Chapter 795
When Gui Wublai borrowed the magic door, he made repeated decisions and was cautious.

But today, when he found out the details of the strange object Huang Xiyin used to form the pill, he didn't feel too much pressure to blame him, on the contrary he took it calmly.

Many subtle signs are connected in series, and Gui Wugui has long expected Huang Xiyin's origin.The way she is doing now is very likely to be the best choice she is destined for in this life.

Hearing Gui Wujiu's joking words, Shentu Longshu squinted his eyes, his body was full of pure devil energy, and he was only half an inch away from violently attacking.

But he turned his head and saw Mo Tianqing resting his chin on his right hand, thoughtfully, and said in a wooden voice: "Junior Brother Mo, under the 'Three Rings Fixed Karma', is there any emptiness? Don't worry too much."

Mo Tianqing's mental thoughts seemed to hold for a moment, and then he said with a smile: "What brother said is true. Maybe I misunderstood it and got into a dead end."

Since Shentu Longshu and Mo Tianqing have known each other for decades, they also have some understanding of this Holy Son of the Falling Spring Sect.

He is treacherous and unpredictable, his mind is insightful, and his actions are unexpected.In particular, knowing people and predicting enemies has unique skills.Looking at his expression just now, he obviously thinks that based on his understanding of Gui Wujiu, since he can utter joking words so calmly, it is very likely that the "Pearl of Xiangmo" is really not in Gui Wujiu.

For such a view, Shen Tu Longshu was noncommittal.But he looked at it from a higher perspective, under the "three-ring fixed karma" of the magic way of divination and algorithm, there is really no one else to be found except blameless.You don't have to stick to the rest of the details.

Immortal Dao, Martial Dao, Witch Dao, Yin-Yang Dao, Demon Dao, and Yaozu's divination methods have their own strengths and weaknesses.

But now, one of the most powerful divination methods obtained by the four major demon sects is known as the "three-ring fixed karma", and it seeks to obtain "falling fate and root fruit".

This method takes the cause and effect between two people as a link, and counts the number of head-to-head transmissions.A and B are closely related and do not need to rely on others, so they are called "one ring"; Called "Second Ring", and so on.

The power of this method of "three rings to determine karma" lies in the fact that it is extremely difficult to hide any concealment method if the things that are tied to it are within the third ring.But the deficiency of this method is also very obvious, if it is not in the third ring, hidden in the sea of ​​people, then it is very difficult to deduce.

It may be said that a well-known ascetic has more than hundreds of millions of acquaintances and related people.It is said that the "three rings" are connected, but in fact, almost everyone who may touch it is enveloped in it.

This is not true.

It is not that two people know each other, know each other's names, or have met face to face, they are called "one ring"; there must be a big cause and effect such as life and death, honor and disgrace, success and destruction, love and hatred.

Taking Shentu Longshu and Mo Tianqing as an example, there are only a dozen or so people who have formed a direct connection and have a "first ring" relationship since they entered the Tao.

Between Gui Wujiu and Mo Tianqing, although it was only a one-time relationship.However, the two secretly exchanged the most superior skills of the magic way, which has a great influence on the growth of their respective paths, so they are also included in the "one ring".

Back then, Baoshuzong invited Nagading Great Demon Venerable, and after clarifying the cause and effect, Shentu Longshu asked——If others take away the phase demon pearl, what should I do?
The Great Demon Venerable Naga Ding replied—although the Demon Venerable already had someone he liked.But if the predestined relationship changes, it will naturally go with the flow.

At the beginning, everyone only said angry words at this time and didn't mind.Could it be that Shentu Longshu really wanted to snatch it?

But after a lapse of three to five days, the holy sons of all the sects came back to think about it, and they all had their own thoughts.It seems that there is some possibility of recapturing the Xiangmo Zhenzhu and achieving the true biography of immortality.

With the attitude of giving it a try, everyone used the method of "three rings to determine karma" for deduction.

The Nianhua, Liushui, and Baoshu sects passed on to the next generation, but all failed.

Not only Mo Tianqing here, but it really came true.Those who get the "Magic Phase Pearl" are within Mo Tianqing's third-ring predestined relationship.

It was also because Mo Tianqing didn't hold much expectation, so when Mo Tianqing practiced, he didn't keep it secret.Not long after, the news became known to all four.Shentu Longshu came over, Mo Tianqing had no choice but to agree.If not, what happened today might have been secretly planned by the Luoquanzong family to achieve Mo Tianqing's great opportunity.

Under the close investigation of the four sects, Mo Tianqing was among more than a thousand people in the third circle, and only Gui Wugui was the most consistent, let alone him.

Just now.

Shentu Longshu's left palm joined Mo Tianqing's right palm.

In the palms of the two of them, a little brilliance the size of a grain of rice appeared, so soft and weak, it was like the light of a firefly.

With just this brilliance, there will be a change in the future in a short while!

Before that, although there was an image of smog and dust at dusk, it restricted the vision to a radius of three to five miles, as if it was a brilliant trap.But Gui Wugui didn't take it too seriously.Now following the two people's practice, the dome above the head suddenly turns into colorful rainbow colors, winding and flowing, back and forth indefinitely, covering the sky.

Barrier seals are not as brilliant; glass masks are not as solid.

Between the inside and the outside, there is a sharp distinction; it is far away, unreachable, and unreachable, like a cage of void, forever cut off.

In Guiwugui Nawu Precept, there is a clear "ding" sound from something; feel it with your heart, it is exactly "swallowing twin beads".

The sound of the treasure groaning softly has a very obvious meaning - in this glazed land boundary, this space magic weapon, even the Tianxuan Shangzhen is hard to detect the weapon of fighting skills, and it is temporarily unusable.

At the same time, Gui Wugui's heart is clear.If he is like the peacock clan, with first-class means to open up space passages, it will most likely fail at this moment.

The two clapped their hands so casually, and the appearance presented was quite limited, but it could exert such an astonishing effect, it was really unimaginable.

Gui Wugui thought about it and thought it was wonderful, he nodded slightly and said: "What a clever method."

Shentu Longshu saw that he was innocent and unruffled in danger, his eyes trembled slightly, and he said calmly: "This is not the means of my two supernatural powers. This place is tens of thousands of miles wide, and the formation will move when standing. It's not because of him, but because the place is just me. It is also the "Land of Fate" that has been passed down from ancient times by the magic way. It is consistent with the divination method, and it is called "Fate of Falling Roots and Fruits".

"Fellow Daoist, you are hard to fly; there is only one battle."

Gui Wujiu nodded secretly in his heart, it was indeed the result of external interference.

It's just that it is slightly different from Gui Wujiu's prediction. The reason here is not exactly the same as that of the Dachang Dynasty's Shiwanlian Caves.

It's not that the magic powers can see through the past and the future, reverse time and space, and calculate that there will be mysterious treasures born here.This place is known as the "Land of Destiny", and its meaning is to meet the right person at the right time and at the right place according to the fortune-telling person's desire for "three-ring fixed karma".

The so-called "place of fate" is one of the pre-prepared "places".

Even if there is no blame, there may be another magic monk who met another "right person" here because of his desire.

The reason is more like waiting for a rabbit; but which kind of rabbit it is, but there is no definite number.

Gui Wugui changed his mind.

Although the ordinary space methods are all sealed by this secret place, and it is absolutely impossible to even transmit messages, the image of himself in his heart is still very clear.When I looked back and looked inside, I saw that the statue's eyes were shining brightly, and it was obvious that communication was not hindered.

With this heavy guarantee, I still have no worries about advancing and retreating.

At the moment when the sword was on the verge of breaking out, the man in silver fir on the left side suddenly opened his mouth and said: "You set up a false name and have dealt with our clan for tens of thousands of years. Only recently did you show your true face. I know you are very sincere. But—if you only invite yourself to come to the theater, why should you invite me?"

The object of his speech is naturally Shentu Longshu and Mo Tianqing.

It can be seen that although these three people came together, their relationship is not as close as imagined.

Mo Tianqing's eyes rolled slightly, and he "retired" from the urgent state of the moment of battle, and said happily: "Friend Daoist Lin, do you want to make a move?"

The man in the silver shirt said, "That's natural."

When this person speaks, his voice is very warm and pleasant.If you can see his essence clearly, but feel that he is very indifferent.

Shentu Longshu was very determined to fight at first, it seemed that he couldn't hold back his desire to attack; but at this moment when he saw the silver-robed man proposing to fight, he jumped back without any hesitation.

Although there is no promise in words, the action has already explained everything.

On the contrary, Mo Tianqing was slightly lost in thought before following Shentu Longshu's pace and avoiding it more than ten miles away.

The silver-robed man met Gui Wugui's eyes.

Before Gui Wujiu could open his mouth, the silver-robed man spoke first: "Gui Wujiu... Thirty years ago, I met Yu Ion."

Gui Wugui smiled and said, "Dare to ask your friend's name."

The silver-robed man seemed very dissatisfied with Gui Wugui breaking his pace of speech, and frowned slightly.But after a little thought, he still replied, "Lin Yi."

Gui Wujiu nodded slowly, and said, "So it's Fellow Daoist Lin."

Lin Yi said: "He beat me slightly, but not by much. So, I should have the strength to fight with you."

Gui Wugui remained silent, still enjoying leisure time.

Lin Yi said calmly: "I only met him once. My clan has never had any friendship with other clans. This kind of fighting is not beneficial to me. I have nothing to do with the power of others. I also have the reason for it." If you can see the fire clearly - I think he won't share any benefits with me after learning about today's battle."

"But—unfortunately, today's opportunity, I can't give up."

There is no beginning and no end to these words, if people who don't understand hear it, they will be confused.

But Gui Wugui understood it completely.

Yu ion had fought against Gui Wujiu through incarnation; naturally they knew each other deeply.Even if there is no "Thirty-six Sons", we also know each other's foundation has reached the top, and we have made another step forward.

When Lin Yi and Yu Ion meet face to face, they can naturally know the realm of Gui Wugui's Taoism, which is slightly better than himself.


Lin Yi was born as a demon cultivator.

Therefore, even though Lin Yi knew that he was slightly inferior to Gui Wujiu in magical powers, he was still capable of fighting with the advantage of Yaoxiu's strength in the Nascent Soul Realm.In case of victory, it is not impossible.

Even if he wins, such a victory, but relying on external forces for a while, it is hard to say that it is too valuable for Lin Yi himself.But the blow to the fate of no blame is real; the victory or defeat is obvious, and there is no reason to speak of;The winners will only be other opponents who are at the same level as Gui Wujiu, such as Yu Ion and Yu Gu Cheng.


Who can resist the temptation to fight, or even win, against blame?
Although Gui Wujiu understood what he meant, his heart was as strong as iron and he did not waver.He just said indifferently: "Let's do it."

Lin Yi glanced into the distance, and said in a deep voice: "Then use all means to suppress the bottom of the box... False tricks and temptations can be saved."

As soon as the voice fell, he had personally practiced the true meaning of the words.

With Lin Yi's right arm raised.Its body is bright and faint, like the appearance of a supreme treasure; there are thousands of colorful clouds, reflecting all directions!

Peaceful and wonderful ideas, the realm of goodness, flow endlessly.

Gui Wugui was in a trance, already feeling the huge pressure——

As the saying goes, people like Rugui Wugui, Xuanyuan Huai, and Qin Menglin have hidden luck, and the general trend is mine.

But the so-called "luck of luck" is illusory and elusive after all. It is not something tangible and visible like Yuanguang, Dansha, and mana.

However, the method used by Lin Yi made his own "luck" so strong that it seemed to be confused with the essence and became a tangible image!With its Jiaxiang body, disasters and catastrophes are far away, and bad luck never comes.Fighting against him, unless he is defeated by absolute strength, if it is delayed to an uncertain long-term balance, no one in the world can be his opponent!
With such means, Gui Wugui finally guessed the origin of "Lin Yi".

(End of this chapter)

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