lerong about anecdotes and strange things in the southeast and northwest, or comments on Gui, Qin, Yu, Wei and others - obviously, he has also seen such things as "Fengyunbi" A class of things.

For someone like Li Yunlong who is so chattering and distracted, Xi Lerong definitely has no time to talk to him.But for the sake of his superb humanism, he is willing to accompany him.Even if you can get a foot in the door, it's good.

Just like this, we chatted for a while.

But both of them are very shrewd, whenever they talk about their respective origins, they cover up the past without any trace.

In the blink of an eye, two quarters of an hour passed.

Li Yunlong suddenly said: "I want to come to Xi's fellow Taoist to practice Taoism. The brilliance is not inferior to Gui Wujiu and others. Li's itching is unbearable, and I wish to watch it."

After finishing speaking, he winked at Xi Lerong.

Li Yunlong was smiling at the corner of his mouth at this time, his eyes flicked like lightning, his upper body shook slightly, waiting for Xi Lerong's feedback.

According to Li Yunlong's thinking, since meeting opponents at chess and meeting good talents, apart from showing sympathy for each other, there should always be a two-pointed ambition to compete for supremacy.However, every time he mentioned Huatou just now, Xi Lerong avoided it intentionally or unintentionally.

Therefore, Li Yunlong simply pointed it out.

Xi Lerong frowned slightly.

He is also suffering.

If you use the "Martial Dao Dragon Talisman" and rely on the means in martial arts to decide the victory, even if you win, you will be invincible, and you will expose your identity in vain; but if you do as the Romans do, it is not beautiful.

The subtlety of Xi Lerong's Taoism is far superior to that of Yamashiro Hiroshi and others.The supernatural powers are manifested by the method of fake hands, and the combat power is complete and complete, which is far beyond the reach of the martial arts seven who go without blame and Jiang Minyi travels.

The difference between the two, for example, is like the gap between pure gold and thousand pure gold.

But even if it is "thousand pure gold", after all, it is not a real perfect conversion, and there will be a slight loss in the end.

If this "Li Yunlong" is really similar to his own realm, then if he hastily competes, if he loses due to this slight difference, it will be very unfavorable to his own Dao Xin fortune.

For a generation of arrogance like Xi Lerong, there is no such thing as a "crime other than war", a defeat is a defeat.

After the setback between reality and illusion, Xi Lerong did not allow himself to fail again.

When Li Yunlong observed his words, he seemed to have a three-point understanding, and suddenly smiled and said: "Since that's the case, it's okay to fight for strength."

Hearing this, Xi Lerong raised his head slightly.

If it's pure fighting power, he can indeed use [-]% of his strength without leaking his roots; and he has a clear advantage over immortal cultivators.

Li Yunlong was so whimsical that he happened to hit the iron plate.

Xi Lerong's expression changed from dark to bright, full of energy, how could Li Yunlong not see it.Immediately he laughed, waved his sleeves, and there was a square omentum, three or four zhang high vertically and horizontally, appearing between the two of them for no reason.

If it is similar to a water curtain, this "membrane" cannot be said to be clear and clear, but a little hazy; if it is rice paper and silk gauze, it seems to be less light.

Stretching across the sky, undulating gracefully, with Xi Lerong's ability, it seems that he can't tell whether it is a magic weapon or a supernatural power in a hurry.

Li Yunlong said loudly: "Fellow Daoist, be careful."

Immediately make a gesture with the right palm and push gently.The light mask seems to have an inexplicable connection with this layer of film.Although this blow was launched within the air bubble, it was naturally applied to the omentum, without leaving a trace in the air.

Xi Lerong restrained his thoughts and concentrated his energy, and counterattacked in the same way.

The true force landed on the square omentum, and Xi Lerong immediately figured out the reality——

This is the hub of the struggle between the two sides.

In fact, this "omentum" is no different from the real thing.If too much force is applied, it will sag towards the other side.

Under normal circumstances, the fighting strength of the two sides does not need this object as a medium.

Xi Lerong guessed that this was because Li Yunlong had to use his means within the bubble right now, so he had to rely on this thing to thread the needle.

In fact, if the strategy of attacking the enemy must be saved, each of them concentrates their vast real power on one point in the retina, and you hit yours, and I hit mine, it seems to be okay; but the two sides have a tacit understanding, it seems that they must There is a real high and low, so all the same forces are scattered around, so that the medium between the two is evenly stressed.

At the very beginning, Li Yunlong took the first step, and the omentum seemed to move slightly half an inch in the direction of Xi Lerong.

But after two or three breaths, as Xi Lerong's martial arts strength was completely released, his body vibrated, and the situation was immediately reversed.

This is the field that Xi Lerong is best at, even if he wins, he will not be proud of it.Immediately I thought in my heart, as long as it is more than one inch, I will accept it as soon as it is good, and I don't have to be too unreasonable.

But at this moment, Xi Lerong suddenly realized—even though he had nothing to hold back, this layer of omentum stopped at the center line, like two armies confronting each other, but they never moved a bit.

At the same time, there seemed to be a flash of lightning in Xi Lerong's mind, and a thought reversed, and it was already a sea of ​​vicissitudes.

When Li Yunlong chose such a fighting method, Xi Lerong knew that he was invincible.

But right now, Xi Lerong had a thought: It seemed that no matter how hard he tried, he could only maintain an undefeated situation; if he wanted to win, it was absolutely impossible.

The same is the word "unbeaten", not weaker than others and at most keeping the same level, one up and one down, what a world of difference.

Both of them know how to measure, but they will not be stalking.After entangled like this for about a quarter of an hour, each of them knew that it was hard to tell the winner, so they agreed to slowly withdraw their strength.

Inside the bubble, Li Yunlong applauded three times, and sighed: "Inadvertently, I met the longest part of Fellow Daoist Xi; it is very unfortunate."

It's hard to tell whether this sentence is self-humility or pride.

Xi Lerong frowned, and said: "Your Excellency has not lost, why are you so emotional?"

Li Yunlong nodded again and again, as if he deserved it, and said calmly: "Exactly. It stands to reason that in this field of competition, you should be a little better than me; but today you really can't beat me; at most you can only get one It's a draw. Can Fellow Daoist Xi know the reason?"

Xi Lerong remained calm and said quietly: "What's your opinion, fellow Daoist Li?"

Li Yunlong said with a smile: "If my expectations are correct, fellow daoist Xi is also a guest from a foreign land, right? According to Li, fellow daoist regards this world as a treasure mountain for seeking opportunities."

"It stands to reason that this idea is not bad; but invisibly, it has formed a distinction between subject and object. The limit of combat power of fellow Taoists has also constituted a constraint unconsciously."

Xi Lerong was shocked and raised his head suddenly.

This "Li Yunlong", who has a mysterious and unpredictable origin, has so far said some inconspicuous words.There is only this sentence, which breaks the maze with one word, and every word is very important.

Xi Lerong looked back and thought about it.After escaping into the Ziwei Great World, he mainly seeks opportunities.But when you are in a foreign place, your style of doing things will naturally become rigorous and prudent, and you will act according to your plans.There is no other reason—the Ziwei Great World is much larger than the Realm of Martial Arts.

The unknown variable is also much greater!
But in this way, living in a guest place, it seems that every step is correct, but in fact it is not as calm as before.

After breaking through the maze, Xi Lerong's vigor and vigor immediately returned to the peak; it was like pulling out a sharp knife, breaking through everything.

The mind is like a knife, and the situation is judged at the time.

Xi Lerong immediately realized something in his heart——

This "Li Yunlong" is definitely not really a person who has lost track of his appearance, talking to himself about the truth.No matter how much he guessed about his own origin, what he said just now must have the truth.

He can fight himself to a tie in terms of strength, and he also has reality to rely on.Although what just said is extremely reasonable, it is also an excuse.

Xi Lerong immediately said: "According to Li Daoyou, how to act in this big world is the best way?"

A smile suddenly appeared on Li Yunlong's face, as if he was approving, but also as if his plot had succeeded.Seriously said: "Simple. It's nothing more than two words—"


"Whether it's the host or the guest, there must always be one thought in mind - even if there are countless romantic figures in this vast realm, it should be my master who rises and falls."

"Decades later, there will be a turbulent meeting, is Daoist Xi interested?"

(End of this chapter)

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