Chapter 796
Naturally auspicious and blessed with good fortune, this is the means of standing of the Qilin family.

Being able to fight against Lin Yi, the demon cultivator of the Qilin clan who is ranked eleventh and has completed his meritorious deeds, Gui Wujiu feels very much in his heart.

The advantage of the Yaozu's original strength cannot be underestimated.

When the Yinzong Zhuyoumeng performed the method, he fought against Ma Yuan from the Tianma clan.Although the ranking gap is not small, due to the strength of the monster race, in fact, Gui Wugui is only slightly better.

But it would be inappropriate to say that there is a slight difference in actual combat power between Gui Wujiu and Ma Yuan.It can be clearly seen in the battle between the turbid and pure elephants—a formidable enemy that Ma Yuan and several good players could not deal with together, but in the hands of Gui Wujiu, Qin Menglin, and Wei Qingqi, they each showed their special abilities and cleverly broke the game.

So how to measure the real gap between the two sides is really an intriguing topic.

At this moment, Lin Yi has already made a move.

With the flick of his four fingers, the four hues of blue, red, yellow and green are rendered in the air, and they are urgently near the side.

The calmness and calmness of the steps, as if with a wave of the hand, supernatural powers are immediately obtained, it can indeed be called a formidable enemy without blame.

Gui Wugui's eyes lit up.

He has seen many colorful and ever-changing supernatural powers.But this Lin Yi is truly unique.

As usual.No matter how fancy and colorful the magical means are, you can describe them as marvels, but in the end, they must be implemented in detail, with the magic power machine as the carrier.Unless it is like martial arts, straight forward and straight, using all the original strength; with this true strength as the foundation, the illusion of appearance is only the last step.

But Lin Yi's move can be called "visible but invisible".

It's not that his own qi mechanism manifests into the four colors of green, red, yellow and green; it's the pure "four colors" that appear in the air.It is ethereal and does not rely on any carrier.

It is like a giant pen hidden in the void, painted in four colors, using this ethereal thing as a means of attack.

Gui Wugui thought for a while, and greeted him with a blow.

At the level of Gui Wugui's Taoism, even if you fight in close quarters, it also coincides with the martial arts method.The strength of the muscles and bones is no less than the slightest lack of borrowing vitality.Now, through the opportunity of Wu Dao and his party, I have a deeper understanding of it.Huo looked at this strike as if it was a freehand stroke, but in fact, the endless charm hidden in it was completely equivalent to the transcendent blow that was consummated for a long time before it was released.

With this blow, it was in contact with Lin Yi's four-color virtual image in an instant.

There was a crisp sound like a broken shell.

The four-color phantom was neatly blocked.But Gui Wugui's body swayed, and he was faintly at a disadvantage.

Gui Wujiu was slightly surprised, he already knew the reason.

These ethereal "four colors" that seem to abandon the carrier of mana are not really not using mana; but they blend the two advantages of original power and mana into a "miracle".

When Gui Wujiu fought against Ma Yuan, Kong Xuan and others, he waited to measure the depth of the "two bowls of water".Gui Wugui was better in terms of pure mana and power; Ma Yuan and Kong Xuan were better in terms of brilliance.Both sides have their own advantages and disadvantages, and after a game, the winner will be determined.

But Lin Yi was able to confuse the two into one, forming ethereal "four hues", obliterating the difference between natural power and magic power.This point, even the incarnation of Yu Ion was not able to achieve it during the battle of Yin-Yang Dongtian.It shows that this is not a skill that Junyan in the demon cultivator can naturally display when he reaches the perfect state.

The first blow was settled, Lin Yi was certain.

Logically speaking, he was very determined - relying on his unrivaled talent among the Qilin clan, and his unparalleled cultivation base, he has already seen the ultimate step.Even if there are amazing talents in the big world, they are only at the same level, only slightly different from their own.

Coupled with the superiority of the demon clan's strength, apart from Yu Ion, who is also a demon cultivator, who else in the same realm is his opponent?

But Gui Wugui's reputation is too great, before the time of seeing and hearing it, who would dare to believe it?
Now it is finally confirmed that after the two forces are combined into one, it is my own morality and deeds that are higher!Under Lin Yi's happy mood, the seemingly substantial and peaceful "Qi Luck" once again increased by more than [-]% to [-]%.At the same time, the method of "four hues" became more and more intense, like ink being splashed in the air.Layer upon layer, the momentum is getting more and more compelling.

Gui Wugui made a move to block, and he had to retreat hundreds of steps with every blow, to let go of his strength.

I am used to seeing the confrontation between tangible energy, this confrontation between the invisible "color" and the tangible "fist" is very uncomfortable at first glance.But after realizing the truth, Shentu Longshu and Mo Tianqing, who were watching the battle from afar, also felt that it was very enlightening.Unknowingly, he abandoned the idea of ​​the enemy and himself, rested his chin in meditation, and delved into the mystery.

Gui Wujiu is in the midst of the battle, but his thoughts move like a wheel.

With the clarity of his Dao heart, the experience of the world is like a sharp knife cutting a feather, it can be said that everything seen is broken, and everything is cut.Unless you practice meditation and deduce the magic method.Otherwise, it is rare to enter the state of high-speed operation of the divine will, and deduce the mysterious entrance.

Unexpectedly, in the middle of the battle today, I had this experience again!
With a snap of his fingers, Gui Wujiu figured out the truth hidden in Lin Yi's method.

This unique supernatural power of condensing mana and original power into one and turning it into "four colors" is not due to the natural purpose of "unifying all dharmas and eliminating obsessions"; it has a clear pertinence of.

The person who maintains the connection is the unique innate luck and supernatural powers of the Qilin family.

After Huitong becomes "one book", the stronger its roots are, the more powerful the Qilin family's luck and magic power will be, and the resistance to external forces will be stronger.

It seems inconspicuous, but it is really an unbelievable and mysterious method.

In addition, today's battle, taking place at this time and place, is also extremely mysterious.

This Lin Yi must have a deep understanding of himself, and he is familiar with the most powerful magical methods of Gui Wu Jiu.

After mana and basic power are combined into "four hues", the thickness of its "one book" is beyond blame.Among them, the greatest impact is to read the sword in the sky.

Kongyun Nianjian, if you use it on someone whose foundation is not as strong as your own, it can be said to be a one-hit kill, and there is no room for it; but if you use it on someone whose foundation is stronger than yourself, the effect will be somewhat reduced.

certainly.With today's Kongyun Nianjian's astonishing power, if the twelve swords are fired at once without any reservations, it will naturally be a winning situation, and no one can take it over; don't forget, there are still people not far away. Shentu Longshu and Mo Tianqing stared at each other.

But if Gui Wujiu has reservations and only wants to hurt the opponent, that's not appropriate.This method is naturally sure of success for others, but it is completely unworkable in the face of the blessing of luck and magical powers of the Qilin family.

Unless you completely overwhelm it and don't give it a chance; otherwise, it won't take long for Lin Yi to equalize the situation.

The "Four Hues" magical method, the original power is above the blameless, the subtle influence on the Kongyun Nianjian;
If there is no absolute crushing power of the Qilin family's luck and supernatural powers, it will not be enough to control them;

Two powerful enemies are at the side, and they may attack at any time.

These three major conditions formed a perfect closed loop, which hindered the fight without blame.

Lin Yi, a unicorn, seems to act indifferently, as if he is aloof and self-confident; but Gui Wujiu dares to conclude that he has already seen all the pros and cons clearly.The combination of coincidence, chance and calculation found him the most suitable opportunity to challenge Gui Wugui.

Facing this seemingly intractable situation, Gui Wujiu didn't feel any trouble in his heart, instead he felt very happy.

If you rely on "truth and illusion", you will escape like yourself.Or use the "Wuyu Reincarnation Heaven" to force the three of them to face each other with the treasures of protection that are close to the Taoist realm, and the dilemma will be solved immediately.But wouldn't it be very boring in this way?
Even if there are doubts, solve them, analyze them, and crush them thoroughly, only then can you see that the mind of Dao is true.

Apart from thinking about it, Gui Wujiu has already used a method.

The body fled backwards, and a vague space depression appeared not far behind.

regressive equilibrium.

This type of yin and yang supernatural powers was acquired by Gui Wugui from Qin Menglin.

With this move, although the "four hues" extend endlessly and endlessly, they cannot break through the area around Gui Wujiu's feet.

There was a flash of brilliance in Lin Yi's eyes, and a faint smile overflowed from the corner of his lips.

Obviously, he knew this move.

However, if you can force Gui Wugui to use this supernatural power, if you admit that you are one, you are inferior to yourself; in the disadvantaged situation, temporarily seek self-defense.He is also quite proud of himself.

Lin Yi was not in a hurry, and continued to attack unhurriedly. The "four-color" image, like a spring silkworm cocooning, firmly surrounded the space depression created by the "Shouheng" magical power.This supernatural power is time-limited.If there is no way to break the game, it is just delaying the defeat for half an hour.

In the stalemate, Lin Yi stood ready.

Is Gui Wugui still a strange method that has never been used?

Don't be careless on the spot.

But after waiting for a quarter of an hour, Lin Yi secretly breathed a sigh of relief seeing that Gui Wujiu hadn't moved.

Thinking about it, it was also true——Back then when Lien Zhan Qin Menglin and Yu Gucheng attracted the attention of hundreds of millions, he was bound to use all means.There is absolutely no way to hide secrets with supernatural powers at the bottom of the box.

Suddenly nearly half an hour passed.

Lin Yi raised his head slightly, his eyes were like two cold lightnings.

The time limit for regressing the law of balance is about to disperse.

At this moment, Lin Yi suddenly realized.With a slight twist of Gui Wujiu's finger, the three small characters "Gui Wujiu" disappeared in a flash.There seems to be a tinge of coolness all over him, vaguely absent; it seems to be warm and far away, but nothing is indestructible.

Seeing this phenomenon, Lin Yi was as calm as ever.He whispered to himself: "Six swords."

At the same time slightly shook his head.

Everything is in its own plan.

Because he was afraid of Shentu Longshu and Mo Tianqing being by his side, Gui Wugui's strongest sword was not used as expected.

But even if you don't use the basic sword, at least you should use the seventh, eighth, and ninth swords to challenge the innate magical powers of the Qilin clan!
How can it be possible with six swords alone?
Lin Yi was surrounded by appearances, Zhang Xu inside and outside, the auspicious light that seemed to be real, suddenly became extremely dazzling, like the sun in the sky!It is also like the boiling of spring water, and there is a low gurgling sound.Such an image of fierce criticism, as if the meaning of peace, is forming a fierce confrontation with the "killing robbery" hidden in the empty sky, and the teeth are intertwined.

After more than ten breaths, everything eased up again, and the vision gradually subsided.

Lin Yi's true form was revealed, except for his slightly bluish complexion and dark complexion, there was no other abnormality.

Under the six swords, only minimally injured, it can be described as a shocking foundation.

Lin Yi was slightly surprised.

With Gui Wugui's eyesight, he should be able to see that he can only use six swords, but he is not himself; , as a springboard for change.

Unexpectedly, after the six swords are released, Gui Wujiu is still hidden in the "regression balance" and remains motionless, which is really strange.

At this moment, "Regressive Equilibrium" flickered, as if it was about to collapse; and then revived again.

Lin Yi's complexion changed slightly, and a trace of doubt appeared on his brow.

At the beginning of the battle of the Yin-Yang Cave, Gui, Qin, Yu Ion, and Yu Gucheng fought fiercely, and through the Yin-Yang Cave, they spread to all worlds. I don't know how many great supernatural beings secretly studied, intending to pry the four people's details.

The Qilin family is no exception.

This magical ability of withdrawing from Tibet should only have a time limit of half an hour.

This is……


(End of this chapter)

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